Linear Elasticity of Elastic Circular Inclusions Part 2/Lineare Elastizitätstheorie bei kreisrunden elastischen Einschlüssen Teil 2 - Thomas Ranz - E-Book

Linear Elasticity of Elastic Circular Inclusions Part 2/Lineare Elastizitätstheorie bei kreisrunden elastischen Einschlüssen Teil 2 E-Book

Thomas Ranz

53,49 €

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In this book the real analytic solutions for the “Disc with Circular Inclusion” under normal- and shear force at plane-strain state (EVZ) are presented. The associated solution process, which was developed according to the principle of statically indeterminate systems, is documented extensively. The solutions are given in terms of mechanical quantities (deformations, strains and stresses). Due to the superposition of the solutions for normal force in x- and y-direction and shear force the plane strain-stress relation can be formulated. The validation of the real analytic solutions is carried out by numeric FEM solution results. Comparing the results of the finite and infinite disc there is, however, a very high correspondence of all mechanical quantities. Therefore it can be assumed the real analytical solutions are the exact solutions.

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