Serenity - Mike Shea - E-Book

Serenity E-Book

Mike Shea

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God wants to take us on a pilgrimage to a place where hopelessness is replaced by hope, and death is traded for life. In this 365 day devotional, we read how words spoken from hurt and emotion can become words spoken from respect and wisdom, darkness is exchanged for God's light, depression is substituted for action and service, and addiction is swapped for recovery. We climb into Jesus' lap to find rest and peace simply because we can. ​The meditations are our story. An imperfect journey, by imperfect people, into the loving arms of the Father. We have been saved by the blood of Jesus and encouraged by the Holy Spirit to continue the recovery journey on his way, not ours. Serenity is possible, because all things are possible for those who believe in Christ Jesus.

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BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Racine, Wisconsin, USA

Serenity: Meditations of Acceptance, Courage, and Wisdom

© 2015 by Mike Shea

ISBN 978-1-4245-5054-8 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4245-5055-5 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Design by Chris Garborg |

Editorial services by Michelle Winger |

Printed in China.

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He has rescued us from thekingdom of darkness and transferredus into the Kingdom of his dearSon, who purchased our freedomand forgave our sins.



This book is dedicated to my beloved wife,Peggy, who participated, persevered, andloved me during each step of the five-monthpilgrimage of writing. Your strength andwords of life were crucial and much needed.Thank you.


I want to acknowledge the critical roles of those around me whose encouragement allowed this work to be completed. From Serenity Village leadership: Pastor Jeff Hill and wife Monica, Jackson, Doug, Jack, and Mike; from the team at Waters of Life Recovery Ministry: Bishop Earl Gilchrist and wife Pam; from my Tuesday and Wednesday night groups: Pastor Joni, David, and Norm; the many, mighty warriors at Serenity Village whose hugs kept life in perspective; and those whose names are too numerous to mention.

Thank you, Carlton, Michelle, and BroadStreet team for publishing and editing. Your care, respect, and dedication to your strong ministry is so appreciated.

Also on behalf of those who fought the good fight to the best of their ability, and died much too young: God bless your memory. We will keep your legacy alive.


This book is birthed from my personal on-going journey of recovery and the many years of being part of a faith-based recovery ministry. It’s a pilgrimage to remember that words of death spoken over me in the past can now be exchanged for the Holy Spirit’s whispers of life. This isn’t about clean time; this is about free time.

God wants to take you to a place where hopelessness is replaced by hope, death is traded for life, words spoken from hurt and emotion become words spoken from respect and wisdom, darkness is exchanged for God’s light, depression is substituted for action and service, and addiction is swapped for recovery.

These devotionals are your story and mine—an imperfect journey, by imperfect ruffians into the loving arms of the Father. We are saved by the blood of Jesus, and encouraged by the Holy Spirit to continue the recovery journey his way, not ours. Recovery is possible.

What I’ve witnessed during ten years of observing over one thousand addicts come through the doors of Serenity Village is recorded on these pages. Recovery is about being taught by a servant of God to be a servant of God, and embracing practical, Biblical principles. It’s essential to be as desperate for your recovery as you were for your addiction.

Recovery happens when you admit you’re absolutely poor in spirit. You submit to God first, in all things—he comes before family, jobs, relationships…everything. To seek God’s will for you and to be accountable with someone else are both critical components.

Jesus says love is the greatest commandment, and his love is expressed through you to others. Actions speak louder than words. God desires to activate you into his service, help break generational curses, and love other addicts into recovery.

God, I humbly ask you to speak through your words. I request your living Word will penetrate deeply. Soften hearts and open eyes. I pray the words in this book will be a blessing to those struggling, and an encouragement for those walking on your path. Help them all to recover and live in freedom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Climb into Jesus’ lap now to rest, simply because you can.




January 1:  A Resolution

January 2:  What Do You Allow In?

January 3:  The Devil’s Snare

January 4:  Your Response Defines You

January 5:  Bread of Life

January 6:  Free to Have a Good Day

January 7:  All God Has for You

January 8:  An Active Faith Walk

January 9:  You’ll Get through This

January 10:  Confession Is Critical

January 11:  Lift Another Higher

January 12:  Live By Believing

January 13:  God Has Called You

January 14:  Light in the Lord

January 15:  God Works Out the Details

January 16:  Let God Choose

January 17:  Just Around the Corner

January 18:  Love that Saves and Protects

January 19:  Listen Carefully

January 20:  Asking for Help

January 21:  The Power Is in His Strength

January 22:  Stay Hungry

January 23:  The Fork in the Road

January 24:  Take It Captive

January 25:  Embrace the Work

January 26:  Sounding Impressive

January 27:  Faith Builders

January 28:  Embrace the Love

January 29:  Have a Great Day

January 30:  Resentment Destroys Recovery

January 31:  Self-Control and Perseverance

February 1:  Kneeling to Pride

February 2:  First Look in the Mirror

February 3:  Line Up

February 4:  Lose It to Find It

February 5:  Spiritual Warfare Is Real

February 6:  Believe and Experience Fully

February 7:  Know the Father

February 8:  Get to Your Feet

February 9:  A Shepherd Boy

February 10:  God’s Spontaneous Love

February 11:  Expectations of God

February 12:  Activate Gratitude

February 13:  Truth Spoken Effectively

February 14:  The First Valentine

February 15:  Beautiful Brokenness

February 16:  Throw the Stone

February 17:  The Father Delights in You

February 18:  Feeling Inadequate

February 19:  Chutzpah:  Jesus Is Able

February 20:  The Crusader’s Dream

February 21:  Not If, but When

February 22:  The Storm of Addiction

February 23:  Go through It to Get to It

February 24:  Reminders

February 25:  The Father’s Love

February 26:  The Son’s Love

February 27:  Once an Orphan

February 28:  Discipline to Seek Him

February 29:  The Upper Room

March 1:  Stay

March 2:  His Living Water

March 3:  Rebuilding or New Building?

March 4:  Commitment

March 5:  Declaring Poverty

March 6:  Saved by Grace

March 7:  Don’t Quit

March 8:  March:  Maintain Your Recovery

March 9:  Can You Stay Committed?

March 10:  Absolute Surrender

March 11:  A Living Problem

March 12:  Ask for Advice

March 13:  His Hands and Feet

March 14:  Refresh Your Memory

March 15:  My Plans? His Purpose!

March 16:  Our Purpose

March 17:  St Patrick’s Day

March 18:  Place of Safety

March 19:  His Perfect Love

March 20:  The Father of Faith

March 21:  Jesus’ Assignment

March 22:  The Full Extent of His Love

March 23:  The Garden

March 24:  Disfigured

March 25:  Pilgrimage to the Cross

March 26:  Day of Waiting

March 27:  He Is Risen Indeed!

March 28:  Restless or Restful?

March 29:  The Gate

March 30:  His Path Is the Way

March 31:  Rejoice in His Presence

April 1:  Enemy-Trained

April 2:  Thinking Highly of Yourself

April 3:  Hope and Faith

April 4:  Dismantle Your Scaffolding

April 5:  His Quiet Whisper

April 6:  Do Something

April 7:  Character Issues

April 8:  For the Foolish

April 9:  Pursue Recovery

April 10:  A Blessing

April 11:  One Foot out the Door

April 12:  Stubbing Your Toe

April 13:  Season to Recover

April 14:  His Truth Is Freedom

April 15:  The Word Never Changes

April 16:  Confidence in His Word

April 17:  Reflection of His Word

April 18:  Confidence in God

April 19:  Enemy Strongholds

April 20:  Conform?

April 21:  Start Fresh

April 22:  You Can Do All Things

April 23:  Poison Arrows

April 24:  When the Furnace Gets Hot

April 25:  Yoke of Offense

April 26:  Become Less

April 27:  The Old Man Has to Go

April 28:  Become a Fool to Become Wise

April 29:  You’re Not a Mistake

April 30:  Your Time

May 1:  Stay One More Day

May 2:  Shepherds Are a Gift

May 3:  Saved from Yourself

May 4:  Benefits and Gifts

May 5:  Consider Trials Joy

May 6:  Accept His Gift

May 7:  Fruit of Your Lips

May 8:  A Tender and Responsive Heart

May 9:  Saved to Save Another

May 10:  Pilate’s Courtyard

May 11:  The Same Effort

May 12:  A Parent’s Word

May 13:  Purposed to Recover

May 14:  Healing in Confession

May 15:  Emotions as a First Response

May 16:  Who’s Your Leader?

May 17:  Apply God’s Word

May 18:  Jesus Weeps with You

May 19:  You Have an Enemy

May 20:  Participate, Believe, and Receive

May 21:  Recovery Season

May 22:  Increase Your Faith

May 23:  Spirit and Life

May 24:  Content with Today

May 25:  Everyone Is Recovering

May 26:  Put Off the Old Self

May 27:  Housecleaning

May 28:  Purchased Freedom

May 29:  Confess and Be Healed

May 30:  Who Condemns You?

May 31:  Another Chance

June 1:  Use God’s Armor

June 2:  Reserved Seat

June 3:  The Son Will Set You Free

June 4:  More Important

June 5:  Remember When He Saved You

June 6:  Recovery Is Possible

June 7:  A New Lawyer

June 8:  Greater and Less

June 9:  No Shortcuts

June 10:  Love the Unlovable

June 11:  Words of Fire

June 12:  Life God’s Way

June 13:  It Is Finished

June 14:  God Values Humility

June 15:  Circle of Respect

June 16:  Past Pain or Future Grace?

June 17:  Endurance Builds Character

June 18:  True Purpose

June 19:  God Knows Your Purpose

June 20:  Let No One Take Your Crown

June 21:  Garments that Last for Eternity

June 22:  Judging Others

June 23:  A Fresh Start

June 24:  Guard Your Heart

June 25:  Childish Things

June 26:  Stand on What God Says

June 27:  God’s Gentle Whisper

June 28:  The Seed

June 29:  A Good Soil Person

June 30:  Run with Purpose

July 1:  Words like Honey

July 2:  Stay in Recovery

July 3:  There Is Time

July 4:  Your Purpose

July 5:  Lean on God

July 6:  Trust Issues

July 7:  It’s Not Complicated

July 8:  Unlocked

July 9:  Nurture One Another

July 10:  Serve One Another

July 11:  Respect One Another

July 12:  Trust One Another

July 13:  Purpose that Prevails

July 14:  In Due Time

July 15:  One Thing to Change

July 16:  Shield of Faith

July 17:  Worship God Forever

July 18:  Don’t Become Stagnant

July 19:  God’s Perfect Love

July 20:  God’s Masterpiece

July 21:  Where Does Your Help Come From?

July 22:  Rest in Jesus’ Lap

July 23:  Abba’s Child

July 24:  Extend Your Hand

July 25:  Recover with the Father

July 26:  Pray without Ceasing

July 27:  Give Everything to God

July 28:  Take Cover in God’s Shelter

July 29:  God’s Lifeline

July 30:  You Have Access

July 31:  Most Unlikely

August 1:  Content to Be Yourself

August 2:  God’s Vision or Your Sight?

August 3:  Stay Close to Jesus

August 4:  Don’t Leave before the Blessing

August 5:  What He Did

August 6:  Hope Opens the Door

August 7:  It’s Possible with God

August 8:  The Devil’s Pawn Shop

August 9:  You Are Rich

August 10:  No Middle Ground

August 11:  Unlikely Mentors

August 12:  Embrace the Fruit

August 13:  A Loyal and Trusted Friend

August 14:  Not too Hard

August 15:  Do What You Don’t Feel like Doing

August 16:  Jesus Wept

August 17:  Become a Giver

August 18:  Stay or Go

August 19:  Commitment, Effort, Persistence

August 20:  Trials Develop Character

August 21:  Activate Your Recovery

August 22:  Get Your Inside Put Right

August 23:  Actions Speak Louder

August 24:  Offer Yourself to God

August 25:  No Longer Condemned

August 26:  God Will Never Leave You

August 27:  Faith, Freely Given

August 28:  People of Purpose

August 29:  What Holds You Back

August 30:  The Joy of God’s Presence

August 31:  Without Love, You Have Nothing

September 1:  A Good Fall

September 2:  Close Down Your Dungeon

September 3:  The King Chose You

September 4:  Rise Up and Help Me

September 5:  God Chooses the Least Likely

September 6:  You Are a Champion

September 7:  Compassion and Comfort

September 8:  The Blessing in Serving

September 9:  Fight for Quiet Time

September 10:  You’re Okay

September 11:  Guidance and Counsel

September 12:  Free, Indeed

September 13:  For His Glory

September 14:  Get to Know God

September 15:  Smell like Smoke

September 16:  Stay Connected

September 17:  Foolish and Weak

September 18:  A Misnomer

September 19:  Stubbornness for Obedience

September 20:  The Big Picture

September 21:  The Kingdom Is within You

September 22:  Hiding Place

September 23:  New Life in Christ

September 24:  Keeper of His Promise

September 25:  Planned Recovery

September 26:  Expect His Promises

September 27:  His Work in You

September 28:  The Lord Will Rescue You

September 29:  Grow in God’s Love

September 30:  You Can Be Content

October 1:  Ordinary Offering

October 2:  Submit to God’s Authority

October 3:  Pointing Fingers

October 4:  What’s Your Faith Tied To?

October 5:  Continued Survival

October 6:  This Day Is God’s Gift

October 7:  Faith and Actions

October 8:  Special Favor

October 9:  Faith Makes Things Happen

October 10:  Excuses Clog God’s Aqueduct

October 11:  Don’t Take Your Pardon Lightly

October 12:  Love Always Wins

October 13:  Make God’s Purpose Your Purpose

October 14:  Wisdom to Trust

October 15:  Joy and Peace

October 16:  God Is Your Source

October 17:  The Old Way Has to Go

October 18:  Wait Patiently for God

October 19:  The Way Ahead

October 20:  Enjoying Creation

October 21:  God Delights in You

October 22:  No Such Thing

October 23:  Believe and Anything Is Possible

October 24:  The Word Was God

October 25:  Nobody into Somebody

October 26:  God’s Light Makes You Glow

October 27:  God’s Great Love

October 28:  Not the Easy Way

October 29:  Celebrate Losing Everything

October 30:  Greater than Your Past

October 31:  Spirit, Water, and Truth

November 1:  The Recovery Marathon

November 2:  The Challenge of Intimacy

November 3:  Gift-Wrapped Recovery

November 4:  Listen More Intently

November 5:  Weakness and Hardships

November 6:  The Shepherd Leads

November 7:  The Father Hears Your Prayers

November 8:  Dependency on God

November 9:  Using God’s Tools

November 10:  Anguish or Rest?

November 11:  Who Threw You into Confusion?

November 12:  Jesus Gave You His Glory

November 13:  Default Button

November 14:  No More Shame

November 15:  Walk with the Wise

November 16:  Lift Your Eyes to the Hills

November 17:  In the Firestorm

November 18:  The Back of the Bus

November 19:  Furnace of Suffering

November 20:  Believe and Receive

November 21:  The Best They Could

November 22:  State of Trouble

November 23:  Go All In

November 24:  Mutual Acceptance

November 25:  Here I Am

November 26:  The Storm

November 27:  Refuge from the Storm

November 28:  The Storm Forms

November 29:  Shaking the Tree

November 30:  Gift of Recovery

December 1:  Track of No Return

December 2:  Special Days

December 3:  Plant through Tears; Harvest with Joy

December 4:  Antagonistic

December 5:  God Has the Answers

December 6:  Do You Really Want Recovery?

December 7:  Requirements of Addiction

December 8:  Little Kid Issues

December 9:  Time for a Fresh Spirit

December 10:  Content Doing Good

December 11:  God’s Crusaders

December 12:  Something More

December 13:  Back on Your Feet

December 14:  Nothing Less than Extraordinary

December 15:  The Top of the List

December 16:  Self-Examination Is Critical

December 17:  Stay near the Truth

December 18:  God Cheers Your Willingness

December 19:  Your Recovery Masterpiece

December 20:  Visit the Manger

December 21:  The First Manger Scene

December 22:  Born for You to Be Born Again

December 23:  Jesus Left His Throne for You

December 24:  Receive the Father’s Gift

December 25:  The Celebration Need Not End

December 26:  Yeshua

December 27:  It Will Be Alright

December 28:  Do You Know?

December 29:  Believe the Truth before the Lie

December 30:  A Mainline Blessing

December 31:  Admit You Are Weak

About the Author


A Resolution

The start of a new year is a great time to check on your recovery. The statistics show that 90% of resolutions fail within thirty days. Strong starters are weak finishers, and best intentions are left in tatters. God saved you because of his mercy, and he renews you by the Holy Spirit. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and love.

The true measure of your faith walk is whether or not people even know you’re in recovery. Work the Word and it will work you. Study God’s Word so you can activate the Word in daily life.

God’s people spent forty years wandering because of their complaining. How is your level of gratitude? Who are you listening to—God, the flesh, or the lies of the enemy? Stand firm in your faith and resist the devil during times of suffering. To skip a meeting or miss a mentor call are little compromises that begin to seep into your recovery and can eventually take you out.

Lord, I need your help to examine myself, rather than others. I pray I will remember what you brought me out of and how bad it was. Thank you for the light and joy that are now mine. Amen.

TITUS 3:5; 2 PETER 1:5-9; 2 TIMOTHY 2:15; GALATIANS 5:9


What Do You Allow In?

God knows your very next thought. He put in you everything you need to seek and serve him—beginning with knowing when he’s nudging you. A ship doesn’t sink when it’s in the water; it sinks when the water gets in. You can be in chaos, but you’ll only go down when the chaos gets in you. God uses all your experiences to reveal himself to you. God’s ready to help, so don’t be afraid. That which you allow in can affect your day.

The chaos of the past wants to get in. Weariness and burdens that you allow in can sink your recovery ship. God’s purpose for you is to be fruitful and productive in the place he sets you. This season he has purposed for you a window of opportunity to recover.

Today, discover the priceless value God places upon you. Connect with the radical, excessive love the Father has for you. Nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from the love of the Father that’s in his Son.

Lord, thanks for this appointed time to discover my purpose. I pray for strength to keep chaos from sinking my recovery ship. I pray for revelation, not information. Amen.



The Devil’s Snare

The Hebrew word for offense is skandalone—where the bait is attached in the trap. Offense will come: the enemy sets the bait to attract, and the snare to catch you. Oh, I don’t get offended, or offend anyone. Really! Offense is sin: hurting others, causing resentment and anger. Be watchful for the devil’s snare.

In relationships, unmet expectations can cause you to be offended. You’re limited to only receive what you perceive someone to be. If you have trust issues, it’s difficult to receive. When looking for others to fulfill your needs, relationships self-destruct.

When you are offended, you operate in what you believe to be true. It should be this, or it could be that. This isn’t God’s way, and he will not adjust the truth to what you believe. The Bible says those who are not offended are blessed.

Lord, I desire forgiveness for the many times I have offended you and others. I pray for strength not to cause offense and not to be offended. Amen.

ROMANS 11:9; LUKE 17:1; MATTHEW 11:6


Your Response Defines You

Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery because he was favored by their father. You’ve experienced favoritism in some way—a prideful attitude, bragging, friction with siblings, betrayal or abandonment by family, or enduring time in prison—with or without walls. Joseph, by his example, provided some good life lessons: He didn’t spend a lot of time being a victim and asking why; his focus was on doing the next right thing. When he faced a setback, he didn’t take a shortcut. He wasn’t defined by his situation but by his response.

When you look too far ahead, the foreboding walls seem impassable. It’s only when you start walking in faith and getting closer to those walls of impossibilities that you discover a small door. You would never have seen the door without starting out and getting closer.

When you trust in the Lord, and know he is the rock eternal on which to stand, you start walking by faith. Joseph accepted his assignment from God. Do you dare start walking in faith toward your assignment and accept it regardless of consequences?

Lord, thanks for using all the things I’ve experienced, even betrayal by those closest, for my good. I’m grateful you love me enough to get me where you desire me to be. Amen.

GENESIS 37:5; ISAIAH 26:4; ROMANS 8:28


Bread of Life

Jesus says he is the bread of life. The crowd’s many questions were answered when Jesus pointed out their motivation for being with him—he fed them. Jesus came to satisfy spiritual hunger, and he invites your participation in the glorious endeavor to set aside physical wants to focus on your spiritual needs. He offered the bread of his flesh that allows us to live forever. Even if you didn’t know him at the time, it was his power that lifted you from the darkness of addiction.

It’s the Spirit who gives eternal life. All your efforts and willpower accomplish nothing. You’re not capable of coming to Christ—it’s a gift from the Father.

When asked if the disciples wanted to leave Jesus, Peter answered, “To whom would we go?” This question is worthy of your response as well. Where would you go? Back to detox, treatment centers, hospitals, jails, prisons, and worse! You need food and light to live: the food is Jesus offering himself on the cross, and the light is his living Word, which illuminates your path.

Father, I pray I will truly receive the gift of your Son. I love your bread of life. Amen.

JOHN 6:26-68; PSALM 119:105


Free to Have a Good Day

When you are faithless, God remains faithful. He was faithful even during your many times of doubt and unbelief. In the darkest days of addiction, fueled by depression, pain, and manic-bipolar episodes, God was faithful. While suffering from guilt and shame so intense that suicide seemed the only path to peace, God was faithful. Whether in detox, a psych ward, treatment, on the streets, or in prison, God was faithful. The creator has a plan and purpose for you, and his faithfulness gave you just enough hope to beat back the dense fog of darkness enveloping you.

God’s faithfulness to you is evident in that you’re still breathing. He gifted you the miracle of another chance to recover. Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. God lifted you when your weakened legs couldn’t stand, he holds you while you walk your steps of recovery, and he empowers you to have a good day in spite of bad things happening.

You can choose what kind of day you’ll have, but the faithfulness of God says you’re free to have a good day, every day. Expect your day to go well.

Lord, thanks for being faithful, even when my faith was miserably non-existent. I pray for the courage to expect a good day. Amen.

2 TIMOTHY 2:1, 13; EPHESIANS 6:13


All God Has for You

The chaos of the past has trained you to pray emergency room prayers and expect fast food answers. What you think is good might not be good for you, and your timing and God’s timing will always be at odds.

In recovery, you’re learning to pray about everything and not worry about anything. It’s okay to tell God what you need, and to thank him for all he’s done, but it’s time to exchange your perceived wants for actual needs. Trust that God is working on your situation even when nothing seems to be happening. He doesn’t need your help!

You no longer have to ask God for less than what he has for you. Instead of praying for your situation to change, give it to God to work out what’s best. After prayer, it’s okay to wonder if God heard you. God knows the proper time and season to release his answers to your prayers. In truth, God’s also working on getting you to the place where you can receive with power and be made new.

Lord, I praise you for the many prayers answered. I thank you for releasing grace even when I’m not asking for it. Amen.

PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7; JAMES 4:2-3; ROMANS 10:17


An Active Faith Walk

Trust that your help comes from the creator. God gives you the assurance and hope that he’s watching over your recovery and protecting you whenever the enemy suggests that you’ve failed in the past and you will fail again. The all-powerful, majestic God is your shade. He keeps you from harm and he watches your every move. He invites you to participate in an active faith walk where you are responsible for your effort and you let him be in charge of the outcome.

Your flesh can take a wrong turn out of the church parking lot. Because you’re still capable of mass destruction, you need God on a minute-to-minute basis.

In a reckless display of complete abandon, give God your recovery. He will strengthen, help, and uphold you with his victorious right hand. Fight for your recovery. Rest in him when you feel overwhelmed. God’s presence is the only place on this earth to find rest and be refreshed.

Lord, I pray for strength to fight for my recovery. I need your constant grace because I am poor in spirit. Amen.

PSALMS 5-8,121:1-2; ISAIAH 41:10


You’ll Get through This

The false facade of thinking more highly of yourself than of others has to go; it’s a mask everyone has worn. A subtle smokescreen from the pit of hell declares that what you did in the past disqualifies you from the Father’s unconditional love. When you feel worthless, you tell others they’re unworthy; when you feel judged, you’ll judge others; and when you feel guilty, you’ll pronounce others guilty. You no longer have to pretend to be someone you’re not.

In recovery, it’s critical to accept the truth that your old life is gone. Christ’s new life for you has begun. A fresh start for a new day, a new you. God reconciled the world to himself, making all things new. Jesus’ love compels you to places never imagined or dreamed of.

Jesus died so you no longer live for yourself, but for him. As you leave the “old man” the enemy declares you to be, and embrace the “new man” God says you are, there will be opposition. That’s okay. You’ll get through this—just don’t quit.

Lord, I pray I will treat others better, thinking less of myself. I pray for grace for the times my false mask sneaks back onto my face. Amen.

2 CORINTHIANS 5:15-17; GALATIANS 5:14-17


Confession Is Critical

In recovery, it’s critical to confess your human frailties, imperfections, and shortcomings to God and others. God will forgive you and wash you clean. It’s not easy to admit your deepest secrets because of the fear that others won’t accept you. You need to release the truth in order to remove what hinders you from moving forward. Pride, and the enemy’s lie that no one needs to know, comes against the need to share. Release your stuff to receive God’s stuff.

God is dependable. He has factored into your recovery the road to forgiveness. His beloved Son died to pardon your transgressions, and his faithfulness is the starting point for your act of faith to confess. When you confess your sins and pray with others you become healed and whole. This is essential to your recovery.

As you trust your new, intimate relationship with the Son of God, trusting others becomes easier.

Lord, I pray I will share what I want to keep inside. I pray for trust to reveal to others that which is holding me back. Amen.

1 JOHN 1:9; JAMES 5:16; PSALM 51:7


Lift Another Higher

God’s love flows to you in spite of your past. It was waiting with open arms the moment you reached total brokenness. Recovery began the instant you admitted you were powerless. Everyone on the planet is recovering from something. A mustard seed of willingness is all that’s needed to take a baby step out of addiction and into God’s unique witness protection program. When the Lord delights in your journey, he makes your steps firm. Even if you stumble, you won’t fall; he’s got you. It’s your season to recover.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, brings you into recovery except God. It’s critical to remember the torture and despair you experienced during your addiction. God used your shame and pain to lift you out of the slimy pit and set your feet on a rock. He gave you a firm place to stand. He takes the most unlovable and unworthy people on the planet and promotes them into recovery.

Use your time wisely to learn and practice the godly principle of serving others. The miracle is when selfish and ungrateful people lift other unlovable people above themselves.

Lord, I pray I will lift others above myself like you did for me. I pray I will learn and practice your principle of serving others in recovery. Amen.

PSALMS 37:23-24, 40:2


Live By Believing

You cannot be in creation without getting in touch with the creator. As you diligently search for God, he reveals his presence in the tiniest details of your life in the most extraordinary ways. During moments of weariness, when your strength is not sufficient, his strength is. When life’s struggles are about to take you out, his grace and power are made perfect in your weakness. Acceptance of his power begins with trust. This is challenging because past broken promises, improper sexual advances, harassment, or verbal attacks can violate our trust in others.

The attempts by the enemy to assassinate the person God created you to be have pressed you on every side; yet you’re not crushed. You’re still standing. You’re perplexed, but don’t give up and quit. To become free from past transgressions, ask the Father to reveal himself. His grace and power will give you the courage and strength to forgive others.

God will give you all you need one day at a time. Chaos is exchanged for orderliness, doubt and fear diminish, violators of your trust are forgiven, and healing of injuries begins.

Lord, I pray I will know recovery is an inside job, not an outside one. I pray to live by believing, not by seeing, through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2 CORINTHIANS 4:8, 5:5-7, 12:9; MATTHEW 6:32-33


God Has Called You

Your flesh comes against your recovery with spiritual warfare you never knew existed. It’s been going on since your birth. The enemy keeps throwing toxic darts of confusion, chaos, condemnation, and shame to get you to climb back onto his extreme specialized torture rack. That’s okay. Opposition means you’re on the right track. You’ve searched and googled everything to figure out a plan to get you where you desired to be, to no avail. In recovery, you’re now in the perfect place to see what God has for you.

God desires for you to receive his revelation of the promises and assignment he placed in you at birth. You haven’t disqualified yourself, but it’s up to you to walk into what he’s always had for you. God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

It’s extremely critical for you to know God chose you, called you, justifies you, and glorifies you. You’ve been given abundant grace and mercy for your healing in order to comfort those in trouble with the comfort you received from God. Will it be his purpose, or your purpose?

Lord, I pray with thanksgiving for the new song you put into my once hardened heart. I pray for grace to give up, and give in—to you. Amen.

ROMANS 8:28-30; 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-4; PSALM 40:3


Light in the Lord

As you trust God more, your excuses and reasons for continuing to embrace your false self-diminish. As one of his adopted kids, live a life of love, just as Christ loved you and gave himself up for you as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. He didn’t do this to get anything from you, he did it to give everything to you. You’re the beloved of Jesus, and you are worthy to receive the love of the Father as you are, not as you should be. He meets you where you are.

This is a process. You’ve probably beat yourself up for years when falling short, and believed yourself unworthy of any good thing. Once you were in darkness, but now you’re in the light. It’s refreshing to be out of the murkiness and fog to operate in the Son-light where clarity and truth reveal the path of recovery ahead. Dare to take your eyes off yourself, grab onto Jesus’ hand, and walk with him through your day.

It’s extremely critical to check with your mentor on how your day looks to them. They will help keep your light shining.

Lord, I pray to live as one of your adopted kids—in freedom. I pray for willingness to call my mentor when I am struggling. Amen.



God Works Out the Details

In your humanness, you can easily get ensnared when wondering about your present suffering. You ran from troubles in the past, isolated when things seemed overwhelming, and medicated the pain. The blessing now is you have the choice to face the fear and not run. Let go, and let God deal with it.

With God, there can’t be any comparison to your present difficulties and the glory which will be revealed in and through you. Yes, there will be times when you’re caught between God’s perfect timing and yours. That’s okay. Trust that God is who he says he is, and that he will do what he says. This comes against the enemy’s counterfeit gospel of busyness and instant gratification.

There will be times of conforming to values which are not God’s, when people-pleasing becomes your daily devotion, when earning your way to heaven replaces grace, and when impatience with God’s timing arises. At times, you may wonder if Jesus’ shed blood covers the multitude of your sins. Ease up on yourself and rejoice; the Holy Spirit helps in your weakness and gives you the strength to stay and recover.

Lord, I pray for courage to ask, seek, and knock on your door. I pray for grace to receive, find, and walk through your open door. Amen.

ROMANS 8:18, 26-28; MATTHEW 7:7-8


Let God Choose

The times you declare with some degree of self-flattery, “I chose God,” falls short. You didn’t choose him. He chose you and put you into the world to bear fruit. Do we seriously believe that we had the power to choose him when broken by sarcasm and insults, flat on our faces, reduced to nothing, without a shoulder to cry on? God chose to lift us from the darkness to reveal his eternal, unconditional love at the very moment we were the least deserving and most undesirable people on the planet.

Your opportunity to recover from addiction came from Jesus’ choice to leave his heavenly throne to live, love, and die for you. He chose to do the will of his Father. His shed blood washed your slate clean of all sin and rescued you from the lifestyle you chose to embrace. Without Jesus’ choice, you would have none!

The bottom line is that the God of creation, the Lord and Savior, shows mercy and compassion to anyone he chooses… and he chose you! Your best choice today is to allow God to choose your path through any circumstance you’re facing.

Lord, I pray to choose to walk your path today. Thanks for showing mercy and compassion in choosing me. Amen.

JOHN 15:16; PSALM 69:20; ROMANS 9:15-16; JOSHUA 24:15


Just Around the Corner

Jesus—by taking your past and future sins upon himself—unconditionally pardoned you by his tender mercy. Your addiction took you much farther than you ever could have imagined. God demonstrated his love when you were powerless and lost in sin. He justified you and brought you into his camp to no longer experience separation from him. St. Patrick, in a dynamic prayer, spoke of God’s presence surrounding us from head to toe and around every square inch of our physical bodies from the day we were born.

As you rest in the Father’s lap, the same longing he has for you is transferred into your very being. You get in touch with his longing for another soul in distress and it gives you purpose. Allow God to love another unlovable through you, as he first loved you.

When you love others, you experience opposition. Don’t be surprised at the fiery trials that test you. The pressure brought against you during your daily walk in faith-based recovery is the barometer that measures if you’re on the right track. God needs you for kingdom business.

Lord, I’m grateful trials allow me to participate in what you experienced. I’m thankful your glory is just around the corner. Amen.

ROMANS 5:6-8; 1 PETER 4:12-13


Love that Saves and Protects

The eyes of your heart become focused to fully grasp the hope God has called you to and the riches of his inheritance. His incomparably great power is given to those who believe. These are the most radical, intense, unconventional words spoken in Scriptures to digest, receive, and believe. Your flesh and soul have no capacity to accept the contract written in Jesus’ blood. By faith, the same power which raised Jesus from the dead is now in you.

The Father in heaven calls you to belong to him. You’re more than a conqueror through him. The battle in your mind is unbearable at times because the war you’re in is the war against yourself. In his power, you can die to self and take captive both the enemy’s lies and the stubbornness of the flesh.

Death, life, angels, and demons can’t separate you from God’s love. Fear of today and worry about tomorrow, or even the powers of hell, can’t keep God’s love away. The Father’s love saves and protects you.

Lord, I pray to go deeper into your love which saves and protects. I pray to trust your awesome power to do kingdom business. Amen.

EPHESIANS 1:18-19; ROMANS 8:37-39