Holiday Hookup - Episode 2 - Nathaniel Feldmann - E-Book

Holiday Hookup - Episode 2 E-Book

Nathaniel Feldmann



Nathaniel Feldmann turns up the heat to scorching levels as Joost, the sort of-maybe boyfriend left behind in Amsterdam, turns up shirtless on the Vlieland beach, suprising our protagonist Joel, who has been wandering the dunes (among other things) with sexy Johan from the other night. Joel is horrified and delighted, pleased that Joost came, anxious that he will find out about Johan. As they drink beers on the beach, all is well, and eventually Sander invites everyone back to the holiday house. Sander disappears with his own love interest, leaving Joel alone with Joost and Johan. When Johan asks, Joost finally says what Joel has been longing to her, that they have been seeing each other. This turns out to be no impediment to a blisteringly hot threesome, the stocky Amsterdammer and the muscly holiday fling team up to give Joel a holiday night to remember.

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Episode 2

Nathaniel Feldmann

Artcover: Hiram Di Lorenzo


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

The room was so terribly bright when I opened my eyes. That headache clawed its way around my head. Morning. The cawing of seagulls all around the open windows like the call of a rooster, but it was actually noon and fuck I had the worst hangover. The pain radiated from my neck and jabbed endlessly into my eyes. I knew better than to mix wine and beer and all that limoncello. I ran for the bathroom and puked nothing. I set my head under the sink until my belly was full of ice-cold water.

Back in bed, I tried to fall back asleep, but Sander burst through the door looking as happy and refreshed as always, his shoulders defined in a breezy tank top, swim trunks on, and a tray of breakfast in his hands.

“Did we?” I asked, shoving a croissant in my face, totally unsure if last night was all a hallucination or if we actually fucked those random hotties in the shower.

“Yes, those guys came over. Yes, that sexy producer fucked you. Yes, the rapper fucked me. Yes, I was the one who put you in bed. Yes, you’re welcome.”

I covered my head in the white cloudy pillow, soft and expensive like a hotel.

“Don’t tell me you’re having regrets,” Sander said, pulling me out of bed, putting me into my trunks, shoving me out the door and onto the beach. “You’re on holiday! Plenty more guys on the island. Come on!”

Still no text from my clearly-not-boyfriend, Joost, not that I was waiting for him to check in. Whatever. Sander was right, I needed to enjoy my time away from the city.

I wished I drank more water. The bottle in my hand warmed in the sun. A dull headache persisted, but I lay down to chase it off my mind. The sun helped dry me out. With my sunglasses on, sunscreen on the top of my nose, I settled in that dreamy place between sleep, between wakefulness, between the sun and sand kind of feeling. I couldn’t take my mind off last night, like it was this blurry dream. The thought of Johan, Sander and Pim, the four of us in the sauna together, all their dicks in my face, cum falling on me in buckets and all I wanted was each one of their cocks inside me and…

“Dude, you got a huge boner!” Sander said, shoving me awake.