Infinitely More - Kim Crabill - E-Book

Infinitely More E-Book

Kim Crabill



Live your more. You put in extra hours at work, serve at church, and pray with your kids before bed. You do all the right things, but often wonder if this is all there is. God has an incredible purpose for your life, and it's time to discover it. In Infinitely More, Kim Crabill explores Ephesians 3:20and leads you on a forty-day devotional journey to spiritual abundance. Let go of past hurts, replace worry with prayer, enjoy freedom in Christ, and become an inspiration to others. God will meet you wherever you are. Let Him guide you to a life of infinitely more!

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Giving up only becomes an option if you walk in life alone. In her book Infinitely More, my friend Kim Crabill reminds us that with Christ we are never alone, so giving up is not an option. Her writings dig into the scriptural truths that I’ve practiced on and off the field to accomplish more than I could ever imagine. No matter where you are in life, I believe this book will be just as powerful for you.

—Ray Lewis, NFL Hall of Famer and New York Times best seller

My dear friend Kim Crabill has an extraordinary way of extracting great insights from Scripture that she then turns into practical and relevant advice for successful daily living. Whether you are young or old, male or female, you’ll enjoy this devotional and keep coming back to it for years to come.

—Joe Battaglia, broadcaster, producer, and author of The Politically Incorrect Jesus and Unfriended

Kim Crabill’s Infinitely More, a forty-day devotional based on Ephesians 3:20, takes you on a journey of self-discovery while drawing you closer to Jesus. The devotional is Scripture-based and laced with personal stories and antidotes that bring clarity to the biblical message. I encourage you to read this book with a pen in hand so you can fill your journal pages as the Scriptures speak to you and your life is transformed by the message of hope.

—Dr. Barbara J. Parker, women’s leadership specialist, Dallas Baptist Association

Your life can be infinitely more with Christ. Experience this journey with Kim Crabill and find freedom, courage, and spiritual abundance in Him.

—Suellen Roberts, founder and president of Christian Women in Media Association

Are you expecting great things from God? Are you looking for the potential and possibilities of what God wants to do in and through you? It’s easy to allow disappointments to diminish our hope, but Kim Crabill brings us back to the promises in God’s Word in this positive and inspiring devotional. Infinitely More will strengthen your heart and encourage your faith in the transforming work God is able to do in your life.

—Karol Ladd, best-selling author of The Power of a Positive Woman

Infinitely More is the devotional experience you’ve long awaited. Kim Crabill delivers spiritual insights from her own journey of honesty with God and self. This book is a must-have for the serious pursuer of godly character!

—Brenda Crouch, author, speaker, singer, and TV personality

BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA


Copyright © 2019 by Kim Crabill

978-1-4245-5929-9 (faux leather)

978-1-4245-5930-5 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

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To my precious first granddaughter, Cohen Bailey. May you always remember you are loved infinitely more than you can imagine. Be assured that no matter where life takes you, God’s love goes with you.




DAY 1 Pearls

DAY 2 Could This Be the Day?

DAY 3 Stuck in the Right Place

DAY 4 Relationally Speaking

DAY 5 What a Masterpiece!

DAY 6 Called to Encourage

DAY 7 Need a Miracle?

DAY 8 You Are Here

DAY 9 Declaration of Hope

DAY 10 Heavenly Setups

DAY 11 Glorious Giggles

DAY 12 An Amazing Story

DAY 13 Unbelievable

DAY 14 Is Your God Able?

DAY 15 The Power of Thankfulness

DAY 16 To the Giver’s Glory

DAY 17 Memories of Encouragement

DAY 18 A Promising Outcome

DAY 19 Who Knows?

DAY 20 We Need to Talk

DAY 21 Misery Requires Company

DAY 22 Pushing Buttons

DAY 23 Dream a Little Dream

DAY 24 Ready, Set, What?

DAY 25 What Will They Think?

DAY 26 An Invitation to Decline

DAY 27 Choose Life

DAY 28 Temporary Status


DAY 30 Bankable Truths

DAY 31 Seven Simple Words

DAY 32 Believe, Act, Receive

DAY 33 None Too Small

DAY 34 The Power to Care

DAY 35 Spelling Lesson

DAY 36 Calm Inside and Out

DAY 37 Believing the Best

DAY 38 Be Available

DAY 39 Messes Welcome

DAY 40 A Banquet Ahead

About the Author


I first met Kim Crabill when I sat next to her at a friend’s wedding. I never imagined I would develop such a precious, lifelong friendship with this elegant woman. Both our deep connection as women in ministry and her passion for seeing women’s lives changed have been amazing blessings to me.

For someone who is so classy and sophisticated, you might never guess how much hardship she’s had to overcome. The enemy tried to rob her of her future, but Kim has relied solely on Jesus. When she was weak, Christ made her strong! She definitely told the enemy, “Not today, satan! Not today!”

We tend to get exactly what we expect out of life and nothing more. Our meager expectations seem wholly pathetic compared to the vast wonders that the Creator of the universe has in mind for us. One thing is for sure: God always lives up to His promises! And His promises are so much more than we can ever imagine. In Infinitely More, Kim helps us truly understand how overwhelmingly infinite and unfathomable those promises really are!

Inspired by Ephesians 3:20, Kim immerses us in the depths of God’s extravagant promises. With her confident voice, she breaks down the passage and presents it in a clever, understandable format so we never feel overwhelmed. Infinitely More is easy to study, put down, and pick up again, and you will never miss a beat. Anyone who’s busy knows how invaluable that is.

Our lives are only limited by the boundaries of our own imaginations. Will we be able to release what’s currently in our hands in order to receive infinitely more? We’re ready, Kim, for an enlightening forty-day journey. Lead the way!

Nicole Crank, author, speaker, senior co-pastor of Faith Church(St. Louis & West Palm Beach)


Now all glory to God, who is able,

through his mighty power at work within us,

to accomplish infinitely more

than we might ask or think.


Europe delighted us with its historical sights and wonders. I thought standing inside the Colosseum, looking down from the London Eye at Big Ben, or even standing before the Eiffel Tower would be the highlights of our trip. Yet our youngest son, Austin, was reserving his enthusiasm for the Matterhorn.

We arrived in Zermatt, Switzerland, to the disappointing sight of cloud-covered skies. One store owner assured us that, with a little luck, the winds might move the clouds to reveal the Alps. This is what Austin longed for.

Grabbing some hot chocolate, we sat and waited. Sure enough, the winds began their magic. Within an hour, the Matterhorn was revealed. And it was a sight to behold! Sort of. Austin verbalized what we were all thinking: “You know, I’m a bit disappointed. I expected more. This is incredible, but I thought it was going to be so much more.”

Well, I just had to capture what I saw as a “teachable moment,” even if my son was now an adult. So we sat there talking about the buildups and letdowns of life. Unrushed, we enjoyed our hot chocolate and good conversation. And the whole time, unnoticed by us, the winds kept moving.

Austin became less absorbed by our conversation and more absorbed in what was happening farther off. “Mom, Dad, what is that?” he exclaimed. Looking up, I honestly had no idea what the clouds had now revealed. Hadn’t we already seen the Matterhorn?

Austin’s smile said it all. What we had assumed was the Matterhorn was only a small ridge. Our decision to sit and talk had allowed time for the winds to reveal the greatness of the true Matterhorn. It was more spectacular than we could have imagined!

I thought of the apostle Paul’s words in Ephe-sians 3:20: “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think” (NLT). infinitely more. That’s what the Matterhorn was. And that’s what I wanted my life to be—abundantly alive!

Perhaps you are already enjoying spiritual abundance and can’t imagine a better life than the one you are living. Or perhaps abundance is far removed from any word you’d use to describe your life. Whatever your circumstances or season, your Matterhorn awaits you—a life with God far better than you can imagine.

All the tour guides assured us that the Matter-horn would live up to its promises, and all the passages assure us that God will live up to His promises. Do you know God’s promises for your life? Here are just a few of many.

•He has a plan and a purpose for you, meaningful work for you to do.

•Not only can He heal your past and present hurts and failures, but He can also use them to deliver His hope to those who are still without hope.

•He will turn the shame you bear into gain and your disgrace into dignity.