Soccer Rules and Positions In A Day For Dummies - Michael Lewis - E-Book

Soccer Rules and Positions In A Day For Dummies E-Book

Michael Lewis

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Soccer basics in a day? Easy.

Do you get a kick out of soccer, but need to brush up your knowledge on the key elements of the game? Look no further!

Soccer Rules & Positions In A Day For Dummies quickly brings you up to speed on one of the most popular sports in the world. From essential information on the sport to expert coverage of the game's rules, regulations, and players, this book provides invaluable insight to new and veteran fans alike.

  • The essential information you need to understand and enjoy soccer
  • Expert coverage of the game's rules and regulations
  • Helpful breakdowns of soccer positions and their roles in offense and defense
  • Online component takes readers beyond the book with bonus content and features

Get set to impress your friends with your newfound knowledge in no time!

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