Resilience - English Edition - Ella Gabriele Amann - E-Book

Resilience - English Edition E-Book

Ella Gabriele Amann

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Resilient people have an easier life - they can overcome setbacks better than others. This pocket guide contains techniques and strategies for greater resilience. Numerous practical examples will help you to strengthen your powers of resistance. Managers who want to make their companies more robust will find all the answers in this book. Contents: - The meaning of being resilient: inspiration from the fields of brain research and neuroanatomy - Managing crises and change with confidence: coping with insecurity and mastering complexity - The three elements that foster resilience - Self-regulation and stress management - The resilient company as a mission statement: eight guiding principles for resilient leadership 

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Seitenzahl: 111

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2015

4,9 (16 Bewertungen)
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Table of content

Copyright NoticesImprintForewordThe phenomenon of resilienceWhat it means to be resilientWhy some people are more resilient than othersThe internal protective factorsCharacter or personality traitsInner attitudes, opinions and convictionsTalents, gifts and abilitiesExperience and competenciesExternal protective factorsLearning from positive role modelsA stimulating learning environmentPhases with stable circumstancesSupport from at least one steady and reliable confidantImpulses for training and new perspectivesThe resilience factorsCrisis as a teacherCrises are a matter of opinionCrises are a part of lifeCrises at workCareer development crisesAcute stress crisesChronic stress crisesResilience is a lifetime developmentResilience as an economic factorCompanies in a state of fluxSurviving in the VUCA worldMental illness on the riseIt pays to invest in resilienceRobust in turbulent timesMindfulness fosters resilienceA rethink is necessaryVariety and redundancy instead of efficiencyA corporate culture of trust and cooperationSituative and mediatory leadershipIs everything VUCA?The both-and principleStrong employees – strong companiesBecoming more resilientFlexibility and agility encourage resilienceThe latest research findingsThe brain needs a lifetime to developThoughts can alter the brainOur body influences our brainGreater resilience through effective communicationGetting safely through a crisisThe causes of insecurityThe consequences of insecurityEverything is off balanceHow we put ourselves under pressureWhat gives us security?Self-confidenceRules, routines and ritualsFeedback and exchangesResources and favourable framework conditionsStructures and areas of responsibilityContact and affiliationValues and visionSecurity from having a safe spaceThree pillars for more securityConveying securityBringing movement into playResilience training: stimulate self-regulationResilience training: interrupt routinesCreate a working climate that nurtures resilienceFrom the negative to the positiveFrom the general to the concreteFrom the rule to the exceptionFrom assessment to describing perceptionFrom the impossible to the possibleFrom taking things for granted to clear feedbackGive the simplest feedback in the world: just ask!Eight factors that build up resilienceThe resilience circleMindsetEmbodimentInteractionContextOptimism and positive self-assessmentOptimism can be learnedAcceptance and realismAccept the chaosSolution-focused thoughts and actions and creativityWhen old solutions become new problemsSelf-regulation and self-careSelf-regulation and power posesPersonal responsibility and decisivenessExercise: Really powerful leadershipRelationships, networks and role modelsUnconscious copying of strong role modelsShaping the future and developing a visionPlanning for the here and nowThe ability to improviseLearning from mistakesVersatility and varianceWhat about your resilience?How resilient is your company?ScoreWere your points mostly in the negative range?Were most of your points in the neutral range?Were most of your points in the positive range?How resilient are you personally?ScoreWere your points mostly in the negative range?Were most of your points in the neutral range?Were most of your points in the positive range?Exercises to build resilienceBibliographyThe authorElla Gabriele AmannIndex

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ePub: ISBN: 978-3-648-06834-2 Order no.: 10710-0100

ePDF: ISBN: 978-3-648-06835-9 Order no.: 10710-0150

Ella Gabriele Amann


1st edition 2015

© 2015, Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG, Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany

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The new world of work: we perceive it as fast-moving, ambiguous, complex, precarious, unpredictable. Planning was yesterday; today, rapid reactions are what count. For more than a decade now we have been seeing a dramatic increase in stress-related illnesses. Burnout is the term on everybody’s lips.

We wish we had greater powers of resistance and more flexibility to be able to cope with the large and small crises that bring changes in their wake. But how are we to gain these skills?[2]

The answer is resilience. Research into resilience has uncovered ways to deal appropriately and successfully with stress and remain psychologically and physically healthy.

In this book, I invite you to explore the subject of resilience for yourself, your team or your company. Learn how to conquer difficult situations steadily and securely, and build your confidence for dealing with crises and turbulent times.

Ella Gabriele Amann

The phenomenon of resilience

Why do some people and companies manage to emerge even stronger than before from crises and periods of high stress, while others literally fall apart when faced with the same challenges?

In this chapter you will learn

what resilience means,

what factors influence our powers of resistance,

why a crisis does not always have to be a bad thing,

why resilience is something that we can acquire.

What it means to be resilient

Resilient people are able to deal with pressure or stress in such a way that they can return to their normal state once the period of tension is over:

Sick people become healthy again.

Sad people become happy again.

Stressed people find peace and tranquillity.

Overworked people are able to relax.

Life crises are overcome and economic problems are conquered.

Similar to our immune system, which protects our body from illness, resilience refers to the immune system of our psyche or soul: it helps us to deal with stress, pressure and crises.

A person’s or an organization’s resilience is, however, not regarded as a permanent state that has always existed and is retained forever, but rather as a lifelong learning process. Our resilience and thus our powers of resistance can vary from situation to situation and be stronger or weaker depending on the stage of life we happen to be in.[3]


Walter Strong is the director of a mid-sized company. He can well remember the year 2008. The economic crisis hit his company quite suddenly. Within just a few weeks he had to make several people redundant and negotiate severance packages. It was mainly the older employees who were affected. Walter could hardly bear having to discharge so many competent, loyal colleagues into an uncertain future.

At the same time, Walter’s wife was diagnosed with a serious illness. She had to spend three months in hospital, followed by a long stay at a rehabilitation facility. Practically overnight, Walter was left alone to look after their two small children. He had to be there full time not only for his company but also for his wife and children – a balancing act that took him to the brink. Yet he succeeded. Now his wife has regained her health and the company has recovered.

When Walter reflects on this time of crisis, he sometimes does not know how he coped with it and survived. He only knows that the events have brought his family closer together. Without his company’s understanding and the active support of his parents, he would not have been able to master the situation. And he knows that, despite all the fears and worries, he never lost his optimistic attitude, his sense of humour or his confidence.[4]

Through long-term studies, researchers have discovered that around a third of us possess the resilience needed to face crises and difficult situations and emerge from them even stronger than before. Many people display this talent in their very early years; others develop it later, over the course of time.

A serious illness, a separation or an unexpected job change, for example, might act as a trigger, causing us to question our patterns of behaviour and develop a new, positive attitude to life.


A former senior manager: ”Now, after my burnout, I set totally different priorities. I no longer try to satisfy everyone. I’ve learned to pay attention to my own needs.”

Getting back on one’s feet

The term ”resilience” (meaning ”elasticity” or ”vigour”; from the Latin resilire, meaning ”rebound”) originates from physics and describes the ability of a material to change shape, then afterwards regain its original form. In general, resilience stands for a system’s tolerance to disruption.

The term was embraced by psychologists to describe the human ability to recover from adverse circumstances, failures, grievances and illnesses and to start afresh. Resilience stands for psychological robustness – or in other words, psychological elasticity.

Why some people are more resilient than others

Within the framework of long-term studies, foundational research into resilience identified a number of protective factors that can increase a person’s powers of resistance when dealing with crises. These are divided into internal and external protective factors.[5]

The internal protective factors

Internal protective factors exist within each individual. They may be genetically anchored within us, or they may evolve from childhood to old age through our education, learning experiences, and experiences of crises. They include, for example,

character or personality traits,

inner attitudes, opinions and convictions,

talents, gifts and abilities,

experience and competencies.

Character or personality traits

Resilience depends, among other things, on traits that are ascribed to a person’s character or personality. Research has established, for example, that highly resilient children exhibit a certain readiness to help at an early age. They also enjoy solving problems and are in the position to develop a realistic view of the world. In addition, resilient people are credited with a sense of humour and a willingness to communicate.


In his role of manager, Walter Strong had to learn how to deal with his employees’ different ways of thinking and their various coping strategies. One particular colleague, the company’s business controller, felt a very strong sense of responsibility for everything during the restructuring process. He focused his entire attention on everything that was going wrong, for example where problems existed and what disadvantages the new computer system entailed. It was extremely important for this colleague to regularly express his worries and fears. He needed the assurance that his observations were being acknowledged. Walter noticed that the weekly team meetings were not sufficient for this. Only when he met his controller for a brief personal conversation every week was the latter able to voice his concerns – and also his suggestions for improvement – which then enabled him to relax and become more productive again.[6]

Walter also realized that there were a few employees who were not stressed by the changes. They welcomed the new computer system from the outset, recognizing the advantages and new possibilities that it brought. Walter decided to facilitate a positive atmosphere by inviting these employees to meetings where they could report in more detail on their experiences and share their thoughts and ideas with colleagues. This stimulated the learning process and led to an overall improvement in team morale.

Inner attitudes, opinions and convictions

Besides character traits, the attitudes and opinions people form throughout life also play a decisive role in their resilience. Resilient people can, for example, more easily accept that crises, illnesses and debilitating incidents are part of life. They see the glass not as half-empty but as half-full; they fixate less on the mistakes they make, since they are able to recognize what they can do well and what they are successful at. Resilient employees are not thunderstruck when they hear that their company is soon to be taken over by another. They might at first react by being just as surprised at the news as others, but they are then likely to be more interested in the new situation than shocked by it.[7]

Whether we perceive an event to be a crisis or not depends to a great extent on how we evaluate the situation and what our expectations are of life, work and society. People who are convinced that they will keep the same job until they retire will inevitably feel disappointed and under stress when they encounter the new reality of economic activity, with its permanent state of flux.

If we keep up with the times, however, and realize that change is part of the business world today, this attitude will help us to deal more easily and constructively with the transitions to come.

Talents, gifts and abilities