Proud Police Wife - Rebecca Lynn - E-Book

Proud Police Wife E-Book

Rebecca Lynn



Hope for Today Strength for Tomorrow When your husband is a police officer, you experience a unique set of challenges and fears that others may not understand. Rest assured that you can still find peace and joy every day with God by your side. Proud Police Wife is the perfect resource for any police wife or future wife in need of hope, encouragement, comfort, and strength. Each devotion includes • applicable Scriptures, • relatable stories, • empowering action steps, and uplifting prayers. Strengthen your relationship with God and gain confidence in your role as the heart behind the badge

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Proud Police Wife: 90 Devotions for the Women behind the Badge

Copyright © 2021 Rebecca Lynn

978-1-4245-6247-3 (faux)

978-1-4245-6248-0 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE. Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, represented by Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

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Proud Police Wife is an essential resource for every woman who knows someone in law enforcement. Take this book, use it, keep it near, and let it comfort and guide you through this season in your life. I highly recommend this book by my friend Rebecca Lynn.

Adam Davis Author, Speaker, Coach

A wonderful book! These are stressful times for our law enforcement officers and their families, and this book is essential reading for every proud police wife. Buy it for your spouse, buy it for yourself, buy it for your loved ones, buy it as a gift to give your support and God’s mighty blessings to all the amazing police wives in your world!

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman Author, On Combat, On Killing & On Spiritual Combat

Every police officer should give their spouse this 90-day devotional. I know firsthand both sides of the badge, and while being an officer has its challenges, being the spouse who always seems to be home and waiting on their officer really takes a toll on one’s life. This devotional is beautifully put together: each day offers an encouraging passage from the Bible, a story of Rebecca’s own experiences, and then a prayer to either end or begin the day. This devotional will bring support and hope to the spouse who feels lost and misunderstood.

Autumn Clifford Schmidt Life Coach, Speaker, Officer, Author, Police Wife

Rebecca Lynn has created a wonderful 90-day resource designed to direct police wives to the Source of hope amidst these overwhelming days. She offers encouragement by pointing to the Word of God, providing heartfelt prayers, and offering companionship as she shares her struggles. I am excited for what God will do as women spend time within these pages. Well done!

Victoria M. Newman President, How2LoveOurCops

Rebecca is a professional businesswoman and a wonderful leader in our LEOW (Law Enforcement Officer’s Wife) community. Her passion for leading others is expressed beautifully with encouragement, kindness, and understanding. My forty-year experience as a LEOW gives me an in-depth understanding of the challenges we face because of the badge. I’m proud to support Rebecca in her ability to guide you through Proud Police Wife: 90 Devotions for the Women behind the Badge. This book encourages you to choose faith over fear and walk through the journey with God.

Vicki Gustafson Owner, LEOW Insight, LLC; Author; Certified Christian & Professional Life Coach

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV). This book comes in the perfect timing for the season we are in as police spouses. Rebecca’s personal stories combined with God’s Word draw you in and keep it relatable, and you’ll always be looking forward to the next day’s devotion.

Kristen J., “Dispatcher Kristen” Police Wife, FBINAA Resiliency Master Trainer

We are currently living in some of the most arduous and stressful days our law enforcement officers and their families have ever had to experience. During times like these, it is often challenging for those who love and support the men and women in blue to find a place of comfort and solace. However, Rebecca has managed to do this by truly capturing the essence of the encouragement and peace that we can all find in God’s Word and putting it in one of the most amazing daily devotionals I have ever had the honor of reading. Thank you, Rebecca, for this amazing gift. It is a must-have for every law enforcement household.

Susan Lewis Simons, MS, BCETS, FAAETS President, Under the Shield, Inc.

Wow! What a devotional! Rebecca does an amazing job of tapping into the stressors of law enforcement life, sharing her personal story, and grounding the reader in prayer. I truly feel seen in her narratives and find comfort in the chosen Scripture and prayers.

Cyndi Doyle Founder, Code 4 Couples; Professional Counselor; Author; LEO Wife


Dedicated to my loving, always supportive husband because without your encouragement, this book would not be possible. From the very beginning, you saw in me what I did not see in myself. You pushed me to keep going, and you always embraced my passion to serve this community. You are my best friend. I am so thankful God gave you to me!


Proud police wife. So many have heard this term, which proclaims the unique call of those who stand beside the badge. Wives, girlfriends, and fiancées across the nation have stood proud beside their officers for generations. Some have seen a need to reach those women through blogging, writing, and starting organizations to create a support system. Rebecca, the founder of Proud Police Wife, responded to this call and has been an inspiration to many across the United States. I remember the first time we spoke. She was filled with hopes and dreams of being a light, an encouragement, and a safe place for those who love a police officer. As I watched her build her organization and pour into many lives, I was ever so honored to know her and call her friend. She has striven to find unique ways to provide encouragement and support for all walks of life on this thin blue line.

As I read through Rebecca’s devotional, I loved its simplicity. As you read these devotions daily, you will not only find yourself being able to relate, but also find treasures reminding you that you are doing your very best! If Rebecca has echoed any message, it is that each person is able to fulfill their role on the thin blue line in a way that complements and supports their own unique way of living. She has brought real life and all its beautiful mess into the mix of this book and made it a heartfelt message from her heart to yours. As you journey through this devotional, listen to its wisdom and its life-giving words told through personal experience, Scripture, and prayer. Perhaps as you read the pages, you will discover you are not alone but instead are a huge part of the proud police family.

Allison P. Uribe

Founder, Wives on Duty Ministries

A Note from the Author’s Husband

I remember the day I got hired. I called you to tell you that I was offered the position, and honestly, I think you were more excited than I was. I remember you telling me how proud of me you were. Throughout my training at the police academy and my rough days in field training, that unconditional love and support only got stronger. As my career grew by way of promotions and transfers, your encouragement continued.

We have missed holidays, birthdays, and some of the most important life events, but your encouragement remained the same. After so many years of supporting my career, it should have been time to start focusing on you, but that never crossed your mind. You came to me and said you wanted to share our experience and help other police families, and just then, Proud Police Wife was born.

I honestly don’t know how you do it, giving so much of yourself and still feeling like you have to give more to others. I am extremely proud of you, and I know that all of your hard work will help so many families.

Proud husband



Day 1: Where Your Story Begins

Day 2: No Perfection in the Pursuit of the Lord

Day 3: You Were Born for This

Day 4: These Are His Secrets

Day 5: Place Your Burdens with Him

Day 6: A Peaceful Mind

Day 7: Give Yourself Rest

Day 8: Sharp Words

Day 9: Where Does Your Focus Lie?

Day 10: You Are Never Alone

Day 11: Faith Shall Not Be Shaky

Day 12: Focus on Today

Day 13: Never Give Up

Day 14: Love Endures All

Day 15: Find Your Community

Day 16: Got Your Six

Day 17: Had She Not Believed

Day 18: He Is Not Done

Day 19: Be Better Not Bitter

Day 20: Don’t Let Fear Win

Day 21: Mindset Shift

Day 22: Night Shift

Day 23: Listen Carefully

Day 24: Sleep Well

Day 25: God Is Near

Day 26: Am I Strong Enough for This Life?

Day 27: Never Burn Out

Day 28: More than a Police Wife

Day 29: Actions Speak Louder than Words

Day 30: Love Is Not Perfect

Day 31: Begin with Me

Day 32: Time Will Tell

Day 33: House of Stone

Day 34: You Are Not the First or the Last

Day 35: Your Position

Day 36: City Savers

Day 37: Bold as a Lion

Day 38: Hold Your Tongue

Day 39: Where Does Your Help Come From?

Day 40: Police Appreciation

Day 41: Congratulate Yourself!

Day 42: Missed Holidays

Day 43: Hope

Day 44: True Friendship

Day 45: Evidence

Day 46: Ready for Battle

Day 47: Undercover

Day 48: Rest with Me

Day 49: Boundaries

Day 50: I Trust You

Day 51: Procedures

Day 52: Will It Ever Get Easier?

Day 53: Under Arrest

Day 54: My Prayers Always Include You

Day 55: Faith Restored

Day 56: Jesus Loves You

Day 57: 10-4

Day 58: It’s Your Duty

Day 59: Balancing Act

Day 60: Training Day

Day 61: In Progress

Day 62: Backup

Day 63: Use Caution

Day 64: Late Again

Day 65: It Takes Two

Day 66: He Is Proud of You

Day 67: You Have the Right to Remain Silent

Day 68: The Power of Believing

Day 69: Building a Home

Day 70: Embrace the Stage You’re In

Day 71: Knowledge Is Power

Day 72: Always on Duty

Day 73: Your Top Priority

Day 74: Love Each Other through Words

Day 75: Never Go to Bed Angry

Day 76: Hold Steady

Day 77: Sirens

Day 78: Keep Going

Day 79: You Are Bulletproof

Day 80: Always Watching

Day 81: The Lie

Day 82: Always Good

Day 83: Your Approval

Day 84: Spiritual Armor

Day 85: You Are Forgiven

Day 86: I Will Wait

Day 87: Intimacy

Day 88: Be Intentional

Day 89: Uncertainty

Day 90: Control Your Thoughts


About the Author


This book is for any woman behind the badge who needs inspiration for police wife life while keeping God as the center of her focus. Loving a law enforcement officer brings its own set of unique challenges that your friends and family may not understand. You can walk through these situations alone, or you can team up with God and learn how to rely on your faith as you embrace this journey. And while I share this encouragement with you from my perspective as a police wife, please know that if you are a girlfriend or fiancée to an officer, this devotional is incredibly relevant to your situation as well. We all need support, no matter where we are in our relationship.

As you read this devotional, you will read relevant Scripture, which you may apply to any situation you may experience in your life as a woman behind the badge. I share with you deeply personal stories about my journey and what I have learned from those challenges all by relying on my faith and having hope. In each devotion, I suggest action steps or questions for you to reflect on how to apply that day’s reading to your life as a police wife. Lastly, each devotion ends with a prayer.

You can read this book daily over the course of ninety days or use it otherwise as a resource that God is giving you as you navigate this journey as a woman behind the badge.

With this devotional in hand and God by your side, I hope you find more peace, deeper faith, and constant encouragement while you walk along the thin blue line with your officer. I hope sharing so many personal stories of my own will help you feel less alone and will normalize so many of the feelings you may be having about police wife life.


Where Your Story Begins

If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!


Whether you are married to a veteran officer or walking into this journey with your spouse for the very first time, you had a new beginning created by God. When you entered this lifestyle of serving others by way of law enforcement, even if you had already been married for years, God created a new beginning for you and your spouse.

New beginnings can be scary, full of worry, fear, and uncertainty. The sudden changes that the police academy brings into your relationship can make you wonder if you can handle this. The conflicting schedules can be vastly different compared to what you are used to. The days apart can feel long, tiring, and lonely. The first time you have to cancel plans because of his job, you might feel frustrated and misunderstood. Having to celebrate major holidays a week after they actually occurred can leave you questioning if this was what you signed up for. Yet all of those experiences are part of this new beginning.

But new beginnings are also full of hope, light, and a chance to see what God has in store for you. While there may be many adjustments along the way, new beginnings serve a purpose in your life that God has planned out so perfectly, a plan that you may not yet understand. How you accept these new beginnings is now up to you. Use new beginnings as a way to embrace change, and see those changes as the opening to new and exciting possibilities in your life.

While there will be good and there will be bad, it is all part of God’s plan. New beginnings are times to put your trust in God. To allow your faith to guide you along the way. They are times to create a new footprint on life and strengthen your relationship with the Lord.

Among the daily demands of this job, the stress it can bring to your marriage, your schedules, and your relationships, don’t ever forget why this story began for you. Don’t ever lose sight of the new creation God brought into your life. Even during the hardest of days when you are ready for this chapter to close, remember the good you felt during the very beginning of this story. Cling to what is good and allow that good to serve as a way to learn to trust the Lord’s path even more. When you feel discouraged, reflect on where your story began.

Lord, thank you for the opportunity to create new opportunities in my life. I am placing my trust in you and am ready to see how this chapter of my life unfolds, whether it is good or bad. I am ready to embrace new beginnings. Amen.


No Perfection in the Pursuit of the Lord

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.


When David first appointed Asaph and others to give praise to the Lord, the focus was on remembering what the Lord had done for them and ways they could glorify him. Not once does the Bible say that when you seek the Lord you must do it in a church, only on Sunday mornings, or as an entire family on your days off from work. Not once does it say what you should be wearing or that you should have unlimited hours to devote in one day.

I remember feeling guilty once (for an entire season, honestly) for not attending church on Sunday mornings with three young children while my husband served our community. I knew if I went, my nursing baby would cry uncontrollably, and I wouldn’t hear God’s message. My toddler would cling to me, screaming my name, while I attempted to drop her off at nursery, causing me to spend that Sunday morning worrying about her instead of worshiping the Lord. I would leave at the end of the service more frustrated than when I arrived.

I needed God in my life, but it took time for me to realize that God is in my life whether I am present in church on Sunday morning with my entire family or not. God doesn’t care if I am worshiping in my pajamas while my babies are sleeping and my spouse is working. I stopped fighting with how I fit God into my life, and I found ways that worked for my family and me. I stopped feeling guilty and instead took advantage of the time I did have, even if it was when my husband was working, to be with the Lord.

The Lord is all around you. The Lord is in your home, in your officer’s patrol car, and in the messages when you watch church online from your bed after putting your children to sleep while your spouse is on night shift.

I know life can feel chaotic and even more so around the schedule of your law enforcement officer. It doesn’t matter when you fit in prayer, worship, or quiet time with the Lord. What matters is that you do it. And just like many other aspects of law enforcement life, we have to fit things in when they fit into our lives. God is okay with that.

Heavenly Father, allow me to remember that Jesus does not demand perfection from us. Our pursuit of God is not perfect, and he does not expect it to be. Allow me to be persistent in my pursuit of the Lord and to never feel guilty for fitting that time in during the nooks and crannies of my life. Amen.


You Were Born for This

Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.


Each of us was born with amazing qualities, gifts from God that make us unlike anyone else. God had each of our unique abilities laid out and planned even before we were born. Your qualities make you stand out, make you different and special. You may have the voice of an angel or the ability to make any crowd laugh. Maybe you also possess a heart of service like your officer or a strong desire to help others. You may choose to show off your characteristics to the world or keep them close to your heart just for your loved ones to see. You may even possess qualities that you haven’t fully tapped into yet at this point in your life.

Your qualities are vastly different from mine. But if you are reading this devotional, one gift I know we share is that we are the heart behind the badge. You are a police wife, and when God looked at you, he knew you were meant to walk this life. God included this chapter of your life in his plan for you, just as he included it in mine. He made you for this role of a supportive, able spouse of a first responder. You have qualities that enable you to be strong, independent, and brave—qualities that blend well with the officer in your life.

I would even guess that you are extremely flexible, and because of your spouse’s job, you have learned to go with the flow. I would also guess that you have accepted the little quirks that your officer has, such as having you sit with your back to the door in a restaurant so he can protect you, or maybe you pick up those annoying black socks off the floor and place them in the hamper they are next to. Maybe police wife life has caused you to buy a planner to try to be as organized as possible around shift work. These qualities may even go against your personality type, yet you have embraced them because of the person you love.

All of these gifts help you navigate this journey with God by your side. Today accept this gift and know that with this acceptance, God will help you. Do not fight these qualities about yourself or sweep them under the rug. Instead, allow these qualities and gifts to just be a part of who you are. They are part of you for a reason.

Heavenly Father, thank you for my gifts. I will not neglect them. Instead, I will accept these gifts and lean on them when times are hard. Amen.


These Are His Secrets

The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.


As part of a law enforcement family, you try your best to be prepared for every scenario or situation. Preparedness is nearly ingrained in your officer and maybe even yourself. But when it comes to home life, you can’t exactly follow the same preparedness pattern as your officer does for work. You try to plan ahead, schedule every event, and do your best to make sure your officer is included in those plans. As a police wife, you would love to know which shift would work best for your family, when your officer can take vacation time, or what date and time you will have Thanksgiving dinner (or breakfast or lunch). Planning into the future would make your lives much easier. Unfortunately, in this lifestyle, things don’t always seem to go as planned. Schedules change, shifts switch, and we get frustrated that we can’t always know the future.

When my husband first went into the police academy many years ago, I sort of imagined what our life would be like and had the confidence that I would rock every step of the way. Maybe you’ve had the same visions. And while I’d like to think that I rocked every step of the way, some steps were incredibly hard. No planning in the world could have prepared me for those situations. However, I had to go through those hard steps in order to learn and grow and for God to reveal more of his plan to me. Going through those hard steps allowed me to take nuggets of hope, inspiration, and information into the new steps I was about to embark on.

My journey has not been exactly like that of the veteran wife who gave me advice ten years ago or even like the journey I played out in my mind. But that is okay. Every day I keep learning. I learn about myself, how strong I am, how I can walk this path either differently or the same as I did the day before.

In time, you will see the picture but not until the Lord is ready to reveal it to you, as the future is not ours. Certain secrets are hidden to us and hidden for a reason. Today put your trust in God. Know that he has the answers, and it is okay for you to not know every step of the way or every door that will open in your future. The path you end up taking may not be the path you thought your life would take, and that’s okay. Take comfort in the fact that you need to focus only on the right now.

Lord, thank you for teaching me dependence. Thank you for reassuring me that my trust lies within you and that the future is not mine but yours. Amen.


Place Your Burdens with Him

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”


You will experience certain seasons of life that are harder to navigate compared to others. Those seasons of life will leave you feeling dry, worn out, and exhausted. Know that they are just that: seasons. They won’t last forever, and with rest, you can breathe easier. Just as our officers can feel physically weighed down by their vests and duty belts after many hours on shift, you, too, might feel weighed down. You may carry this weight differently though. Mental burdens may make you tired, make you question your strength, slow you down, or create fears. You may take on the burdens of your officer and make them your own. Or maybe your own burdens are so heavy that they drag you down.

Just after our third child was born, I felt incredibly overwhelmed with life. We had changes in my husband’s career, new routines, the beginnings of my business, and a new baby in our life. While these are all incredible blessings, I was so tired that daily tasks associated with them felt like burdens.

I needed to let these burdens go so I could fully see the blessings around us. God was my answer. Giving these burdens to him helped me to care for my babies, be the best mom and wife I could be, and create a platform where I could help and serve others. Was each day easy and effortless? Of course not. But I began and ended each day knowing these burdens were not mine; they were now God’s.

What are you doing with your burdens? How are you carrying them? How are they making you feel? Remember that God speaks often about rest. Prayer and time with the Lord should be your escape. Giving your burdens to the Lord should not become its own burden. You shouldn’t have to carry the burdens of your life, stacking them like a ton of bricks upon your shoulders. You can give an endless number of your cares to the Lord to help bring more peace and calm into your own life without any judgment.

Today I ask you to think about the last time you let God in to help carry your burdens. What would it mean to you to have a day of rest? What would that look like for you, knowing the Lord accepts your burdens as his own? Just as your officer rips off that vest after his shift, feeling a sense of relief, you, too, can have peace and relaxation with your burdens off your chest. Are you willing to accept rest and relaxation today if you are weary?

Lord, today I will rely on you. I will allow you to be my source of rest, and I will take comfort in knowing you will carry my burdens. Help me to always come to you first when I am tired from all I carry. Amen.


A Peaceful Mind

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.