Home Terra Preta - home made black soil - Raginmund - E-Book

Home Terra Preta - home made black soil E-Book


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This book contains some helping tips for gardening, Composting . Plant placings and others, with a small view in maybe future

Das E-Book Home Terra Preta - home made black soil wird angeboten von Books on Demand und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert:
Gardening, Composting, Terra preta making, planiting, vegitables

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Seitenzahl: 24

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What are the reasons for gardening other than a hobby? Bioorganic? There are organic shops if my wages allow it.

Well regardless of the reason here is all about black earth, in the stadiums, application and additional tips related to the soil.

Table of Contents

The different soils and plants

Soil ingredients

Ripening period

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Creating rows


All year round

Give to take

The sun

All Season Architecture

In the Futur



The different soils and plants

Plants like most living beings, only want one thing. A place in the sun, a cool drink without ice and food.

The children simply lie down in the sun, while the older ones look for a sun lounger with sun protection. But even in hot countries, children go into the shade at midday in the summer. There are vegetarians and carnivores, such as a Venus trap.

The floors are different too. There are levels from dry to wet. The thistle needs water, but gets by with little, the rice practically stands in the water like reeds. Water lilies swim in it.

Some are very hungry and want a lot of nutrients, others not so much. But how do I know which plant needs what? It is best to “ask” the plant where it comes from.

There are mostly fruits on trees and bushes, most of the forest is on black earth. Fruits are rich in vitamins and nutrients because they give back to their carer what they got.

Vegetables are rarely found in the forests but are no less nutritious, so they need their nutrients too.

When the veggies are the roots, they don't need quite as much nutrition because their food is literally all around them. For example carrots, radishes, potatoes...

Others need more because they have to transport them first and the transport chain has to be well supplied to. Like tomatoes, beans, squash, peas...

Cucumber plants and zucchini also want a place in the sun, but please use sun protection, the leaves cover the fruit due to their size. Pumpkins are the big and small fat ones, the belly doesn't come from fasting. But he also looks out from under the T-shirt, but please don't get sunburnt.

The leafy greens, spinach, arugula, lettuce. Some people, when they are getting served it, say, "this is rabbit food". Well, it's not that wrong. The rabbit comes from the hare. So you can sometimes find those in the meadow without sowing it. Your need for nutrients is average, with too much sun every meadow turns yellow, especially if it hasn't rained for a long time.