Overcome Emotional Eating and Stop Cravings: Understand the Causes of Binge Eating and Food Cravings, Successfully Combat Eating Disorders and Find Your Way to Your Desired Weight and Better Health - Mario Waldecker - Hörbuch

Overcome Emotional Eating and Stop Cravings: Understand the Causes of Binge Eating and Food Cravings, Successfully Combat Eating Disorders and Find Your Way to Your Desired Weight and Better Health Hörbuch

Mario Waldecker



Food and emotions - you may be wondering what the connection is. It may not be immediately obvious to everyone, but for many people, emotions are closely linked to their eating behavior. Whether consciously or unconsciously, regular emotional eating often leads to a high level of suffering for those affected. Emotional eating usually manifests itself in the form of frustration or stress eating - in other words, eating is a way of compensating for a negative feeling. This can result in severe weight gain and eating disorders, which is why emotional eating should not be underestimated. Have you noticed signs of emotional eating in yourself or a relative? Then you've come to the right place. This guide aims to inform and educate you about the topic of emotional eating, because awareness is essential for change. Whether you are affected yourself or a relative, whether you suffer from uncontrollable binge eating or tend to eat too little - here you will learn how to assess and deal with your eating behavior. So read on and take the first step towards change.

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Zeit:1 Std. 2 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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