Z.J. Galos



Love & Art is about a poet's creative workshop, where a poem follows a drawing or a drawing turns into a poem in an artistic cross-pollination. The poet offers these songs and the enclosed art in a series of volumes to all art lovers of this specific genre, he poet also calls ballads, as he often sang them, following his favourite interpreters and songwriters, together with one of his friends or muses, while he kept creative contacts with these 'birds of a feather' worldwide, celebrating with sweet 'Songs of Passion' in the heydays of happiness, but also with bitter tasting ballads of 'Ten Passion Songs' of life's darker moments. The poet, who is on a journey with an extended form of the traditional ballad, describes his life with a group of fellow poets and artists who partook in his creative workshops and poetry jam-sessions with a poetry club in San Francisco, USA, also including an actress who performed at a stage in Wiesbaden, Germany. In 'Secret Affairs', a homage to his friends in the world of art, he'll honour them with his 'Songs of Passion', who accompanied him on this thrill of an emotional roller coaster ride. Fascinated by Agi, a 40 year old woman with an erotic potential, just as the dark innocence of a Florida teen, besides the exotic birds from the web's world wide garden. He agreed with his muse, Athena: love is universal, no power on earth could ever lock it out, or let its magic flow dry up, and no way to stop the powers of its dynamic flow. 27 drawings, in the artist's unique style, expand on the poetry. With 'Ten Passion Songs': love is death, is death love? the poet reflects on his experience of an aftermath's drama of star crossed lovers, his despair of a great love's loss, and his dark thoughts about his life that had come to a sudden end. Yet, again with the help of his encouraging poetry friends, he found his way back to a positive life again. In 'electronic round dance', his befriended poetesses will dance with him having assured that the poet had found his way back to the joys of a positive life again.

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drwg 0: art & poetry

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart

Whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song.

At the touch of lovers, everyone becomes a poet.”


You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts.”

Kalil Gibran, The Prophet

“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

In secret between the shadow and the soul.”

Pablo Neruda

Index of poems and drawings

Art & Poetry

A Secret Affair

for agi

drwg 1 – the tough teen from florida

songs of passion: in these holy halls

drwg 2 – songs of passion

songs of passion: your golden shimmer

drwg 3 – forging love

songs of passion: the magicians

drwg 4 – love with a wall divide

songs of passion: e-love

drwg 5 – white nights

songs of passion: uma’s return

drwg 6 – fast dance

songs of passion: love’s destiny


drwg 7 – love is death

songs of passion: a flight of souls

drwg 8 – do you see my death?

and suddenly it’s evening again

drwg 9 – sensuous happiness

songs of passion: soul-spiral

Ten Passion Songs: love is death; is death love? passion songs 1-3

drwg 10 – morning child

passion songs 4-5

passion song 6

passion song 7

drwg 11 – red glowing heart

passion song 8

passion song 9

passion song 10

songs of passion: first morning

songs of passion: loss of climax

drwg 12 – thru’ you

songs of passion: seduction

drwg 13 – my passion Friday

songs of passion: in a bittersweet prayer

drwg 14 – love’s fire into ashes

songs of passion: where love’s only a duty

drwg 15 – dream a little dream of me

songs of passion: intoxication of the senses

drwg 16 – muses’ round dance

songs of passion: sensual bliss

drwg 17 – love calcified

songs of passion: like a small child

songs of passion: red glowing heart

songs of passion: do you know?

drwg 18 – pyramid of love

songs of passion: gifts of love

songs of passion: pinwheel of pure feelings

songs of passion: twilight

drwg 19 – dancing eesha

songs of passion: thru’ your picture into you

drwg 20 – group love

songs of passion: death lance

drwg 21 – love beads

songs of passion: why it’s so difficult?

songs of passion: once

songs of passion: and now?

drwg 22 – the french woman

songs of passion: natali

drwg 23 – natali

songs of passion: love red and hot

drwg 24 – a dream of love unplugged

songs of passion: love-fire

songs of passion: in the heartfelt prayer of love

songs of passion: the new Casablanca

songs of passion: no passion song

songs of passion: than loose a little

drwg 25 – white nights

danse en ronde électronique electronic round dance

1. carla rosea

2. an episode

3. love: the amazon

4. love: the woman-child

5. travels

drwg 26 – birth of venus/ aphrodite

6. the bard’s east-western divan

7. tales

drwg 27 – a poet never lies

8. judy.

index of poetry and drawings

about the author

other books by the author


Art and poetry

This is a journal in poetry form

I would classify them as ballads

As they celebrate the basic joys of

Human life and left love where it belongs

Fused with art it is supposed to be number one.

In the year 2008, when Anna would be 61 and

Agi Two is 57, and Agi One is of a similar age

I’m in the company of wonderful Muses, and in

Love with them all. I call them Sweetheart, Szivem

And Agikam. Well, so far these Muses are all in

European lands.

If I think about D’Elle and Verona who live on the west

Cost of the USA, I speak about sexually expressive

Muses, as most mature American women are.

I think of three women in Crete and another one in

Athens who’ll bring the number of Muses to nine

But I wouldn’t dare to outsmart Apollo and only in

Secret I call upon Hell Steff, actress, and Muse number

Ten. Probably she is the only one standing naked

Before her director on stage, like me who has taken his

Clothes off and bared his soul – the poet never lies –

He suffers like his actress friend.



this is in memory of all my loves, my girlfriends and

especially my best friend, norb (Norbert), who couldn’t

follow me in time, who ran up and down the

mountain of excitement and couldn’t dive into the sea

of lust

though we’ve rehearsed the start of potential affairs and

kissed the same girl who loved us both, with her over-

flowing eros. norb, the gentle lover who fell ill and never

recovered fully teetering at the river styx, claimed for

the linen-covered souls, the ferryman took across to the

silence of the netherland, land of shadows,

where anna had abandoned me too and I do not know

about simchi, the passionate brown-eyed chick and

frieke, the superficial blond, .and ingrid, and simone, and

hari and louise, and the roll of love birds, except for

eros and the compassion with which anna could nail me

to the marble cross at her temporary grave.

this is in memory of Feb 14 and only nastya sent me a

note from a town in northern russia, I do not even

know it, as one has his mind on a love that’s

so difficult to conclude in sexual passion and the one

who counts is further away and unappreciated and the

one to cherish, but maybe it’s only a fata morgana

and a replay of many loves that surface and smile, as if

time had never elapsed and love is an eternal thrill of

a roller coaster ride.

nastya sends me the portrait of her sensual face that

I can blow up to a real size – such is technology –

And kiss her lips that are so real I let them suck me.

I am stirred by her golden beauty and this letter writing

is so typical for her, to tell me her problems, she’s not

after a man to marry like most of her beautiful

bourgeoisie’s sisters that have only one goal in mind

to hook one man who is well off to care for her and for

the family she wishes to have, children and a home,

cars, holidays, jewellery, a social standing, and the

husband to be a symbol for a monogamous human

being that in reality doesn’t exist.

Voila! Here we go again, the state in need of funds

has cemented the family with the aid of the church

who are such fat cat-brothers-in-arms against the

individual, the artist, the poet, who has to be sacrificed?

Art is the finger up the bourgeoisie’s ass, said picasso

bluntly the truth, as the artist is murdered by them, like

schiele had experienced and many others.

Out of the blue came the muse from cologne, agi, who

has been driven by her need for love and even if she’d

learn to have it thro’ the medium of the e-world, so be

it, she’s determined now after so many years of

knowing me. she has the hungarian charm of her mother

tongue and the rumanian passion of making love, or

so it seems on first impressions, yet I had written her off

as being prudish, uninterested in erotic themes I like.

“I love you like the books I write.” She smiles, as she digs

poetry and literature. so do I. we have also in common

lots of physical desires, as well as a soul-bonding of

lovers who are not only in for a quick bang, but agi is

restricted, as she has little personal freedom and

a small place to live in, so she isn’t blessed with the

same privacy as I am enjoying. she doesn’t blame me if

I pull my pants down and masturbate, while she holds

still for me to come on her generous breasts, as she

enjoys love on the net, step by step and slowly, as not

to perturb her waking desires, her longing, her wanting

me, it’s all a process like an ancient ritual, not a fast

today’s suck you and go.

no fast food and not an immediate sex act.

Ok, she has to learn to be effective and I’m not a good

teacher, but I’m willing for a last time, I think. it’s agi

who’ll be my last love I think. I’m too old, but sexy, and

she laughs.

I see I could take off 10-15 years and women believe me,

not the younger ones who look for young and stupid

guys. and agi woke me up since two months and she

can get me to a high quite easily, like anna did, and

she has the good looks of anna, and I know she is good

at 69! I use my poems to stir her up and transfer my

inner feelings she loves and craves for and she pours

them back into me. and this goes on until I tune my

cock and let it slide in her hands. wow! I fall in love with

her and I’m frustrated: “let me come, agi, come with

me. “I cannot,” she says, my husband just looked into my

room, sorry…”

I understand it’s anna all over and this time I have the

role of a teacher. and I don’t know if I’ll be able to

stand sexual pressure for the next two weeks. I’ll go dilly.

I’m not masturbating alone any longer, as everyday

potential lonely women seek to be a part of my erotic

world, from burgos to florida, the lasses want to touch

and kiss, fellate, fornicate, but then agi would not

accept me and she feels insecure, if I fall out of love

with her and I say so. Tell me she coos and I wonder

why she says so: “I’m old fashioned, she states, as I

describe her my agonies of a lacking sex life without a

partner and buddy, but we are soul-mates I tell her

and not just buddies.

I have to study to become an English teacher and I

end up teaching older women sensuality and enjoyable

sex, oh boy! They have two kids and do not know how

to love a man any longer, but agi knows 69 of course as

she has a girlfriend and I know all about that from

anna and her enjoyment of sex with women and men,

couples and students. It’s now my turn to experience

a teacher’s position and a window opens to me this girl

a lass of only thirteen. “call me taffy,” she says and she

opens a picture for me that is from florida, usa,

a cute girl with an engaging smile wanting to know all

about oral sex, as it is kind of kosher and the least one

to become infected. She’s knowledgeable for her age,

curious and internet-wise, although she wouldn’t know

what to do and how to make a man come, using

words she has not experienced in deed. She’s cute and

cuddly and she’s into role-play. ok. why not, it’s fun.

she’s serious about making me feel good and she plays

for fellatio. I tell her I’ll come, if she carries on like this,

never done it or seen a guy before, she’s on the best

way to know more in a shorter time than agi knows.

I’m to burst from this love build-up. now this is illegal

sex, or is it? telephone sex? or is it just a dream play

and nobody could touch it? except the two players can.

I think agi would freak out and she’d break into a

flurry of a sudden trickle running from her pussy, but

she’d never admit it of course, only to me in time, she

would. I think of the poet embeirikos and his stories of

eros in his book the great eastern, and I’m not feeling

ashamed of coming for a young lass, 55 years younger

than me. wow, even Goethe would feel jealous, but

empathetic for my longing for a contemporary Muse of

an upcoming generation who is an elfin. ‘…and your

golden hair margarethe, your dark eyes shuleima?’

this is the web of everything in one. marquis de sade

would have a never-ending orgasm with. so do I. god

save the internet.

the day I became more intimate with agi, I desired her

the way she moved in front of the webcam. “why change

your clothes? I’ll take your top off,” I said,” and kiss

your breasts, suck your nipples like a child.

“this is…” she said and blushed. “but you are a mature

woman, did you not have proper sex? well, she seemed

to hold back on me and entice me even further and I

told her what I would do to her, with her, then do it

together in a synced mode. “I didn’t know that you

could do these things online,” she said and I laughed

with her.

“I can show you,” we laughed a lot, “like children, we

are,” she said.

“yes it’s good,” I replied. “I’m an artist and you

brought the child out in me and now the child will love

his mother and this still follows me since I was a baby.

I wrote her a poem. Yes, I’ll write her about these entire

situations I am involved with her. she loves my poems.