Holiday Hookup - Episode 1 - Nathaniel Feldmann - E-Book

Holiday Hookup - Episode 1 E-Book

Nathaniel Feldmann



Nathaniel Feldmann delights once again with his expat adventures. American expat Joel is on holiday on the Dutch island of Vlieland, in a luxurious holiday home belonging to his best friend Sander's parents. Needing some time out from his maybe-maybe not boyfriend, he jumps at the chance of a holiday with Sander. Amongst the sea views, they check out a pair of other holidaymakers in the supermarket, and things get flirtatious when they see the same guys in a restaurant that night. Sander has his eye on Dutch rapper Pimmy, while Johan's muscular body has Joel drooling. The four head to the beach for a steamy makeout session in the sand. When a storm hits, they go back to Sander's parents' lavish place, turn on the sauna and party with abandon. The tension builds with Johan in the heat of the sauna. With their friends right next to them, he gives Joel a pounding to remember, eclipsing all memories of the sort of boyfriend back in the city.

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Episode 1

Nathaniel Feldmann

Artcover: Hiram Di Lorenzo


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

The ferry sliced through the Wadden Sea. Sander and I sat on the deck above, counting the seagulls that followed our trail, diving into the foaming waters at the stern. His curly locks flew every which way. The sun shone in my eyes as we waved goodbye to the continent, traveling to a car free weekend on Vlieland, a holiday island where dreams come true, or so my friend insisted. I was just your typical ignorant American, so I had to trust him; he’s a Dutchman after all.

A heat wave was in the foreseeable forecast. Sander convinced me to leave dreary Amsterdam for a short trip to his parents' summer home. He promised to drive and all I had to do was bring a case of wine. A fair enough trade. I was more than happy to take a short break from the mindless monotony of postgraduate research, a mostly rainy summer wasted in the library. All I needed was that playing hard to get getaway from my sort-of kind-of-boyfriend, Joost. Push him away just enough so he comes running. I wanted us to be more than just late night hookups, more intimacy than how it all began.

Kriterion. One of those student-run cinemas. It was a spontaneous rave late in the night where any pill or nose spray was a ticket to dancing off Zoom call university stress. The music blared. Everything reeked of smoke, all kinds. Joost stood in the projection booth, his laptop connected to this giant machine, wires everywhere. He mixed music and video (a “hybrid DJ/VJ”). I complimented him on his mix of American fast food commercials and H-bomb tests that brought me home. The beat drilled into my ears. My head pounding, but still I smiled, thinking that I liked this guy, a kind of chubby boy that still looks like he makes an effort with some kind of physical activity, but not quite the gym, more of a skater. Let’s just say he was a big guy who disarmed through his calm alto voice.

Whatever I took at the start of the party had made me extra fresh. The only thing on my mind was getting him out of those ripped jeans, the worn dad sneakers, and into bed.