I find myself - AND HEALING BEGINS - Anna Katharina Lahs - E-Book

I find myself - AND HEALING BEGINS E-Book

Anna Katharina Lahs



This book will allow you to optimize the quality of your life. Every chapter will lead you down the path to YOURSELF. The knowledge that you acquire in this book will harmonize your precious life. It all depends on what you do with it. It is your personal journey from a 'caterpillar to a butterfly' - over and over again. Anna Katharina Lahs has added very meaningful quotes from Kurt Tepperwein, Robert Betz, Stephan Landsiedel, Ralf A. Zunker, Ricardo Biron as well as her own. For additional emphasis, wonderful dream-inspiring. 'What is good for me? What hurts me? I separate myself from everything that harms me! And so I am vital, happy and healthy.' Anna Katharina Lahs

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Anna Katharina Lahs was born in Pottum, a small town in the Westerwald region of Germany in 1960. She has endured a fair number of health problems throughout her life. Her childhood was filled with various treatments, such as long term stays at clinics. She has even survived four near-death experiences. After having lived through the fourth experience, she announced her will to live to the world and the reason for her existence on this planet. Firstly, to have a healthy body and secondly, to help others. That is how she was able to heal herself little by little.

It was actually her life that led her to educating herself in healing. Mrs. Lahs has been living in good health for 13 years now. Since July 2004, she has been running a small practice in Pottum from which she works both locally and globally. Anna Katharina Lahs has studied in many fields and continues to expand her knowledge and range of skills. She has many teachers, one of which being Kurt Tepperwein, who suggested she open and run a Life School in July 2010. In August 2010 she made this a reality (www.lebensschule-westerwald.de).

Anna Katharina Lahs


© 2016 Anna Katharina Lahs (German)

© 2022 Anna Katharina Lahs (English)

Translated from the original German ‘Ich finde mich selbst – UND HEILUNG GESCHIEHT’ by Arista Da Silva-Schöppl, PhD

Editor: Anna Katharina Lahs

Author: Anna Katharina Lahs

Cover design and set: Media Design Nicole Wege

Editing and proofreading: Karsten Tropp (German);

Arista Da Silva-Schöppl, PhD (English);

Alexander Tschernow (Russian & French);

Carola Steup (Spanish)

Other contributors: Marketing advisor Susanne Burzel

© images: Rosmarie Hofer/PHOTO & IMAGE Ltd. London/UK

(Title, author, pages 7, 23, 31, 35, 47, 51, 61, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77);

Willi Haimerl, pixelio.de (contents);

yayayoyo, bigstockphoto.com (17);

sdecoret, fotolia.de (27);

monticello, bigstockphoto.com (39);

Stephan Landsiedel (43); egon999, fotolia.com (59);

Angelika Wolter, pixelio.de (67); dimitrisvetsikas1969, pixabay.com (75);

Hans Snoek, pixelio.de (85);

Mirexon, bigstockphoto.com (89, 91);

Media design: Nicole Wege (graphic design)

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-347-71304-8

ISBN Hardcover: 978-3-347-71919-4

ISBN E-Book: 978-3-347-71307-9

Printing and distribution on behalf ofof the author:

tredition GmbH, Halenreie 40–44, 22359 Hamburg, Germany

The work, including its parts, is protected by copyright.

The author is responsible for the contents. Any exploitation is prohibited without his approval. Publication and distribution are carried out on behalf of of the author, to be reached at: tredition GmbH, department „Imprint service“,

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By Anna Katharina Lahs


Life, light and balance


To life itself


I find myself – and healing begins


Possible risks and side effects




By Anna Katharina Lahs


The spiritual laws

When people often

look inside themselves,

they are less

beside themselves!

Kurt Tepperwein


By Anna Katharina Lahs

In the summer of 2010, I attended a course of Kurt Tepperwein’s to become a Life Teacher. At the end, he gave me the following list of tasks:

1. Found and run a Life School

2. Write a book

3. Make a CD

4. Create a DVD

I’ve founded the Life School Westerwald, which I run to this day (www.lebensschule-westerwald.de).

You are currently holding my first book in your hands. The aim of this book is to bring readers back to THEIR true size and to use these qualities in the HERE AND NOW.

This is effective for one’s own life as well as the lives of all the other individuals with whom one has contact. The content of this book serves the purpose of enabling the pleasant side of life.

For those who have had enough of the unpleasant side of life, this book should act as the perfect motivation to optimize their own quality of life.

Life, light and balance.

Anna Katharina Lahs


How did I create my logo: Life School Westerwald?

One night the glowing heart with the burning candle appeared to me in a dream. For a split second, the words ‘life, light, and balance’ were present in my consciousness.

And then it became clear to me. This is how it is supposed to be – this wonderful logo for the Life School Westerwald.


Borders exist

only in our heads,

otherwise everything

is with everything


Anna Katharina Lahs

The world is

a classroom

and life

is our teacher.

Kurt Tepperwein


Life, light and balance

I was born in the Westerwald and live there. With all of my heart, I would like to make my contribution to expand consciousness in this region and beyond. The Life School Westerwald is neither a building with walls nor does it have windows and doors. It is of a spiritual nature. I conduct my talks and seminars in extremely diverse spaces. After all, the world is a classroom and life is our teacher, like Kurt Tepperwein says.