Silenced - Annemarie Nikolaus - E-Book

Silenced E-Book

Annemarie Nikolaus

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There's been a public disaster, and someone wants to sweep it under the rug. A journalist is asking questions, and  stumbles across another story, from several years ago. Any connection seems like pure speculation – but then her family is threatened. A short thriller playing on two historical events.

Journalist Laura Schreiner faces a painful decision. She has asked too many questions, and now the lives of her children are in danger. A catastrophe has taken place, and a curiously large number of people care remarkably little about investigating it. The ambitious young journalist isn't going to take it lying down. During her research, she meets someone who tries to convince her that there is a connection to another unresolved drama. It might just be wild speculation – but her children have been kidnapped. Whoever is behind it is powerful and ruthless.

This short thriller draws the pieces of its puzzle from the mix of clues and theories surrounding a plane crash more than 30 years ago.

This is a work of fiction. Although it is set against a backdrop of historical events, the plot is entirely the product of the author's imagination.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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Journalist Laura Schreiner faces a painful decision. She has asked too many questions, and now the lives of her children are in danger.

A catastrophe has taken place, and a curiously large number of people care remarkably little about investigating it. The ambitious young journalist isn’t going to take it lying down. During her research, she meets someone who tries to convince her that there is a connection to another unresolved drama. It might just be wild speculation – but her children have been kidnapped. Whoever is behind it is powerful and ruthless.

This is a work of fiction. Although it is set against a backdrop of historical events, the plot is entirely the product of the author’s imagination.

Annemarie Nikolaus


Short Story

Copyright © 2021 Annemarie Nikolaus

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“Nina, look, those are the colours of the Italian flag! Their pilots are the best.” Manni helped his little sister to kneel up on the windowsill. “When I grow up, I’m going to be Italian!” 

From the window in their high-rise building, they had a clear view of the air force base where the air show was taking place. 

“They’re coloring the sky!” Nina clapped her hands together enthusiastically. “It’s so pretty. Mommy, come and look!”

Laura went over to her children, who were following the stunt pilots’ maneuvers with beaming faces. “That’s the Frecce Tricolori squadron.” 

A plane left the formation, spiraled upwards, turned and flew against the others in a wide loop. Suddenly, the sky exploded in a fireball that eclipsed the sun. 

“Get down!” Laura dragged Nina off the windowsill. 

Then the solo pilot collided with one of the oncoming fighter jets; shards of metal flew through the air. The windows rattled. 

Laura pushed the children to the floor. Nina screamed. 

In the next instant, both aircraft went up in flames. Burning, smoking wreckage plunged from the sky. 

“Don’t cry, darling.” She wiped away Nina’s tears mechanically with the sleeve of her jumper. 

The windows were intact; slowly, Laura straightened up and peered over the ledge. Thick, black smoke was rising outside. 

She rushed to the phone. “It’s Laura Schreiner. Michael, a stunt plane just exploded in mid-air. Clear a page – I’ll be in the editorial office in an hour.”

The children sat on the carpet. Manni swallowed hard and clutched his sister protectively.

Laura hesitated for a moment, but she had no choice. “You’ll look after Nina, okay? Neither of you leaves the house! Mommy has to go to work for a bit.”

Nina began to cry. “I’m scared.”

Laura kneeled down next to her. “I’m going to get Mrs Breiner. And Daddy will be back soon.” ‘Hopefully’, she thought, grabbing her camera equipment and rushing downstairs. ‘Who knows what’s going on out there?’


Acrid smoke drifted into Laura’s face. Soon, she had to abandon her car. There was a stench of burning, and she had a coughing fit. Passing burning buildings and weaving between fire engines and ambulances, she reached the airfield. Soldiers had already sealed off a wide perimeter. She hung her press ID card around her neck.

“Stop, Ma’am.” A military police officer blocked her way.

Laura pointed to her press ID. “Newspaper.”

The officer shook his head. “No media, Ma’am. Military area.”

The tail of an airplane protruded from the wreckage of a spectator stand. Several injured people lay on the ground opposite. The smoke brought tears to Laura’s eyes. “I’m a journalist!”

“No media”, the soldier insisted.

From the corner of her eye, she saw military police officers stopping a mobile medical unit, so she decided to give in, and moved towards the vehicle.

Before Laura reached it, the doctor and paramedics got out, but the soldiers wouldn’t let them pass. The doctor protested loudly, swinging his medical kit, and tried to force his way past them. It was futile; they held him firmly.