Satisfy My Soul - Justin Rizzo - E-Book

Satisfy My Soul E-Book

Justin Rizzo



Satisfy your longing for a closer relationship with God. Jesus wants to give you a heart that burns for Him. This 40-day devotional invites you to discover the beauty of the Lord, the language of worship, the journey of intimacy, and fullness of life. Each day includes a Scripture reading, devotion, prayer, reflective question, and song recommendations. Let Jesus satisfy your soul.  Devotions composed by 24 worship leaders and friends of the International House of Prayer. Featuring Justin Rizzo, Laura Hackett Park, Jon Thurlow, Matt Gilman, Joshua Aldy, Caleb Andrews, Robby Atwood, Michael and Becci Ball, Anna Blanc, Brenton Dowdy, Kendrian Dueck, Lauren Alexandria Dueck, Caleb Edwards, Lisa Gottshall, Johan Heinrichs, Veronika and Sebastian Lohmer, Brandon Oaks, Naomi Rizzo, Emi Sousa, Jim Stern, Jaye Thomas, and Luke Wood.

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“Over the course of nineteen years of 24/7 worship and prayer, I have spent literally thousands of hours with these worship leaders. Time and time again they have escorted me into the Lord’s tender presence and washed me with the water of His Word. The treasures found in this devotional come from hearts saturated from unceasing adoration and perpetual prayer.”

—Allen Hood, Associate Director, IHOPKC

“Leonard Ravenhill once said that a message born in the mind will only reach the mind, but a message born in the heart will reach the heart. This 40-day devotional was born in the hearts of these authors, and I know it will reach the hearts of a whole generation, leading them into a living encounter with Jesus Christ.”

—Corey Russell, author and speaker

“Written by singers and musicians who have lived out the 24/7 prayer reality, this 40-day devotional provides insights that have come from many hours of seeking God in the place of prayer and worship.”

—Sean Feucht, founder of Burn 24/7, author, speaker, and worship leader, Bethel Music, Redding, California

“The passion and holy zeal expressed by IHOPKC has been a huge blessing to the prayer and worship movement in Europe. This devotional can help you grow as a worshiping child of God.”

—Dr. Johannes Hartl, theologian, author, director of Augsburg House of Prayer, Germany

“I have no doubt you will be blessed by the depth of insight, practical wisdom, and love for Jesus that is found in the pages of this book. I have worked with many of these worship leaders on a daily basis for a decade now, and I can honestly say their walk with the Lord is real and the way it comes out in worship is authentic and beautiful. This devotional will encourage and challenge you.”

—Chris Tofilon, songwriter and worship leader

“There’s so much to gain from spending the next 40 days in this devotional, as each writer shares treasures they’ve received during their time in the house of prayer. This is a great tool for starting a fresh dialogue with Jesus!”

—Lesley Phillips, worship leader and songwriter

BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLCSavage, Minnesota,

Satisfy My Soul: A 40-Day Worship Devotional

Copyright © 2019 by Justin Rizzo, Laura MH Park, Jonathan Thurlow, and Matt GilmanPublished in cooperation with Forerunner Publishing, Kansas City, Missouri

978-1-4245-5809-4 (faux leather)978-1-4245-5810-0 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless noted otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible. © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked KJ21 are taken from the Holy Bible, 21st Century King James Version®. Copyright © 1994 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked CSB are taken from the Christian Standard Bible. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.

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Foreword by Mike Bickle

Introduction by Jono Hall

Day 1 Connecting with a PersonJon Thurlow

Day 2 One Thing I’ve DesiredJustin Rizzo

Day 3 Step Outside and SeeLaura Hackett Park

Day 4 Created for His PleasureMatt Gilman

Day 5 Nothing Too Precious for JesusCaleb Andrews

Day 6 Your Face Is LovelyNaomi Rizzo

Day 7 Your Emojis Always MatterCaleb Edwards

Day 8 Well PleasedJustin Rizzo

Day 9 Beholding and BecomingEmi Sousa

Day 10 Around the ThroneMatt Gilman

Day 11 Let Me Hear Your VoiceLaura Hackett Park

Day 12 Entering with IntentKendrian Dueck

Day 13 Giving Him Our BestJon Thurlow

Day 14 Drawing Near in BrokennessMichael & Becci Ball

Day 15 Fill Your Mouth with PraiseLuke Wood

Day 16 Songs from the ValleyMatt Gilman

Day 17 Coming Out of HidingLisa Gottshall

Day 18 Your Words CreateVeronika and Sebastian Lohmer

Day 19 Words of LifeBrandon Oaks

Day 20 Keep SingingJustin Rizzo

Day 21 Divine IdentityMatt Gilman

Day 22 His Desire for FriendshipJon Thurlow

Day 23 The Good FatherJaye Thomas

Day 24 Unquenchable LoveLaura Hackett Park

Day 25 The God of RedemptionJon Thurlow

Day 26 Make My Love Your HomeAnna Blanc

Day 27 Sometimes We Forget That He Likes UsJon Thurlow

Day 28 Holy Spirit Inside YouJustin Rizzo

Day 29 The Muscle of DiscernmentLaura Hackett Park

Day 30 Your Home in the Throne RoomJon Thurlow

Day 31 The Wonder of a Childlike HeartLaura Hackett Park

Day 32 Worship Is WarfareRobby Atwood

Day 33 Fuel to BurnJoshua Aldy

Day 34 The Adventure of SearchingJohan Heinrichs

Day 35 Divine AuthorityMatt Gilman

Day 36 Kings and PriestsBrenton Dowdy

Day 37 Strength to PersevereJustin Rizzo

Day 38 His Voice Gives Me CourageLauren Alexandria Dueck

Day 39 The Nations Are Singing TogetherJim Stern

Day 40 Your Shepherd Is a DreamerAnna Blanc

About the Authors


During the reign of King David, we read about the establishing of a new full-time occupation—that of Levitical singers and musicians who were freed from other duties so that they could be employed in a new work of day-and-night ministering before the Lord with music and song (1 Chr. 9:33, 16:37; 2 Chr. 8:12–14).

One of my greatest joys over the past twenty years has been to see the Lord again raising up singers and musicians across the earth who have given their lives to this full-time occupation, ministering to the Lord with worship music and prayer. This high calling is a great privilege; it comes with many challenges, yet it is worth it because it is an essential part of God’s plan to release a great revival across the nations, which will eventually lead to Jesus’ return.

As I read this devotional, I am stirred by the many young people who have given the strength of their years to the Lord as singers and musicians. It has truly been an honor to co-labor with many of those who have written these devotions. I encourage all of our singers and musicians to stay the course, but I too am inspired by the faithfulness of those who lead us in ministering to the Lord 24/7 from the stage in our prayer room. As I think of the love, skill, and dedication of people like Justin Rizzo, Jon Thurlow, Laura Park, Matt Gilman, Brenton Dowdy, Caleb Edwards, and so many of those included here, I am grateful for what the Lord has done through their daily faithfulness.

One of the key objectives of this devotional is to encourage you to maintain a “burning heart.” That is a term used by the disciples who engaged Jesus on the road to Emmaus. The same type of burning heart is available to us as believers today, which happens as God reveals God, setting the heart on fire. The global prayer movement that the Holy Spirit is orchestrating today is established as Jesus, the living Word, opens the written Word to the hearts of His people until the first commandment is established in first place in their lives. That happens in a dynamic way through singing and praying the Word back to Him.

I encourage you not to read this devotional like an ordinary book, but use it in conjunction with your Bible reading and your worship times. As you engage with the Lord, I am confident He will satisfy your soul.

Mike BickleDirector, International House of Prayer, Kansas City


Isn’t praying 24/7 a bit excessive? It’s a sentiment we have heard through the years, and it’s actually the same accusation that Judas Iscariot had against Mary of Bethany’s extravagant anointing of Jesus. You should be doing other things; you should be spending your valuable resources elsewhere. Jesus rebuked this accusation and accepted Mary’s offering. The truth is that if there were twenty-five hours in a day and eight days in a week, Jesus would be worth more devotion. There is no limit to the worthiness of Jesus.

That is why I love the mandate of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. I have been part of this community for fifteen years, but in my early years I was a worship leader like many of the writers in this devotional. As I read through these pages, I can imagine myself in the IHOPKC briefing room before a two-hour prayer meeting, preparing my heart and listening to the exhortation of each of the worship leaders. I want to encourage you as you read this book to do likewise.

What you have in your hand are devotional thoughts from many of the worship leaders who keep the “fire on the altar” burning 24/7. Solomon encouraged us in Proverbs to “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23). This devotional is aimed at helping you “keep your heart.” In reading these devotions from worship leaders at IHOPKC and other friends around the world, you will be given a daily Scripture, an inspirational devotion, a prayer, and some thoughts for reflection or journaling. Take your time with this. I encourage you to read, meditate on the words, and engage your heart with the Lord. You will receive revelation as you do so.

We have also included a few song recommendations with each devotional, and a code at the back of this book to get a three-month subscription to UNCEASING, our growing library of spontaneous worship recorded live at IHOPKC, so that you can engage with the Lord with anointed worship music. Mixing anointed music and prayer is a biblical way to place your heart before the Lord and see Him satisfy your soul. I pray the Lord blesses you on this journey.

Jono HallSenior Leadership, IHOPKC

Section 1

The Beauty of the Lord


Connecting with a Person


That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened.


One of the questions I’m often asked as a worship leader is, “What keeps you going year after year? What sustains you?” It’s a great question. I basically do the same exact thing at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC) every day. Same songs, same prayers, and the same Scripture passages. And trust me, whether they’re old songs that I’ve sung a hundred times or the latest popular worship chorus, it can easily all start to feel the same!

But there’s at least one thing that is not the same, and it is what sustains me: connecting with Jesus in worship. It’s one thing to sing a song, even a worship song that’s supposed to be sung to Jesus. I’ve done that many times. But it’s a different thing to connect with Jesus through song.

I remember when this began to happen to me in a consistent way. I was in my mid-twenties and had been at IHOPKC maybe a year or two. Mike Bickle, IHOPKC director, was giving a message about engaging with God in prayer. He said that when he prayed, he would picture the brilliant light of the Holy Spirit on the inside, or he would picture God’s throne room, as described in Revelation 4. For whatever reason, I really locked into the Revelation 4 idea and began to picture that throne room scene when I would pray during my own devotional time with the Lord.

What I didn’t know was that this heart posture in my devotions would spill over into my times of leading worship—and it did. Instead of just singing through worship songs and trying to get the room hyped up, I would dial down on the inside, picture that throne room scene, and picture myself before the Lord in that throne room. When that happened, my worship changed. It went from just singing a song to live interaction with the living God through song.

I’d love to say that since that time it just automatically happens every time I step on stage to lead worship in a corporate setting, but it doesn’t. Most times when it happens, I’m intentionally reaching to connect with the Lord. I’m being purposeful. I say no to the different distractions in my mind, and no to coasting through a worship set on autopilot. I reach for that intimate connection and dial down on the inside. With focus, I picture myself in that holy throne room, and I picture the Lord. And it makes all the difference between a sing-along or a holy encounter with Jesus.

Jesus, open the eyes of my heart when I’m speaking or singing to you, and give me grace to connect with you in moments of worship!

What are some ways that you can be intentional about connecting with Jesus in the place of worship?


“Jesus, You’re Beautiful” by Jon Thurlow from Love Makes Us Strong

“All that You Are” by Jon Thurlow from The Anointed One


One Thing I’ve Desired


One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple.

PSALM 27:4

Since 2004, I’ve been a full-time worship leader on staff at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri (IHOPKC). Full-time staff have a fifty-hour work week. We spend twenty-five hours in service (training, leading worship, admin, teaching, etc.) and twenty-five hours in our prayer room.

You may be thinking what a lot of people think when they hear this. Wow, I’d love to spend that much time in God’s presence.

Whenever someone says this to me, I kindly nod and agree, but I actually want to say, You should try it sometime and see how that goes for you! Sitting in a prayer room for hours a week might sound like a constant blissful experience of God’s presence (and sometimes it is). But there are times when it’s downright grueling and I want nothing more than to leave the room.

In the thousands of hours I’ve spent in our prayer room over the years, I’ve meditated on Psalm 27:4 often. It’s been one of my go-to lifelines. Here are some key learnings I have had:

First, consider the source. Psalm 27 was written by King David. David is mentioned more than anyone else in the Bible besides Jesus. He was “the man after God’s own heart” from whose lineage Jesus is coming and on whose throne Jesus will reign. The point is, David’s not just some random guy in the Bible; he’s a big deal. So when I read Psalm 27:4, I take note.

Second, the King of Israel is sharing a secret here. The primary preoccupation of David’s heart was to gaze on the Lord’s beauty. This was the key to his power through seventy years of consistently walking with God. When successful people share their secrets, we do well to listen.

Third, David is sharing what gripped his heart all the days of his life, not just in one season. As a teenager, he gazed on God’s beauty while playing his guitar on Bethlehem’s hillsides as he tended sheep and sang love songs to God. In his twenties, he looked to God as his refuge as jealous King Saul was chasing him through the hills and caves of Judea trying to kill him. In his thirties, forties, and fifties, he inquired of the Lord as king over Israel, defeating the Lord’s enemies in tremendous victories. These words sustained David in every season of life, and they can do the same for us.

Finally, David was uniquely drawn by the grace of God into the subject of God’s beauty. He beheld the beauty of God in creation when he looked at the stars (Ps. 148:3), in the written word of God as he had it in that day (Ps. 18:30), and in God’s character as he experienced forgiveness and redemption (Ps. 32:1).

If David were to hold a self-help or life motivation seminar, you can guarantee that sitting at the feet of Jesus and gazing upon Him would be atop his list of must do’s. Another thing I think he would say, and this one’s a kicker: God’s beauty is evident in every facet of life if only we will look for it.

Father, I want to learn to gaze on your beauty like David did so that in every season and in every place, you are evident in my life. Be the one thing I am after all the days of my life.

As you go throughout your day today, whether you’re feeling dry in a prayer room, sitting at a stoplight, or tending to your children at home, write down key phrases that strike your heart from Psalm 27:4 and whisper them to the Lord throughout the day.


“I’m in Love” by Tim Reimherr from Let the Weak Speak

“Pledge” by Marcus Meier from Merchant Band


Step Outside and See


For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.


Most of us spend our days inside on a computer, on our phones, boxed in a room with not many windows, taking long car rides in traffic and breathing in recycled air with fluorescent lights shining down on us. In the monotony of life, we can forget about the outside or even complain about the current weather patterns. While the solace of shelter really is a gift, with the wrong perspective life can turn into a suffocating existence inside a box.