How to become a Millionaire on the Stock Exchange - Boris Tobias von Reding - E-Book

How to become a Millionaire on the Stock Exchange E-Book

Boris Tobias von Reding



Investing money in stocks, the prices of which fluctuate on the stock exchange every day, is viewed extremely critically by most people. Well-meaning friends often shake their heads and advise those who pursue such a request. However, with this book, author Boris T. von Reding shows that you can very well be very successful on the stock market. At a young age he devised a strategy that makes it possible to invest money successfully with only a small amount of start-up capital. He conveys his simple, easily understandable and safe strategy for profitable investing and also addresses the possible pitfalls that must be avoided as far as possible. A small, fine guide for everyone who wants to get more out of their capital.

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© 2021 Boris T. von Reding

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Boris T. von Reding

How to become a Millionaire on the Stock Exchange

An Equity Strategy for Beginners

Invest money successfully with limited initial capital and with the help of this step-by-step guide



Why am I writing this book?

Who am I?

What professional experiences was I able to make?

What private experiences influenced me?

Which work am I doing at the moment and why?


Creating a Budget

The distribution of income and what to do with it

The distribution for people who want to trade on the stock market

Starting capital

The right trading account

Investment Target Calculator

Investment calculator





Why it works


Selecting the right stocks

Purchase of first shares

How do I use the investment calculator correctly

Sale of shares





Why should I be able to show you how to become a millionaire on the stock market?

I developed this strategy, that I will share with you, 27 years ago. At that time, however, I was only 14 years old and had no opportunity to implement it because my parents were convinced that the stock market equals gambling equals casino equals bad business.

Before I elaborate on how I wrote this book, I would first like to express my gratitude to all the people who helped me publishing it. I dedicate it first and foremost to my children, my son Kevin and my daughter Aurelia.

I can say I am very grateful to have lived a very interesting life. This will also be reflected within this book. I have experienced many things and I appreciate them very much, and I will share some of the details of how and what exactly happened, and why I became an expert in 'finance' in the first place.

Although I know that many people have other - especially different - opinions on the subject "finances". However, I only explain one strategy in this book. Not many, yet one that works, one that I have implemented for myself and with which I am trying to direct my life back on track in the way I want it to be for me, for my family and for my children.

Likewise, of course, I have to feel thankful that you, dear new reader, who doesn't belong to my family, bought this book. Throughout the book, I address the readers personally, since I have written it primarily for my children, so that this knowledge can be passed on.

Before you learn to use the strategy, the first thing you have to do is adjust your mental attitude. In a few steps I will show you how to do this. This mindset involves your approach to money and your life. You have to understand that money is not the root of all evil. Instead, it is important in your life and money is nothing negative. Neither does the stock market have anything to do with gambling. We will have this clarified in a few minutes.

Money is an object made up by mankind. We have it. We use it in our social system. And we even wage wars with it. We invented it to receive everything positive and negative in this life. At the same time we even depend on it because of the world we have created. The whole world revolves around money; no one would ever consider abolishing it, because that would mean abolishing the whole system. And because that is not going to happen any time soon, we need money to live a pleasant and good life.

I can use a very simple example to illustrate this: Every human being "has a natural need". Whether rich or poor, everyone has to use the toilet at some point. In our civilized world, a toilet requires money, through the use of toilet paper, the flushing of the toilet and the flushing of water. We even need the extra room, the materials to make the toilet. In order to maintain the cleanliness, we need cleaning products. So we need a lot only to do our daily business.

There are also different toilets made of different materials. There are toilets you enter and feel like you're on a baseball field. They are huge, gigantic, beautiful, shiny. For some people, that's important. For the other, it's completely irrelevant and uninteresting. People's tastes are different, and therefore everyone has different needs, different wishes, different dreams when it comes to the " private room".

Respect the dream of every human being! Because each one has a right for itself.

Well, with this simple example I could show you that in our civilised world we have to pay to go to the toilet, in whatever way. We even pay for the existence of the sewage system, and we pay for it willingly: if we did it the way it is done in the jungle, we would no longer be able to live in this cesspit with so many people. Last but not least, we should even be thankful that people take care of these things, maintain them and make sure that we can continue to do our daily "business".

That means there is nothing in this world that would be able to function without money - in our modern world, to be precise. Under these conditions we live comfortably, and only the very few would like to live in a jungle.

In other words, nothing works without money. For those who did not understand this simple example, I will provide a second example: Sleep. You want to sleep. You want a quiet and comfortable environment for it. Whether you sleep in the warm or in the cold, with the window open or closed, you just want to sleep. Cosy, comfortable and pleasant for your body. The more money you have, the more luxury you can afford. Luxury means a comfortable sleep, especially for your body, so that it can rest in every way possible.

I can give another example to explain this, and that is from air travel. In the beginning of my travels, I travelled quite a lot in economy class. I was proud to be able to afford a ticket to the faraway countries at all. But it was very uncomfortable. The idea that I would be able to afford a Business Class seat in the near future, which seemed much bigger and more comfortable visually alone, was just a dream at those times. And: Why should I spend so much money when I had a good seat in the back? Well, I was sitting in a convenient place in the back by the engine. It was noisy, and yet I fell asleep. But the neighbour next to me was turning back and forth uncomfortably, obviously bothered by me, struggling restlessly, so I woke up and everything hurt. It wasn't really pleasant at all.

Then one day, I received a free upgrade due to all the miles I had flown, and suddenly I experienced the luxury of business class.

It was quite nice and, I must admit, much more comfortable. Suddenly I had real cutlery instead of plastic. I could stretch out. The seat was extremely comfortable, almost like a bed, and when I arrived I felt at ease. I was no longer as tired as I had been after an hour-long flight in Economy Class.

I thought that it almost couldn't get any better. But after I got a free upgrade to First Class one day, I had my own cabin, my own sleeping seat, my own bar, my own big TV. And: I had my privacy. I could close the door and enjoy a massage from the chair itself. By the time I arrived, I was incredibly relaxed.

Well, these three examples show the differences between the three price categories. I booked and paid the Economy Class fare, but I was able to fly much more comfortably with my free upgrade. I then no longer wanted to fly the uncomfortable Economy. Why expose myself to the stress, physically and mentally, in this way in the first place? Although I was clearly aware that Economy Class was a lot cheaper, I wanted to allow myself the luxury of feeling comfortable and safe and calm, and to allow my body and mind, my soul, to rest in First Class. I often simply skipped flights when I couldn't afford to do so. I will only fly economy in the greatest of emergencies.

That's my attitude. However, many people don't agree with me and torture themselves day after day in Economy Class. Why? Because it is cheaper. Because first class is expensive.

Now you ask yourself why you should spend all that money? It's simple: money can be spend on luxury, comfort or simply peace of mind. But money can also mean health.

Another example: Many countries I have travelled to have no efficient social system. Even insurance as we all know was not available in that sense. When I was in India for the first time, I got sick, frankly, because the climate, the pills I had to swallow and because the hygiene conditions were not up to the standard I was used to. So I ended up in the hospital a very short time later. There was no food in this hospital, no canteen, nothing. If I hadn't had people who became my friends, nobody would have been there to feed me. I would simply have been provided with the medical necessities, but not with food or anything else that a human being needs. And the fact that there was nothing for free, but that I had to pay for everything myself using my own money, was also obvious from the start. Although I had insurance in my home country, I could not make use of it in India.

You could say: other countries, other customs. But I realized that in Europe, the USA or other socalled civilized countries, in other words not in developing countries, there are huge differences. Even in Switzerland, the country I grew up in, if you have more money, you receive more. For a knee operation, for example, the quality of the material, the procedure and the care provided by the doctor and clinic staff depends on the insurance status - those who can afford private insurance also receive a higher standard of care.

Money therefore determines how long and how well an artificially implanted knee lasts and functions, even though the illness of a "normal" insured person is the same as for a person with private insurance. Basically, this means that those who have more money have more health. Whoever has more money has more luck, simply gets more out of life, and also more love.

How do I come up with love?