Letters of Grace - Aaron Kincaid - E-Book

Letters of Grace E-Book

Aaron Kincaid

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Are you a Christian? A believer in Jesus? Do you read the Bible and still don't really understand it? Do you attend church or listen to preaching and still don't get it? You tried to be a good Christian, you have begged God to forgive you but you still feel like God is mad at you? Didn't do it right and even though you try to live for God you still feel condemned, guilty or ashamed? When you go to church you feel God and find peace, but when you go home you still struggle with the same sin? Only to find yourself feeling ashamed and guilty all over again? You just don't get it, you memorized the Ten Commandments, you pray more and read the Bible more like the preacher said, but nothing changes? Are you sick and tired of the religion and rules?
In his first volume of Letters of Grace, author and pastor Aaron Kincaid reveals the answers and the why of these questions! Letters of Grace brings out the Truth, long ignored by many in the Christian industry, about the new covenant Jesus established by His own blood when He was crucified on the cross. The new covenant and what the finished work of the cross means for us as believers, has long been ruined and even dismissed because of the fear by many religious leaders. Fear that they would lose their influence and authority as leaders, and even their ability to control the people and in some cases fear of loosing their leverage to influence people to give financially. Numerous people have heard this Truth and exclaimed "Now that actually makes sense!" What will you think? What happened to that "abundant life" Jesus said He came to give us? Find out in Letters of Grace!

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Vol. 1 - He is…


Aaron Kincaid

Letters of Grace: Vol. 1 - He is…

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Aaron Kincaid

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Cover Artwork by Jaiden Kincaid

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-113-9

Grace has exerted Himself through Pastor Aaron and continues to do so. This book will not be in lack of that same power.

Pastor Kyle Brady,

Pastor of Juneau Revival Center

I have watched Pastor Aaron and Cyndi Kincaid follow their passion for many years. Their passion and calling, is to see people find new freedom from bondage. Letters of Grace will build your faith to new levels. When you read the accounts of people who had given up on life only to find the Gospel of Grace through miracles of healing. I recommend you keep a copy of this book close by to reread everytime you find yourself facing in crisis.

Kerry Kirkwood,

Pastor and Author

Trinity Fellowship

Pastor Aaron Kincaid has truly captivated us with his profound exploration of the topic of grace in his latest book, "Letters of Grace." It becomes evident that Pastor Aaron is not just an author; he's a vessel touched by God's grace, driven by a genuine passion to help others comprehend the fullness of God's grace.

In this thought-provoking work, Pastor Aaron addresses prevalent misconceptions about grace that have been recycled by various authors and pastors over the past few decades. He challenges readers to view grace through the lens of God's unconditional love for both the church and the sinner.

One of the book's highlights is Pastor Aaron's courage to delve into scriptures that are often misunderstood or taken for granted in discussions about grace. He skillfully unpacks deeper meanings, providing readers with a richer understanding of grace from a biblical perspective.

"Letters of Grace" is not merely a theological discourse; it weaves in personal narratives of remarkable healings and instances where God's presence manifested in daily lives. These stories serve not only to inspire but to fortify the reader's faith.

The book also features insightful exegesis of biblical stories, with a particular focus on Jesus and His boundless love, grace, and mercy. The sections devoted to these themes are undoubtedly the book's crowning jewels.

In essence, "Letters of Grace" is a source of inspiration, a builder of faith, and an expansive guide to understanding the diverse ways in which God can work through individuals, as vividly portrayed in the stories within. I wholeheartedly recommend adding this transformative work to your reading list—it's a journey worth undertaking.

Thomas McDaniels

Pastor/Author/Public Speaker/Life Coach

Founder of Lifebridge Christian Center

Thomas McDaniels Ministries

Network 411 Ministries

I would like to dedicate this book to my wife Cyndi, who for the last 30 years has been by my side. Through all of life's twists and turns, has consistently said "Let's just trust the Lord!".

Cyndi, I love you beyond words! Thank you for taking the journey with me always and pointing me to Jesus in the journey. You are the love of my life, my best friend, and an amazing mother to our children.

“She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!”

Proverbs‬ 31‬:27‬-29‬ NLT‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


"Hey!! It's me! Look at this!! I haven't been able to stand up straight like this in six or seven years!" The look on her face I will never forget. She then proudly exclaimed, "Oh and I ate enchiladas last night with no problems!"

We hadn't seen April in 5 days. It was July 4th and the whole town was out in the clearing near the ocean inlet surrounded by beautiful white-capped mountains. It was a scene straight out of a Hallmark movie. We had met April in a little shop just five days earlier. She had seen our team praying for a friend of hers. When we finished praying we walked into the little corner shop and April came walking into sight behind her counter. She immediately asked to talk to us. As we stood there at the counter she asked if we could pray with her as well. She believed the Lord could heal her. I had observed when she first walked out that she was bent over somewhat and walked with a slight limp. She told us that she was a believer in Jesus and that she knew she could receive her healing from the scoliosis she had been born with, and now had her crippled over. Her being a woman, and my wife and another lady standing closer to her, I stepped back just a bit and allowed the ladies to pray with her while I prayed as well thanking Jesus for healing her body.

As it wrapped up I stepped back up closer and the other lady with my wife, our friend Amy received a word from the Lord concerning April's stomach. Amy immediately said, "And whatever is going in with your stomach Jesus is healing it right now as well!" April said, "Thank you, Jesus!" She then told us how she had had an issue the previous year with her stomach and almost died. She told us how she was on a very specific diet of small and bland foods, but again received her healing! Now here it was five days later on a beautiful Alaskan day in the middle of hundreds of people at the town picnic. We had just arrived back from a different town 6 hours away, and she found us in the crowd! Shows herself to us and gives Jesus the praise!

While there is a little more to that story of April, I will never forget that moment in time. That day while it's hard to describe in words, I will just say for me it was almost like a "yes this is real" moment between me and Jesus. The Lord had been doing a lot in our lives in ministry for the last six years. After leaving a great career in law enforcement to follow the leading of the Lord, my wife Cyndi and our three children Jaiden, Levi, and Kynzie, packed up our house and moved to the little town of Winona, Texas. It was just up the road a few minutes in the town of Gladewater we founded a ministry called Restored180 for women coming off drugs and alcohol. How the Lord dropped the facility in our laps is a testimony for another time. That said, the doors to Restored180 opened on November 20, 2017, full throttle!

Over the next almost six years we ministered to hundreds of women from all over. In the midst of that, in 2019, we started a church ministry called Life180 Church. Our vision was simple, build the church! Notice I didn't say build a church. We wanted to minister to the broken, and we also knew that there were a lot of broken in the church! With the women's ministry running full and the church ministry growing, 2020 came and like many Covid hit, we saw some losses. Also like many, I struggled with the "long-haulers" post Covid symptoms. After 9 months of recovery, things just didn't seem like they were the same. I began asking the Lord what was wrong. Why does it seem as though we have lost our drive? Where was the passion? Sure we were exhausted, and sure we had worked for years 80-100 hours a week. But we were seeing lives changed! We were doing what the Lord called us to do! But no matter how much we tried to just resume what had been, Cyndi and I both knew it. There was a shift coming! Something was going to change. When the shift would happen we were not sure, so we would stay faithful to what was in front of us until the Lord revealed it to us.

In January of 2023 as I was praying one day I heard the Lord say "This will be a year of expansion." That's it! I was thrilled. I thought to myself "Okay the ministry is going to expand!" That ranch property is finally going to happen! We will be able to open a men's restoration center and grow the women's ministry! We will have a church building of our own! I was very satisfied and thought I should be looking towards properties and began praying that way as well.

A couple of months later, in one week we received two prophetic words from very trusted sources. People we know without a doubt hear from the Lord. Both told us that the buildings were on the way. We said thank you, Jesus!

Now June of 2023 had arrived and for almost 8 weeks prior we had been seeing more and more signs, wonders, and miracles in our church meetings. A lady with a lung condition healed. The doctor took her off the oxygen tank and said her lungs were great. A couple of people were delivered from demonic possession and many more set free from demonic oppression. Another lady healed of cancer. Cyndi and I knew the Lord was up to something. We invited a lady we knew of through a mutual friend, to come and minister. Her name is Amy Kemp and she started a ministry years ago called Recipients of Grace. We knew she ministered in Denmark a lot and the Lord was using her to preach the gospel. We also knew there had been many healed and set free in her meetings. Amy came and it was a great night with Jesus. Several people were healed and set free. After everyone had left, we had finished cleaning up and my wife and I were talking with Amy and a friend she had brought with her. A couple of other folks were still hanging around as well. My wife Cyndi brought up the idea that Amy and her team should pray about going to Alaska one day to minister.

Suddenly the Holy Spirit's tangible presence showed up in the midst of us.

His presence was so strong, that my wife collapsed to the floor (something she does not normally do) and I found myself leaning against a wall. Amy and her friend both looked big-eyed and smiled a little unsteady on their feet as well. I remember saying at that moment, “Ok, wow. What is happening right now?”. Amy said, "Y'all know what this means right? We're all going to Alaska". We all agreed that the Lord had just put His hand on us at that moment and assigned us to go. We all spent days talking to the Lord about the details of the trip. We came to agree on 10 days and we would all trust the Lord to provide whatever we needed financially for the trip. Within a week the finances came in to purchase the airline tickets. As we shared about the ministry trip with others, more finances came in and we knew it was just confirmation from Jesus. On the day we were leaving for Alaska, just a couple of weeks later, I asked the Lord why we were going to Alaska. I heard the Lord say "I am taking you on a show and tell journey. I am going to show you things and then tell you things." This book is the result of the revelation the Lord gave me and my wife Cyndi and while on the journey and even more after we came back home.

My wife and I have preached in numerous places. Over the years I have ministered in countries around the world. We have preached the unconditional Love of Jesus through His Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit to change lives for over 25 years. Seeing fruit here and there, always believing we were at least planting seeds and that we may never know the fruit of our labor. Never did we ever think that some of what we preached, those little Christian sayings we had learned growing up in church and ministry were the reason why we didn't see consistent miracles. Don't get me wrong, we saw lives touched by Jesus and we saw people changed by the power of His love. And we saw some miracles when people received in faith. We saw more than some ministers we had talked to over the years. Watching the Spirit of God transform the lives of the women who came through our Restored180 program grew our faith in a lot of ways! We saw so many lives changed for the glory of God in the past six years. But when something didn't go right we would wonder what we did wrong. But as it turned out 2023 was a year of expansion. We just didn't know what the Lord had in store and that the expansion included expanding our understanding of His new covenant and our sphere of influence in the Kingdom. I hope this book will bring that same revelation to you and that you are empowered and set free just like we were to preach the gospel of Grace.

"And he said to them, “This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many."

Mark‬ 14‬:24‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬