Our Island Story Volume 1 - H. E. Marshall - Hörbuch

Our Island Story Volume 1 Hörbuch

H. E. Marshall

19,99 €

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Our Island Story is a remarkable history book. It tells the history of Britain from its legendary beginnings to the death of Queen Victoria, through the principal personalities. This means the kings and queens, of course, but also those adventurous and enterprising men and women who explored, defended, rebelled, innovated, took risks and made their mark on history. It was first published in 1905 and its Edwardian tone is unmistakable, yet it remains one of the most engaging historical introductions, even though myth is freely mixed with fact. Volume 1 covers St Alban, Boadicea, King Alfred, Canute, William the Conqueror, Thomas à Beckett, Richard the Lionheart and many more. It is a thrilling sequence of stories. It has recently been republished by Galore Park.

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Zeit:5 Std. 7 min

Sprecher:Anna Bentinck
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