Modern Day New Age Deception - Kimberly Robinson - E-Book

Modern Day New Age Deception E-Book

Kimberly Robinson

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This spiritual memoir chronicles a profound journey from the darkness of occult entanglements to the light of faith. The author candidly shares her path to redemption, urging readers to forsake mystic illusions and embrace divine grace. Through trials, forgiveness, and spiritual awakening, she offers guidance to navigate life's challenges with transcendent love. Presenting her story as a beacon of hope for seekers of truth and the lost, she advocates for a life transformed by unwavering belief in Jesus Christ.

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This book is dedicated to Jesus! I do not claim to know you fully, but oh, how I want to know you more and more. You make me so curious about how you handled your humanity that it made me want to step out of religion and into something more spiritual. I took many wrong turns in that search, but through it all, you never left my side. You are the wind beneath my wings, the song in my heart, the happiness in my life, and the peace in my soul. Thank you, Lord, for becoming so small, rejected, and humble in order to empathize and to set someone like me and others free! You will always be the real MVP! I love you!

This book is dedicated to my children, my family, my friends, and those who encourage me along my journey. Thank you!

This book is also dedicated to my mom Susan, my dad Jerry, and my siblings, Jerry, Josh, and Lentarsha! I love you!

Mark, Jordan, and DJ, I love you!

I hope I make you guys proud!


He Called You Out so You Can Call it Out

This book is about the redemptive power of Jesus. Over the past several years, I’ve seen an influx of people renouncing the occult and leaving New Age.

When I first left in 2022, there were a few people who left, but not as many as there are now. I was speaking with a friend, and she also left in 2018. I noticed now that a lot of people are talking about New Age practices way more than they did before. And I know that there are a few reasons why. One of the reasons is that just as there are many people being delivered from the occult, there are many people who are going into the occult or being enticed away by seducing spirits. I want to tell you that if God has called you out of the New Age, congratulations, He has called you out so that you can call it out. Yes, you! You may feel as if your testimony does not matter, but it absolutely does matter to the ones who are still under the deception of New Age.

We, as believers, are called to speak against the very things that God delivered us out of and to be His witness. Many times, Satan will use people, yes, even other believers, to bring up your past and condemn you, but you are not condemned; you are free! Once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you renounce all sin in your life, you are no longer a slave or in bondage. Now you will be called to evangelize or spread the good news of the gospel in some way.

Many are still in the cycle of their sins because they haven’t totally surrendered their life to God. Some continuously leave open doors to the enemy. And it is easy to give him access when we are not watchful. One of those open doors that I would like to talk about is unhealed trauma. Many are dealing with complex trauma, which is several different traumatic events that usually happen in the childhood or adolescence stages of life. Trauma is an open door to the occult. Many times, people are just looking for healing but have no idea how to heal through Jesus Christ. Many times, people have reduced Him to religious rituals and not to the true transformational power of God. His love is strong enough to change you, but you must fully surrender to Him.

It is time to lay down your idols, as well as worldly practices that keep you away from the Father. Although nothing can separate you from His love, you can choose to reject Him. It is time that we become open and honest about who we are and our God-given identity and authority.

As time continues, we will see many walking away from New Age, sororities, and secret societies, as this is the will of the Father. And I am so Godly proud to be a part of God’s army.

So if you have been called out, you will be called upon. We are in a mass exodus season because this is the end times. Many people will begin to walk away from their old life for a new life in Christ. So don’t be surprised when God sends others your way. Be bold in your faith.

Boldness is not always easy, and that’s why you need the Holy Spirit to be bold in this day and time. God is calling for us to be set apart. But being set apart means that you must be different and be willing to be separated from people that you have known your whole life if they lead you away from God. The separation happens organically and can hurt, but it is a part of your walk with Christ. Slowly, you will see that people that you once were close to, there is a distance with them. I want to bring this up so that you don’t battle with it when it starts to happen. Because the Word is meant to divide unbelievers from believers. It's meant to compel and convict, to uproot and to build up. It can be offensive because it sheds light on sin, but it can heal because it gives hope to the lost. I am coming to terms that, yes, this Word can be heavy because it is meant to change you and thrust you into your destiny. So be comforted that it is not just you who are experiencing the changes, the separation, the discomfort. All believers go through it and are still going through it, even today. So let this comfort you; you are not alone. I want to pray for you.

Father, I pray for this woman, this man, this young man, and the young girl who is reading this intro and are in different stages of their life. They may be in the phase of curiosity towards You, they may be in a phase of wanting a deeper connection with You. But whatever phase they are in, they are here. They are here not by accident; they are here because You led them here! This is their moment of freedom, and it will not be snatched away by the enemy! I take authority over Satan and his little demon friends, and I ask You, Heavenly Father, to surround the one who is reading this with divine protection! No longer will their favor be tampered with by the schemes of the enemy, no longer will they fall into traps, but You have already mapped out their life, and You are a God that will lead them from bondage to freedom. On this day! Let it begin this day!

In Jesus’ name, I pray.




When thinking about what led me to the occult, or should I say New Age, I have to say it was needing to heal and needing answers to many questions about a specific relationship. Relationships were my god, and I needed to know. I spent a lot of time in the unknown, and not knowing what was going to happen in the future was scary for me. It's human nature to want to know what is next, but for me, I didn't even know what was going on in my life presently. And that is not uncommon. We are not meant to know it all. But I was what they call very codependent, and because of that, my relationships were very codependent. So what led me to the New Age is codependency and a lack of direction. This was only a part of it, but a very important part of why I was so easily susceptible to the deception and lies of the enemy.

I imagine codependency being a root, and the branches of that tree and its fruits were all the lies and deception that grew from a faulty foundation. Branches such as rejection, self-pity, one-sided relationships, and unhealed trauma. And the list goes on and on. I was broken. Broken in my thinking, broken in how I saw myself, broken in how I saw others, and broken in how I saw God. I felt like I was too broken, as in damaged goods. You may feel broken and shattered by life as well. But I want to start this book off right and let you know that you are just right for the potter. You may be a broken vessel, but you are the right vessel for the Father, as God uses broken people and broken vessels to bring about restoration. So He does not leave you in your current state of brokenness; He also restores you. Those who had no control over the things that happened to them, those who are fighting to outlive the shame, abuse, and trauma that they have experienced. You are just right! I want to encourage you to open your heart to these words and allow the Holy Spirit to speak.

What is Codependency

What is codependency? Codependency is when you depend on others for your happiness and you are controlled by how others treat you or what they think about you holds more weight in your life than what you think about yourself. That was my life before Christ and during my walk with Christ, and is still the beast that I wrestle with from time to time. Yes, I’m free, but I have to walk out my freedom so that I don’t return back to my old ways. I will be honest and say I’ve gotten a lot better and more discerning when these things try to come back into my life. As I grow stronger in my faith in Jesus, I tend to care less and less about what others think about me and more and more about what God says about me. It is work and will be a work within me until the day that Jesus Christ returns. I wish I could say that I have arrived, but I definitely have not arrived. So don't beat yourself up if you feel like you struggle with something after you said yes to Christ. We all have something we struggle with. Just know that God is committed to the finished work in you and will not leave you hanging.

This is absolutely learned behavior and can be instilled in you at a very young age, as I believe this to be very much generational. Not just generational, but very much societal. I believe that generational patterns are shaped by a few factors: culture, society, behavioral, and spiritual practices. Generational cycles are so real, but so are generational blessings. And I decree that this is the year that those generational blessings in my bloodline are coming forth. But it is up to us to choose what we allow to continue to play out in our lives. The Bible talks about this in Exodus 20:5, how these bloodline sins can be passed down from generation to generation if they are left unresolved. Some of you are a generational cycle breaker. Those who are chosen to be a cycle breaker cannot and won’t continue the cycles. We are always thinking of future generations and how we do not want them to be affected by the things we’ve encountered. That’s how you know that you are one when you are not just thinking of yourself. Your life serves a higher purpose. That’s how you know that you are one. If you are a generational cycle breaker, just know that you don’t have to shoulder the burden alone. Also, it's important to forgive the past hurt that you've experienced and accept the things you cannot change. Easier said than done, but with God, all things are possible.

So again, you don't just become codependent. It is not something that you are born with; it is a learned behavior. I had no idea what a healthy relationship looked like or what it felt like to be in one. I had no idea about autonomy or truly discovering what makes me happy. I had no idea how to live a fulfilling life without some type of companionship.

I was ignorant of the fact that I was giving too much value and too much of myself to people and losing myself in the process. I was afraid to find out what was good about me, my likes, my passions, my desires, my needs, or what made me happy. I was attracting the wrong things into my life all because of a learned behavior. Side note: if you are reading this and you can relate to this codependent learned behavior, just know that there is freedom and there is hope and you don’t have to stay in the constant state that you’re in. There's a whole other life awaiting you if you choose to accept what Christ has to offer. He is willing and He is waiting for you to choose Him. Let this book be your confirmation that He has already chosen you! Romans 8 states that you were pre-selected, pre-approved, and predestined.

So toxic relationships are the type of relationships I was innately attracted to in my life due to what I believed to be true about myself and also where I prioritized relationships in my life. I prioritized it above God, to put it quite plainly. I made it more important than myself. Don't get me wrong, I did get something out of those types of relationships; otherwise, there would be no reason to stay in them. Transactional attachments are also intertwined with these types of relationships. And I hear the Holy Spirit saying be careful of these unhealthy bonds. I can't speak for everyone who has struggled with codependency, but what I got out of them was a sense of worth and validation, which is extremely dangerous in the world that we live in. In a world that can be very dark and self-seeking, when you have this type of mindset and you equate it to having a big heart, you are setting yourself up for a cycle of abuse. Like, for real, for real, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position because of your big heart. Side note: having a big heart for people is not wrong within itself; it's the lack of boundaries, and when we don’t guard it against predators, we are open to being overtaken. God would never want you to put your precious jewels in the hands of another. God would never want you to take something so valuable and give it to those who would trample upon it. Even in the best of situations, it is dangerous to put your trust in men. But I did and created many idols and a false identity from this mindset.

These relationships are so dangerous because they will have you on a yo-yo string emotionally. With these types of relationships, you only feel as good as the other person makes you feel. That other person controls your emotional thermostat. That means that you have most likely attracted a controlling partner into your life because codependency is all about you giving your power away to someone else. Let me share my experience to bring it more into focus for you.

Relationship Idolatry

My first real adult relationship lasted eight years, and it was all the highs and lows of what an addiction to a love relationship looked like. My family dynamics consisted of alcohol addiction, constant abuse, constant arguments, and constant fighting, coming from both sides, and my children, who had to live through it as well, were greatly affected by it. Often, those in these relationships only recognize the emotional impact on their children when they seek help to improve their lives. Your kids may think it's normal to fight all the time if they see you doing it and can repeat the same patterns as you if these things are not dealt with. Not just through counseling, but spiritually dealt with.

I realized I was dysfunctional after the fact. I realized I was in survival mode. It was normal while I was in the situation. I was familiar with this type of dysfunction and learned to communicate in unhealthy ways. This relationship came between my relationship with God because I placed that relationship above him. I feel like I need to explore that last statement because this is an important part of freedom from idolatry. I was a churchgoing woman. I went to church on Sundays and did my thing throughout the week. But I had no genuine commitment to God. I was religious and living out my trauma. It was a pattern. What was deemed valuable in this world is what I wanted, even if it was an illusion and did not truly bring me happiness.

Church was essential to me, but not a relationship with God. Church replaced my relationship with God and, therefore, also became an idol in my life. I had no knowledge of who God was, nor was I aware that God does not approve of this type of dysfunction. Let me say it again: God does not co-sign on our dysfunction. That is not his original plan for the family. His original plan for love was outlined in Genesis when he said that it's not good that man should be alone, so I will make him a helpmate that is suitable, and they will be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth. Yes, the Bible has a lot of imperfect families, so dysfunction does not disqualify you! Nor should you hate your upbringing. If anything, learn from your family, love your family, and thank God for all that you’ve been given, good and bad, even in hard situations. For those of you who will read this and are not at that level to receive what I just said about family, give it time and prayer, and you will begin to see that everything happens for a reason, and it is ALWAYS meant to work out in your favor. But when the relationship dynamics in the family units are toxic, multiplication becomes subtraction, and God’s way is on the back burner. I am discussing this to shed light on the factors that made me vulnerable to deception in New Age and led me to the occult. So I am going somewhere with this. Many people are lured into New Age/witchcraft through toxic relationships and false worship of other gods. Remember, other gods are anything and anyone that you place in the place of God or that you refuse to give up in order to follow God. This even goes for the things that God does not allow in our lives. We know that these things cause us to choose between it and God. That is also idolatry because many times we’ll hold on to things that God is telling us to let go of because it's human nature.

In my first relationship, I spent a lot of time alone even though we were together, which affirmed for me the abandonment I felt my whole life. This relationship not only included abuse, addiction, and dysfunction but also heavy incarceration. I would go months without my spouse and would be in total agony because I missed him, and I had to raise my kids alone, hold down a job, and maintain some level of sanity. All the while being faithful and loyal, even though I was hurting. I had a lot of uncertainty, and I was heartbroken. Just like someone who is reading this book now and has made poor decisions in their life due to what was their norm or way of life. I am here to tell you that God is willing and wants to give you a new normal if you are ready. I know God is willing and able. You are not so far gone that he can’t reach his hand down and pull you up. No matter how society views God, he is more than able; he is more powerful than we sometimes realize. But he won’t force himself on us. I spent way too much time blaming him for my decisions and less time asking him to guide me out of my pit brought on by my own decisions. There’s no judgment here, but the first step, and one of the hardest steps, is admitting to our wrong decisions. I swear it's easier to blame someone or something. It's so easy, and it may soothe you, but it won’t change you. It may temporarily comfort you, but it won’t transform you!