Prayers That Annihilate the Enemy Volume 1 - LaChaun Strong - E-Book

Prayers That Annihilate the Enemy Volume 1 E-Book

LaChaun Strong

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Apostle LaChaun Strong is a servant after Gods’ own heart that is truly an end time mouthpiece for the Father. She is affectionally known as “An Apostolic Midwife” and with out fear or precedence boldly walks as such. God has given her a very unique anointing to push, birth, induce spiritual labor, turn spiritually breached babies around towards divine alignment and to bring deliverance to many broken souls all across the world.
Apostle Strong is a hands on leader that patiently serve those that are in need of deliverance from any form of demonic oppression and possession.  Prayer, casting out demons, healing the sick and raising the dead in Jesus Christ’s name are her strongest mantels and mandate in the earth.

In this book Apostle Strong releases and annihilates demonic plans, strategies and counsel through warfare prayers for the Body, Mind, Spirit and Soul both spiritually and naturally.  

Words From:  Apostle Strong:  If you remain forever at the feet of Jesus Christ. You will not be distracted by anything or anyone that the adversary satan sends to take your focus off of the Father.  I'm forever at his feet.

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LaChaun Strong

Prayers that Annihilate the Enemy |Volume 1

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2023 by LaChaun Strong

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by BooxAi

ISBN: 978-965-578-557-9








1. Let’s Go!

2. Hitting the target

3. Preparing the Atmosphere Before Intercession | Tilling the ground.

4. Praying for those in Leadership

5. Praying Through Fear

6. Prayers Against the Spirit of Unbelief

7. Prayers Against Mind Blockage

8. Spirit of the Octopus

9. Covering the Gates of the Mind

10. Body of Christ

11. Physical body

12. Holy Spirit

13. Bonus Prayers


Forward: By Tony Anthony Strong

“When you’re destined for...” These words acknowledge some of the beautiful things that the author of this book has done. She also happens to be my lovely wife, Apostle Lachaun Strong. Since the day I met her, she has always been driven to bring much-needed change to this world.

We met over a phone call. I was looking for construction shoring equipment that I needed to complete a project. I had no idea I was speaking to the love of my life. There was something special about her. From the first time I called her office, she treated me like a repeat customer by doing whatever she could to help me meet my deadline. She stayed in contact with me until the problem was resolved. I could hear something special in her voice, so I asked if we could meet. And, of course, at first, she said no, but eventually, she agreed.

Making that phone call was one of the best decisions of my life. God brought me a rare jewel—an intercessor and a servant of God—for which I am extremely grateful. I’ve never met someone like her who loves Jesus like she does. From the first time I met her in person, we formed an immediate bond, and the rest is our history. I knew she was “the one” to take to meet Mama. I wanted a wife. I wanted a prayer warrior and someone who loved me unconditionally.

Knowing my wife has caused me to mature, grow, and heal in areas in which I didn’t know I needed healing. She is an encourager, a motivator, and a fighter. I love that she refuses to give up and allows the enemy to defeat her. My wife’s spirit is her destiny all by itself. She is God’s gift to the body of Christ as a strong intercessor and prayer warrior. I hear her pray and cry to God for the people morning, noon, and night. She has such a passionate desire to see and show others that they can experience the Lord Jesus just as she has. If I had to put into words a phrase that describes her, I would say, “Success breeds success.” She is successful because she allows God to consistently do work on her day by day.

She is very self-reflective and always desires for God to get the glory in her life. Pride doesn’t live within her at all. I always hear her say this: “I’m at the Father’s feet.”

My life changed because of her full yes to God. I want to thank my wife for being who she is. I am proud of what God is doing through your life. You will forever have my support and prayers. I vow to continue to cover you in prayer and support you in all you do in righteousness as you and I walk this new journey. I love you, babe. I am proud to have you on my arm and that you have my last name. Keep climbing. God is blessing you, our marriage, and our ministry to reach new levels.

May the following words from the author inspire change and elevate you to new heights. After reading this book of prayers, you will learn not just how to fight but also how to war.


Prophet Tony Anthony Strong

To God

I must first give thanks to God, the Father of all Creation in Heaven. Abba, you are amazing, and I love You more than life. Thank You for not giving up on me. I never thought that I would be able to write a book, but from my creation in Heaven and my descent down to earth, You have always shown Yourself strong in me and loved me no matter what. Thank You, God, for allowing me to really have a real God encounter with You. Your pure, undefiled love for me has pushed me to dig deeper and thirst for You like never before. I’m forever changed by Your presence, and I will forever remain at Your feet.

To My Husband

To my wonderful husband. I thank God for you every day. Thank you so much for wiping my tears, praying for me through restless nights, telling me to keep fighting, and showing me that I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you for not abandoning me during one of the most difficult times of my life, even though you didn’t understand everything I was birthing at that moment. You covered me spiritually and naturally. You are my best friend, prayer partner, lover, and the greatest husband a woman could have. I honor you and will continue to submit to you as your wife. I love you, my earthly king.

To My Spiritual Parents and Overseers

I want to thank Dr. Edison and Mattie Nottage. I am so glad that I met you. Because of my obedience to God and my coming to the Bahamas, God changed my life forever. I knew that I was dying, and I needed to get help from a general in the spirit. You and your staff didn’t judge me and loved me to life. I thank God for the deliverance that I received at your ministry. The witchcraft that was put on me by all five of the agents of Satan was sent to kill me, but God used you to help me get free and to cast the devil out. Thank you for sharing yourself with the world while treating everyone with a sense of belonging. I am submitted to your teaching, love, and correction.

You and Apostle Eddison are jewels in the earth and such a blessing to the kingdom of God. Thank you for living what you preach! I love you so much and honor you both, Dr. Mattie Nottage and Dr. Apostle Edison Nottage. You ARE my spiritual parents, and you will never have a problem with me submitting to the truth of God’s Word flowing out of you and your leadership. Thank you.


How it ALL began

I must start this book by stating that it was born through one of my life’s biggest upward spiritual Apostolic thrusts. The faith that I thought I had was tried and proven. God had to show me that Hell truly is real, and that Satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy. God has shown me that Hell runs through a false power. That false power is the dark power of witchcraft. Yes, witchcraft is real, and many believers in Christ Jesus refuse to discuss this topic and refuse to speak about it until they realize that it’s real. Often, it’s not until it’s their time to be free from that level of bondage that they will accept that it is real. It is amazing how much witchcraft is floating around on Earth and being released from Hell every day. The Bible states in Isaiah 5:13–14 (AMP), “Therefore My people go into exile because they lack knowledge [of God]. And their honorable men are famished, and their common people are parched with thirst. Therefore Sheol (the realm of the dead) has increased its appetite and opened its mouth beyond measure; And [a]Jerusalem’s splendor, her multitude, her [boisterous] uproar, and her [drunken] revelers descend into it.”

We must take the Word of God as being the true living Word. The Bible clearly states that the people of God who are refusing truth, holiness, and a life of consecration to the Father are preparing themselves for Sheol, which is Hell. Hell is enlarging itself daily to swallow up the rebellious and those who are willing to open up to the truth. We must not only accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior but also accept His truth, which is His Word. The Bible also states in Hosea 4:6 (KJV), “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Rejecting the truth will destroy you and those who are connected to you. It’s time for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to take a stand, speak out, and pray against all forms of evil, including witchcraft.

Remember, Satan cannot create, only duplicate. He is a mimicker. Witchcraft is a false power, a mimic of the Holy Spirit. The Bible states in Psalms 62:11–12, “God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God. Also, to You, O Lord belongs mercy; For You render to each one according to his work.” God is all-powerful and has conquered death, Hell, and the grave. No, we are not to walk around looking for witches and warlocks; that’s not what I am saying, but I am aware that 80% of the people within the church and world are bound by this spirit one way or another. Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, wake up!! The realization that there are real agents of Satan—full-fledged witches, warlocks, grand high priests, etc.—changed my prayer life forever. When God broke the scales off my eyes I could now see what was really around me in the spiritual realm. This is when I entered one of the biggest wars of my life. I had to learn to fight or die. I have always been a fighter and knew I didn’t want to die. Jesus Christ’s power is greater than any demon, devil, ruler of darkness, or principality. I was able to overcome and stay free through real power, which is the power of God.

During this season, God showed me demonic things that I wasn’t aware I was carrying as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. God totally broke me and stripped me of all that I thought I knew. He broke the stronghold of religiosity out of my life, which propelled me to experience Him in such a beautiful and glorious way! There was a new mandate from Heaven for my life! God broke me completely down to bring total, real deliverance into my life. He delivered me from “me!” This crushing, bruising, and beating brought forth a pure, genuine oil that would eventually touch nations.

This book will help you realize that the real oil of God is produced through honesty, brokenness, and determination. I will be ministering to 4 main components that are foundational for anyone who is amid learning about spiritual warfare and for those who need to be sharpened in the area of spiritual warfare. Get ready! You are about to learn how to war!

We will look at the mind, body, spirit, and soul with subgroups. The Father loves us so much and desires that we become everything He has created us to be. He desires for us to grow from every test and trial we encounter. Tests should be fuel for every believer in Christ Jesus to ignite the holy fire, produce genuine humility, and produce pure oil in us. A touch from the Father will forever change the life of anyone that we are assigned to, with the love of Jesus Christ.


The prayers in this book are downloads from Heaven that the Lord gave me to pray myself out of some of the most difficult things and attacks of my life. They literally saved my life. I learned quickly that peace, healing, deliverance, and love are all found in his presence. When I come to Him, I only need to surrender and obey; He will do the rest. I had to learn to live in a place where my ear was pressed to His mouth. It was either to follow the Father’s directions or die! I thank God for this season of my life; it taught me how to war. I’m so grateful for Jesus Christ!