Revival Now - James Burns - E-Book

Revival Now E-Book

James Burns



In Christian history, no phenomenon is clearer than the recurrence of revivals. A passion for repentance sweeps across a city, and those who had been unaware of the supernatural are now keenly aware of God's presence. Gripped by conviction of wrongdoing, they throw everything aside and desperately search for a way of salvation. Our spiritual instincts are often clouded by worthless pursuits, but God is working through His laws for the salvation of His people and for the world's good. In Revival Now, learn about God's laws of revival, including the laws of progress, spiritual growth, ebbing tide, fullness of time, awakening, variety, and more. Edited for today's reader by Tom Phillips, Revival Now, originally written by James Burns in 1909 (Revivals, Their Laws and Leaders), traces common characteristics of past revivals, and shows how our world today is ripe for a new, profound move of God's Spirit. Also included are inspirational prompts and prayers to help you experience Scripture and encounter Jesus. A Jesus awakening is here! DR. TOM PHILLIPS is a farm boy from Mississippi whose grandfather was a circuit-riding preacher. His family's spiritual heritage originated in the great awakenings throughout the Southeast, beginning in Kentucky, in the early 1800s. Today Tom is vice president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). Tom and his wife, Ouida, have three grown children and make their home in Charlotte, North Carolina.

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BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA

Revival Now: A Jesus Awakening

Copyright © 2018 Jesus Now Awakening, Inc.

ISBN 978-1-4245-5642-7 (softcover)

ISBN 978-1-4245-5643-4 (e-book)

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Foreword by Tom Phillips



The Law of Progress


The Law of Spiritual Growth


The Law of Periodicity


The Law of Ebbing Tide


The Law of the Fullness of Time


The Law of the Advent of the Prophet


The Law of Awakening


The Law of Variety


The Law of Recoil


The Law of the Theology of Revivals


The Law of the Coming Movement


Appendix 1: About the Great Commandment Network

Appendix 2: A Spirit-Empowered Faith

Appendix 3: A Spirit-Empowered Disciple


Periodically in the history of the Christian Church, a work is produced which transcends time. Revivals, Their Laws and Leaders by James Burns was written in 1909 and last published in 1960. Though it is out of print, portions of the book, especially the sections on “The Laws of Revival,” are so pertinent today that they cry out for editing and republishing.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV).

May an expectation for true spiritual revival come as we sense in reading this wonderful spiritual treatise that the world in which we live today is ripe for a new, profound movement of God’s Spirit, one that has already begun. May you be encouraged.


Tom Phillips


In Christian history, no phenomenon is more clear than the recurrence of revivals. At times, a passion for repentance sweeps across specific geographical areas. Many people who had been unaware of the supernatural become keenly aware of it. They are stopped during their jobs as their minds are gripped by a terror of wrongdoing and a fear of coming judgment. Throwing all else aside, they desperately search for a way of salvation. Having started, these movements spread like wild-fire and are seemingly carried in the air. Breaking out in unexpected places, they produce a strange phenomenon and awaken forces that have lain dormant. Mostly, these movements are contained in a local geographic area, but they can spread throughout nations, with incredible results.

Since revivals are a major characteristic of Christianity, a study of church growth and survival would be worthless if it ignored the impact of revivals. In light of this, we cannot regard revivals as isolated incidents. To interpret the mind and will of God in relation to humanity, we need to look at the permanent elements of human nature and the underlying laws which shape human history. Such movements witness to us the supremacy of spiritual forces. They reveal the spiritual instincts in humankind that are often clouded by less worthwhile pursuits. They encourage faith by showing God’s hand in history and in His guidance of the Church. These movements prove that God is working through His laws, for the salvation of His people, and for the world’s good.

In a revival, a few, then dozens, then thousands say with David, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me” (Psalm 138:7 NKJV).

Revival flows from Spirit-prompted living of God’s Word, and faithfulness in this journey produces Spirit-Empowered disciples. The Great Commandment Network is pleased to serve Dr. Tom Phillips and the Jesus-Now Awakening through the experiential exercises at the end of each chapter. Each set of exercises seeks to focus on one of ten specific outcomes of “Living His Word” as our daily life is more and more characterized by “walking in the Light of His truth” (John 12:35, Psalm 119:105). Additional information about the Great Commandment Network, living a Spirit-Empowered Faith, and a listing of forty Discipleship outcomes have been included in the Appendices at the back of this book.


The Law of Progress

We need to acknowledge the part revivals play in God’s plan as we take a broader look and see them appear in places outside of the Church. Progress, we see, occurs through revival. Any progress is like the incoming tide. Each wave is revival, going forward, receding, and being followed by another. To the onlooker it seems as if nothing is gained, but the force behind the ebb and flow is the power of the tide. So it is with the nations. One will rise and carry human progress to a zenith. Having done so, it falls back, and another replaces it. Thus, the progress of humanity is continued through successive revivals.

The same is true in all realms of human expression. When new discoveries are made, the scientific outlook captivates people’s minds and other areas are put on the back burner. But nothing can totally dominate the mind. The initial force eventually subsides. After making its contribution to human knowledge and making life better by its discoveries, the movement gives way and is replaced by another in a different area.

Each outburst has its own characteristics and direction, but its nature is revival. There is an excitement in an area, a gathering of energy to leap forward, and when its strength is spent, it recedes. This is even seen in commerce. Trade depressions are succeeded by trade revivals, and in the world market there is a constant ebb and flow.

In all this, we can see God’s wisdom. Revivals are necessary to push humankind to higher planes. If progress were uniform, with all aspects of life improving at once, advancement would be so slow that life would stagnate. There would be no high hopes, no eager rush forward. Progress would be imperceptible and men and women, robbed of aspirations, would give up the fight. By the breath of fresh life, God keeps the world active and keeps the heart fresh with hope. In God’s purposes, no part of human nature is left unrevived. Each revival is needed for helping human nature. Their order is God’s secret, the equilibrium is in His hands. Behind the ebb and flow is the unrelenting tide of His redemptive purposes. He it is who said, “Let all the world look to me for salvation!” (Isaiah 45:22 TLB).

An Experience from Scripture

Then he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried out to the Lord, ‘Lord my God, let this boy’s life return to him!’ The Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life returned to him, and he lived. Elijah picked up the child and carried him down from the room into the house. He gave him to his mother and said, “Look, your son is alive!” Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth.”

–1 KINGS 17:21–24

From death to life is most certainly progress! His Word is very much alive, active, and at work by His Spirit to revive and renew.


•Live life this week expectant of His working with complete confidence that “nothing is impossible with God.”

•Holy Spirit, stir my faith this week as I specifically ask you to _________________.

A Word from Jesus

•“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

•Since He’s the “same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), this same historical Jesus is available today to bring added freedom into your journey!

PAUSE to Encounter Jesus

•Put yourself into this promise of freedom and celebrate that this “contemporary” Jesus is now active in your behalf to liberate and revive your walk with Him.

•Jesus, I celebrate your promise of freedom and specifically in my life, I need added freedom from _________________ and additional freedom to _________________.

A Cry from God’s People

For this is what the high and exalted One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.”

–ISAIAH 57:15

Lord Jesus, would you, by your Spirit, bring conviction to your people and begin with me. Might you vindicate your name among the nations as repentance comes upon your people. Birth godly sorrow in my heart; cleanse me; forgive me.

Join with other Jesus-followers to cry out to the Lord for Him to bring contrition of heart to His people and that He would be exalted among the nations.


The Law of Spiritual Growth

Revivals are the method by which progress occurs in all other realms of human expression. In light of this, we can approach their recurrence in religion free from bias, and even scorn, which has been popularly considered the right attitude. It is in this area that the word revival gains a new intensity, for religion deals with the awesome and unmeasurable. It goes deep into men’s and women’s spiritual consciousness. As interesting as other revivals may be, they are shadows when compared with the importance of revivals in the individual and the Church. Though they occur in this mysterious realm, they are not necessarily erratic or arbitrary. The supreme discovery is that nothing is erratic in God’s universe. Characteristics common to all revivals may be found.