Grace to Grow - Kristel Ward - E-Book

Grace to Grow E-Book

Kristel Ward



Encounter God's extravagant grace. The Christian life isn't without challenges. It's easy to wonder, What if troubles overwhelm me? What if I can't find my purpose? What if I fail? Despite the anxieties, God's abundant grace is always with you. Accepting this undeserved gift equips you to silence the stresses of the day. Through the stories in Grace to Grow, you will discover how to - transform trials into spiritual growth, - encounter peace by taking time to pause, - view difficult circumstances as divine opportunities, and - embrace the journey God has set before you.God's empowering grace can disarm anxiety by stripping away its strength. Let him give you the grace to grow.  

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Kristel Ward has written a great devotional! Not only is she an excellent writer and storyteller but she also pulls out truths from God’s Word that will help you as you navigate this day with courage and strength. Enjoy every page!

Holly Wagner | founding pastor, Oasis Church; founder, She Rises; author, Find Your Brave

Kristel carries a message this generation desperately needs. She pulls from her own powerful story of overcoming and uncovers biblical truth to help us remain emotionally and mentally healthy in even the darkest of times. It’s been a joy to run alongside her in the Truth Academy, and I can’t wait for this devotional to get out into the world.

Havilah Cunnington | founder, Truth to Table

Kristel Ward’s new book, Grace to Grow, speaks straight to the heart. It beautifully calms negative voices and internal doubts that make us feel like we are not enough or that we lack what is needed to win. Each devotion is written in a way that encourages readers to expect good things for their future. This positive, energetic, and hope-filled read is hard to put down.

Tracey Mitchell | TV host; author, Becoming Brave

When the what if questions disrupt your peace, Grace to Grow is the place to go. Kristel Ward ever so gently guides you back to quieting the chaos and growing closer to Jesus, our true peace. Overcome your anxiety and find your way to a calm heart by studying this beautifully written, biblically based devotional.

Alita Reynolds | president, Women of Faith

This devotional is everything! Kristel shares real experiences that will help you understand God’s grace and inspire you to grow closer to him. Listen, you need to get yourself a copy. You can thank me later.

Valencia Maseko-Khumalo | founder, Let’s Grow Sisters

Kristel’s open, honest, and practical writing style speaks to the heart. Her life and ministry have touched me personally, and I know you will be refreshed as you allow her devotions to encourage you.

Billie Hunt | author; founder, Billie Hunt Ministries

BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Grace to Grow: 40 Devotions to Release Anxiety and Dive into Purpose

Copyright © 2022 Kristel Ward

9781424564514 (faux leather)

9781424564521 (ebook)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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To Mom. Thank you for being my biggest fan and for your unconditional love.



The Storm

Day 1 Faith Is Rising

Day 2 Save Me

Day 3 Fireproof

Day 4 Put on Praise

Day 5 Swing Back

The Grace

Day 6 Grace Lifts

Day 7 Barely-Making-It Mode

Day 8 Embrace Grace

Day 9 The Invitation

Day 10 A Good God

The Purpose

Day 11 The One Thing

Day 12 Grace in the Desert

Day 13 A Life of Purpose

Day 14 Friends with Purpose

Day 15 The Gift

The Heart

Day 16 The Father’s Heart

Day 17 A Healthy Heart

Day 18 Heart Transplant

Day 19 Remove the Rocks

Day 20 Forgive

The Spirit

Day 21 The Intersection

Day 22 Living Water

Day 23 Breath of Life

Day 24 Come Alive

Day 25 Surplus

The Focus

Day 26 Deny Distractions

Day 27 Weightless

Day 28 Worthy

Day 29 Eye Adjustment

Day 30 Focus on Truth

The Calling

Day 31 Defrost Your Dreams

Day 32 Power Within

Day 33 Broken Vessels

Day 34 Pour Out

Day 35 Full Term

The Journey

Day 36 Enjoy the Journey

Day 37 Know God’s Will

Day 38 Dream Seeds

Day 39 Get Up and Run

Day 40 Crafting Art


About Kristel Ward



Anxiety is armed with the weighty question of what if? What if I fail? What if I choose wrongly? But what if the worries of tomorrow can be washed away? Grace to Grow will help you to disarm anxiety by stripping away its power. As you lean into grace, you will be surprised by the level of confidence, clarity, and security that flows your way. A thriving relationship with God is not an impossibility but an invitation into adventure. In these pages, you will discover how to

•accept God’s invitation to intimacy,

•bring overwhelming situations into focus,

•receive hope for tomorrow,

•transform stormy seasons into times of spiritual growth, and

•rest in God’s grace.

Peace is possible. My prayer is that this devotional will help you rise above the chaos and embrace grace today. Each devotion delivers insight to propel you forward in your purpose. The result is a lifestyle free from fear and flooded with grace.

With love,

Kristel Ward

The Storm

“I remember the old man who said he had had a great many troubles in his life, but the worst of them never happened.”



Faith Is Rising

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


Abbey and Emma announced, “Evan’s awake!” as they twirled into the nursery. I stumbled behind with coffee in hand. My four-month-old son flashed the cheeser grin that I liked to call Mr. Wonderful. As we cooed back, his happy face faded. Evan’s eyes glazed over, shifted to the side, and rolled backward. His limbs drew in tightly as his tiny body began jerking in convulsions. “Hurry, get my phone,” I said to Abbey. Shaking hands made it difficult for my fingers to find 911.

A steady male voice met me on the other end of the line. “911 emergency response, what’s your emergency?”

“My son is having a seizure! His face is turning blue!” I fought to keep control when I wanted to scream in terror. Quick calming questions came through the phone as the operator kept me talking. Evan’s clenched fists finally released as his body began to relax. The three-minute seizure felt like an eternity. I grabbed my baby and clutched him to my chest as we watched the ambulance arrive from the nursery window.

I wish I could say that was the worst day of my life, but that one day stretched into thirty. Evan continued to seize when waking from sleep. In the mornings, during naps, and at night, the seizures kept coming. The atmosphere of our home became tense and pressurized. I grasped for hope, strength, and sanity. In one month, Evan had more than seventy seizures. I felt like I might lose my mind and possibly my marriage.

One Sunday, Evan and I were alone while my husband, BJ, and the girls went to church. Worship music played on repeat as a constant prayer in my heart. Evan had fallen asleep in my lap, and I was afraid to move and potentially wake him. As he drifted out of his sleep, I recognized the signs of another seizure. I wanted to cry. Scream. Mourn. As the song played through the air, I grasped for one more straw of strength. And I worshiped. While holding my son’s seizing body I raised heavy hands in honor to the Lord. I lifted my voice and sang to him with the last bit of courage I could find. My song rang out, “Emmanuel, you’re God with me. My Comforter, very present help when eyes can’t see.” The Lord responded to my fragile cry. In my lowest moment God’s presence washed over my shattered heart.

It wasn’t long after this worshiping that the gentle words of God resonated within me. Your son is going to be fine. Encouragement swept through my soul. I gripped onto that promise like a life preserver. When fear fractured my thoughts, I declared to myself, No, my son is going to be fine. I pulled truth from Scripture and prayed it over my family. The healing of my traumatized mind came in stages. Daily practices of choosing worship over worry, praise over powerlessness, and promises over lies kept me moving forward. Faith developed within as God demonstrated his faithfulness.

I couldn’t listen to that worship song again for years, but it plays on repeat today while I write these words to you. As the familiar melody spills from my phone, I sense the same presence of God washing over me that appeared in that moment of desperation. When fear whispers false promises over my son, I still cling to the words the Lord spoke long ago. That tiny baby is now an active kid. He drives me crazy asking one million questions. Evan has been seizure-free for many years. God’s presence and promises still hold me firm on days when my thoughts are unsettled.

If anxiety comes calling today, I encourage you to lift up words of worship to God. Consider declaring truth from Scripture out loud over your situation. Not sure where to find a verse? Just google it. Listen for the Lord’s gentle encouragement. His peace confronts the chaos. Anxiety is not God’s answer for you, friend. Faith is rising today.

Pause to Reflect

•When fear strikes, counter back by proclaiming God’s goodness.

•Redirect anxious thoughts to the truth of Scripture.

•Faith is promoted by applying God’s promises.

Pause to Pray

Lord, when anxiety invades my thoughts, help me cling to your words. I ask you to speak encouragement to my heart. I believe that the promises of Scripture are for me. Father, fear is a liar, and I want no part of it. Increase my faith as I trust in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Save Me

I called on the name of the LORD: “Please, LORD, save me!” How kind the LORD is! How good he is! So merciful, this God of ours!!

PSALM 116:4–5 NLT

I imagine the wind sent chills down the spines of the sailors. The storm tortured the ship with waves, as streaks of light cut across the sky. Although they had been pulling the oars all night, the men weren’t much closer to their destination. Their minds and muscles fatigued to the point of failure. Sinking in the middle of the sea seemed inevitable.

One of the men shouted, “We’re going to have to let her run aground.”

Peter responded over the other twelve between rows, “No, that’s too risky.”

The rest of the disciples held their paddles as rain poured over their faces. “What do you want us to do then?”

“I…I…” Peter dropped his head and oars too.

As the crew looked out over the water, a figure approached the ship. The disciples couldn’t identify it through the wind, but it was coming closer. The men gripped the railing. “It’s…it’s a ghost!”

Jesus stopped his forward motion. “Don’t fear! Have courage!” The command bounced off the men as they blinked in disbelief. Jesus looked at each disciple and weighed his next words. “I AM.”

The declaration motivated Peter to move. “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water” (Matthew 14:28 ESV).

The disciples grabbed at Peter as he swung his legs over the side of the ship. “What are you doing?” Peter swatted their reaches and braced himself on the side of the boat. With eyes shut, he threw himself over the ledge. He waited for the water to submerge him. It didn’t. Everyone held their breath, including Jesus. The waves rolled beneath Peter’s feet but somehow stayed firm. He slid one foot forward. Then another. Peter locked on Jesus as he shuffled closer.

Suddenly the water rushed beneath him as the wind picked up. Peter watched as the waves crested, then he turned back to Jesus. His feet sank into the water as panic pulled him under. Peter was stuck between the storm and the savior. “‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted” (v. 30 NLT). Jesus immediately grabbed Peter’s hand and pulled him up.

Jesus’ grip held Peter firm until he relaxed. “Why is your faith so weak?” Jesus sighed and walked Peter back to the boat, as the other disciples stood against the wind and stared. “Can one of you help us up?” With Jesus aboard, the storm went silent. When the disciples looked ahead, the boat was resting onshore. The reality of their rescue washed over them, and each man dropped to his knees. “You really are the Son of God!” (v. 33 NLT).

When waves of worry, doubt, and stress threaten to drown you, reach out to Jesus. Call out your own Save me! to the Lord. In that two-word phrase is a distress signal for total rescue. In Greek, it is sōzō, which is to “save, deliver, and protect.” The Lord embraces all who call on him.

Jesus is the I AM who empowers you to do what seems impossible. He is the Savior who reaches down to pull you up. Jesus is Emmanuel, the God-with-you. He climbs into your life and calms the storm. Jesus is the deliverer who directs you to the destination. He is the author of time who can multiply it to meet life’s demands. Jesus is the source of all your needs, and waves of chaos still obey him.

Pause to Reflect

•When life overwhelms and underdelivers, call out Save Me! to the Lord.

•Jesus has all power, is with you, and cares about every problem.

•Winds of worry and waves of stress must bow to the King of kings.

Pause to Pray

Lord Jesus, you’re all I need when I feel like I’m sinking. Today, I call out to you to save me from the storms. Deliver me from sin. Rescue me from trouble. Protect me from harm. All the waves in my life must submit to you. You are the great I AM, and you’re with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



When you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.


I can’t believe I’m about to tell you this story. It was not a bright moment in our marriage.

BJ and I once went an entire year without going on a date. Not a single date. And no, it’s not because of kids or lack of money, though I’d love for you to think that. I was pregnant with our first baby. We both started new jobs. I was consumed with excelling in my new teaching career. BJ plunged himself into limitless overtime as he assumed the role of provider for our growing family. We both slaved over our stresses. When Abbey was born, adding a baby compounded the problems. My overachiever issues and his provider complex didn’t clash in conflict but peeled us apart in silence.

At work one day, a coworker’s surprise flowers from her spouse poked at my hidden heartache. At home that evening, BJ and I discussed the issues that were nonchalantly suffocating our marriage. I struggled with defining my emotions. “I…I just feel like you don’t love me. I mean, I know you do, but…”

BJ looked as if my statement slapped his face. “I don’t understand how you could think that. I’ve been working so hard because I love you. Both of you.”

“But, babe, when was the last time we even went on a date?” We stared at each other as we mentally flipped the calendar to our previous night out. The shock must have shown in my expression. “I think it was the month before I got pregnant with Abbey.” We looked down at our two-month-old daughter in my lap.

BJ’s head dropped to his hands. “I’m so sorry. I guess I just…I got caught up in saving money now that we have a baby. We’ll fix it.”

We stepped into the movie theater heavyhearted but hand in hand. The film that night was Fireproof, which was set on a failing marriage. How fitting. The lead character, Caleb, was a firefighter who was addicted to pornography. His wife, Catherine, was wounded and bitter over his betrayal. Their relationship rifted from neglect. With divorce papers in hand, Caleb remembered the fundamental statement of his firehouse: Never leave your partner behind.1 He smashed his porn-filled computer with a baseball bat and left roses for Catherine in its place. He buried his face daily in prayer for their marriage. In the end, they remembered why they fell in love in the first place. The final scene ended with a longing kiss of restoration.

I was approaching hot-mess status as the lights flipped on in the theater. Postpartum hormones and stories too close to home had me flirting with the edge of my emotions. By the time we reached the lobby, I lost it. All of it. Months of pent-up pain, doubts, and questions poured out in full-on sobs. The kind of cry that was coupled with gasps for breath between wails. I buried myself in my husband’s chest in an attempt to hide from onlookers. None of them were brave enough to ask. My mortifying movie theater meltdown was a continual reminder to safeguard my marriage.

The absurdity of my reaction is funny now but not in the moment. It came at the tail end of a terrible year for BJ and me. Yet I looked back and saw how God steadied us in uncertain times. Neglect could have destroyed our marriage. It didn’t. God used the struggle to gently correct our ignorance. More than a decade later we are stronger. After walking through many difficulties together, our marriage is more intimate. God never left us in the fire.

You may be facing blazing battles today. You may feel overwhelmed and underprepared, but please know you are never forsaken. When the flames get high, allow God’s soothing presence to surround you. God is with you in the furnace (Daniel 3:25). The fire never gets too hot for him.

Pause to Reflect

•Turn to God when you feel physically exhausted and emotionally expended.

•The Lord is with you in every trying circumstance.

•Walking through fiery trials with God deepens intimacy with him.

Pause to Pray