Is this the end of the world - Samson O. Wealth - E-Book

Is this the end of the world E-Book

Samson O. Wealth

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It's really scary to think how much evil runs rampant in our world today. The latest end times news and current events we see around us show how pretty messed up our world is becoming. But the question that is running through the minds of many is when will the world end? Will the world ever end? The truth is: All the Prophecy in the Bible are currently being fulfilled worldwide, and these are sure signs that our world will soon end. You can’t afford to ignore these warnings, rather, we need to get a clear understanding of how this world is going to end and what to expect after it ends. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we have mapped out an end time chronology with superb precision. We have discussed the prophecies of the last days with great detail, and have placed the entire last day chronology of events together like a puzzle for easy understanding of biblical prophecies of what will happen during the second advent of Christ. Every facts and statement are back up with scriptural references for easy and clear understanding. So, go get a copy now!

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Samson O. Wealth

Is this the end of the world

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Table of contents


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Signs of the End Time

Chapter 3: Other Major Signs to Watch Out For

Chapter 4: Recent Worldwide Events

Chapter 5: The Rapture

Chapter 6: The Tribulation: Revelation of the Antichrist

Chapter 7: The Great Angel and the Two Witnesses

Chapter 8: The Wrath of God

Chapter 9: The Cruel Reign of the Antichrist and False Prophets

Chapter 10: The War of Armageddon

Chapter 11: The Millennial Reign of Christ

Chapter 12: Satan’s Final Defeat


A Note from the Author

About the Author


All rights reserved. This book is copyright and no part of it may be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or means, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Printed in the United States of America

Copyright © 2018 Samson O. Wealth

Mantle of Truth Publishing House

2009 Libby Street Beverly Hills, CA 90210



Chapter 1: Introduction

When will the world finally end? Is the world going to the end anyway? These are some of the questions popping up in the hearts of so many.But let me put it straight; the world is going to end anytime from now. While we can’t specifically pinpoint the exact date and time the world is going to end, we are pretty certain that the world will soon end in our own time.

The reason is that the signs of the end time that is stated in the bible are clearly around us. Almost all the events prophesied about the end time have been accomplished and only a few are yet to be fulfilled. But, all indications show that these prophecies will soon be fulfilled in our very time.

The truth is Christ is all set out to come and rapture his church home.The end of the world is around us, we can feel it, and even see it. There’s no denying the fact that our precious world will soon end.

But, wait!! Before Christ will come the second time to call his people home, that means he had already come the first time to redeem his people by showing them the way to live a righteous life that is Rapturable.

Ok, I think we should go back to know how it all started, so we get a clear picture of why Christ came to redeem Man; why he is coming the second time to collect his people, and why he will come the third time to end the world and create a new world.

This is how it all began:

It all started with the Word (Jesus), through which God created the whole universe and all living things in it (John 1:1-5). God thought it wise to also create someone who looks like him and can have dominion over everything He had created on earth.This idea triggered the creation of Man. The name of this first man is called “Adam”, and the name of his wife is known as “Eve.” The first duty of Adam and Eve was to work and take care of the garden. And the first commandment given to them is that they shouldn't eat the forbidden fruit.

Of course, in every command God gives, there is a blessing attached to it if you obey and there’s a curse if you disobey. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve fell by eating the forbidden fruit. And as a result of sin, Man lost his place with God. Man that ought to live forever will now grow old and die due to the curse placed on eating the forbidden fruits.

Even worse, he lost his authority to the devil. Satan and his agents were now stronger than Man who was once a threat to them. Since that time, God has been looking for ways to bring Man back to himself. As a mother longs after her child, the heart of God longs after Man. For this reason, God had to send his only begotten son, Jesus, to take away the sins of the world and to restoreMankind back to God (John 3:16).