Our Island Story Volume 2 - H. E. Marshall - Hörbuch

Our Island Story Volume 2 Hörbuch

H. E. Marshall

23,99 €

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Our Island Story is a remarkable history book. It tells the history of Britain from its legendary beginnings to the death of Queen Victoria through the principal personalities. This volume covers two of the major reigning families: The Plantagenets, with the strong figures of Edward III, Henry V, and the villainous Richard III; and the Tudors, with the equally dominant sovereigns, Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. Within the accounts of their reigns are stirring stories and events: the Wars of the Roses, the Princes in the Tower, the battles of Crécy and Agincourt and the six wives of Henry VIII. This is history at its most entertaining and engaging.

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Zeit:5 Std. 32 min

Sprecher:Anna Bentinck
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