One Unity - Medusa Loveheart - E-Book

One Unity E-Book

Medusa Loveheart



This is the Second book by Medusa Loveheart about Dao Buddhism. This book covers the full Vision of the future for humanity and this planet. It is a one-of-a-kind vision that is strong enough to cover not just this planet but universe itself. The first book that was written by Medusa Loveheart about Dao Buddhism is: "The Proposal a new arrival: Dao Buddha" and it gives the foundation of Dao Buddhism and its view upon the world today. Third edition

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I like to dedicate this book to all species in existence today into eternity into infinity.


This book might just demolish the future perspective you have completely that said please do enjoy the reading.

Welcome back old friend. I see you returned from the wild. I assume you had a lot to process from the last book and yet you come visit me again. Bravo. Where were we… Oh yeah now I remember…


The New World Order

One Versa – One Planet – One Nation

Time as financial eco system

One Language

One Timeline – Year 0 again

One Law

We are all equally equipped with Heart and Brain

Dao Buddhism as foundation of total Normality Norm

True: Faith – Truth – Love – Equality - Coexistence


So, what does it mean and how does it work?


We live in an old world today and it is not working properly. The political climate is out of order and with all the different perspective on the world of today it is nearly impossible to achieve something greater of existence. We can control our future and control our planet if we just put our mind to it. We need to do a complete reset of the way we think today and embrace the possibilities of tomorrow. This step is the biggest step in human mankind. This is the true awakening happening, even if it does not happen directly it will happen over time. If this world is united, we will become more stronger and more powerful than you can ever imagine. We need to unite as one and still embrace our diversity to the fullest. We need to start managing our resources so that they last as long as possible and make sure we always have enough to take our next step. By doing this we will always have enough food for everyone and always have some where to live and always be able to direct our future in the best possible way there is. For hundreds of thousands of years, we have created our self without being aware about it. Now it’s time to take charge and gear our future in any way we like. It is a natural step to take. From here on it can go two ways. Either we end it all and screw up or we shape up and do something about it.

I think we both know what direction we would like to choose.

It’s time to shape up. Instead of being a leach that sucks the earth dry we must do a one hundred eighty grades turn and put a new mindset in our heads. It’s time we become this planet caretakers and protector. We must wake up and realize we are the number one predator on this planet and that it is our responsibility to make sure this planet never dies or last as long as possible.


This is about us taking the step to become a higher form of civilization.


We have bartered with goods for a long time now. First, we bartered with what we have, to get what we want then money came into the picture. Money solved a lot of hard issues with trading. It was not practical to trade with items when you not necessarily had what you needed to get what you wanted. And it was difficult to bring the correct item to the dealer to trade with what you wanted. Money solved all this and made commerce much easier. Money is a great invention for a period of time, but that time has now come to its end. Or at least closing into an end. Money now create a hinderance for us to move forward in great directions. In order for us to live in a world where we progress as smooth as possible, we need to live in a world where time is the currency we use. Because when we have time as currency, we control the amount by what we use over a whole planet. We plan and allocate resources after the whole population, and we make sure that we only use enough for us to have a great life. We will look at the planet as a resource and plan areas of each resource for us to use. We will plan so wildlife always exist in large enough areas over the world and we will provide areas for animal farming and vegetables farming enough for us to always have enough food to live a good and healthy life. We will allocate minerals and metals so that it lasts for us, and we can build as many houses as possible we like in the healthiest material. We plan city areas and nature areas so that we have our green planet forever. We join forces in research and use the healthiest electricity we can use, and we join the worlds forces in medicine to provide the most hi tech and modern healthcare we can possibly imagine. Without money we can start living a green and healthy life where cars run on electric power, and we put our focus to make electric driven cars as good as possible. We can start to manage continents after their nature and produce what they are great at. We can always choose the best alternative for nature when it comes to factory’s because money is no longer a factor. We can build the greatest cities in the universe both on height and width. But we can’t exhaust our resources. Everything has to be done with great control on resources. We have to be very clever and invest a lot of time into utilizing resources and make new ones. We must become experts in reusable resources and invest a lot of science into that. Which is not possible in a world of money? We would have a six-hour workday and twenty-four seven open so that everybody has a work to go to. We will re-educate our self with no problem in life so that we always can follow our heart. Food would be controlled on quota per week so that there is always enough for everyone. By keeping the world as one and distributing resources on the entire population we will have control over our resources. But we can’t stop there we have to expand out into space and start managing resources on other planets as well. We have lots of renewable resources on earth, but some are limited and will deplete. We must be careful with those ones and manage them to last long enough for us to take the next step. We must start think big soon before it’s too late.


But there is a long way to go for this to happen.

So how do we do it then.


Well, that’s where Dao Buddhism comes into the picture. It’s an ism that includes all, doesn’t exclude anyone. Dao Buddhism embraces evolution and sees the progress of change and it’s time to put things into history now. It’s time to put the main religions into history now. They have done good for us during our evolution but so much bad comes with it and its clear none of them has what it takes to bring this world further and unite us as we need. They do worse and have taken more lives than it brought good to this world. They should not be forgotten though we should be proud of our evolution, and we should study them with a yin and yang symbol on them in the future to see the opposites in them. Religions has fallen into history before, and it shall happen again. We can’t have all this different religions and views of life when they all mean the same but causes so much friction between us. They served a purpose once but are long obsolete. We must see the bigger picture now and accept that universe is part of us as well as we are part of universe. Looking at history religions has a dark shade. Hunting minorities just because they are different. Diversity is our greatest strength, and we should be proud over our differences. Just because we put our religion in history, we should not lose faith. Because faith is important, and we need it in our lives. But we put our faith in our self and our future to be and the afterlife that is so much bigger than a simple god. We must learn to be able to embrace eternity in a new way because there is no beginning and no end to this, we are just a small part of this beautiful universe and it’s there to be explored by us. We must become care takers of earth and explorers of universe.


It’s up to us to make it happen not to anyone else. No one will do it for us. It starts with you and me.


We must stop living in a lie. We must see the truth as it is and live by it. We live in an old world today based on values from religions made up thousands of years ago. We must end the old and start living in the new world. It’s not an end it’s a new beginning. The norms of today won’t exist tomorrow. Everything is already in place to make this happen. We have reached a point when it is time to take our next step. We have reached far into the information technology age and the next step isn’t physical but its mentally. This is a time for everyone to make a change, a change for the better. For the old people that hasn’t done much to help the earth. They have a chance to finally do something right. For the old it’s the hardest but this is an opportunity they can’t miss. There is no time to be selfish and feel sorry for yourself about all the changes but to be the bigger one and do it for our future. This is for our future; this is for our planet. This is the biggest step we have ever taken. This is bigger than you and me, it’s about humanity taking the step into eternity into infinity. This is about us taking the final step to become a higher form of civilization. This isn’t just a temporary change that will help us in the near future. It’s a change for eternity even for when we have left this planet for good. This is about making our species a part of universe for ever. There is no time to feel foolish or upset over that you haven’t seen the truth till now. Its evolution and this are the way things go. There will be millions of evolutionary steps if you just get a grip and make this step. Change is part of our nature, both big and small changes. Change is a natural state of nature and takes place during all of our existence, change has existed as long as universe itself and will always be.


The first book might have upset you, but it’s simply the truth as it is, and we have to move on from the old world and shape up majorly.


The people of today will have a new purpose and meaning to life. This future will expand this planet out in space and go on forever. This is a unique time we live in, a time where all the loose ends come together and starts a new beginning. A time where we really learn from our past and put thoughts into action. We set the rules for how ours and others civilization will evolve and what checkpoints to go through. We will amend evolutionary thinking and start a new era of how things will evolve. When this happens, we will start to have control over our own future, we will gear our own evolution in the direction we want. We will do it by taking many steps enough in order to reach our goal. This time it will be a whole planet aiming for the same direction in all areas and working together as one. It’s not like we will do the same things as everyone, but we will have a mindset that enhances us and strive to reach the goal. We will be able to plan every step we take in any direction we want. There will come times when the only option is to work as one, a situation we can’t handle with today’s world. We will stand before challenges that are out of proportion and we can overcome anything by working together and function as one unit. This is all in a distant future and we have plenty of time to reach that goal. We will start to invest time in our future evolutionary steps we take and will be able to make estimations on when the goals will be reached. The beauty of this is that we only have to take many steps enough in order to reach our goal. Then we will fulfil it and fine tune it and evolve that too. Of course, there will come new discovery’s that will change the course of our path, but we won’t have any problem adjusting to that. It’s only a question about time.



This is the way we must go in order to survive the future. We must take this step, in order to be able to continue to exist. Today we consume without any ideas how our future generation will manage to live and survive. We just use up all resources and don’t have our future generations in mind of how they will manage to live and continue to evolve. Today the way we live, this planets resources will deplete and vanish so our future generation will exceed to exist. We live a way of life that will end our and this planets existence prematurely. It’s an unresponsible way of life and very selfish mentality we have today. We simply can’t go on in this old mentality of living, we have to make drastically change in how we live in order for our future generations to stand a chance to survive. The way we live today will not only deplete our resources, but our wildlife will get extinct as well. Today massive of natural life get extinct and that’s only because we are careless and reckless about how we live. We need to save our diversity in nature and keep it as great as possible for our future to continue to spire. Our diversity is the key for our future evolution, and it is in great need of first aid as it is now, the fewer species there are left the poorer our evolution will become in the future. We won’t survive if we don’t come together and live as one planet united working together. We must be able to manage this planet as one living organism rather than the way of life today where we more remind us of the life of a parasite. We must become predators once again and live as this planet caretaker. In the future we will caretake many planets and become caretakers of universe. The way we are living today we are killing this planet, and it goes faster and faster. Today we are closer to 8 billion people on this planet, and we will grow fast. With this amount of people, the earth as we use to know it won’t live long. We can’t get on with the old way of life when our ever-growing population is getting massively bigger than it used to be. With this big population we must start managing the planets resources and plan its wildlife so it will last and be enough for all of us. This is a necessary change that we simply must choose in order to continue to exist. We can’t go on and live as we did when it was only 4 or 5 billion people on this planet. When we live as one planet united, we can start planning and manage life on it, so it flourishes and grow instead of shrinking and exceeds. We can plan our wildlife and look after it and make sure its regrowth’s where it needs to be regrown and make sure that it always big enough for our diversity to continue to exist and to evolve. We will be able to plan the areas of provision on this planet to always be enough for our entire population. By starting to plan our resources we will manage to expand and grow as planet as long as possible. We are closing in on an age where we will be exploring space and eventually populate other planet and it’s important that we treat this planet with great respect and care so that it lasts for future generations. Generations of today haven’t done much for future generations and that will be a great change for people of today. We have to start embracing generational thinking and evolutionary thinking. We must leave the old world behind us and start all over again from scratch with this evolutionary step. We will have year 0 again as the new world takes place and makes all the changes in the world of today.


People should be ashamed over the way they live today.


The change won’t happen over a night. It will take about 5-15 years to get everything in place once many people enough have come to the mind to live in the new world and many countries enough decided to join this venture. You see the whole world doesn’t need to join up for this to start to take change. Only many countries enough will do. The rest will come in time. But it is quite many countries that must gather up to be able to start the alteration. We will need to make sure we have all the basic foods and resources that we need for our population to be good to live. We will start to live in a mixed mood where we still have currency to trade with the old world and make it possible for tourists to come. Everything will be managed by quota of resources and food. We will always have enough for everyone and not just a minimum living but a good living and that is all possible with nature management. We will be able to set aside areas of land enough to make sure we all have a great living standard with enough animals and nature resources for us to live.

But we must be smart!

We shouldn’t just let a few come up with our quota system but let scientist all over the world work out the greatest system ever so that we have the very best to live with. In the future everyone competes in how to make things better for us and that’s something to get used to. Because we don’t have to worry about money, we only invest in the time it takes to implement the changes. One way to go is to have a plastic card with all the details for each and every one or even better use biometrical system with fingerprints or eye scanner. It’s just a matter of coming up with the very best solution for the people of earth to live by. In the beginning we will start to plan and prepare for the future way of life. Start planning areas of land for food and living, making plans for basic needs such as electricity, water, and waste management. We will have two systems going in the beginning as parallel to each other, one for the new free world and one for the old world. The old-world system is only for show but a necessity for us to coexist together. We will start cleansing the world from old polluting ways and step by step make things as environmentally friendly as possible. We will start populating electric cars completely and get rid of all the old cars, making sure there is electric chargers enough all over the world or in the beginning in all the countries that’s in this. We will invest a lot of time in science and how to make everything much better and always keep the environment as number one priority. We will plan our natural resources so that wildlife always has room to grow and flourish, making sure this will always be a green planet with fresh nature and great diversity. We will start to see a new planet and a new life come in place. We will start using more eco-friendly products and make waste management as healthy as possible. We will plan waste management after this planets capacity and make sure that it’s not going over the edge. We will raise the bar for eco-friendly resources and keep evolving it until it’s no longer a burden for our environment. We will have all these possibilities because of the new world and its financial system of time.

