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The easy way to brush up on the math skills you need in real life Not everyone retains the math they learned in school. Like any skill, your ability to speak "math" can deteriorate if left unused. From adding and subtracting money in a bank account to figuring out the number of shingles to put on a roof, math in all of its forms factors into daily life. Math For Real Life For Dummies provides you with the simple formulas and theorems that you're likely to encounter in the workplace, the kitchen, and even when playing games. You can turn to Math For Real Life For Dummies to brush up on your math skills or to handle everyday encounters, like calculating restaurant tips, understanding interest rates, and figuring out percentages and odds. Packed with real-world examples that make sense, Math For Real Life For Dummies takes the stress out of your daily calculation encounters. * Provides tips for understanding and using basic mathematical concepts * Shows you how math helps the mind to reason and organize complicated situations or problems into clear, simple, and logical steps * Covers all of the math skills you're likely to need in everyday situations If you're looking for a practical, plain-English guide to mastering everyday math skills, Math For Real Life For Dummies has you covered.
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Seitenzahl: 353
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2013
Math For Real Life For Dummies®
Published byJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774www.wiley.com
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About the Author
Barry Schoenborn lives in Nevada City, California. He’s a longtime math, science, and technical writer, with over 35 years’ experience. He’s written hundreds of user manuals. In the past, Barry’s tech-nical writing company worked with the State of California agency CalRecycle to teach scientists and administrators how to write clearly.
Barry’s the coauthor of Technical Math For Dummies, Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies, Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies, and Storage Area Networks: Designing and Implementing a Mass Storage System.
He was a movie reviewer for the Los Angeles Herald-Dispatch newspaper and wrote a monthly political newspaper column for The Union newspaper of Grass Valley, California, for seven years. He also writes “dental humor,” a funny genre that nobody except a dentist would want to read.
Barry’s publishing company, Willow Valley Press, published Dandelion Through the Crack, which won the William Saroyan International Prize for Writing.
I dedicate this book to Lynda Straus, my long-time intimate friend. She is one of the brightest people I know and is an excellent technical writer. However, she stays very busy, mostly acting as caregiver for her mother and has never made math a focus. Oops! In many ways, she is my model for the ideal reader of this book.
Author’s Acknowledgments
I want to thank Lindsay Lefevere, Executive Editor, for the opportunity to write this book. A big thanks, too, to Matt Wagner of Fresh Books Literary Agency, who presented me to Wiley.
Many thanks to the Wiley team: Tracy Barr, Project Editor, and Michael McAsey and Shira Fass, the technical reviewers. They worked very hard to make this book more accurate and easier to read. Without them, there wouldn’t be a book.
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Visit www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/mathforreallife to view this book's cheat sheet.
Table of Contents
About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
What You’re Not to Read
Foolish Assumptions
How This Book Is Organized
Part I: Boning Up on Math Basics
Part II: Math for Everyday Activities
Part III: Math to Manage Your Personal Finances
Part IV: The Part of Tens
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I: Boning Up on Math Basics
Chapter 1: Awesome Operations: Math Fundamentals
Numbers You Can Count On
Reviewing the Four Basic Operations
Finagling Fractions
Getting familiar with types of fractions
Reducing fractions
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions
Converting fractions
Processing Percentages
Converting a common fraction to a percentage
Converting a percentage to a fraction
Grasping Charts and Graphs
Looking at line charts
Gobbling up pie charts
Bellying up to bar charts
Working Wicked Word Problems
Doing the analysis
Applying the math
Other story problem tricks
Chapter 2: High School Reunion: Revisiting Key Principles of Algebra and Geometry
“A” Stands for “Algebra” and “Awesome”
Getting acquainted with variables and constants
Expressions and equations
Operating with variables
Applying the same operation on both sides of the equal sign
Keeping order with operations
Jousting with Geometry: Simple Rules about Shape and Size
Looking at geometry’s basic parts: Planes, points, and lines
What’s your angle? Acute, obtuse, right angles, and more
The shape of things
Calculating areas
Getting pushed to the edge: Perimeters
Speaking volumes about boxes
Summing up geometry
Chapter 3: Becoming a Believer: Conversion, Statistics, Probability, and More
Wrangling Ratio-Proportion: The Best Calculation Method
Doing Conversions: Lots of Pleasure and Hardly Any Pain
Factoring in the conversion factor
Using United States customary units
Managing the metric system
Mastering Simple Statistics
An average is a mean thing
Mediating the median
Figuring percentiles
Being aware of statistical fallacies
Predicting the Probable
Determining probability
What are the odds?
Chapter 4: The Miracle of Mental Math
Mental Math Basics
Adding and Subtracting on the Fly
Adding numbers quickly
Subtracting numbers quickly
Making Hay of Multiplication and Division
Multiplying in your head
Dividing in your head
Estimating with Ease
Estimating sales tax and value added tax (VAT)
Estimating tips
Estimating guests at a banquet
Doing Simple Cerebral Statistics
Figuring averages
Managing medians
Part II: Math for Everyday Activities
Chapter 5: Let’s Make a Deal! Math You Use When Shopping
Determining Actual Cost
Finding the total cost of acquisition
Figuring the total cost of ownership
Uncovering hidden costs
Making Tradeoffs: A Fun Balancing Act
Buying in Quantity: A Good Deal?
Knowing the Real Cost of Sale Items
Counting coupons
Calculating percentage decreases: You save 10 percent!
Calculating the real percentages in “get one free” offers
Dealing with dining specials
Doubling down on discounts
How Do You Wanna Pay for That?
Capturing bargains with credit cards
Taking advantage of layaway
Discovering Deals at the Grocery
Estimating the whole grocery bill
Estimating how much to buy
Comparing unit prices
Comparing products per roll or square foot
Calculating volume (25 percent more free!)
Determining Where to Shop
Narrowing your choices
Looking at externalities
Gauging the impacts of different store types
Chapter 6: Mmm, Mmm, Good: Kitchen Calculations
Taking Measure
Knowing your units
Equivalencies — All things being equal
Scaling a Recipe
The keys to scaling a recipe
Scaling in action
Using Math to Buy and Cook Smart
Calculating per-serving costs
Taste by the ton: Buying in bulk
Chapter 7: It Does a Body Good: Math for Health and Well-Being
Figuring Your Nutritional Needs
Read the label, Mabel: Nutrition facts
Figuring out your ideal daily calorie intake
Following the recommended daily allowance
Calculating Calories
Counting calories in your food
Managing your weight with math
Comparing your current weight to your goal weight
Calculating BMI
Exercise Math
These METs won’t win a pennant: Metabolic equivalent of task
Figuring an activity’s calorie burn rate
Being the Doctor at Home
Understanding medicine labels
For good measure: Dispensing liquid medications
Chapter 8: Putting Geometry to Work at Home
Calculating Your Way to a Better Lawn and Garden
Figuring how much seed you need
Mulching math
Planting the seeds of success — mathematically
Knowing how much you really mow
Fixing Up the Place
Laying carpet
Calculating paint amounts
Pouring a patio
Chapter 9: Math and Statistics around Town and on the Road
Automobile Arithmetic: Figuring Costs, Mileage, and More
It’s a gas! Comparing fuel prices and mileage
Are we there yet? Figuring distance, time, and speed
Making sense of the mechanic’s bill
Dining Out
Calculating the tip
Splitting hairs and bills
Taking a Vacation: To Drive or to Fly?
Leaving on a jet plane
Driving: The daring alternative
Gambling: Money You Take to Las Vegas Stays in Las Vegas
Understanding odds, bets, and payouts
Playing the most popular games
The worst casino bets
Part III: Math to Manage Your Personal Finances
Chapter 10: Budgets, Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, and More
Beginning with a Budget
Identifying what’s in a budget
Using your math skills to make a budget
Applying budgeting principles
Balancing Your Checkbook
Homing in on Mortgage Math
Having a PITI party
Amortization: Paying down the loan
A second mortgage or home equity line of credit
Using Smart Math for Other Big Purchases
Cruising around car loan math
Studying up on education loans
Calculating How to Avoid or Get Out of a Credit Card Hole
Understanding how credit cards work
Avoiding annual and other fees
Paying down credit cards
Selecting Savings Accounts
Chapter 11: Key Principles of Investment Math
Factoring Personal Info into Investment Decisions
Knowing your tolerance for risk
Looking at your investment horizon
Choosing between appreciation or income
Playing with Instruments: Not the Musical Kind
Basic financial instruments
Climbing the investment pyramid
Growing the Green Stuff: The Time Value of Money
Calculating simple interest
Calculating compound interest
Calculating future value
Oh, see how it grows! The joys of making regular deposits
Rounding Up Retirement Plans
The feisty 401(k)/403(b): Defined contribution plans
Adding up IRAs and their kin
Making sensing of Social Security
Calculating current and future tax advantages
Managing Mutual Funds
Paying attention to fees
Figuring the average annual return
Considering Common Stocks
Processing P/E ratios
Figuring your dividends
Investing in Bonds
Calculating interest on bonds
Calculating yield
Chapter 12: Covering Your Assets: Insurance Math
Honing in on How Insurance Works
Spreading risk around
Evaluating risks
Determining premiums
Making Calculations about Your Own Lines of Insurance
Auto insurance
Homeowner’s insurance
Health insurance
Life insurance
Chapter 13: Taking Math to Work
Setting Prices
Managing markups
Figuring discounts
Predicting time and materials costs
Paying Attention to Profit
Calculating profit margin
Determining gross profit
Pre-tax profit
Net profit
Making Change
Tracking Your Time
The timesheet
Heavens, no — Not project accounting!
Parsing Your Paycheck
Calculating your gross pay
Figuring your net pay: All about deductions
Using Form W-4 to change how much is withheld
Chapter 14: How Taxing! (Almost) Understanding the Government
Illuminating Income Taxes
Taming Form 1040
Deciding whether to itemize
Observing Other Taxes
Surveying sales tax
Processing property tax
Fee, fie, foe, fum
Part IV: The Part of Tens
Chapter 15: Ten Quick Calculations You Can Do in Your Head
Miles to Kilometers
Miles to Your Destination
Time to Destination
Sales Tax and VAT
How Much Paint to Buy
Number of Pizzas to Buy
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
Dollars to Pounds or Euros
Gas Mileage
Chapter 16: Ten Activities That Build Math Skills
Playing Sudoku
Playing Elementary Math Games on the Internet
Working through Logic Puzzles
Noting the Birthday Paradox
Knowing the Value of Pi
Guessing a Friend’s Age
Playing Hidden Object Games
Flipping Coins
Playing Games with Your Kids
Playing Angry Birds
Math is great. I’ve spent my life enjoying math and getting the benefits from it. But many people don’t think math is so hot: They have fear and loathing.
The trouble is, a lot of what you learned in school probably was boring or painful, and most likely you forgot it right away. Or you may have deliberately not learned some types of math at all just to save yourself the trouble of forgetting them later. Why? Mainly because a lot of the math taught in schools wasn’t math you could use. Well, that nonsense stops here, because this book is filled with math you use. Here’s just a brief sampling of the areas where you’ll find real-life math to be useful:
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