Selbst Verständlich Predigen? So geht's! - Matthias Bernstorf - E-Book

Selbst Verständlich Predigen? So geht's! E-Book

Matthias Bernstorf

20,00 €

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Learn to hold your dream sermon in only nine entertaining chapters: Anyone who carefully studies the tips given by these authors (all with a radio background) will succeed in their endeavours. This book was written especially for lay preachers, to provide them with the necessary courage, competence and background.The themes range from time planning, choosing a subject, how to write a text, how to rehearse and perform it in front of the congregation. The chapters are kept simple, use large measures of humor and have practice exercises (with solutions). First, the difficult questions are addressed: Can I do it? Am I allowed to? Who is my competition? A case example is also given of a lay preacher who reports on her experiences from beginning to end, up to and including her looking forward to next Sunday when she will lead the church services and celebrate them together with the congregation. That is the goal of this volume – as Nikolaus Schneider writes in his Preface – to create a unique mixture of background knowledge, experience and practical exercises.

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