Our Island Story Volume 3 - H. E. Marshall - Hörbuch

Our Island Story Volume 3 Hörbuch

H. E. Marshall

19,99 €

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Our Island Story is a remarkable history book. It tells the history of Britain from its legendary beginnings to the end of the 19th century through the principal political personalities. This volume covers three centuries and is basically the account of two families, The Stuarts, from James I to Charles II and the Hanoverians, from George I to the death of Queen Victoria. That period encompassed the Commonwealth, the loss of the American colonies, the Napoleonic Wars and the expansion of the British Empire. Among the featured stories are Oliver Cromwell, the Fire of London, Nelson and Wellington, Florence Nightingale, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. This is history at its most entertaining and engaging.

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Zeit:4 Std. 42 min

Sprecher:Anna Bentinck
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