Innovation unleashed: AITEK 6 - Bruno Ciroussel - E-Book

Innovation unleashed: AITEK 6 E-Book

Bruno Ciroussel



Exploring the cutting-edge concepts of the manual AITEK 6 platform: auto-ML, custom vector base, autonomous process management and predictive dashboards with innovative knowledge cartridges.

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I have documented 15 years of extensive research and development in my book, "Innovation Unleashed: Manual AITEK 6," which is now published on Amazon. Within its pages, I delve into the intricate concepts of my groundbreaking machine learning platform. Notably, this platform stands as the pioneering force in utilizing Auto-ML, boasting its proprietary homemade vector base, an automatic and autonomous process management system, and insightful predictive dashboards. Moreover, I introduce the integration of business solutions, known as knowledge cartridges, which further enhance its capabilities.

Expanding on my vision of society, I have applied this exceptional platform to explore the intersection of direct democracy and AI. My thought-provoking essay, also available on Amazon, delves into the transformative potential that emerges from this fusion.

Taking my exploration to new frontiers, I embark on an imaginative journey within the science fiction genre. In my riveting novel, "L'espace d'un instant," published on Amazon, I push the boundaries of society to their darkest limits, delving into the intricate complexities and challenges that arise when my platform is confronted with the most daunting circumstances.

Bruno Ciroussel

Table of Contents

1. Preamble

2. Purpose of this Document

3. Who is this document for?

4. Purpose of AITEK

5. The Genesis of AITEK

5.1. The Founder’s Biography

5.2. Concept Manual 1.0 and BI++

5.3. Concept Manual 2.0 and GPS

5.4. Concept Manual 3.0 and Copernicus

5.5. The Concept Manual 4.0 and AITEK 1.0

5.6. The concept Manual 5.0, AITEK 2.0 and SquadBotik 1.0

5.7. The Concept Manual 6.0 and AITEK 6.0

6. AITEK’s Concepts

6.1. Terms Definition

6.1.1. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Terms

6.1.2. Semantic Model

6.1.3. Data Relates Terms

6.2. AITEK’s Machine Learning

6.2.1. Supervised Learning

6.2.2. Unsupervised Learning

6.3. Automated Machine Learning

6.4. Semantic Model

6.5. The Performance according to AITEK

6.6. The Risk According to AITEK

6.7. Causality & Correlation in AITEK

6.7.1. Causality

6.7.2. Correlation

6.7.3. The distinction between correlation and causality

6.8. Knowledge Cartridges

6.9. Vector Databases

6.10. Concept Conclusion

7. AITEK Functioning

7.1. Modelling

7.1.1. Strategic Alignement

7.1.2. Measures

7.2. Data

7.2.1. Web Scrapping

7.2.2. Pre-Load

7.2.3. Load and replica creation

7.2.4. Post Load

7.3. Knowledge Mart

7.4. Query 360

7.5. Reporting, Diagnostic, Alarms, and Action Plan

7.5.1. Diagnostic and reporting

7.5.2. Threats, Alarms and Action Plans

8. AITEK Processes

8.1. Connection and data storage

8.2. Calibration and calculation

8.3. Performance and plausibility

8.4. Conformity

8.5. Optimization

8.6. Dialogue and Information

8.7. Simulation

9. Architecture

10. User Interface

10.1. The Engine

10.2. The Portal

10.2.1. Investigate

10.2.2. Improve

11. Communication and Security

11.1. Communication

11.2. Security

11.2.1. General Description

11.2.2. Databases security management

11.2.3. Engine Security Management

11.2.4. Supervisor Security Management

11.2.5. Technologies

11.2.6. Security Features

12. Implementation

12.1. Pilot

12.2. Production

12.3. Solution Installation

12.4. Training Phase

12.5. Solution Acquisition

12.6. After Sales

12.7. Knowledge Cartridges Catalog

12.8. Security Knowledge Cartridges

12.9. Supply Chain Knowledge Cartridges

12.10. Health & Wellness Knowledge Cartridge

12.11. Banking & Finance Knowledge Cartridges

12.12. Telecom Knowledge Cartridges

12.13. Energy Knowledge Cartridge

12.14. Marketing Knowledge Cartridges

12.15. Government Knowledge Cartridges

13. Conclusion

13.1. Customers’ Needs

13.2. Aitek features to meet customers’ needs

13.3. AITEK Solution Avantages

14. FAQ

15. Appendix

15.1. Definition and concepts

15.2. AITEK’s outline

15.3. Functionality of the surrounding system

15.3.1. CRM

15.3.2. The BPM Model

15.3.3. The BAM

15.3.4. IAE/EAI

15.3.5. PGI / ERP

15.3.6. Data Mining

15.3.7. BI

15.3.8. CPM/EPM

15.4. Methodologies within the tools

15.4.1. Balance Score Card (BSC)

15.4.2. Activity Based Costing (ABC)

15.5. AITEK Complementary tools

15.5.1. AITEK and BI

15.5.2. AITEK and BSCs

1. Preamble

Bruno Ciroussel is the owner of the intellectual property rights for the solutions, which he authorized Intertech Venture and Copernicus IP LLC (USA). to develop. However, the rights for the security aspect were exclusively granted to SquadBotik.

The Concept Manual originated from the research notes of Bruno Ciroussel, the founder of the concepts and methodology, which enabled the development of the AITEK solution. While teaching at the Federal Institute for Economic Crime Fighting (ILCE) and at the "Haute Ecole de Gestion" (HEG) in Geneva, the founder of Intertech was able to advance his research, enriching it by supervising theses and research master's, and participating in juries in various universities. These notes were then used as specifications for the technical realization of the tool.

It took more than ten years to reach the current version of the document, which serves as a source for the development of marketing and sales materials.

2. Purpose of this Document

This document is a concept manual that explains:

The Purpose of AITEKThe Genesis of AITEKThe Concepts used by AITEKThe Methodology used by AITEKThe Technologies used by AITEKThe Users’ interfacesThe AITEK’s Knowledge CartridgesThe Implementation of the Knowledge Cartridges

3. Who is this document for?

The purpose of this document is to explain the main concepts that form the basis of AITEK for:

Members of the boards of directorsDecision-makersExecutivesManagersConsultantsAuditorsStudentsEnd-UserCoaches concerned with performance management and risk management.

4. Purpose of AITEK

Over the last four decades, companies have undergone significant technological transformations, moving from paper-based systems to IT and cloud-based technologies. However, despite the abundance of databases and technological tools available today, many organizations still experience challenges in managing their operations efficiently and effectively. This has resulted in the emergence of new trends in management, which have revolutionized the way organizations measure and manage their performance.

AITEK was founded out of frustration with the existing management systems that are often based on outdated ideas and fail to provide decision-makers with a better and faster way of managing their operations. A new way of thinking and managing is required, and Intertech aims to provide organizations with a new perspective to strengthen and improve their operations in both the present and the future.

The past four decades have taught us some valuable lessons:

Indicators and data can often be misinterpreted.Most systems cannot predict or detect emerging trends or issues in time.Data is raw and requires context to make sense and be useful.

One of the biggest problems organizations face is at the management level. Sometimes, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) lack synergy between them and are measured in isolation from other KPIs. Additionally, there is a lack of skills and tools to assess and measure risks and opportunities, as well as a lack of global vision and an exhaustive understanding of the chain of causality linking all processes. These challenges make it complex to choose KPIs that will help to make informed decisions on specific issues.

AITEK's mission is to help organizations preserve their business models and guide them to an optimal match with their market. This is achieved by strengthening their internal potential and increasing visibility on their environment. To achieve this, AITEK has developed a performance management system that integrates business risks using machine learning, Big Data, and existing information systems.

Figure 1 AITEK Mission

AITEK methodology provides a framework to contextualize and link together an organization's data and processes. This framework crystallizes the concepts and notions of AITEK, including strategic alignment, linking Objectives, Requirements, Risks, and Actions, and composite measurement of Activities. By taking advantage of existing investments in BPM, BI ERP, or other expensive solutions, AITEK methodology offers the opportunity to map the structure in a Top-Down mode, and it makes it possible to measure the Performance of any action located at the base of the Tree of Actions.

AITEK is more than software; it's a new way to define, model, and evaluate risks for all actions and at any level. By visualizing each activity of a structure through the prism of risk, it changes the way we track, measure, and control. With AITEK, the question is no longer whether the sales objective is achieved, but whether the figure is optimal to fit in with the strategic missions, effectively using the right resources efficiently within our constraints and budget.

AITEK's dedicated tool offers a substantial and quantifiable return on investment in a specific way, keeps businesses competitive and dynamic, renders conclusions despite high rates of unreliability, and offers a specialized solution in accordance with the business and work habits. Specific knowledge models containing business norms and standards, vocabulary, rules, and regulatory constraints have been developed through strong partnerships with business experts and industry experts.

5. The Genesis of AITEK

Before reaching this level of progress, AITEK went through several development phases:

Figure 2 AITEK Timeline

Every change name includes addition and thus an improvement in the technology used by the solution.

Figure 2 AITEK Technologies Evolution

AITEK's journey towards its current level of progress has encompassed several key developmental phases. Each phase has played a crucial role in shaping AITEK into the innovative solution it is today.

The initial phase involved extensive research and analysis, where the founders of AITEK recognized the existing gaps and frustrations in traditional management systems. They conducted in-depth studies to understand the limitations and challenges faced by organizations in effectively managing their operations and making informed decisions.

Building upon this knowledge, the next phase focused on the conceptualization and design of AITEK. The team worked tirelessly to develop a comprehensive methodology that would address the identified issues and provide a fresh perspective on how organizations could manage their performance. This involved incorporating cutting-edge technologies like machine learning and Big Data into the solution framework.

Once the conceptualization was complete, the development phase commenced. A dedicated team of skilled engineers, data scientists, and domain experts collaborated to bring AITEK to life. They leveraged their expertise to create a powerful software platform that could seamlessly integrate with existing information systems and databases. This phase also involved rigorous testing and refinement to ensure the functionality, reliability, and accuracy of AITEK.

Throughout the development process, AITEK actively engaged with industry professionals and business experts. These partnerships allowed for valuable insights and feedback, enabling AITEK to align its solution with real-world business needs and industry standards. The knowledge models, containing business norms, standards, vocabulary, rules, and regulatory constraints, were carefully crafted in collaboration with these experts, further enhancing the effectiveness and relevance of AITEK.

Upon reaching a stable and refined version of the solution, the deployment phase followed. AITEK worked closely with a select group of forward-thinking organizations to conduct proof-of-concept workshops. These workshops served as testing grounds where AITEK demonstrated its capabilities, addressed specific business challenges faced by the participating organizations, and refined the solution further based on their feedback.

The deployment phase also involved seamless integration with the organizations' existing information systems, ensuring a smooth transition and compatibility. AITEK's implementation team provided dedicated support and training to empower users and maximize the value derived from the solution.

As AITEK continues to evolve, it remains committed to ongoing research and development. The team closely monitors industry trends and emerging technologies to incorporate advancements that will further enhance the solution's capabilities. AITEK's development journey is a testament to its dedication to providing organizations with a cutting-edge management tool that drives efficiency, optimizes performance, and guides them towards future success.

5.1. The Founder’s Biography

Bruno Ciroussel, born in Lyon in 1964, is a prominent figure in the field of applied mathematics and artificial intelligence. He is the main shareholder and president of Intertech Venture SA, a company based in Fribourg that operates in European, American, African and Asian markets. With a strong international outlook, Bruno Ciroussel has developed a diverse range of cultural backgrounds and experiences.

After completing his Baccalauréat E in Lyon and earning a DUT in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Bruno pursued further studies at the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). It was during this time that he became deeply interested in applied mathematics and conceptualized a methodology based on Machine Learning. In his interviews, Bruno aims to demystify "machine learning" by highlighting its foundation in statistics and probability, presented in algorithmic form as a subset of artificial intelligence.

Bruno Ciroussel's passion for self-learning algorithms led him to develop the Aitek methodology, which focuses on classification, prediction, and knowledge acquisition through behavioral analysis of data. He emphasizes the importance of automatic and meticulous monitoring of data perception elements to collect and process information. This enables the prediction of market evolution and the identification of latent customer needs.

Apart from his business ventures, Bruno Ciroussel actively contributes to academia and teaching. He shares his expertise in security and human factors at ILCE and teaches strategic decision-making and state performance at ENA in Tunis. He is a founding member of the Laboratory of State Performance and collaborates with various universities in Switzerland, France, and the Maghreb region. Bruno supervises research projects, professional and research Masters, and PHD programs, collaborating with universities in Bordeaux, Lyon, Lausanne, Morocco, and Tunisia.

Bruno's passion for bridging the gap between research, teaching, and the business world led him to transform his research into a tangible commercial product through the establishment and management of his own start-up. The latest version of his platform, released in 2022, represents the culmination of over 21,000 man-days of research and development, spanning 15 years of continuous improvement and evolution. This cutting-edge software platform integrates over 25 years of Bruno's expertise in security and information processing.

In addition to his roles as president of companies that commercialize his research, Bruno Ciroussel is also a professor of computer science and data science. He serves as the dean of the computer science department at the Ishiqi Lab and Ishiqi Institute, further solidifying his commitment to advancing knowledge and nurturing future generations of experts in the field.

Bruno Ciroussel's remarkable journey showcases his dedication to pushing the boundaries of applied mathematics and artificial intelligence. His extensive contributions to research, teaching, and entrepreneurship have established him as a visionary leader in the field, propelling the development and application of cutting-edge technologies in various industries.

5.2. Concept Manual 1.0 and BI++

The data-driven semantic BPM (Business Process Management methodology is a comprehensive approach that revolves around the core elements of risk and performance, ultimately generating a robust data warehouse. This methodology leverages data to drive decision-making and optimize business processes.

One of the key features of this methodology is its automatic refresh capability, which updates the data warehouse based on the frequency of risks identified. This ensures that the information within the system remains up to date and relevant. Additionally, the methodology incorporates data cleaning techniques to enhance the quality and accuracy of the data, as well as qualifying the likelihood of risks associated with the collected data.

To facilitate effective analysis and reporting, the methodology includes a prospective reporting tool. This tool enables organizations to generate insightful reports that provide valuable insights into their business operations and potential risks. Furthermore, the methodology incorporates behavioural data mining techniques, allowing for the extraction of meaningful patterns and trends from the collected data.

The initial concept of this methodology, version 1.0, was implemented within the integrated BI++ solution between 2004 and 2010. This implementation received recognition in the form of the federal CTI Startup award in 2009. The award highlights the innovation and impact of the solution, acknowledging its contribution to the field of business intelligence and process management.

Overall, this data-driven semantic BPM methodology serves as a powerful framework for organizations seeking to enhance their decision-making processes, improve performance and mitigate risks. Its incorporation of automatic data refresh, data cleaning, likelihood qualification, prospective reporting, and behavioural data mining ensures a comprehensive and effective approach to managing and analyzing data for improved business outcomes.

5.3. Concept Manual 2.0 and GPS

The analysis of underlying data related to business activities provides valuable insights into the behaviour and patterns of these activities. By leveraging machine learning techniques within the methodology, the information can be effectively structured, leading to the creation of a comprehensive causal tree that represents the interdependencies among various business activities. This enables organizations to automate the optimization of performance and risk management, ultimately enhancing their operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities. Additionally, this approach empowers organizations with the ability to simulate different scenarios and assess their potential outcomes.

The concept of a knowledge cartridge emerged as a result of this approach. A knowledge cartridge is a specialized module or component that encapsulates domain-specific knowledge and expertise within the system. It serves as a repository of best practices, business rules, and regulatory constraints, enabling organizations to leverage standardized and industry-specific knowledge in their decision-making processes. By utilizing knowledge cartridges, organizations can enhance their understanding of complex business dynamics and make more informed and accurate decisions.

The GPS solution, developed and maintained by Business Investigation, represents a practical implementation of this methodology. The GPS solution leverages the behavioural reading of business activities and utilizes machine learning algorithms to generate valuable insights. By constructing a causal tree of business activities, the solution automates the optimization of performance and risk management, assisting organizations in achieving their goals more efficiently. However, Business Investigation has announced its plan to discontinue the GPS product line in 2022, signaling a shift in focus or the introduction of new offerings that align with evolving market needs and technological advancements.

5.4. Concept Manual 3.0 and Copernicus

Copernicus represents a significant advancement and natural evolution beyond the GPS system. It introduces the concept of intelligent agents and agent farms, taking the manual concept 3.0 (2018-2020) to a whole new level. While the implementation of Copernicus has been carried out, it has remained confined to the laboratory environment and has not been made available for commercialization.

By incorporating intelligent agents, Copernicus introduces a higher level of autonomy and decision-making capability into the system. These intelligent agents are equipped with advanced algorithms and cognitive abilities, allowing them to analyze complex data, detect patterns, and make informed decisions based on predefined rules or learned behaviours. The agent farm refers to the collective integration and coordination of multiple intelligent agents working together to achieve common objectives.

The manual concept 3.0, upon which Copernicus is built, represents a significant milestone in the development of intelligent systems. It embodies the latest advancements in technology, research, and understanding of human-computer interaction. The focus is on enhancing the capabilities of automated systems to better understand and respond to human needs, providing more intuitive and efficient solutions.

Although the implementation of Copernicus has been successfully achieved, its commercialization has not yet taken place. This indicates that further refinement, testing, and evaluation are required before introducing it to the market. The laboratory environment allows for rigorous experimentation and fine-tuning of the system, ensuring its reliability, effectiveness, and suitability for real-world applications.

As Copernicus continues to evolve and undergo further development, there is a possibility that it will eventually transition from the laboratory to commercial availability. Its integration of intelligent agents and agent farms promises to revolutionize various industries and domains, empowering organizations with advanced decision-making capabilities and unlocking new levels of automation and efficiency.

5.5. The Concept Manual 4.0 and AITEK 1.0

In 2020, a significant milestone was reached with the complete redesign of the application-led approach, introducing a dynamic system driven by artificial intelligence (AI). This groundbreaking transformation was spearheaded by Bruno Ciroussel and his team, who incorporated machine learning generating machine learning capabilities into the system, resulting in self-diagnosis functionalities. Furthermore, they seamlessly integrated connected objects into a matrix network, which can be effectively controlled and supervised.

Aitek, the culmination of these innovative developments, is backed by the Swiss company Intertech Venture SA, based in Fribourg. The company's website,,serves as a platform to showcase and support the ground-breaking advancements brought about by Aitek. This transformative technology harnesses the extensive business experience gained across various sectors, including banking, insurance, telecommunications, healthcare, government, as well as territorial, homeland, and customs security.

The core principle behind Aitek is the utilization of knowledge cartridges, which encapsulate the vast wealth of business expertise accumulated over time. These cartridges serve as repositories of specialized knowledge, enabling Aitek to provide tailored solutions and insights specific to each industry domain. By leveraging the knowledge cartridges, Aitek empowers organizations to navigate complex challenges and achieve optimal outcomes within their respective sectors.

At the heart of Aitek's capabilities lies its AI-driven system, which exhibits a proactive nature by autonomously initiating actions and triggering alarms when necessary. This level of autonomy allows the system to continuously adapt and respond to evolving circumstances in real-time, ensuring swift and efficient decision-making processes. With the integration of machine learning, Aitek is able to enhance its self-learning capabilities, continually improving its performance and diagnostic accuracy.

The inclusion of connected objects within a matrix network further enhances Aitek's capabilities. This network of interconnected devices creates a powerful ecosystem that can be effectively managed and controlled by a designated supervisor. This integration opens up new possibilities for efficient monitoring, data collection, and analysis, ultimately enabling organizations to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.

In summary, the complete redesign of the application-led approach in 2020 marked a significant turning point for Aitek. With its dynamic AI-driven system, incorporation of machine learning, and integration of connected objects, Aitek provides a comprehensive solution that leverages knowledge cartridges to address the diverse needs of industries such as banking, insurance, telecommunications, healthcare, government, and security. Supported by Intertech Venture SA, Aitek represents the cutting edge of technology, driving innovation and transformation across various sectors.

5.6. The concept Manual 5.0, AITEK 2.0 and SquadBotik 1.0

The latest version of Aitek, developed in 2021, brings forth significant advancements by integrating the concept of connected objects and Mesh communication. This integration allows for seamless connectivity and communication between devices, forming a robust network that enhances the system's capabilities.

One of the notable features in this version is the introduction of alarms triggered by abnormalities detected in various aspects. These abnormalities can originate from connected objects, automatic performance diagnosis, or anomalies in processes or data. Each alarm serves as an indication of potential issues or deviations from the expected norms. These alarms are categorized as either preventive or corrective, enabling organizations to swiftly respond and mitigate any potential risks. Additionally, each alarm is associated with an action plan, ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to address the identified abnormalities.

The implementation of the 5.0 manual is realized through Aitek 2.0, which represents a comprehensive suite of interconnected components. This suite includes the Aitek portal, a centralized hub for managing and accessing the system's features and functionalities. The Aitek Engine serves as the core processing unit, incorporating advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities to analyze and interpret data. Lastly, Aitek encompasses the overall system, providing a seamless user experience and facilitating the integration of connected objects and alarm systems.

Furthermore, the new version of Aitek also encompasses specialized knowledge cartridges focused on territorial security, homeland security, and customs security. These cartridges contain domain-specific expertise and insights, allowing organizations to tailor the Aitek platform to their specific security needs. To cater to these specialized requirements, a customization of the Aitek 2.0 platform has been developed and named Squadbotik 1.0. This tailored solution is supported and offered by Squadbotik SA, a Swiss company committed to providing advanced security solutions. For more information about Squadbotik, interested individuals can visit their website at

In summary, the latest iteration of Aitek, introduced in 2021, embraces the integration of connected objects and Mesh communication. It enhances the system's capabilities with a comprehensive alarm system that enables proactive monitoring and response. The implementation of the 5.0 manual is realized through Aitek 2.0, featuring interconnected components such as the Aitek portal, Aitek Engine and Aitek. Additionally, the platform caters to the specific needs of territorial security, homeland security, and customs security through the customization of Squadbotik 1.0, offered by Squadbotik SA. These advancements solidify Aitek's position as an advanced and adaptable solution for various industries.

5.7. The Concept Manual 6.0 and AITEK 6.0

The latest iteration of Aitek introduces a multitude of exciting new features, revolutionizing the capabilities compared to its predecessors. One significant enhancement is the utilization of a vector database, which enables rapid and efficient management of Big Data. With this advanced technology, Aitek empowers users to access and retrieve vast volumes of data in record time. The introduction of Query 360 feature ensures seamless and expedited retrieval of information, facilitating swift decision-making and analysis.

Additionally, this new version of Aitek incorporates a cutting-edge chatbot functionality, contributing to the automation of various tasks. The integration of a chatbot streamlines interactions and allows users to engage with the system in a more conversational and intuitive manner. The chatbot's intelligence and automation capabilities enable it to handle routine or repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable human resources for more complex and strategic endeavors. This automation not only improves efficiency but also enhances the overall user experience by providing real-time support and assistance.

With the combination of a powerful vector database and the inclusion of a chatbot, Aitek ensures a comprehensive and efficient solution for data management and automation. The enhanced capabilities enable businesses to leverage their Big Data effectively and make informed decisions quickly. Whether it's performing complex queries or automating routine tasks, Aitek empowers users to harness the full potential of their data resources and optimize their operational efficiency.

6. AITEK’s Concepts

The AITEK engine stands out as a one-of-a-kind and highly effective solution due to its incorporation of numerous technical and functional concepts. The following concepts form the foundation of its exceptional capabilities and will be elaborated upon in the subsequent section:

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: AITEK harnesses the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to enable intelligent data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling. This empowers organizations to uncover valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.Automated Machine Learning: AITEK leverages automated machine learning techniques to streamline and simplify the process of developing and deploying machine learning models. It automates various stages, such as feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning, making it accessible to users without extensive data science expertise.Semantic Model: AITEK incorporates a semantic model that goes beyond traditional data representation. It understands the meaning and context of data, facilitating more accurate and comprehensive analysis and interpretation.Performance & Risk Calculation: AITEK enables organizations to assess and optimize performance and risk factors by utilizing advanced calculation methodologies. This allows for a comprehensive evaluation of various metrics, aiding in proactive decision-making and risk mitigation.Causality & Correlation: AITEK employs advanced techniques to identify causality and correlation relationships within the data. By understanding these relationships, organizations gain deeper insights into the underlying factors impacting their operations, enabling them to take informed actions.Knowledge Cartridge: AITEK incorporates a knowledge cartridge, which encapsulates extensive business expertise and domain-specific knowledge. This knowledge base enables the engine to provide tailored and context-aware insights, resulting in more accurate and relevant recommendations.Vectorial Database: AITEK utilizes a vectorial database, providing fast and efficient data storage, retrieval, and analysis. This technology allows for rapid querying and processing of large volumes of data, enabling organizations to access critical information swiftly.Alarms & Action Plans: AITEK incorporates an alarm system that detects abnormalities or deviations in data patterns, processes, or performance indicators. When triggered, these alarms prompt the engine to initiate predefined action plans, ensuring timely intervention and resolution of issues.