Point Me to Jesus - Tara McClary Reeves - E-Book

Point Me to Jesus E-Book

Tara McClary Reeves

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Scripture encourages adults to take an active role in discipling children, in making them students of Christ. Moms and dads, grandparents, and mentors are on the front line of helping the youngest to understand and trust God's Word.   In Point Me to Jesus, author Tara McClary Reeves equips grown-ups with 365 quick lessons to be shared with their children. Each day begins with a key verse from the Bible. Reeves then uses stories and insights to help build a Christian worldview around the topics of who Jesus is, why He came, how He lived, how He wants us to live and share His love with others, and more. Every reading concludes with a question for reflection and discussion.   Psalm 127:3 declares that children are a reward from the Lord. Steward these treasures from heaven as you grow together in God's Word and in passionate, obedient love for Jesus  

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“With depth and humor, Tara uses powerful stories and insights to help families understand God’s Word and grow in their love for Jesus.” Jill Kelly, speaker and New York Times best-selling author of Without a Word and Kelly Tough

“The Gibbs and Reeves families have walked much of life’s road together from the NFL to pediatric cancer and even Pee-Wee football where I had the pleasure of coaching Tara’s son Daniel. She has both the passion and skill to effectively communicate Bible truths in a manner that is accessible and relevant for the whole family. Point Me to Jesus can help all of us in our daily walk with the Lord.” Joe Gibbs, owner, Joe Gibbs Racing

“The world fights hard for the hearts and affections of our children. We hear the statistics of children who turn away from the faith as soon as they leave home. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Raising our children takes courage, strength, love, and intentionality. God shows us the way. Deuteronomy 6:7 says that we should, “Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” In essence, point them to Jesus constantly and consistently. Let all of life be all about Jesus. Tara’s book is a gift to parents who desire to guide their children into a love of God’s Word and a deeper faith.” Renee Robinson, author of Seeking Christmas: Finding the True Meaning Through Family Traditions

“Tara McClary Reeves points young readers to Jesus and gently teaches how to follow Him to enjoy the life He has planned. I’ve known the author since she was a little girl as she learned these truths from her devoted parents. With passion and creativity she communicates one significant truth: following Jesus is the best decision anyone can make. Many precious young hearts will learn to trust and lean on Jesus.” Dianne Barker, author, conference speaker, and radio host

BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC

Racine, Wisconsin, USA


POINT ME TO JESUS:Devotions for Parents and Children

Copyright © 2016 Tara McClary Reeves

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5094-4 (hardcover)

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5095-1 (e-book)

Published in association with the literary agency WTA Services LLC, Franklin, TN

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless noted otherwise, Scripture quotations are from the NIV, which are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®, copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2000; 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked MSG are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible, copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLV are taken from the New Life Version, copyright © 1969 by Christian Literature International. Scripture quotations marked NCV are taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NET are taken NET Bible® copyright ©1996–2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. http://netbible.com All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked GW are taken from the God’s Word®, copyright © 1995 by God’s Word to the Nations. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked CEV are taken from the Contemporary English Version, copyright © 1995 by the American Bible Society. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2003 by Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ICB are taken from the International Children’s Bible®, copyright © 1986, 1988, and 1999 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ERV are taken from the Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version, copyright © 2001 by World Bible Translation Center, Inc. and used by permission. Scripture quotations marked GNT are taken from the Good News Translation in Today’s English Version, second edition, copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by permission. For Scripture quotations, marks of emphasis in the text (italics) are the author’s and are not in the original text.

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January 1:Go Ahead, Make My Day

January 2:A Godly Growth Chart

January 3:Love Does

January 4:Beware of I

January 5:The War Room

January 6:Sniff Test

January 7:The Great Pretender

January 8:The Sign of the Cross

January 9:Semper Fidelis

January 10:Unstoppable Love

January 11:A Modern Day Parable

January 12:Regifting

January 13:WWJD?

January 14:Bubble Wrap

January 15:Respect Authority

January 16:Go Fish

January 17:Remember It’s Not about You

January 18:Hear Ye, Hear Ye

January 19:Picked for a Purpose

January 20:Empathy vs. Sympathy

January 21:Lean on Thee

January 22:Fruit Filled

January 23:Real “Selfie”

January 24:Mission Possible

January 25:Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

January 26:Face the Book

January 27:Free Build

January 28:The Simple Life

January 29:Dandelion Dilemma

January 30:Me, Myself, and You

January 31:No Other Option


February 1:Jesus Loves the Little Children

February 2:Know Pain, Know Gain

February 3:No “I” in Team

February 4:Follow the Yellow Brick Road

February 5:Light for a Dark World

February 6:Cheater in Church?

February 7:Rebirth Certificate

February 8:The Box

February 9:The Lamb’s Book of Life

February 10:Blue Light Special

February 11:To Tell the Truth

February 12:Beware of Self-Importance

February 13:Extreme Makeover

February 14:God’s Valentine

February 15:The Sun’s Bully

February 16:Word Power

February 17:The Real Superhero

February 18:Speak Life

February 19:The Hole in My Bucket

February 20:One Out of Ten

February 21:A Little Boy’s Lunch

February 22:The Leftovers

February 23:Life Is Not a Picnic

February 24:Soul Quencher

February 25:Supernatural Response

February 26:Choose Freedom

February 27:A Heart Ablaze

February 28:The Unexamined Life

February 29:The Cure for Stinkin’ Thinkin’


March 1:Don’t Run and Hide

March 2:As I Am

March 3:Loving “No”

March 4:The Widow’s Might

March 5:Poor Little Rich Ruler

March 6:Keeping Jesus in First Place

March 7:The Secret of Life

March 8:The Wilderness Way

March 9:What’s in a Name?

March 10:Seeing Jesus

March 11:Overstuffed

March 12:Your Serve

March 13:If the Crown Fits

March 14:Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo

March 15:Kai

March 16:F I D O

March 17:My Father’s Eyes

March 18:His Eye Is on the Sparrow

March 19:The Bible Is Not a Fairy Tale

March 20:Trashing God’s Name

March 21:Making Christ at Home

March 22:Making the Cut

March 23:911

March 24:Take Your Medicine

March 25:Dip Protector

March 26:Look and See

March 27:Jesus Never Leaves Me

March 28:Crossroads

March 29:Out of the Saltshaker

March 30:Trading My Wants for His Will

March 31:Remember His Raisin’


April 1:He Speaks

April 2:An Eye for Truth

April 3:Love in Action

April 4:Traveling Light

April 5:Prayer Works

April 6:Jesus, Friend of Sinners

April 7:From Rags to Riches

April 8:The Bright Side of Things

April 9:Strength for the Asking

April 10:“Maid” for a Mission

April 11:Buyer Beware

April 12:Habit Forming

April 13:Hearing and Heeding

April 14:Grasshopper Faith

April 15:Rock the Boat

April 16:Fix Your Eyes

April 17:Heavenly Nicknames

April 18:Trust Jesus for Plenty

April 19:The Blessing of “No”

April 20:Swim Buddy

April 21:Let It Go

April 22:Hard Knock Life Lessons

April 23:Freedom to Approach

April 24:Trust the Engineer

April 25:My Thanks for Giving

April 26:The Singer

April 27:Be a Barnabas

April 28:The Deal of a Lifetime

April 29:No Compromise

April 30:Children of the Light


May 1:Dress Code

May 2:Truth for the Traitor

May 3:A Recipe for Success

May 4:Use the Brakes

May 5:Include the Life of the Party

May 6:Say No Like Joe

May 7:Put in the Work

May 8:Trust the Facts

May 9:Ark of Rescue

May 10:Heaven

May 11:No Such Thing as Luck

May 12:My Prince Will Come

May 13:Becoming a Party Planner

May 14:Stop the Misery

May 15:He Sees

May 16:Waits Build Muscle

May 17:Train Your Eyes on the Real Deal

May 18:Room for Improvement

May 19:The Power Walk

May 20:I Am Potential

May 21:Guard Against False Advertisement

May 22:War!

May 23:Who’s the Boss?

May 24:Serve Others

May 25:Going Beyond

May 26:God’s Greater Purpose

May 27:Choosing to Forget

May 28:Soul Food

May 29:Thought Control

May 30:The Who

May 31:“At Ease” but Ready


June 1:I’ve Got the Power

June 2:Strength

June 3:Be Kind to Your Kin

June 4:Masterpiece in Progress

June 5:Go Pro

June 6:Keep Going

June 7:Honor Roll

June 8:Our White-water Guide

June 9:Blessings in Disguise

June 10:Choosing Fragrant Speech

June 11:No Buts

June 12:Difference Maker

June 13:Be Thankful

June 14:World Record Holder

June 15:Here Is God

June 16:Wolf Ready

June 17:Act with Compassion

June 18:Hot or Not?

June 19:Remember Christ’s Walk

June 20:Be Flexible

June 21:Night Light

June 22:Tin Man Testimony

June 23:A Clean Bill of Health

June 24:Clutter Free

June 25:Runaway Rescue

June 26:He Is Faithful

June 27:Follow Orders

June 28:An Antidote

June 29:Mine for Truth

June 30:Trust His Track Record


July 1:Let Actions Prove Faith

July 2:Quit Babbling

July 3:Seeing through the Smoke

July 4:Freedom

July 5:God Loves the Broken Ones

July 6:Garden Life

July 7:Just Say No

July 8:Walking on Sonshine

July 9:Needing Him

July 10:Jesus Saves

July 11:Follow the Leader

July 12:Giving What It Takes

July 13:A Masterpiece

July 14:Rejected

July 15:More Than They Thought

July 16:Install Guardrails

July 17:Multiplied Blessings

July 18:Cowboy Christianity

July 19:Hope in the Storm

July 20:Do Your Part

July 21:Don’t Cheat

July 22:Committed in All Things

July 23:The Bread of Life

July 24:Happy Homecoming

July 25:Focus in the Fog

July 26:Jesus Never Changes

July 27:The Living Lighthouse

July 28:In His Grip

July 29:It’s All Good in God

July 30:Singing in the Pain

July 31:He’s in the Inches


August 1:Use Time Wisely

August 2:Sweet-Sounding Harmony

August 3:Never Forget

August 4:The Gift of Joy

August 5:Casting Crowns

August 6:Gathering What He Gives

August 7:See Peace

August 8:My Precious

August 9:A Way Out

August 10:Say Nothing at All

August 11:Beware of Anger Danger

August 12:Chain Breaker

August 13:Stop Whining

August 14:There’s No Out-Giving God

August 15:Live Up to Your Name

August 16:Right-Side Up

August 17:I’m Loved beyond Measure

August 18:Caution: Fake Fruit

August 19:He Catches My Tears

August 20:It’s Okay to Ask

August 21:Clay in the Potter’s Hands

August 22:Faithful Travel Companion

August 23:Arsenic and God’s Grace

August 24:I’m Designed by God

August 25:Right Perspective

August 26:A Ready Help

August 27:Game Face

August 28:Pure-Eyed

August 29:Know What’s Praiseworthy

August 30:Loving Proof

August 31:Speak Where You Are


September 1:Eye Contact

September 2:Stick to the Sword

September 3:Inspected and Treated

September 4:Be Bold

September 5:Don’t Be a Chameleon

September 6:Be Patient and Kind

September 7:Walk Wisely

September 8:Flourishing

September 9:Flower Power

September 10:Be a Friend Shaper

September 11:Be My Guest

September 12:Stay Out of the Danger Zone

September 13:Heed the Warning Signals

September 14:Choosing Truth, Avoiding Consequences

September 15:The Myth of “Me Do It”

September 16:The Peril of Pride

September 17:His Beloved

September 18:Handing Over Hurts

September 19:Cross Training

September 20:Don’t Hide Your Cape

September 21:Leap of Faith

September 22:Trust the Loving Counselor

September 23:Don’t Be Lazy

September 24:Whispers of Hope

September 25:Spiritual Treasure

September 26:With Eyes of Faith

September 27:A Sinner Freed

September 28:Mark the Miracles

September 29:Be an Ambassador of Christ

September 30:Beware of Comparisons


October 1:Court Mediator

October 2:Interpret His Word Correctly

October 3:The Passover Lamb

October 4:Use What God Gives You

October 5:Treasure Is His to Give

October 6:King of Kindness

October 7:Doing What’s Right—Regardless

October 8:A Safe Supper

October 9:The Lion Tamer

October 10:Teach Friends There Is More Beyond

October 11:The Bible Is the Box Top

October 12:Quit the Blame Game

October 13:No Backtracking!

October 14:Search for the Good

October 15:Be Sincerely His

October 16:Care for God’s Creatures

October 17:What Goes Around Comes Around

October 18:It’s Okay to Cry

October 19:Eat in Moderation

October 20:Laughter

October 21:Flee and Pursue

October 22:Own Your Sins

October 23:Just Do It

October 24:All Ears

October 25:Be a Good Neighbor

October 26:Check Your Own Eyes

October 27:We Need to Turn

October 28:Be a Prayer Warrior

October 29:A Trustworthy Source

October 30:Plant Truth

October 31:Sweet Truth


November 1:Don’t Sit on a Wall of Pride

November 2:Perfect Power

November 3:Get Well Soon

November 4:Guard Against Loose Lips

November 5:Read the Directions

November 6:Prevent Wildfires

November 7:Don’t Go Stealing God’s Glory

November 8:Sure-Footed

November 9:Work in Partnership

November 10:Don’t Be a People Pleaser : Please God

November 11:Free to Fly

November 12:Be a Home Missionary

November 13:Be Willing to Take Advice

November 14:Rest in Him

November 15:Don’t Be a Fair-Weather Friend

November 16:Be a Young Hero

November 17:Stay in Bounds

November 18:Grow Up!

November 19:Don’t Lose That Lovin’ Feeling

November 20:A Heart Like His

November 21:Shout Your Love through Actions

November 22:Pardon to Paradise

November 23:Be Honest

November 24:Let Your Comfort Be Contagious

November 25:Anger Management

November 26:Glorify God with Your Grades

November 27:Resist Peer Pressure

November 28:Choose Joy

November 29:Gray Matters

November 30:Hope Floats


December 1:No Excuses

December 2:Steer Conversation

December 3:Fewer Toys

December 4:Cautious within the Crowd

December 5:Be the Right Kind of Foolish

December 6:Skid Control

December 7:Know What You Sow

December 8:Be a Super Friend

December 9:Have Faith

December 10:A Praying Life

December 11:Keep Knocking

December 12:His Presence among the Group

December 13:A Happy Meal

December 14:All In

December 15:I Must Live Untangled

December 16:Seeing His Will

December 17:Salvation Certainty

December 18:Be a Good Student

December 19:A Tale of Two Innkeepers

December 20:A Baby Changes Everything

December 21:Center Peace

December 22:The Gift

December 23:Rudolph, the Prodigal Reindeer

December 24:Spread Good News

December 25:Give Him Your Treasure

December 26:Amazing Faith

December 27:Listen to Your

December 28:The Purpose of Pruning

December 29:He Sinks Our Sins

December 30:Tomb Raider

December 31:Construction Will Be Completed


About the Author

For the three reasons I’ve written this book:

Caroline Fraley Reeves,

Daniel Cleburne Reeves, and

Harrison McClary Reeves.

This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

—Philippians 1:9–11



Go Ahead, Make My Day

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


Every creation has a creator. Our twins love to craft. Sometimes they design homemade cards. At other times they sculpt. Whatever it is they use their imaginations to construct, Caroline and Daniel know their ideas won’t just appear and tape themselves to our refrigerator door. They first require work.

But amazingly, just by His word, our awesome Creator brought into existence all the planets, the sky, the stars, the oceans, the galaxies, the seahorse, the platypus, grapes, puppies, kittens, watermelons, the moon, the sun, rainbows, coconuts, hummingbirds, the firefly, moose, hamsters, mountains, roses, starfish, Adam and Eve, and night and day. God made everything in six days, and He did it without a supply box.

In the New Testament, we are reminded that Jesus, who is God, was right there calling time and matter into being in creation week. John 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Without Jesus, the Bible says, nothing was made that has been made (v. 3). That includes you, who He fashioned in His own image.

Jesus literally made your day when He first selected your birth date and then laid out the days of the week. By putting your trust in Him, you will, in a sense, make His day too.

Why do you think Jesus made you and wants to be your Savior?


A Godly Growth Chart

Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature,

and in favor with God and men.


We have a giraffe in our house. No, not a real giraffe, but a painting of the tallest animal in the jungle hanging upstairs. What makes this mammal so special to me are the little marks and dates I’ve made up his long neck. It’s a growth chart, tracking my children’s height over the years.

At one time, Jesus was a child like you. His growth chart of sorts is found in Luke 2:52, which tells us He grew taller and wiser, loving both God and other people well. He grew mentally by studying and memorizing Bible verses and praying. Physically, He became tall and strong. Perhaps He did that by eating the healthy foods prepared, instead of chips and cookies. Spiritually, He made wise choices in what He watched, listened to, in what He did, and where He walked. Socially, He was friendly with everyone, but was careful about who He called His friend.

God’s Word says, “Jesus kept increasing” in all these things. That means He never got tired of listening and learning. He had a teachable spirit. When He was twelve, we’re told that one day, Mary and Joseph found Jesus “sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions” (Luke 2:46). That’s where He chose to be. Make a commitment to monitor your “growth” by seeking to follow the example of Jesus.

What is something you can do to grow more like Jesus?


Love Does

“To obey is better than sacrifice.”

1 SAMUEL 15:22

I asked my children, Caroline and Daniel, to clean the playroom. It was a big job. LEGO® sets, dollies, and trains were scattered everywhere. But they said, “Yes, ma’am.” Upon my return, I got quite a surprise. Sitting in their little chairs around the wooden craft table, still surrounded by all the toys I’d requested they tidy up, my twins were beaming, each holding up beautiful artwork. “Look what we made for you, Mommy!” Not wanting to break their spirits, I sat next to them and let them explain each detail of their masterpiece. However, I knew I had to address their disobedience. “Mommy loves your drawings,” I replied, “but my heart is sad.” I explained that their pictures would have meant so much more to me had they first obeyed what I had asked them to do and cleaned the room.

Many times, we justify our decisions based on the same reasoning my children used to postpone their obedience. We know what the Lord has instructed us to do. But we translate His instructions into: This feels more comfortable. Maybe He will like this better. Jesus honored His Father through His obedience (John 6:38). Our goal should be the same. Anything else is just a disobedient heart drawn on pretty paper.

Discuss a time in your life when God clearly instructed you to do one thing, but you chose another. What happened as a result of your choice?


Beware of I

“If you love me, obey my commandments.”

JOHN 14:15 NLT

In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Veruca Salt is a spoiled brat who thinks of no one but herself. She is disrespectful to her parents, even shoving and hitting her father. Veruca’s final scene in the movie takes place in the Golden Egg Room, where she wants her father to buy her a goose that lays golden eggs. “I want it now, Daddy!” she demands. With his checkbook in hand, Veruca’s father ignores Willy Wonka’s claim that none of the geese are for sale. When Veruca doesn’t get what she wants, she goes wild, tearing up the room and ruining the Oompa-Loompas’ work. Her tantrum ends with her disappearance down a chute into the furnace holding room.

Veruca’s actions show us what sin can look like. Sin is a little word with a big I in the middle, and its side effects are serious. When we are unkind and disrespectful to our parents and others, God is never pleased. When we sin, we are being disrespectful to God as well.

Obedience is one of the surest ways to show God that we love Him. When He says, “Be kind to one another” (Ephesians 4:32 ESV), He means that we should love those around us and not demand our own way. Doing what God says reveals how much we love Him.

Recall a time you made a choice to show God how much you loved Him by doing what He said.


The War Room

“But you, when you pray, go into your room.”


Upon his election as prime minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill entered the Cabinet Room and declared, “This is the room from which I will direct the war.” The Cabinet Room eventually expanded into other rooms in the basement of Whitehall and became the brain center of operations during World War II. These rooms were in use twenty-four hours a day. Leading government officials, top military experts, and Prime Minister Churchill met here in what became known as Churchill’s “war rooms.” For six years a light shone in the room, which housed the maps. Because of the highly sensitive nature of the business addressed in these rooms, they were off limits to the public.

In Matthew 6:6, Jesus teaches us the importance of establishing our own “war room.” Though He was not talking about a room from which we direct a war, He encouraged us to find a special, quiet place where we can talk to God so He can direct us. When we come humbly before Him, wanting to follow God’s plan, instead of our own, victory is certain.

Where is your war room, and what concerns do you want to bring to God right now?


Sniff Test

We are the aroma of Christ.


Just south of the Balkan Mountains is a valley famous for growing roses. During May and June, the scent is incredibly sweet and strong. Even if you’re only in the garden for a brief period of time, for the rest of the day everyone will know where you’ve been. You carry the fragrance of the garden along with you.

In the fourth chapter of Acts, Peter and John stand before an extremely powerful, educated group of men called the Sanhedrin. (They were kind of like our modern-day Supreme Court.) Peter and John had spent three years in Jesus’ presence and those observing them that day noticed hints of Jesus’ teachings and ways evident in the two men who stood trial. Peter and John had experienced the forgiveness of their sins through Jesus’ death on the cross. They’d witnessed His empty tomb and been challenged by Jesus in person after He’d risen from the dead. This made Peter and John unstoppable in their desire to make the living Christ known. Though Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times the night before Jesus died on the cross, there was no denying Him now.

God’s Holy Spirit, who lived inside these friends of Jesus, helped them boldly witness in front of this very intimidating audience. And “when [the Sanhedrin] saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

What is the fragrance others encounter after you are with them?


The Great Pretender

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’

will enter the kingdom of heaven.”


Tony Evans shares a story about a bodybuilder visiting a tribe in Africa.1 Blown away by his guest’s muscular body, the tribe’s chief asked, “What do you do with all those muscles?” The man replied, “Well, it’s probably easier to show you than explain.” Immediately, the bodybuilder went into different poses, showcasing his triceps, biceps, obliques, quadriceps, and back. Afterwards, the tribal chief exclaimed, “Wow! Impressive. But what else do you do with all those muscles?” The bodybuilder admitted, “Well, that’s pretty much it. I work out to pose.” Shaking his head in dismay, the chieftain said, “What a waste.”

How many of us are like this bodybuilder? We attend church, try to keep the Ten Commandments, go to Sunday school or Bible study, pray, and may even have been baptized. We work out spiritually to look good in the eyes of others. Yet, we’re just posers. Life isn’t about who’s looking at us, but who we’re looking to for strength and guidance. When we have a real relationship with Jesus, it creates a longing to stay close to Him, to believe what He says in the Bible, and to trust in His power to change us. We won’t be content to just look good on the outside. We will want to be the real deal inside and out, not posers.

Share a time when you chose to please others instead of choosing to please God.

1 Tony Evans. Tony Evans’ Book of Illustrations (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2009).


The Sign of the Cross

Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets,

he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures

the things concerning himself.

LUKE 24:27 ESV

My parents wisely taught me the dangers of reading horoscopes, playing with Ouija boards, and visiting fortune tellers. I’ll never forget being asked in middle school, “What’s your sign?” Because my parents had been so careful to guard my sister and me against negative spiritual influences, I had no idea what my friends at the lunch table were talking about. On the way home, I asked my mom. She told me about the zodiac symbols and how the only focus of our faith should be the Lord Jesus Christ. She replied, “You tell them tomorrow that your sign is the cross!”

Jesus never used any teaching other than the Word of God, the Bible, when He talked about faith. We shouldn’t either. The Bible is our source of truth for all situations.

I’ve always been amazed how close the horoscopes are placed near the comics in a newspaper. My parents taught me to fold the paper so I couldn’t see them, so I wouldn’t even be tempted to read anything that didn’t line up with God’s truth. The enemy is persistent and we are powerless to fight him in our own strength. First Corinthians 15:57 reminds us we don’t have to: “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Name a specific way you can be more careful today to avoid doing something that goes against God’s truth.


Semper Fidelis

“I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished

the work which You have given Me to do.”


As you grow up, at times you may feel stressed out because it seems you don’t have enough time to do what you feel you were put on this earth to do. It helps to remember just how much we can accomplish when we make the most of the hours God gives us. Jesus was thirty when He began His ministry on earth and thirty-three when He went to the cross. For three years He was completely faithful to the mission His Father gave Him. He accomplished everything His Father asked.

My father is a marine. “Semper Fidelis” is the Marine Corps’ motto. It’s Latin for “always faithful.” The wedding ring I placed on my husband’s finger is engraved with those same words. “Semper Fidelis” reminds me that no matter what gets in my way, tempts me, distracts me, or threatens disaster, nothing should take my eyes off the mission God’s given me—to live for Jesus. Time is short. I need to live with focus.

If you get married when you grow up, being faithful means not flirting with anyone other than your spouse. At home, it means honoring your parents’ authority and responding to them with respect. At school, it means obeying the rules and completing your assignments. With your friends, it means making good and loving choices in your relationships. A life “always faithful” to the Lord has enough time to accomplish His purposes.

What does it mean for you to be Semper Fidelis, always faithful, to God?


Unstoppable Love

Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me

all the days of my life.


Jennifer Wilbanks went missing four days before her wedding, leaving her engagement ring behind. Three days later, Jennifer called her fiancé, John Mason, and said she’d been kidnapped, but was safe. Police soon learned Jennifer’s story was a lie to avoid her wedding. After Jennifer’s return, John knelt down and slipped the same ring onto her finger for the second time. The depth of this guy’s love for his fiancée may seem crazy considering what she did, but it reminds me of Jesus’ radical love for us.

Though John was willing to forgive his runaway fiancée, Jennifer rejected his love. “I don’t want to give myself to John until I feel like I’m the right person for him,” Jennifer said in an interview, “and right now, I don’t.” She felt she didn’t deserve his love.

Many people hear about Jesus’ wide-open arms of acceptance and sincere invitation to accept His love, but they think they’ve done too many bad things. So they reject His proposal. They’ve missed the point. Jesus chases after us in spite of ourselves. He knows the only way we can be forgiven and enjoy the loving-kindness of God is through Him. Salvation’s not about what we’ve done for Jesus. It’s about accepting what He’s done for us: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

What is one way God shows his love for you?


A Modern Day Parable

While a large crowd was gathering and people

were coming to Jesus from town after town,

he told this parable.

LUKE 8:4

The Good Samaritan. The Prodigal Son. The Good Shepherd. Jesus often taught in parables, which are earthly stories with a heavenly lesson. Many times my mom would encourage us with her own parables of truth. One was about our dog, Fancy.

My mother and father love animals—especially dogs. For seventeen years, they had a little mutt named Fancy who knew to sit on command. One day, after my father spoke at a church, my dad walked across the road with the pastor. Fancy followed behind. Once across, Fancy looked back and saw my mom on the other side of the road, talking to some ladies. Mom could tell Fancy was thinking about dashing toward her and she feared she’d get hit by a passing car. “Sit, Fancy!” she yelled across the street. Fancy sat. Fancy’s disciplined response saved that adorable dog’s life.

Each of us is a little like Fancy, running through life, unaware of the dangers around us. Often it takes an automatic, disciplined response to God’s Word to avoid trouble. Just as Fancy knew to sit because she was familiar with the command, we can know what is right, and obey it faithfully, the more familiar we are with God’s Word. Whatever God asks of us in Scripture, we can be sure it is for our good.

What Bible truths have you learned that can help keep you out of trouble?



He said to them, “Go into all the world

and preach the gospel to all creation.”

MARK 16:15

Regifting is passing a gift we’ve been given on to someone else. Seldom do people regift a treasured item of great value. Yet, our Lord commands us to be “regifters” by telling others that forgiveness cannot be earned. It’s free, thanks to Jesus. What’s more, no matter how many times we give this gift away, we never have any less to keep for ourselves.

The Bible tells us that Saul (whose Greek name was Paul) became a chronic regifter after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. He stopped killing those associated with Christ and began preaching to the public that life is only found in a relationship with Him. Paul’s desire for others to know Jesus was unstoppable, because he’d experienced firsthand God’s radical love for him. He knew he’d been spared a life of eternal separation from a living and loving God. Paul was willing to walk, run, and sail thousands of miles because of his conviction about the life-changing message of the good news of Jesus Christ. He confidently proclaimed, “The gospel … is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16 ESV).

Jesus paid the ultimate price for us to have the greatest gift of all. Salvation’s too big for any box, but telling others how the power of Christ’s love can change their life, and eternity, is the only present truly worthy of regifting.

Who are you willing to share the greatest gift with today?



“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites,

for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and

on the street corners to be seen by others.”


As the vain queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs calls out to the mirror to see who is the fairest of them all, she expects to see her own image, because she thinks of herself as the most important, beautiful person in the kingdom. Sadly, our culture often encourages us to view the face we see in the mirror as the center of everything too. But it’s the Lord who should be the center of our attention—even when it comes to prayer.

Prayer isn’t about placing attention on ourselves, listing our wants, and talking about our desires. It’s about focusing on the character of God. The disciples themselves witnessed the difference between the showy prayer lives of the religious leaders of their day (who loved nothing more than keeping attention focused on themselves) and how Jesus prayed. So the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray as He did. Jesus responded by shining the spotlight on the holiness of God: “When you pray, say this: Father, let your name be kept holy” (Luke 11:2 GW).

God is holy and hates sin, including our selfishness. So let’s challenge ourselves to see if we can stamp “Holy be Your name” on everything we do, from choosing TV shows and music to being careful about the way we treat His name.

Without praying to get it over with, to impress Mom, or to submit your list of wants, pick out something you love about God, and then thank Him for who He is.


Bubble Wrap

“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father,

and you are in me, and I am in you.”

JOHN 14:20

When my son decided to play football, I purchased every imaginable piece of safety equipment. I bought so much that when the cashier at Dick’s Sporting Goods looked at my overflowing buggy, she stated matter-of-factly, “Honey, you’re in the wrong store. I think you meant to visit Lowe’s. We don’t sell Bubble Wrap® here!”

She called me out. I just wanted to make sure my son was safe from all possible injury.

Safety and security seem incredibly important as we seek to live the best lives possible, but ultimately, our well-being rests in the hands of the Lord. To help us remember that truth, Bible teacher Denise Glenn suggests illustrating John 14:20 by drawing four circles, one inside the other.2 Label the largest circle God, the second circle Jesus, the third circle me, and the fourth circle Jesus. As you look at your drawing, you can rest assured knowing that when you become God’s child by inviting Jesus into your heart, you are protected on all sides. He’s on the inside of us and on the outside of us. No matter what life throws at us, we are safe within the “Bubble Wrap” of His love.

How do you feel, knowing that God is protecting you inside and out?

2 Denise Glenn, Wisdom for Mothers (Houston, TX: Kardo International Ministries, 2004), 60.


Respect Authority

“Honor your father and mother…

that it may go well with you.”


With long hair, big muscles, and a name meaning “sun child,”3 Samson was a star from the moment of his miraculous birth announcement. For years, though, Samson got so caught up in his looks and abilities that he failed to make wise choices. The brightness of the future God planned for Samson was dimmed by selfishness and foolishness. His sad downfall began with his decision to dishonor his parents.

Samson hid things from his mom and dad (Judges 14:6). When he did speak to them, his tone was rude, demanding, manipulative, and disrespectful (Judges 14:2). The way Samson responded to their authority reflected what he thought about God’s authority. Both Samson’s ministry and life were cut short, because he didn’t want to answer to anyone.

God placed people in authority over you to help you learn how to make wise decisions and avoid bad ones. Since Jesus instructs you to honor your parents, you must choose not to pout when disciplined or resist directions from them. Never plug your ears with your fingers and stomp off when they give you an answer you don’t like. Instead, remember God gave you parents to help guide and protect you. By honoring them, you honor Jesus.

What specific things can you do to honor your parents and please Jesus?

3 SHEKNOWS BabyHold, http://babynames.allparenting.com/list/Hebrew_Baby_Names/Samson/details/.


Go Fish

He said to them, “Follow me,

and I will make you fishers of men.”


The twins and I went fishing the other day. With every fish we reeled in, Daniel kept asking me to remove it from the hook for him. “Daniel,” I stated, “one day you may be somebody’s daddy. You’ll be responsible for showing him how to do this. What are you going to do?”

“We just won’t go fishing,” Daniel replied.

Unlike my son, the first four men Jesus called into ministry with Him were career fishermen. Matthew 4:20 reports their response to His call: “At once they left their nets and followed Him.” I think it’s interesting that the Bible points out how quickly they were ready to obey. It also mentions what they left behind—their nets.

“Nets” like worry, fear of failure, or fear of what others will think are all examples of obstacles to following Christ. But Jesus desires our willingness to leave our “nets,” trusting that our futures and the catch are up to the Holy Spirit. He wants us to step away from our concerns in order to become fishers of men. That means we’re ready to share with anyone we meet that God loves them so much that He sent Jesus to take their place on the cross. The punishment our sins deserve was placed on Him. Once we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, refusing to fish is not an option.

Talk about any “nets” that keep you from sharing about Jesus with others.


Remember It’s Not about You

We don’t tell people about ourselves.

But we tell people that Jesus Christ is Lord.


While Paul was teaching daily about the cross of Christ, false teachers were spreading their own theories about how to get to know God. They enjoyed having the attention of the crowd—whether there was any truth to what they said about spiritual matters or not.

Their tendency to favor being the center of attention, over knowing and proclaiming truth, was not a problem confined to their time. In the 1800s, a gentleman visiting London heard some great teaching from the most gifted preachers of the day. When he got home, he told his wife about the two services he attended. On Sunday morning, he’d heard Dr. Lewis. That evening he’d listened to Charles Spurgeon. “Darling,” he recounted, “I was impressed with them both. Dr. Lewis is a great preacher, but Mr. Spurgeon has a great Savior.”4 The man recognized that only one preacher had focused his message on Jesus. The other had done little more than draw attention to his own public speaking abilities.

Our culture encourages us to spend lots of time discussing empty topics that don’t lead anyone closer to Christ. But one purpose God has for you is to share with others how great God is, to tell people the gospel truth about Jesus. Life really isn’t all about you.

What have you taught others about Jesus?

4 Ron Hutchcraft, “The Only Impression that Matters,” Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, https://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/the-only-impression-that-matters-5982.


Hear Ye, Hear Ye

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,

and they follow Me.”


The story is told of a Native American man who walked alongside a stock broker in New York City. He stopped abruptly and said to the broker, “Listen, I hear a cricket.” The city dweller laughed and said, “In the middle of this busy city and afternoon traffic? You have got to be kidding.” The Native American man bent down and turned over a clump of debris next to a building. Sure enough, there was a cricket. Then he stood up, took a handful of coins from his pocket, and dropped them on the ground. People in both directions stopped and started looking for the money. The wise man said, “See, it all depends on what you are trained to hear.”

We too are faced with the daily question: To what will we tune our ears? Will we listen for tips on how to be popular? Follow advice on getting wealthy? Or will we zero in on the beautiful sound of God’s voice as He calls us to live for Him? Jesus tells us we can know His voice through His written love letter to us, the Bible. If you read God’s Word and obey what He says, you pass the hearing test. You are tuned into the right thing.

Pay attention to what you listen to today. Then, before bedtime, share what voices you heard most clearly.


Picked for a Purpose

Christian brothers,

we know God loves you and

that He has chosen you.


Caroline ran toward me after tennis camp, beaming ear to ear. I hugged her and asked, “What was the kindest thing anybody said to you today?” “Mommy, one of the other players pointed to me and said, ‘I want her on my side.’” As we drove the short distance between the tennis club and home, I thought about the joy we give the Lord when we delight in “being on His side.”

Colossians 3:12 declares, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Like this verse says, Jesus has chosen us to be on His squad and He’s given us a uniform!

We show others we are on God’s team by the kind words we say to them, the thoughtful things we do for them, the caring hug we provide at just the right time, and the forgiveness we offer, even when it’s not deserved. Remember, no matter how difficult the challenges are in life or how lonely we may feel, Jesus is with us and has placed us on His winning team.

What does it mean to you to know the Lord has chosen you to be on His side?


Empathy vs. Sympathy

Since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered,

He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.


As I waited for the nurse to call my son Daniel’s name, the exit door was held open for a mom pushing her son in his wheelchair. His skin was extremely pale. It seemed like it took all the energy he had just to draw his breath. His mother looked as if she needed the wheelchair as much as her son did. I felt an emotional bond with her that came as a result of sharing familiar, sad experiences. I smiled at another momma with a child battling cancer. I didn’t have sympathy, a feeling of sorrow for her; I had empathy. I truly shared her grief, because I walked a similar path.

A vast difference stretches between sympathy and empathy. Both are based on compassion and imply genuine concern for another. But with empathy, you feel the weight of what the other person is enduring, because you’ve been through it, or something like it, yourself.

Daily, we face pressures in life. Many are in the form of desires that go against God’s will. Giving into those urges is sin. Jesus was tempted, yet He never sinned. On the other hand, because the Lord knows firsthand what it’s like to be tempted to lie, to cheat, and to disobey, He can empathize with us in our struggles. And since He resisted temptation and chose to do the right thing, we can too.

How can you empathize with someone who doesn’t know Jesus?


Lean on Thee

“The eternal God is your refuge,

and his everlasting arms are under you.”


When my children were close to walking on their own, they leaned heavily on me for balance. They’d hold onto my arm for stability, and I would lead them. Eventually, Caroline, Daniel, and Harrison each built up confidence enough to balance themselves and walk confidently across the room. But when it comes to their spiritual lives, I pray they’ll never stop leaning on the Lord and the biblical truths their dad and I have taught.

In his book on the life of King David, Chuck Swindoll explains that every person is “built to be a leaner.”5 But he warns about the danger of leaning on other people, other things, or even ourselves, rather than the Lord. In Proverbs 3:5–6, God’s Word reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (NKJV). When we are small, we naturally and rightly lean on our parents. As we grow, however, we must learn to lean on the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s the only Friend who will never fail us or let us fall.

What is one way you can “lean” on the Lord?

5 Charles R. Swindoll, A Man of Passion & Destiny: David (Nashville, TN: W Publishing Group, 1997), 70.


Fruit Filled

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.


Have you ever noticed how several days of bad weather or hearing negative stories on the news can make people cranky? Have you watched a friend’s attitude sour when she feels like she’s having a bad hair day? It’s easy to let minor things push us toward feeling anxious or blue. That’s a big problem, because life is full of opportunities that hold the potential to bring out our worst.

Sometimes, life hurts and everything seems to be falling apart. Psalm 75:3 says, “When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm” (NLT). God doesn’t say if the earthquakes come or if people will go through days of confusion. He says when they do. Why? Because of Adam’s sin we live in a broken world. But Jesus is our hope: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

In Ephesians 5:18, Paul reminds Christians to “be filled with the Spirit.” That means instead of focusing on the negative, we should ask Jesus to fill us with the good things that come from His Spirit. As Christians, we can pray that the Holy Spirit will flow through us even when we are shaken by the annoyances of this world, allowing His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to characterize us.

Would you rather be surrounded by people living by the Spirit or living in anxiety? Why?


Real “Selfie”

Then Jesus declared, “I,

the one speaking to you—I am he.”

JOHN 4:26

Recently, Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year was selfie, defined as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.” It’s part of God’s plan that Jesus walked the earth before cell phones. Can you imagine the chaos of all those people wanting to pose for a “selfie” with Jesus?

I’ve been to events where celebrities were present. Often, few people really want to talk to them; they’d rather have a picture taken with them so they can publicize their encounter. What would have happened if the woman at the well had a camera? She might have missed Jesus’ message—God in the flesh—as He looked into her soul. Thankfully, because she focused on Him, she left that face-to-face encounter a transformed woman, a child of God.

When I choose to let my self-centeredness, self-pity, self-promotion, or self-reliance distract me from focusing on the One who loves me most and has the best in store for my life, I am being selfish. That “selfie” attitude inevitably leads to restlessness, frustration, fear, insecurity, and discouragement—giving ugly snapshots of what’s going on in my heart. However, when I make time to really talk to Jesus and to read His Word, my focus changes. I stop caring so much about me, and I start honoring Him for who He is. Now, that’s a picture worth posting.

What is one thing you can do to help you focus on Jesus this week?


Mission Possible

“All things are possible with God.”

MARK 10:27

When Nehemiah received word that the walls surrounding his homeland were in ruins and that his people were in trouble, he was surely tempted to think that trying to do anything about it would prove an impossible mission. But Nehemiah fasted and prayed. He knew Israel’s only hope was in the Lord’s help, and in his own willingness to follow God’s orders as His faithful servant.

A few days later, Nehemiah was in the presence of the Persian king. Nehemiah served as his cupbearer, someone who tasted the king’s food and drink before he ate to make certain one of his enemies hadn’t tried to poison him. When the king noticed Nehemiah’s sadness, he wanted to know what was wrong. So Nehemiah explained his concerns and said he wanted to help. “Then, go,” the king commanded, sending Nehemiah to Judea with royal requests for protection and building supplies.

Nehemiah journeyed to Jerusalem and—incredibly—he led the inhabitants there to rebuild the wall in only fifty-two days! The mission was accomplished so well, in fact, that Nehemiah’s enemies, who’d bullied workers during their rebuilding project, were “frightened and humiliated” when they saw what the Lord had done through His people (Nehemiah 6:16 NLT).