Speeches, Lecture, Presentation: Speak and Convince With Ease in Front of an Audience - How to Quickly Improve Your Rhetoric and Expression, Plan Your Presentation and Shake off Any Stage Fright - Leon Bahlsen - Hörbuch

Speeches, Lecture, Presentation: Speak and Convince With Ease in Front of an Audience - How to Quickly Improve Your Rhetoric and Expression, Plan Your Presentation and Shake off Any Stage Fright Hörbuch

Leon Bahlsen



Do you need to give a talk or presentation for your work, school or studies? Whether it is a short presentation or a longer lecture in the context of a seminar - the conditions are the same. You are not one of those people who can speak without any fear in front of other people and deliver your presentation eloquently and confidently? On the contrary, are you nervous and have the feeling that you won't be able to get a word in edgewise? The good news is that speaking in front of other people can be learned! This guidebook deals with the basics of interpersonal communication. It helps you understand how communication breakdowns can occur and how to prevent them. Furthermore, this book covers the means and ways to make your speech really resonate with your audience.

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Zeit:1 Std. 20 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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