how can you prevent the runny nose, hay fever - sandor keszthelyi - E-Book

how can you prevent the runny nose, hay fever E-Book

Sándor Keszthelyi

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A simple but effective method developed by me to eliminate runny nose and hay fever. I also had a very runny nose many times, I got tired of the many good advices that were only effective for a short time. Do what I describe in the book. After you have understood this very simple technology and experienced for yourself that it is effective and that your nose no longer runs, then you will know the situation, what is happening, and what you can do to protect it at the slinghest clearing of the throat, croaking, sneezing yourself.

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How can you prevent a runny nose?

Why is your nose running?

The solution

The first part of the solution

The second part of the solution

The successful cleaning technology, after which your longer run, the Keszthelyi method


Factors that I have observed in which situation hay fever and runny nose can develop

True story

Another story where I helped and it led to results

Another story that happened to me

Another story


The Keszthelyi method

How can you prevent a runny nose?

Why is your nose running?

(I translated it from Hungarian to your language using Google Translate.

If the text is a bit meaningless somewhere, I apologize.)

-The experiences of a gardener who had a lot of runny nose. He got a lot of advice, but it didn't really help.

Then he did the things he came up with and it worked, it was a hit!

The following pages are my story of how I discovered this technology.

- I haven't been sick since then, my nose doesn't run!

I'm not writing a big book with lots of clever words and science.

This is just a small book, and unfortunately there is no Doctor in front of my name....

- But since then I haven't been sick for years.

- Since then, if I clear my throat even a little, or sneeze, or feel just a little bit like my nose is starting to run, I already know what it is and what to do about it.

From the age of about 16, I had a regular runny nose for about 1 week per month. I was on sick leave many times because of it.

As a teenager, I didn't know why this was. I believed other people's idea that I was sick. This is how I have to live my life from now on.

Like a young boy looking for the company of girls, I restrained myself.

Because I imagined how repulsive I am with a runny nose, say while kissing or something...

- That's why I was alone a lot. I restrained myself.

- Sometimes I wasn't very sick. But at that time, I didn't distinguish between the fact that I was in a different environment, where people's habits were also different.

- Precisely because of different habits (they cleaned differently) my nose didn't run as much.

-I was regularly given antibiotics, but it didn't really help either. Now I know why he couldn't help.

- Later I lived on a farm in Nyársapát. This homestead was built about 1848. The building faces the prevailing wind direction. This is how he protected the farmyard from the high winds. The wind, as it came, rose above the ridge of the roof, then back towards the yard, swirling down into the yard.

The many, many micro-sized dusts that he brought with him settled in the inner, wind-protected places.

The front door was in the sheltered place.

- When I entered the house, but before that I stood in front of the door, looking for the key. In the meantime, I moved a little and stirred up the settled micro-sized dust with my body movement. I inhaled the micro-sized powder, which made my nose run.

- At that time, I didn't think that it was only necessary to clean here, to clean up the micro-sized dust.

I also behaved in the same way as my environment: I believed the idea that it was not true, that my nose was not running from micro-sized dust.

For example, my nose runs because I must have had my nose broken when I was a child. Said a doctor who operated on my nose. It must have gone wrong. (But I didn't remember that). -Or, for example, hereditary...

- But my nose was running. Think about how during sex….

-How obnoxious your partner is...

-Later I lived in Munich, in a small house that was a barn during the Second World War.

There was a horse and a donkey in it, I heard.