God's Promises to Hagar. An Analysis of Genesis 16 - Kaitlyn Vermeeren - E-Book

God's Promises to Hagar. An Analysis of Genesis 16 E-Book

Kaitlyn Vermeeren

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Theologie - Biblische Theologie, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: When one looks to the book of Genesis, the main story, which comes to mind, is the story of Creation, the Fall of Adam and Eve. Next there is Cain and Abel, continuing on to Jacob, to Joseph and from that line comes Moses. Years earlier, between these, the centered character of this paper, is Abraham. Now we hear terms for Abraham that come from God’s promises to him, being a father of many, and a great follower of God. However, looking closer at Genesis 16, it is inevitable for one to question these claims about Abraham, his family, and even to question God’s promises and the truth within them. Throughout this paper, we will look closer at Genesis 16 and the story of Hagar and Sarah, discovering what happens when one disregards God’s will, and how God truly works through every point in time, even when it seems like life is at the lowest point it can be.

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