Heinz Duthel

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LET'S HAVE A VIEW ON THE TAIWAN CRISIS. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell demands the EU should send warships to the Taiwan Strait. He also advocates the de facto separation of Taiwan from mainland China. WHAT IS BORRELL TRYING TO ACHIEVE WITH SUCH STATEMENTS? CAN EU WARSHIPS REALLY INTIMIDATE CHINA? The European Union's relevance with China is non existent. China controls Europe, Europe doesn't control China. China can shut down the European economy. Europe can't touch the Chinese economy. And the idea of European warships going to Taiwan is a it's a tragic joke because one there is no European fleet worthy of the name to if any European ships did make it to Taiwan, they would suffer the fate of you know shifts such as the Prince of Wales and the repulse. NATO hasn't mobilized at all. And so it's hard to even think about NATO, putting together a credible military force that could operate on the ground in Ukraine. The question has to come what force what German divisions are going to be sent to Ukraine? Does Germany have any divisions? What British divisions will be sent? We know they don't have any divisions. What French divisions will be sent? Now they've got enough problems as it is, is Italy going to send divisions NATO has divisions on paper. But when it comes time to turn these paper divisions into reality, NATO has nothing. They have a hard time getting tanks out of the barracks, they have a hard time maintaining equipment, they have no ammunition, their their manpower hasn't trained for this kind of fighting. Which NATO army is trained in Division size, core size, combined arms maneuver warfare, the answer is only one. That's the United States.

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The novel attracted a lot of attention and in the 2020s it had very large circulations, not only in Germany, which made it the bestseller of its time. For a time it was considered one of the most successful new publications in post-war literature. Editions of it also appeared in America, England, Canada, France, Italy and Spain.

EU Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell demands the EU should send warships to the Taiwan Strait

The idea that Joseph Borrell Europe's are going to send out flex muscle and intimidate China is a it's not even a joke. I mean, a joke has humor. This is just stupidity.

According to US media, the future us support for Ukraine depends largely on the success of Ukraine spring offensive. Is this really the case?

Or is the media here already preparing for a possible turning away of NATO from Ukraine?

I think this is the media tried to come to grips with the reality of what's unfolding in Ukraine today. I think it's a gross oversimplification of the US position. I think the you know, the United States has committed to a long term policy of supporting Ukraine. When it comes to Russia. You know, this policy is limited by reality. But I haven't heard any US government official come straight out and say that if Ukraine doesn't when it's counter offensive, the US will see support. This is immediate spin on this, what the US has said is that this may be Ukraine's last opportunity for meaningful military advances because the West is losing the capacity to continue to supply Ukraine with the military equipment that makes continued resistance possible so that Ukraine will be in a more difficult political position going forward. If it doesn't prevail. That's a more nuanced, you know, take than what the media is saying. The media, I think, is preparing its own audience for the inevitability of the Ukrainian defeat.

In France, the authorities have arrested two Neo Nazis who fought as mercenaries for Ukraine, they had brought a large number of weapons with them on their return. similar intentions have also become known among the German Neo Nazis from the third way, how do you access the danger of weapons from Ukraine fallen into the hands of extremist groups in the West?

Well, this has always been a problem.

Ukraine has for some time, enjoyed the reputation of being one of the most corrupt countries in Europe and indeed in the world. And this corruption extends across a broad spectrum of, of issues, including weapons. And then we turn around and we supply Ukraine with a seemingly infinite amount of weaponry with no accountability.

The United States, you know, was confronted by this by Senator Rand Paul, last spring when he said, we can't be giving $45 billion worth of military assistance without some sort of accounting mechanism in place, but the rest of Congress voted to override him and give this anyways, we now have an understanding that between 60 and 70% of the money in the material that's provided to Ukraine disappears into the pockets of people in an unaccounted fashion.

And when you have a Ukrainian government that has been hijacked by neo Nazi ideology, you know, ideologues, the supporters of Stefan Bandera, who have made common cause with criminal elements, racist neo Nazi elements, it's inevitable that the weaponry provided by the West will become a kind of currency that's used in the black market, where there is continued connectivity between Ukraine, the rest of Europe and indeed the world.

So this is this is a very big problem, both in terms of the weaponry and the people who are trafficking this, the Neo Nazis.

Look, the ideological progeny of Adolf Hitler should never be allowed to exist on Europe ever again. And yet they are thriving in Ukraine.

Let's have a view on the Taiwan crisis.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell demands the EU should send warships to the Taiwan Strait. He also advocates the de facto separation of Taiwan from mainland China.

What is Borrell trying to achieve with such statements? Can EU warships really intimidate China?

The European Union's relevance with China is non existent. China controls Europe, Europe doesn't control China. China can shut down the European economy. Europe can't touch the Chinese economy. And the idea of European warships going to Taiwan is a it's a tragic joke because one there is no European fleet worthy of the name to if any European ships did make it to Taiwan, they would suffer the fate of you know shifts such as the Prince of Wales and the repulse.

These are two British Navy ships during World War Two who were sunk by the Japanese? You know, off the near Singapore.

This would be the fate of a new European Union fleet that dared venture into the Pacific Europe has problems in Europe in its own backyard, the idea that Europe's are going to send out flex muscle and intimidate China is a it's not even a joke. I mean, a joke has humor. This is just stupidity.

The West's argumentation increasingly speaks of the confrontation of two blocks. On the one side, the NATO west on the other Russia, China and their allies. How do you see this? Are we heading for a new 1914 When two military blocks were engaged in a body World War?