Handover of Power - Digital - Andreas Seidl - E-Book

Handover of Power - Digital E-Book

Andreas Seidl



Digital rethought Do you also sometimes worry that your personal data could be misused? And do you also wish for a safe digital environment when it comes to legal matters? What political form can give digitalisation a democratic face? This book tells us: ... how a democratically controlled intranet can complement the internet when it comes to holding elections and voting or doing treaty business. ... how to protect digital data from unauthorised access, store it with the producer and defend it against cyber-attacks. ... what path decision-making can take when computer programs facilitate negotiation and computer games illustrate state management. After 20 years of work on this book series, Andreas Seidl thus ventures a step towards founding a party. In doing so, he entertains his readers both intellectually and visionarily. If this work can give you hope, inspire you or move you to action, it has fulfilled its purpose. Available in German and English

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For You

Volume 1: Summary

Volume 2: Derivation

Volume 3: Constitution

Volume 4: State Organisation

Volume 5: Digital

Volume 6: Media

Volume 7: Labour

Volume 8: Planned Economy

Volume 9: Social Market Economy

Volume 10: Barter Economy

Volume 11: Free Market Economy

Volume 12: Finance

Volume 13: Innovation

Volume 14: Education

Volume 15: Health

Volume 16: Infrastructure

Volume 17: Security

Volume 18: Justice

Volume 19: Foreign Affairs

Volume 20: Integration

Volume 21: Family


My thanks go to my family and friends who have made me who I am today. Special thanks to all those who supported me in writing this book. I would like to thank all my classmates, teachers, fellow students, lecturers, demonstrators, activists, colleagues, companies and countries with whom I have had the privilege of sharing the experiences from which all the ideas in this book have emerged. I would like to thank the staff of Books on Demand for their kind helpfulness. I thank the citizens of Seligenstadt for the harmony and solidarity in which I was able to write.


This policy concept contains a variety of proposals for possible political reforms. It can be peacefully and democratically adapted to any current political system of any state in the world, but also to political systems in families, clubs, associations or companies. Wherever humans make or submit to rules that manage living together, the following proposals can be helpful. Readers who find the proposals so helpful that they would like to implement them together with like-minded people can contact the author. The contact form on the last page can be used for this purpose.

Faults and defects

I ask for your understanding that this volume was not professionally proofread. I could only afford professional proofreading for the summary. Spelling errors and unfortunate phrasing may therefore occur. As soon as this volume has sold enough to pay for a professional proofreading, it will be done. After that, a new edition will be published.

English version

Please understand that this volume has been translated automatically. I could only afford a professional translation for the summary. Poor wording and spelling errors may therefore occur. In case of doubt, the German version shall prevail. As soon as this volume has sold enough to pay for a professional translation, it will be done. After that, a new edition will be published. It was more important to me that no one in the world should have an information advantage than individual translation errors in the complete work.


If something has been quoted directly, it is set in italics. If the headings contain footnotes, the sources for direct and indirect quotations apply in the chapter for which the heading stands. Otherwise, quotations or source references are directly at the word or at the end of the sentence or paragraph. This book contains parts of text based on the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation of 18 April 1999 (as of 12 February 2017), abbreviated to BV1 and the Constitution of the Canton of Bern of 6 June 1993 (as of 11 March 2015), abbreviated to KV2.

If the constitutional paragraph, or individual paragraphs thereof, are based in whole or in part on extracts from the BV or KV, this is indicated in a footnote. The references to the corresponding footnotes for constitutional paragraphs are usually found after the heading of the affected chapter and sometimes in the body of the text. Articles used in the Swiss constitutions are listed in the footnote with a number after the title of the constitutional paragraph. Example: §123 Sample title: BV Art.123, KV Art.123.

All internet sources are fully cited in the footnotes. They were last accessed on 30.09.2021. All literature sources are also listed in full in the footnotes.

All references to tasks undertaken by other ministries and described in more detail there are given in footnotes. Example: Model Ministry - 1.2.3 Model Chapter.

All footnotes are to be viewed in comparison to the respective source, so-called indirect quotations. Direct quotations are set in italics, but hardly ever occur. The source reference is intended to enable further investigation and to take copyright into account.

1 This is not an official publication. Only the publication by the Swiss Federal Chancellery is authoritative. https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1999/404/de On 14.12.2021

2 This is not an official publication. The Bernese Official Collection of Laws is authoritative. https://www.belex.sites.be.ch/frontend/versions/2420?locale=de#ART71 On 16.12.2021

Table of contents

Goals of the Ministry of Digital Affairs


2.1 Central Department

2.1.1 Staff

2.1.2 Organisation Digital service Supporting the supply of Information Technology Election advertising

2.2 Management Department

2.2.1 Digital management

2.3 Digital Department

2.4 Intranet Department

Tasks of the Ministry of Digital Affairs

Digital law

4.1 Data ownership

Digital administration

5.1 State Archives

5.2 Official channels

5.3 Troubleshooting

Statistical Office

6.1 Ministries

6.2 Citizen

6.3 Company

Digital data protection

7.1 Private data protection

7.2 State data protection

7.3 Storage locations

7.3.1 Server

7.3.2 Networks

7.4 Access rights

7.4.1 Share data

7.4.2 State access Disclosure

7.5 Access Directory

7.5.1 Access logs

7.5.2 Private access

7.5.3 State accesses

7.5.4 Profiles for data carriers

7.5.5 Groups for owners

Digital crime

8.1 Institute for Information Security

8.2 Cyber defence

Digital economy

9.1 Digital notary

9.2 Companies of the economic forms


10.1 Free intranet

10.2 Interfaces

10.2.1 Knowledge.dir


11.1 Intranet café

11.2 Intranet address

11.3 Admission

11.3.1 Admission procedure

11.4 People’s Navigator

11.4.1 Translation: Virtual World - Real World

11.4.2 Translation: Real World - Virtual World

11.4.3 Page layout Top: Control commands Left: Search Right: Latest reports Below: Display field Central: Playing field Navigation Simulation of the real time Simulation of the future

11.4.4 Avatars Avatar appearance Visibility of the avatar Possible actions of the avatar Play or work Buy and sell Visit and communicate Discuss and vote

11.4.5 Select directory Register Tree structure Circle view Pie chart


12.1 Data shift between profiles

12.2 Profiles

12.3 Groups

12.4 Ratings

12.5 Application Programming Interface for all directories

12.6 Homepage

12.7 Profile view

12.8 Post, comment and reply

12.8.1 Sample process Post Comment Answer

12.8.2 Participation bar

12.9 Directory Register

People’s Innovation Company Intranet

13.1 Production

13.2 Hardware

13.3 Software

13.3.1 Software development

13.3.2 Update

13.4 Feedback Directory

13.5 Financing

13.5.1 Costs for the People’s Computer

13.5.2 Advertising

13.5.3 Simulations for persons and companies

13.6 People’s Computer

13.6.1 Operating system

13.6.2 First activation

13.6.3 Use

13.6.4 Residence

13.6.5 Liability

13.6.6 Locating

13.6.7 Audit

13.6.8 Standard model

13.6.9 Extensions Virtual reality glasses Cash register


14.1 Homepage

14.2 Answer Finder

14.2.1 Narrow search

14.2.2 Display of the results

14.2.3 Finding the right answers

14.3 Swap shop

14.4 Open Leaks

14.5 Modulator

14.5.1 Anonymiser

14.5.2 Negotiator

14.5.3 Keyword Coordinate System Creation of a Keyword Coordinate System

14.5.4 Overview function Mindmap Personal opinion in the coordinate system

14.5.5 Linker for sources

14.5.6 Connector with opinions

14.5.7 Example view for Linker and Connector

14.6 Image generator

14.7 Indoor virtualiser

14.7.1 Statistical evaluation

Computer games

15.1 Avatar simulator

15.1.1 Simulation view

15.1.2 Virtual simulations

15.1.3 Avatars

15.1.4 Course of play

15.2 Tax game

15.3 Algoracle

15.3.1 Purpose

15.3.2 Data processing

15.3.3 Data protection in the Algoracle Previous request for sensitive data

15.3.4 Simulation order

15.3.5 Simulation of the Algoracle Scenarios Reasons for a particular prediction

15.3.6 Simulation video

15.3.7 Comparison

15.4 People-controlled politician

15.5 Policy Manager

15.5.1 Playing field Office

15.5.2 Build player network

15.5.3 Find problems Ongoing missions Areas of accountability

15.5.4 Find solutions Arena Leader Media library Speech

15.5.5 Simulation of the solution

15.5.6 Election campaign mode Vote catching New proposals Election campaign events

15.5.7 Mission Goal

15.5.8 Remuneration

15.5.9 Game variations

15.6 Psychotherapy game

15.6.1 Treatment missions

15.7 Second Earth

15.8 Educational game

15.8.1 Aim of the Educational Game

15.8.2 Level

15.8.3 Avatar in the educational game

15.8.4 Editor

15.8.5 Practical exercises and exams

15.8.6 Questions

15.8.7 Missions Learning groups Create missions Mission history Trainings Theory Practice

Switching to the new system

16.1 Information Technology departments

16.2 Operating systems and programmes

16.3 Programming in an alliance

16.4 Terminal devices

16.5 Directories

16.6 Intranet café

16.7 Statistical Offices

16.8 Conversion of the old ministries

Contact form

1 Goals of the Ministry of Digital Affairs

The aim of the Ministry of Digital Affairs is to enable a virtual civil society that is involved in opinion-forming and legislation. The state with its ministries and governments thus receives a virtual image of the inland, consisting of personal, technical and geographical data. With this image, the state is able to carry out a policy simulation for the future effects of today’s deciders. Big data is dangerous if the data is not subject to democratic control.

Big Data means that personal data is stored en masse and correlated with each other. But it is a great way to make policy. So far, Big Data is mainly known for enterprise policy decisions to use customer data to create market analyses in order to sell more. The intranet is a state citizen platform that uses citizen data for state policy decisions in order to create analyses of the people in order to govern in the interest of the common good.

Ensuring the security and protection of data and digital content constantly at the highest possible level is a significant goal of the Ministry of Digital Affairs. Equally important, however, is taking advantage of the fact that digital data can be copied and shared as often as desired. To ease this tension, the Ministry of Digital Affairs uses the mentality of open source systems, also called “open source”. This community practice is copied and supported by the Ministry of Digital Affairs. In the open source community, volunteers create operating systems, programmes and updates free of charge for all users. Creators and users help each other find and fix faults in the systems.

The aim is to be able to offer more voting procedures more frequently and more cheaply, but at the same time to prevent multiple voting. Similarly, state news should no longer have to be sent in paper form by post to a fixed address. Companies and persons should also be allowed to use the devices and the intranet, because the infrastructure exists anyway and use for economic purposes is in the interest of the national economy and helps to link the economic forms.

The medium-term goal is to expand the domestic citizens’ intranet to include the continental intranet.

The long-term goal is to set up a global intranet in the united states of the world while maintaining data security. How quickly this happens will be decided by the citizens, because this is about trust and not just about policy integration. Separation is easy because the data and systems can be encrypted or decrypted.

2 Departments

The departments are divided into sub-departments and enumerations are usually considered as their individual units. Many tasks of some departments are completely taken over by other ministries as a service.

2.1 Central Department

Part of the Central Department is the Reception Office with the Courier and Mail Room, which directs all concerns, broadcasts and visitors to the appropriate place in the ministry.

2.1.1 Staff

The Human Resources Department is responsible for staff development and planning. For this purpose, it takes care of the recruitment of junior staff, intern and trainee programmes as well as the selection procedures for employees and special selection procedures for applicants with disabilities. For politicians and employees, the department prepares a job plan. In all its tasks, it works in voting with the personnel board.3

All other personnel matters are transferred to the relevant ministries. The Ministry of Education is responsible for the training and further education of employees for the state service.4 The Ministry of Labour takes over the service law.5 This includes labour and collective bargaining law for employees in the state service, remuneration, personnel administration of all careers and employees, flexitime, holiday and sick leave, working time with or without flexitime in part-time or full-time at the place of work or in home work. The Ministry of Infrastructure provides housing assistance for all state employees.6 The Ministry of Finance’s Pay Office takes care of employees’ salary, expenses, travel and relocation costs.7 The Ministry of Education provides childcare for all employees in the state service.8

The Ministry of Health is responsible for the occupational health service.9 It ensures occupational health management, deals with the treatment, education and prevention of occupational accidents, controls and provides occupational health and safety through the health auditors10 of the Company Auditing Agency11.

2.1.2 Organisation

The ministries of media, security, justice, finance, labour, state organisation provide audit services for quality management in the ministry, evaluation of work performance, revenues and expenditures, as well as corruption prevention, sabotage protection and, if necessary, disciplinary matters.12

The Ministry of Labour regulates procurement law and ensures corruption-free state orders and procurement.13 The Ministry of Finance organises the annual budget vote and ensures proper accounting in each ministry.14 It regulates budget procedures, budget law, staff budgets, departmental budgets, costs and cash management, and assists ministries in budget planning for the budget vote. The language service for translating talks or texts is provided by the Ministry of Education.15 Digital service16

The digital service handles all the tasks that other ministries have to do in their digital administration. Information technicians and system administrators work in the digital service. They support all ministries with Information Technology and enable the ministers to manage their ministry digitally. Supporting the supply of Information Technology

Technicians ensure the procurement, provision, maintenance and service of technical devices and software. Applicable data protection in information and communication technology is taken into account in the construction and programming of hardware and software. Information technology and digitalisation officers are responsible for rectifying faults or breaches of data protection. Programmes and algorithms support and coordinate appointment calendars of all state service employees and automatically handle the documentation service. The documentary is stored in the digital state archive and can be used by all ministries for further processing. Citizens can constantly consult this documentary through the historical service in the ministries’ library. Election advertising

For the purposes of election advertising, the digital service does commissioned work for parties. Anyone who draws up an election manifesto for the election of persons17 can commission election advertising. All applicants who stand for pre-election receive the same quota of working hours from the digital service. It is up to each candidate to decide how much of this he or she wants to use. In the field service, the web designers work with the principals to develop content for election advertising, such as websites, PC games, browser games or apps. In the indoor service, this content is then programmed and made available on party websites and intranet pages.

2.2 Management Department

The Management Department is the minister’s department. With his office team, he provides policy planning and analysis for his ministry and coordinates the relationship between the nation and the municipality through exchanges with his deputies in the municipalities. He initiates cooperation with other ministries or citizens in committees and is supported by the Ministry of State Organisation.

The Ministry of Media Affairs, through its media service, provides press and public relations for the ministry, moderates civil dialogue, trains or provides a spokesperson for the minister, writes speeches and texts on request, and ensures the implementation of conferences and events.18

2.2.1 Digital management

Ministers can administer departmental management digitally via a Content Management System (CMS). Business statistics are automatically compiled from all directories and profiles. Staff surveys are conducted and evaluated. Video telephony is possible for enquiries. The current state of research, including statistics, concerning the ministry’s remit can be retrieved. The current state of research for the other ministries is collected by the Ministry of Education19 through its researchers and forwarded to the Ministry of Digital Affairs. Proposals from staff and citizens are forwarded to responsible offices via the intranet and answered. The Company Auditing Agency’s audits are used for regular data collection. The data are forwarded to the Ministry of Digital Affairs together with evaluations. Document management and forms are available via a link to the ministries’ library.

2.3 Digital Department

The Digital Department, in cooperation with all ministries and the Statistical Office, ensures the bundling and distribution of all data for statistical measurement. It operates the State Archives, the Access Directory, the Institute for Information Security and the interfaces between the Intranet and the Internet. It supervises the Statistical Office.

In voting with the Digital Minister, the Digital Department formulates the legal templates for digital data, administration, data protection, crime and business on the internet and intranet.

2.4 Intranet Department

The Intranet Department ensures the operation of the Intranet in cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure. It commissions the People’s Innovation Company20 Intranet to programme applications, programmes, operating systems and computer games on behalf of the Minister of Digital Affairs, other ministries or their agencies. In cooperation with the respective ministries, it ensures the operation of the directories. In cooperation with the Ministry of Innovation, it operates the People’s Innovation Company Intranet and ensures its adequate funding and the secured production of People’s Computers. In voting with the Minister of Digital Affairs, it formulates templates for regularisation of the People’s Computer, programmes and computer games. In cooperation with the Ministry of Security, it locates and secures lost or tampered People’s Computers and voting computers. The Intranet Department runs the Intranet Cafés in the town halls.

3 Ministry of State Organisation - Personnel board

4 Ministry of Education - Education and training for the state service

5 Ministry of Labour - 4 State enterprises, 13 Labour Directory

6 Ministry of Infrastructure - Housing assistance for state service employees

7 Ministry of Finance - Staff remuneration

8 Ministry of Education - Childcare for state service employees

9 Ministry of Health - Occupational Health Service

10 Ministry of Labour - 20.7.2 Health auditor

11 Ministry of Labor - 20 Company Auditing Agency

12 Ministries of Media, Security, Justice, Finance, State Organisation - Audit services

13 Ministry of Labour - 6 Procurement Office

14 Ministry of Finance - 8 state revenues, 9 state expenditure

15 Ministry of Education - 2.1.3 Language Service

16 §46.5 State, §71.2.4 Review of effectiveness: BV Art.170

17 Ministry of State Organisation - Programme election campaign

18 Ministry of Media Affairs - Media Service

19 Ministry of Education - 11.7.2 State research institutes

20 Ministry of Innovation - 10 People’s Innovation Company

3 Tasks of the Ministry of Digital Affairs21

The Ministry of Digital Affairs is responsible for promoting the digitalisation of the state and its citizens. To digitise the state, it operates the digital service, which supports all ministries with telecommunications technology and its handling. To connect the ministries with each other and with the citizens, the Ministry of Digital Affairs operates the intranet, intranet cafés in the town halls, directories and the People’s Innovation Company Intranet for the production of hardware and software.

The task of the Ministry of Digital Affairs is the legal regularisation of digital matters, such as data, administration, statistics, data protection, crime or economy on the intranet and internet. For the fulfilment of the resulting tasks, the Ministry of Digital Affairs operates the State Archives, the Statistical Office, servers, the Access Directory, the Institute for Information Security and transfer facilities for data between the Intranet and the Internet.

For the operation of the intranet, the Ministry of Digital Affairs regulates the requirements and the process for admission to the intranet. It operates the People’s Navigator with the help of the People’s Innovation Company Intranet, with which users can operate the intranet. The People’s Navigator fulfils the task of structuring the search, management and display on the playing field with its page structure in such a way that information and simulations are visible to the user. Avatars enable citizens to live out their lives digitally and to simulate several possibilities. For the directories, the People’s Navigator fulfils the task of arranging them in a comprehensible structure for users.

The Ministry of Digital Affairs uses the intranet cafés to support citizens with telecommunications technology. The supply includes the sale, rental and repair of People’s Innovation Company Intranet products. For elections and voting, the Ministry of Digital Affairs is responsible for operating the voting booths and voting computers in the intranet cafés.

With the operation of the directories, ministries and citizens are networked with and among each other. Through a unified structure of profiles and groups, posts, comments, responses and ratings, citizens can keep track of and organise their social, economic and political contacts.