Norse Mythology for Beginners: Discover the Exciting and Mysterious Myths and Sagas of the Nordic World From Edda & Co. - Viktor Kulas - Hörbuch

Norse Mythology for Beginners: Discover the Exciting and Mysterious Myths and Sagas of the Nordic World From Edda & Co. Hörbuch

Viktor Kulas

8,95 €

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Almost everyone is familiar with names like Thor and Loki from movies, comics and other corners of the media world today, but where do they come from? That's exactly what this book looks at. You'll dive for a while into the origins of these familiar names - Norse mythology. Thereby you can not only get an overview of the scientific sources, in order to investigate if necessary there afterwards still more exactly, than the things are spread out here, you wander besides for a short time by the mythological world, which was created in the pre-Christian time. You'll not only get to know its inhabitants, such as the Aesir and notable creatures like the Midgard Serpent, but also some of the central elements and myths that shape this world and have been told for generations. Dare to explore the different worlds of this ancient mythology, connected by the great World Tree.

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Zeit:1 Std. 0 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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