Show me your S(e)oul - Carolina Mangliers - E-Book

Show me your S(e)oul E-Book

Carolina Mangliers



After some careful consideration Amelia decides that it's time to stop wasting her time in Germany and to instead pursue her dreams. Her destination? Seoul - the pulsating metropolis with a traditional heart. After only a short time, she meets the attractive Sung-ho, who draws her into his world with his unique charm. But is the man in front of her who he claims to be? What secrets is he hiding from her? And why does he keep disappearing every once in a while? Their shared love story reaches its zenith before an unforeseen abyss builds up before them, threatening to mercilessly swallow up all they've worked for...

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Seitenzahl: 468

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Table of Contents


Test reader feedback.

Personal words from the author:


~Seoul, 08.01.2024, 1 a.m.~

~Erfurt, Germany,07.01.2024, 19:00~

~Seoul, South Korea, 08.01.2024, 2 a.m.

~Erfurt, Germany, 1 week later, 15.01.2024~

~7am in the morning~

~Seoul, South Korea, same day, 2 pm~

~Frankfurt, Germany, 22.01.2024~

~Seoul, South Korea, 14 h later, 23.01.2024, 11am~

~Gangnam-gu, 24.01.2024 1:30 am~

~8 am~

~ 2 hours later~

~Flashback court hearing~

~1.5 hours later~

~23.01.24, 2:30pm~

~Gangnam, Jan 23, 2024, 9pm~

~Myeong-dong, 23.01.2024, 9:30pm~

~Gangnam, 23.01.2024, 11:30pm~

~Myeong-dong, 24.01.2024, 00:30am~

~Gangnam, 24.01.2024, 1:30am~

~Itaewon, 26.01.2024, 9pm~

~Itaewon, Jan 26, 2024, 10pm

~Cheongdam-dong, 27.01.2024, 8:30pm~

~Sunday, Jan. 28, 2024, 7am~


~Sunday, 10pm~

~15 minutes later~

~Yongsan-gu, 12.02.2024, 9pm~

~Amelia's apartment, 11:30pm~

~Gangnam, 1am~

~Myeong-dong, 14.02.2024, 5pm~

~2.5h later~

~Han River, 11pm~

~1h later~

~The next morning, 15.02.2024

~Sung-ho PoV~

~Yongsan-gu, 15.02.2024~

~Myeong-dong, Friday, 16.02.2024~

~Gyeongju,16.02.2024, 9-11pm~

~Itaewon, 16.02.2024, 11pm~

~Gyeongju, 17.02.2024, 7am~

~Myeong-dong, 17.02.2024, 2pm~

~3h later~

~Gangnam, 23.02.2024, 6am~

~9am, at Sung-ho's workplace~



~Sung-ho's Apartment~


~Gangnam, 8:30pm~

~Myeong-dong, 9pm~

~Gangnam, 11pm~

~Red Orchid, 11pm~

~Club, Gangnam, 11:30pm~

~Red Orchid, Gangnam, 12:15am~

~12:30am, Club, Gangnam~

~Sung-hos Apartment, 24.02.2024, 9pm~

~01.03.24, Myeong-dong, 7am~

~Myeong-dong, 9am~

~Daegu, 10am~

~Myeong-dong, 7pm~

~Gangnam, 03.03.24, 9pm~

~Myeong-dong, 14.03.2024, 7am~.

~Sung-hos office, 4pm~

~Jung-gu, Lotte Hotel Seoul's Executive Tower, 9pm~

~11:50pm, Gangnam~

~15.03.2024, 9am~


~Myeong-dong, 17.03.24, 7am~.

~30 minutes later~

~Sung-hos office, 28.03.2024 10am~


~1 hour later, Gangnam~

~14.05.2024, Yongsan-gu~

~Myeong-dong, 8pm~


~Red Orchids, 9:30pm~

~Gangnam, 11pm~

~Myeong-dong, 16.05.24, 9am~.



~Myeong-dong, 17.05.2014, 7pm~

~1h later~

~Sung-hos office, 18.05.2024, 10am~

~18.05.2024. 11pm, Seongbuk-gu~

~19.05.2024, 4am, police station~

~POV General, 11pm~

~23.05.2024, 6pm, Gangnam~

~Myeong-dong, 8pm~

~1h later~

24.05.2024, Sung-hos office, 10am~

~Sung-hos office, 2pm~

~5.5h later~

~25.05.2024,6am, Jeju~

~1h later~

~25.05.2024, 11pm, Seoul Detention Center~

~20 minutes later~

~26.05.2024, Midnight, Myeong-dong~

~27.05.2024, 7am, back in Seoul~

~27.05.2024, 2pm, Gangnam~

~27.05.2024, 8pm, Seoul Detention Center~

~27.05.2024, Midnight, Gangnam~

~28.05.2024, 0:15am, Seoul Detention Center~

~28.05.2024, 10am, Sung-hos office~

~28.05.2024, 10:30am, Seocho-gu~

~28.05.2024, 9pm, Gangnam~

~30.05.2024, 11am, Gangnam~

~31.05.2024, 8pm, Gangnam~

~8:30pm, Sung-hos Apartment~

~9pm, somewhere near Seoul~

~Lola's Story

~Parking garage, Jung-jin POV~

~Sung-ho's Apartment~

~01.06.2024 - 02.06.2024, Myeong-dong~

~14.06.2024, 8pm, Seocho-gu~

~2h later~

~Two weeks later~

~Another day at 9pm~

~30 minutes later~

Special Acknowledgements


This is a fictional story!

All characters, places and actions described are fictitious. Similarities with real people are purely coincidental and not intended.

This book contains potentially triggering content.

These elements include: the search for the biological parents, stalking and sexual abuse.

It also contains explicit descriptions of sex, violence and murder and is therefore not suitable for underage or squeamish readers.

Test reader feedback.

Michaela, Czech

~* I love it really, love it…and I think this book I will re-read again and again <3 For me it’s 9,5/10.

The story was extremely fast paced, no boring parts. For the first time I enjoyed the story more from a male perspective than a female one. The sex parts are perfectly written, they never repeat the same. So, for those it’s 10/10!

I really enjoyed it and I read it in one breath. I’m looking forward to the second book!

Rebekka, Germany

~* I really enjoyed reading the book and let the main characters take me on this journey. Amelia is just so likeable, and you can't help but empathize with her and, sometimes, suffer too.

The story is well written and contains various storylines that intertwine well despite the fast pace. I was always curious to see how everything would come together.

I can recommend this book to anyone looking for a gripping read. Caro has managed to create a story that captivated me from start to finish. I can't wait to read more books by her!

Bia, Germany

~* Thrilling to the end.

Love, passion, hate, lust for murder and a bit of detective work. There is something for everyone. There is never a dull moment in this book. Something unexpected happens in every chapter and keeps you wondering what will happen next. If you are expecting the typical K-Drama in this book, you are wrong. Even though the action takes place in Seoul/South Korea, it's not like in the movies, the cheesy sentimentalism.

I love it and am already looking forward to the sequel!

Leon, Germany

~* I was very impressed by the book.

The writing style is simple and good for both frequent and occasional readers. The detailed description and the many details make the book interesting and pull you straight into the action. Really a great book!

Personal words from the author:

I've always dreamed of writing a book, but the fear of rejection, ridicule and malice has always stopped me from realizing this dream. It took me 15 years to pluck up the courage and here it is - my first book! A year of work has gone into this book, and I hope you will be swept away by the love story of Amelia and Sung-ho.

As someone who has fallen madly and irrevocably in love with this breathtakingly beautiful metropolis, there was no question in my mind that Seoul would be the main setting.

I can't wait to go on the journey with you and see where else Amelia and Sung-ho will go - where they will develop!

What beautiful moments they will experience together and what deep abysses they still have to overcome on their journey of personal development.

Please give the two characters lots of love and support <3


Cho Sung-Ho

Age: 25 years

Place of residence: Seoul, South Korea

Nationality: Korean

Astrological sign: Pisces

Height: 1,85m

Sexuality: Hetero

Profession: Public prosecutor

Cho Sung-Ho, a young, highly respected prosecutor who was unintentionally forced to follow in the footsteps of his influential, powerful father.

A dominant, withdrawn, arrogant young man who has yet to find his right place in society.

Plagued by the past, he wanders through his life without a visible goal.

Amelia Charlene Arabella Bennet

Age: 24 years

Place of residence: Erfurt, Germany/Seoul, South Korea

Nationality: German Spanish

Height: 1,62m

Astrological sign: Scorpio

Sexuality: Hetero

Profession: Fitness trainer

Amelia Bennet is a self-confident, strong young woman who has both feet firmly on the ground and knows what she wants.

At least that's what she thinks she knows.

She loves her freedom and doesn't like to be put in chains.

As a half-Spaniard, she has a healthy amount of temperament, but this can also lead to the horses running away with her.

She is completely absorbed in her job as a personal trainer and inspires people with her positive, motivating manner.

Lola Park

Age: 25 years

Nationality: Korean/Japanese

Profession: Stripper/Pole-dancer/Escort-Service

A slim, blonde beauty who knows how to turn men's heads.

She knows exactly how to manipulate the men around her and use them as her puppets.

She loves luxury and materialism and does not sell herself short.

Chang-Hun Chung

Age: 30 years

Nationality: Korean/German

Profession: Personal trainer

He is Sung-ho's best friend from school.

Chang is a down-to-earth, calm, attractive man who has turned his hobby into his profession.

With his charisma and open manner, he is able to inspire other people and win them over.


Cho Jung-jin

He is Sung-ho's big brother.

Jung-jin is a calm and intelligent man who is not only a brother to Sung-ho, but also a father figure and best friend to him since childhood.

He is an extremely even-tempered person who takes ages for negative emotions to find their way to the surface.

His family comes first for him. Without exception, he would do anything for the people he loves.

Kim Hyolyn

Amelia's best friend is a lively, loud Korean woman who has a natural aegyo.

With her extroverted character and cheeky, crazy nature, she doesn't quite meet the Korean standard, much to the chagrin of her parents.

However, this does not stop her from enjoying her life to the full and going her own way.

Let's begin the journey.

What should you do when a person comes into your life who upsets everything?

When you are suddenly bound to this person by unexpected, strong feelings and unshakeable trust?

Even if this person hurts you again and again, your love for this person is not shaken and your little, stupid heart beats incessantly for him/her...!

When the question ‹‹Do I stay or do I go?‹‹ keeps running through your mind and you decide to stay even after what feels like the 100th time?

When it turns out that the person you thought you knew is going through life with two different faces, showing you the absurd things, they are prepared to do and completely rocking your world?

When your emotional world starts to become a mess and completely overwhelms you and you start to become a different person because of your tireless love for this person?

When the shadow beings start to take possession of you?

What would you do?

››The one that has seen your real soul can never be a stranger again!!!‹‹

~Seoul, 08.01.2024, 1 a.m.~

It was 1 a.m. when he woke up in his bed.

Once again, his inner demons haunted him and robbed him of the sleep he so desperately needed.

Even after more than a decade, the dark shadows of his past still haunted him and became increasingly vivid.

It worried him!

He had to remedy the situation as soon as possible if he didn't want to lose control.

His hand automatically reached for his cell phone and dialed the familiar number.

After the third ring, she finally answered. Her voice sounded stressed.

››What the hell do you want from me at this time of night? I'm busy! ‹‹, she hissed.

››And you know that I don’t give a shit about that! I need you! NOW! ‹‹

The woman on the other end of the line exhaled in annoyance.

››I don’t have time right now! Give me 1-2 hours ‹‹, she continued in a calmer, more conciliatory tone.

He was on the verge of losing his patience with her.

His fingers dug into the smooth, cold material of his blanket.

››LOLA! I'm not having any more discussions with you! Get your ass over here - NOW! I'll pay you three times what you'd get otherwise! ‹‹

There was silence on the other end for a while, followed by an annoyed ››FINE! I'm on my way! ‹‹; and she had already hung up.

With a satisfied grin, he got up and left his king-size bed. His path led him to an oversized, black wall of shelves, in the middle of which was an equally black door, secured by a special, state-of-the-art lock.

After unlocking the door, he entered another room.

It was his absolute favorite room.

His playground.

His safe retreat.

As soon as Lola arrived, he could devote himself to temporarily eliminating his demons. And he would enjoy it to the full!

At that time, Sung-ho could not even begin to imagine that his life would change dramatically in the coming months

~Erfurt, Germany,07.01.2024, 19:00~

Everywhere looked as if a bomb had gone off.

Various items of clothing were scattered on the floor.

They were joined by beauty products, books, a laptop, and associated cables, as well as any other belongings.

It was pure chaos. If she had visitors just now, people would think she was on the run.

Amelia Charlene Arabella Bennet was generally an orderly, well-organized young woman.

But the impending move demanded everything from her. Stressed, small strands of her hair sticking out, she rotated around her apartment.

››Where the hell are you? ‹‹, she asked herself, stopping and looking around intently.

››Maybe .... ‹‹; she thought hard. He had to be somewhere.

She walked unerringly through the hallway, turned left, and entered her bedroom. She looked at her remaining bed, but her passport was nowhere to be found. Amelia was at the end of her tether for the day. She was running out of time and still had so much to do.

She let her gaze wander slowly around the room and froze for a moment. There it was, in her unpacked suitcase, lying open in the middle of the room. Lonely and alone, her passport lay on the floor, smiling maliciously at her. At least that's what she thought.

››So, there you are, you little rascal! ‹‹; she stood up and grabbed her passport.

››You almost caused me a minor nervous breakdown. I can't get to my new home without you! ‹‹

A soft smile flitted across her lips.

Just the thought that she would be moving into her new home in two weeks' time and starting a completely new life sent her into euphoric ecstasy.

But she still had plenty to do before then.

This move already cost her a small fortune, but she was prepared to take the financial risk.

After all, she had dreamed of living in this country since her youth. She had worked hard towards it, built up financial reserves and visited her dream home at regular intervals to get to know the culture and customs sufficiently.

She had even made a few new acquaintances on these trips, which had developed into real friendships over the years.

So, she would not be completely alone in this new country.

She had even found a new job there on her last visit.

Her new apartment was already ready for her to move into, so all she had to do was furnish it a little.

Hyolyn, one of her closest friends, had taken care of everything important on site.

The new furniture would be delivered next week and Hyolyn would be there to handle everything.

In moments like these, Amelia knew how grateful she could be for such people in her life. Not everyone would sacrifice their time and energy for such an undertaking.

She would thank her best friend enough and return the favor as soon as the move was done.

Amelia caught herself with a broad smile on her face, which was immediately chased away by a brief negative thought.

››Hopefully everything goes smoothly and nothing unexpected happens! ‹‹

With a shake of her head, she chased the thought away.

››Everything will go well ‹‹, she said, motivating herself.

››You're well on schedule, most of it is taken care of.

All you must do is pack, dismantle the furniture and wait for the bulky waste. Then the handover of the apartment and off we go into a new life! ‹‹

Highly motivated, she clapped her hands and began to dismantle her white closet, which was far too large, into its individual parts. He had served her well for 10 years, but now it was time to part ways.

~Seoul, South Korea, 08.01.2024, 2 a.m.

Brown, liquid gold flowed slowly and steadily into his cup as he mentally prepared himself for the pleasure to come.

It wouldn't be long before the bell rang its buzzing, muffled sound.

What would he do with Lola today?

Should he show his softer side for once?

A contemptuous snort escaped him, followed by a macabre smile that convinced only one side of his mouth to move.

His softer side?

››Certainly not! ‹‹, he thought.

Because this side of him had slowly withered a good decade ago, like a plant that had received too little water and sunlight.

Nor did he feel the desire to reawaken this side.

It only brought pain. Memories that consumed him and only inflamed his inner demons even more.

The ringing of the doorbell snapped him out of his thoughts.

He grabbed his already finished black coffee and walked relaxed to the front door.

His hands gripped the cold material of the door handle and pressed it down. The sight of a friend he had known for a long time came to him.

Her petite figure never ceased to impress him.

How could she endure the ordeals she was subjected to with him in this physical state?

She wore a short, black dress made of partially opaque material, which was replaced by transparent mesh material in just the right places. Her small feet were in 19 cm high heels. How could she spend the whole day in these things without grimacing in pain?

His gaze wandered to her face, which would probably even look beautiful without the masses of make-up and the far too long false eyelashes.

The long, blonde curls framed her face appropriately. With an inviting hand gesture, he led her into his apartment.

››You look enchanting ‹‹, he wrung out a compliment and closed the front door.

‹‹Save up and let's get started! My time is limited today. I have enough other customers to take care of! ‹‹, she complained and began to tie her hair up.

››Whoaw slow! You know I enjoy getting the games off to a good and slow start! Don't forget Barbie - I'll pay YOU!

Our friendship means absolutely NOTHING once you cross that threshold ‹‹, he growled dangerously and took a few steps towards her. She backed away, raised her hands defensively and put on an apologetic smile.

››Okay Tiger....just stay calm. No need to get your claws out just yet. ‹‹

She was aware that she had to be careful. This man was a ticking time bomb and if she provoked him too much, she wouldn't know what he was capable of. She had made him into the man he was today, but she had slowly lost control of him. Over the years, he had become steadily more selfconfident and stronger, escaping the shackles of her manipulations, and becoming more independent and dangerous. And yet, despite all these facts, she felt attracted to him, wanted his attention and the play sessions together. She had to make nice with him and try to regain control of him.

During these thoughts, her gaze wandered from his dark brown eyes over his full lips, which she would love to feel all over her body again, down to his neck, where his carotid artery stood out slightly. She tilted her head slightly to the right and ran her tongue over her lower lip as her visual journey continued.

Lola's gaze lingered on his chest, which rose and fell at regular intervals. His chest muscles were well developed.

Lost in thought, she bit her lower lip and moved on to his steely abs.

››Well defined! ‹‹, she thought to herself and raised her eyebrows appreciatively.

››Are you that horny already, Lola? ‹‹, his voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

››Huh? No! Don't you think your ego level is a bit too high today? ‹‹, she teased, hoping to finally start today's procedure.

He smiled his mischievous, dirty smile and took a few steps closer. As he stood in front of her, he grabbed her hips in a flash and set her down on the kitchen counter. His hand reached for her chin; made her look him straight in the eye.

His lips were slightly parted; with a growl in his voice, he said: ››Maybe I should see for myself HOW ready you are for me already! ‹‹

His hands slid down her body, gripped the fabric of her dress and slowly pulled it up. Sung-hos fingers gripped the thin material of her thong, tore it apart with a jerk and purposefully made their way between her legs. His fingers ran leisurely along her vagina.

››You're already so damn wet for me ‹‹, he whispered in her ear as he slowly guided his fingers back.

››How much do you want to feel me? ‹‹

A voluptuous sigh escaped her lips.

››ANSWER! ‹‹, he demanded emphatically.

››I want you so much! ‹‹

Her legs swung around his waist, bringing him even closer to her. At the same moment, he slipped two of his fingers inside her; slowly and with dignity, he moved them up and down, widening her carefully before adding the next one.

Her breathing began to quicken, and the sighs turned into lascivious moans. Abruptly, before she came too close to climaxing, he pulled his fingers out of her, grabbed her hips bravely and pulled her down from the kitchen counter.

››Go into the room. We'll continue there‹‹ he ordered.

››You know what you have to do! ‹‹

She set off, her hips swaying, his gaze following her intently.

He was looking forward to the sight that would present itself to him in a few minutes. Sung-ho gave a short snort before he put on his familiar grin, finished the rest of his coffee in one gulp and followed her to his game.

Tonight, she would no longer be able to walk out of this apartment upright!

He took off his black, tight-fitting boxer shorts and entered the sacred space. There, directly in front of him, she knelt.

Wearing only her high heels and a black blindfold. She waited submissively for him with her hands crossed behind her back.

Ready to shed her otherwise dominant mantle and surrender to complete freedom.

››Let's play, little one! ‹‹

With these words, he closed the door behind him..........

~Erfurt, Germany, 1 week later, 15.01.2024~

There was only one week to go before the move.

Amelia's apartment had now turned into an empty shell.

All the furniture had already been dismantled, numerous boards stood against the walls and the only thing left of her bed was the small, modest mattress she had slept on for the last few days in Germany.

Amelia sat on it, staring into the void, trying to get going.

It was 6am in the morning, clearly before her actual time.

But she had to move slowly and start getting ready for her last day at work.

With a groan, she stood up, stretched with pleasure, and began her morning routine.

After a relaxing warm shower, she felt like a newborn.

But now, she was faced with the everyday, nerve-wracking question of what she should wear today. It was ridiculous that she even thought about clothes in her job.

As a fitness trainer, she wore the same styles every day anyway: leggings, top, sports bra, sneakers and her outfit was done.

She tied her hair into a simple ponytail, put on a little makeup, grabbed her handbag and her apartment key and dashed out of her apartment.

~7am in the morning~

It was the last time she entered the familiar premises.

The last time she would see the smiling faces of the members and her favorite colleague would greet her with a beaming

››Good morning sweetie. ‹‹

And it was fortunately THE LAST TIME she would see her hated work colleague, who greeted her with a disparaging look and a sarcastic ‹‹Good morning‹‹.

This “girl” was definitely one of the people she wouldn't miss at all.

She put her things away in her locker and was just locking it when her boss entered the staff room.

››Ah Amelia! There you are. Come along quickly! ‹‹

He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her frantically along with him.

››Hey, hey, hey, HEY slow down! What's going on that you're in such a hurry? ‹‹

Amelia had trouble keeping up with the brisk pace of her boss, who dragged her along behind him regardless of the consequences. Past the now empty bar towards the training area, which was already filled with members hard at work.

Amelia always wondered anew how anyone could be physically and mentally fit for training at this early hour of the morning.

Amelia and her boss stopped abruptly. They stood in front of the course rooms, which were very busy at peak times.

Amelia looked questioningly at her boss and raised an eyebrow.

››Aaaaaaaaaand now? What are we doing here? ‹‹

››We have a small technical problem in there, you know best.

And since you won't be here soon, which you might reconsider…. I must let you show me so that I can solve these problems myself in future‹‹ he explained sheepishly.

››Ooookaaaaaaay?! Well's get started, shall we? ‹‹ Amelia couldn't help but grin. Of course, she had long since seen through her boss because he was a terrible actor and not even remotely capable of putting on a poker face! In all those years, he had never once asked her for help when it came to technical matters, let alone had her explain to him how to solve these problems. His male ego wouldn't allow him to do so. At some point, it had become so natural that she had automatically become responsible for this kind of work, after his own miserable attempts had only increased the problems.

He cleared his throat, ‹‹Okay then, let's do it! ‹‹

He straightened up, pushed down the door handle and opened the door to the large classroom.

A loud bang, as if a handgun had been discharged, sounded, causing them to flinch briefly.

Colorful confetti leaves flew around the room and got caught in her hair. A tiny leaf got lost in her airways and gave her a massive tearful coughing fit.

Once she had recovered, Amelia looked at the smiling faces of her entire team. Her best friend and work colleague Thanh was standing in the middle.

He was holding a huge, wrapped something in his hands.

Thanh walked up to her and held out the gift.

››The important things first. Unpacking! ‹‹, he grinned.

She carefully removed the wrapping paper, careful not to break it so that she could use it again at some point.

That was how her grandmother had always done it and Amelia had adopted this mannerism after her death.

››For heaven's sake, Amelia! With all due respect - can you go any slower? ‹‹

Thanh tapped impatiently back and forth on the spot. She rolled her eyes; he had always been an impatient person.

Everything had to happen quickly. Just don't waste any valuable time. However, Amelia didn't let herself get stressed and took all the time she needed.

She continued to unwrap her present, removed the paper completely and looked at a huge, lovingly created collage; put together from the various pictures they had taken over the last 6 years. They had made so many good memories together and had become the close-knit team they were now. A small tear flowed down Amelia's cheek.

At moments like these, she became emotional again and again.

››Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ‹‹, she said, wiping away a tear. Her boss put an arm around her shoulder.

››Are you REALLY sure you want to leave us? ‹‹, he asked.

His voice sounded brittle. She looked at him lovingly, turned to him and hugged him. He had always been something of a father figure to her.

››Yes! ‹‹, she answers him resolutely.

››But at least I can take you with me now and always have you around me! ‹‹

A slight sniffle could be heard. Amelia looked up and caught her boss wiping away a tear. He began to cry terribly.

››I'm going to miss you terribly Amelia ‹‹, he said between sobs.

››Make sure to visit us regularly! ‹‹

››I will - and write to you .... and call you! ‹‹

The two broke free from their embrace.

››Okay guys.... then let's give Amelia a nice, unforgettable last day at work! ‹‹

With these words, the cork popped, they each drank a glass of champagne, lay in each other's arms, and said goodbye to each other before the normal working day continued and everyone devoted themselves to their actual tasks.

~Seoul, South Korea, same day, 2 pm~

His job tired him out. Another boring day passed with dull tasks and clients. He had chosen this job to satisfy his parents once and for all, but every day he lost himself more and more.

And what had this action ultimately brought him?

Absolutely nothing!

His father always found something new to criticize. Highlighting the weaknesses and faults of others and using them against them had been his strength and passion, and he had always pursued this passion with full commitment.

His father had been the founder and current owner of a large law firm, which had earned its fame and position of power in

Seoul through sometimes questionable actions.

However, thanks to his father, his family had no financial problems and lived their lives in Seoul's high society in complete pleasure.

His mother was the prime example of a woman who came from a poor background, married rich and had now become a wealthy, arrogant woman. At least that was the gossip of the outsiders around her, who made their statements out of pure envy and whose tongues were moving faster than their brains could work. BUT if you looked behind the pompous façade with an open mind, you saw a strong, loving, independent, self-confident, and sensible woman who had her heart in the right place. She was also the most caring woman he had ever seen in his short life. Even if this caring attitude sometimes drove him and his older brother mad.

››Everything is bearable - in moderation ‹‹, he thought to himself.

There were only two people in his life for whom he felt true love. His mother and his brother.

His older brother, Cho Jung-jin, had taken over his mother's attributes. Strong, self-confident, independent.

He wasn't just his brother; he was his best friend and his true father figure, as he had been conspicuous by his absence. Jung-jin had stood by him all too often, instilled true strength in him and washed his head at regular intervals when necessary.

Sung-ho would do anything for these two people, without exception, to protect them and make sure they were well.

The ringing of a telephone snapped him out of his thoughts.

Confused, he looked down at his own. A familiar name lit up on the display and this name usually meant trouble. He took a deep breath before picking up the receiver.

››Cho & Partners law firm for criminal law. Cho Sung-ho speaking. What can I do for you, Mr. Park? ‹‹

››Ohohohohohohoho since when so formal Sung-ho? Did we get up on the wrong side of the bed again today? ‹‹, his colleague and old school friend greeted him with a laugh.

››Yaaah Yeon-seok! I have enough on my plate. No time for small talk... so what gives me the honor of your call? ‹‹

Annoyed, Sung-ho looked at his watch.

››You should really try to relax, old friend! I know a good spa.

Great massages from wonderful ......‹‹, he began. Sung-ho drew in his breath with a hiss.

››Okay, okay, all right. Here's what...‹‹

This was followed by 10 minutes of explanations and explanations that Sung-ho was not interested in.

››In this case, Wi Tae-suk, it's about more than what you see now! This man and his family have a lot to lose! Let's try to settle the whole thing out of court and save them all the trouble. Do me a favor, will you? ‹‹, he asked.

A contemptuous snort escaped Sung-ho's nose.

››You've got a lot of nerves! But I must give you credit for your courage! Your client should have thought about the predicament he is in. Now he has to deal with the consequences. The indictment has already been filed with the court. Unfortunately, I can't help you in this case Yeon-Seok! ‹‹

››FUCK! ‹‹, he cursed and fell silent for a moment.

He was probably pacing back and forth in his office, racking his brains. He knew that the prospects for his client were poor, otherwise he would not have made the effort to call him.

››Sung-ho, you could still press charges.... ‹‹

››NO, I couldn't do that! ‹‹, he interrupted him firmly.

››It's not in my nature to sweep problems under the carpet without having found a solution. YOU should know that best!‹‹

››How can you be so cold? Can you even sleep in peace at night? You've already destroyed enough lives and torn families apart! ‹‹ his old school friend said indignantly.

››Don't worry about me. My nights are restful, and my sleep is better than ever! ‹‹

A smile formed on his face.

››Have a nice day Yeon-Seok. You have a little over a week to come up with a way to get your client out of trouble! I'll see you in court then. ‹‹

With these words, he hung up satisfied and sank into his desk chair.

The black, high-quality leather gave way slightly under him. He would allow himself a brief moment of rest before returning to the mundane, boring tasks of his job.

~Frankfurt, Germany, 22.01.2024~

Amelia finally made it.

The apartment had been emptied, the bulky waste collected, and the handover completed.

Now, more excited than ever, she stood with her mother and her best friend Thanh at Terminal 1 of the airport and waited for her flight to be called to open the gate.

Having checked in via the app the day before and checked in her luggage a good hour ago, she was now able to spend a little more time with them. Her mother hadn't spoken a single word for 15 minutes and instead blew her nose heartbreakingly into her handkerchief while Thanh tried to calm her down.

››Mom, for heaven's sake, stop crying. I'm only moving to a new country and not going to war! ‹‹

Her mother began to cry terribly again. Small tears, but countless, rolled down her cheeks.

››In this state, she's going to dehydrate! ‹‹, Amelia thought to herself and began to smile. She took her mother tenderly in her arms and hugged her tightly.

››I'll call you every day, yes? We can facetime, email - there won't be a single day that I won't get in touch with you‹‹, she promised. Her mother nodded and let out a quite ››Okay‹‹.

››And you. She looked sternly at Thanh.

››Just look after her properly and take care of her! ‹‹, she raised her index finger threateningly.

››But of course! ‹‹, he assured her and joined them in their embrace.

››Amelia… After all these years, you're finally fulfilling your dream! ‹‹, he said proudly, patting her back.

››Amazing, isn't it? I can't really believe it myself yet! ‹‹

A broad smile flitted across her lips again. Her emerald-green eyes began to shine.

››The Boarding for flight LH712 to Seoul. Incheon Airport will be delayed by 20 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience. Gate change: A8‹‹ a loudspeaker announcement from Frankfurt Airport sounded. Annoyed, she shook her head.


Nevertheless, Amelia's heart began to race with excitement.

Now the time had arrived! Her new life began! She embraced her loved ones one last time.

››I'll call you as soon as I've landed‹‹ she promised.

››Take care of yourself, my child! And be careful!

New country - new customs! ‹‹, her mother admonished anxiously. Amelia smiled reassuringly at her, nodded, and began to make her way to the security guards and her gate.

››Hey Amelia! ‹‹; Thanh ran after her.

››Are you getting sentimental over the last few meters? ‹‹, she asked him jokingly.

››Pfffft....surely not! ‹‹; he smiled at her.

››I just wanted to give you something else along the way. Take it as free advice! ‹‹

››Ooooh how generous! ‹‹

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. Waiting patiently for his finale wise words.

››Let's hear it then, Master! ‹‹

He raised his right hand, formed a fist, and spread his little finger and thumb. He shook his hand back and forth in his wrist in small movements.

››Let it rock in your new home! RIDE OR DIE BABY! ‹‹, he let her life motto ring out and bared his perfect white teeth.

Both immediately started laughing and fell into each other's arms one last time.

››I'm going to miss you, you mess ‹‹, she said and hugged him tightly.

››Me too, Panda! ‹‹, he replied, stroking her head gently and detaching himself from her. She still wondered how he had come up with the idea of giving her this nickname, while others regularly assured her of her outward resemblance to a fox. However, Thanh had explained that a panda would be more in keeping with her character traits. Amelia still wasn't sure how to interpret this statement.

››Now let's go, otherwise you'll miss your flight! ‹‹

Thanh gave her a little push, pulling her out of her thoughts and waving goodbye. Amelia began to make her way with quick steps. Once she had passed through security at the terminal, she went to her gate, where there was already a huge crowd of people, more motivated than ever.

She was ONLY 14 hours away from her new home.

Another 14 hours to her new life.

Another 14 hours until the new changes that would gradually turn her life upside down.

And only a few more days until she would meet HIM for the first time.

HE who would give her life a turn that she was perhaps not yet ready for.

~Seoul, South Korea, 14 h later, 23.01.2024, 11am~

After spending 14 hours in her far-too-cramped seat, crammed between screaming children kicking her seat and loudly chatting mothers discussing the latest gossip, Amelia was glad when she could finally move freely again.

She stretched with pleasure as she waited for her luggage, then made her way to the terminal.

Here, too, she had previously passed through the standard security checks and customs control for foreign travelers.

She had the misfortune to catch an extremely disgruntled, annoyed airport employee who had boredly taken her fingerprints and taken a photo of her, which of course looked terrible.

Amelia walked towards the exit. Just before the automatic door could open, she reached into her trouser pocket and pulled out her cell phone. She would call her best friend Hyolyn to see if she was already at the airport.

As she dialed her number and stepped out of the door into the fresh air, an ear-splitting scream rang out, making her jump.

Startled, Amelia looked up and could see a small, petite figure with blonde hair rushing towards her.

››You're finally here!!!!!‹‹ squealed the little Korean girl and threw her arms around her neck. Amelia was too perplexed to answer. Her ears had developed a little tinnitus after hearing those high-pitched sounds. She gently returned her friend's hug and enjoyed the moment. When they had released their embrace, Amelia examined Hyolyn from top to bottom.

››You've lost weight! ‹‹, she said in amazement.

››And you're......blond?! ‹‹

Amelia tilted her head to the right, narrowed her eyes a little and drew her eyebrows together.

Hyolyn's natural hair color was a deep black. Not that blonde didn't suit her, but it was a sight that took some time to get used to. The pretty little Korean girl let out a melodic laugh.

››It takes some time to get used to it, doesn't it? ‹‹; as if she had read her mind.

››To be honest, I don't like it! I'll dye it black again. Blonde is so not my color ‹‹, she said resolutely. Amelia nodded thoughtfully.

››But it doesn't look bad ‹‹, she said.

››I just don't feel this color ‹‹, she explained.

››Anyway, we have more important things to do now than talk shop about my hair! You look tired. We should make our way to your new home so you can get to bed. ‹‹

Hyolyn grabbed her forearm and pulled her along.

››It's broad daylight here. I should try to stay awake until tonight so that my biorhythm can get used to the time difference ‹‹, Amelia remarked.

››That's fine too... then we'll go and eat something first. I could eat an entire elephant! ‹‹, she gushed.

They walked for a while until they arrived at the airport parking lot. The two of them steered purposefully towards a gleaming red sports car. Amelia let out an appreciative whistle.

››Well, hello‹‹; she ran her right hand over the muscular outer lines of the car in love.

››Hyolyn, how the hell can you afford a car like that? A Maserati GranTurismo Trofeo....WOW! ‹‹

Her friend shrugged her shoulders and raised her arms apologetically.

››It's simple - get a raise and a higher position in your job, add a rich arrogant father who is so proud of you that he'll buy you a new car. ‹‹

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Hyolyn hated it when her father gave her gifts like that, showing off his wealth.

It was precisely because of this behavior that she decided to leave her parents' house when she turned 18 in order to be able to stand on her own two feet.

››I told him that I didn't want the car. But you know my father - he won't take no for an answer! ‹‹ she explained.

Amelia looked at her best friend sympathetically, walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

››Hyolyn, you don't have to explain yourself, let alone apologize for anything! You were lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family that has existed for several generations.

Your ancestors probably worked hard for it. Be proud of that‹‹

Hyolyn exhaled deeply, nodded, and hugged Amelia again.

››Thank you, Amelia! For always finding the right words to reassure me. ‹‹

They remained in each other's embrace for a moment.

››But now...‹‹, she broke away from Amelia and clapped her hands.

››Full speed ahead towards dinner!!!!!‹‹

With these words, she thrust a fist to the sky and stowed Amelia's suitcase in the trunk. They got into the sleek sports car and drove off.

After filling their bellies and talking at length about their lives, they strolled through the shopping streets of Myeong-dong for a while before driving through the now almost empty streets of Seoul. Their path led them up a small, steep side street until they stopped in front of a modern high-rise building.

After getting out of the car and taking Amelia's suitcase out of the trunk, they walked towards the illuminated entrance door, which was made entirely of glass.

The entrance area was freely accessible and spacious; the floor was fitted with high-quality white tiles.

Small, funnel-shaped lamps had been attached to the walls, bathing the room in a warm light. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting small, shimmering, rainbowcolored lights into the room. A smartly dressed middle-aged man sat at a black marbled reception desk to the left of the entrance. With his black suit, his black slicked-back hair, and his in-ear piece, he completed the picture of the surroundings.

Amelia and Hyolyn approached the man and gave him a smile, which he immediately returned.

››Good evening. My name is Amelia Bennet. I'm moving into apartment 7126 on the 7th floor‹‹, she began to explain excitedly in her broken Korean.

The man looked at his documents and nodded eagerly.

››Your ID, please, Miss Bennet! ‹‹

MISS? Had he seriously just called her Miss?!

Amelia looked at him, puzzled. She was not used to being spoken to in such an elevated manner.

Hyolyn bumped her gently and nodded her head in the man's direction.

››Oh, yes, of course‹‹, she stuttered and rummaged in her wallet for her ID. She handed it to the man with an implied nod of the head, whereupon he accepted the ID and examined it.

Satisfied, he handed her ID back to her, turned his back on them and disappeared wordlessly into the small office behind the reception desk. After a few minutes, he returned with a large A4 envelope in his hands.

››This envelope contains your apartment key, which you only need to unlock the digital lock. You will also find the current access code for this, a copy of your tenancy agreement and the rules and guidelines of this community. Please read these carefully and make sure you comply with them!

If you have any questions, please contact me or my colleague.

I would like to welcome you to Seoul, Miss Bennet! ‹‹, he declared responsibly. Amelia looked at him in surprise.

He had rattled off this whole text within a minute without taking a breath. Once she had regained her composure, she and Hyolyn thanked him and turned away from the counter.

They walked straight in the direction where they thought the passenger elevators would be, according to the signs.

As they passed through a narrow doorway, they came to another, somewhat smaller room with two passenger elevators built into the walls, one next to the other.

The large black doors and walls were made of mirror-polished stainless steel, which allowed its glittering particles to shine in the incident light of the lamps. To the right and left of the elevators stood a tall chestnut tree, its trunks intertwined.

Directly opposite the elevators, a mirror stretched across the entire wall. In front of it stood a small, golden, filigree table and two white armchairs with golden lotus decorations.

A pleasant ringing sound announced the opening of the elevator doors. The two women entered the elevator and were amazed when the doors closed.

The interior walls of the elevator were also made of mirrorpolished, black stainless steel, except for the back directly opposite the door. It consisted of a full-length mirror in which several small edge lights were embedded.

There was a lamp on the ceiling in the shape of a lotus flower.

The white material also contained countless tiny glitter particles that danced in the light. A single large diamond was set in the center, sparkling brighter than the evening star.

They pressed the button for the seventh floor and listened to the relaxing elevator music.

Once at the top, they set off in search of apartment number 7126.

First, they ran down the corridor to the right. But that turned out to be a failure, so they turned around and ran down the left passage. They walked along the corridor, the floor of which was covered with a black carpet.

The white ornaments of lotus blossoms were also found here.

The walls were kept in a simple shade of white and small, funnel-shaped wall lights were also installed here, which emitted a dim, warm light.

››Quite a lot of lotus flowers here! ‹‹, Amelia noted.

››The lotus flower symbolizes loyalty, creativity and enlightenment, and love, life and rebirth are also among the long list of meanings...‹‹, Hyolyn explained.

››I think this complex suits you pretty well so far ‹‹, she finished.

Amelia looked at the Korean woman inquiringly.

››Your move is like a rebirth. You said yourself that you had the feeling that your soul was gradually dying in Germany...Your life is changing now...hopefully for the better.

Perhaps in Seoul you will find the enlightenment you've been seeking for so long....and maybe even love! ‹‹, she winked meaningfully at her. Amelia looked at Hyolyn in disbelief and shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

››We'll see...! The only thing I want to find right now is a bed to fall into! ‹‹, she said with a hearty yawn and marched on.

There were a total of 8 apartments on this floor.

The doors were made of a high-quality black material.

To the left of the apartment doors, roughly at eye level, were the apartment numbers in curved, golden letters.

Amelia unlocked the digital door lock and slid the cover upwards, entered the access code she had just been given and heard a short beep, followed by a decoding click.

She opened the door to her new home and entered the 8-meter-long hallway, followed by her best friend.

She put down her suitcases, walked a few steps further and opened the first door on her left. The sight that presented itself to her made her jaw drop. The bathroom stretched over 10 square meters; the walls and floor were made of white tiles with a light grey marbling. The toilet was on the left-hand side of the room, right next to the entrance. About one meter away, there was a large, approx. 2m long, grey-black marbled cupboard with white doors, which served as a base cabinet.

The fittings and the washbasin, which were set into the cabinet, shone in a glossy black metallic look. The mirror above it was a considerable size. To the right of the cupboard, a small partition wall, approx. 1 m long, had been erected to separate the bathing area from the rest of the bathroom.

The large, round bathtub was set into a raised floor and kept in a plain white. A large window allowed her a wonderful view of the hotel's own park. Opposite the cupboard, on the other side of the wall, the homeowner had a glass shower cubicle installed with room for three people. Small niches in the wall made it possible to store care products and the like.

She left the bathroom in awe and continued her tour through the apartment, while Hyolyn was already trying to find something to eat at this hour. Amelia was delighted with her new apartment, as the rest of it had also been laid out with elegant, white marbled tiles. The walls were an elegant shade of beige, and all doors, frames, windows, and stucco were kept in white accents.

››I'm going to sleep very well tonight‹‹, Amelia thought as she stood at the large living room window and looked out into the night.

As the shining lights of Seoul flashed before her eyes, she couldn't help but smile.

~Gangnam-gu, 24.01.2024 1:30 am~

››Jesus fucking Christ! ‹‹

Her moans echo throughout the room. She was positioned in front of him on all fours, her butt up in the air. Her wrists and ankles were bound, her long blonde hair in the palm of his right hand like horse reins.

He pulled her head back with all the strength he possessed, causing her cervical spine to overextend, and forcing the rest of her spine to follow. He gently ran his left hand along her back, following the tense muscles until he reached his destination. His thrusts became harder, deeper, and faster, causing her to fall into complete ecstasy.

There was a loud clap, followed by an excited groan. His hand descended on her buttocks again; this time harder than before, leaving a red handprint.

He reached over and grabbed the flogger, which he used to beat her back and buttocks without restraint.

The individual strokes of the toy left bloody patterns on the parts of the body they hit. A hissing intake of air followed by an agonized ‹‹No‹‹ escaped her lips, her fingers clawing into the skin of his thighs.

Sung-ho felt her muscles tense and tremble at the same time, her vagina tightening as the orgasm built up. With his left hand, he began to stimulate her clitoris.

››Oh my God, Sung-ho..... ‹‹; she was about to come.

››Let go, little one! ‹‹, he demanded in a low growling voice.

He thrust hard one last time and felt the explosive discharge inside of her, the comforting warmth of her orgasm pouring out all around him. He pulled his member out of her, untied her, and made his way to the bathroom.

After removing the condom and taking a long shower, he went into the kitchen.

When he entered his playground again with a cool pack in his hand and he found Lola standing in front of the mirror.

She examined her backside carefully, ran her hand over the bruised areas and gently removed the blood with a handkerchief. He wrapped the cool pack in a small towel and handed it to her without saying a word.

When he put on his boxer shorts, she said with a mock insult in her voice: ‹‹You're getting colder and more destructive during sex nowadays! ‹‹

Sung-ho let out a contemptuous snort.

››And that's exactly what you've always liked! Why are you complaining about it now? ‹‹; he looked at her challengingly.

Lola looked down at the floor and summoned up all her courage.

››I'm just saying that a little more feeling would be nice every now and then! ‹‹

She made a pout and looked at him with wide eyes, hoping that he would finally soften up. But Sung-ho didn't do this favor for her. Instead, his gaze became cooler and more dismissive than ever.

››Lola....This is the first and last time I'm going to tell you this, so listen to me damn well! There will be no romantical feelings between you and me! It's best to put this obsession out of your mind again very quickly! Our Play-Sessions are about pure, emotionless fucking and nothing more! Do you understand? Or do I have to find a new playmate? ‹‹

Shocked and offended by his words, Lola looked back down at the floor.

Of course, she didn't want him to replace her! Just the thought of him with someone else made her heart ache.

››Did you understand me? ‹‹, his stern voice tore her from her thoughts.

››Yes, I did‹‹ she replied confidently, thanked him, gave the cool pack back to him and started to get dressed.

››Call me if you need me again! ‹‹

She put on her jacket, grabbed her handbag and the envelope he held out to her and headed for the front door.

››I will. As always, it was great doing business with you! ‹‹

He opened the door for her and asked her to leave with a hand gesture. She had barely crossed the threshold when she heard the click of the door lock. She shook her head in frustration.

››You're an ice-cold, hardened asshole! ‹‹, she muttered.

››But a pretty hot, rich asshole! ‹‹, she added in her thoughts.

Shrugging her shoulders, she turned around and walked to the elevator. It was time to get back to her main job.

Meanwhile, Sung-ho had poured himself a glass of water and stood in his living room in front of his large picture window, gazing thoughtfully at the night sky.

His thoughts revolved around everything and yet nothing.

He just couldn't calm down today.

The upcoming court hearing, the anniversary of his grandfather's death, Lola's words and many other things were simply too much on his mind and made him restless.

~8 am~

The melodic ringing of his cell phone alarm woke him from his dreamless sleep. Sung-ho straightened up, reached for his cell phone and turned off the alarm.

When he took a quick look in the large mirror that was mounted frontally on the wall in front of his bed, he had to laugh. His black hair was sticking out in a crisscross pattern and there were countless sleep wrinkles on his face caused by the bed linen. His sleepy eyes spoke volumes about the previous night. If people saw him in this natural, unmade state, they would not think that they were looking at a very wealthy man who had one or two absurd predilections.

He ran his left hand through his tangled hair as he checked his e-mails. Today was the day of the trial in the Wi Tae-suk case.

Today, he and his old friend Yeon-seok would step into the ring.