Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Companion Web Site
CHAPTER 1 - Blinded by the Light
Innovation Vision Example (Alcatel-Lucent)
Innovation Vision Example (Kuwait Petroleum Corporation)
There Is No Single Innovation Vision
Innovation Vision Case Study—Ford Motor Company
Innovation Vision Case Study—Hewlett-Packard
Innovation Vision Case Study—Apple Computer
Innovation Vision Case Study—Nintendo
Innovation Vision Case Study—Walmart versus Amazon
Innovation Vision Case Study—Intel versus AMD, Qualcomm, and NVIDIA
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 2 - Peering in the Dark
Strategy Must Be Based in Reality
Two Sources of Innovation, One Innovation Strategy
Time as a Component of Innovation Strategy
Innovation Strategy Case Study—The Whirlpool Example
Innovation Case Study—Open Innovation at Procter & Gamble
Not Just for Corporations
Innovation Maturity
Incremental versus Disruptive Innovation
Innovation Portfolios
Open Innovation
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 3 - Setting a Course Blindfolded
The Purpose of Innovation Goals
The Influence of Customer Permissions and Visual Frameworks on Your Innovation ...
Setting Your Innovation Goals
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 4 - What Are They Really Thinking?
Four Lenses of Innovation
Broadcasting the Voice of the Customer
Trend Spotting, Behaviors, and Needs
Insights and Execution
Insights Case Study—Apple iPhone
Insights Case Study—Apple iPad
Are You Innovating for the Past or the Future?
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 5 - Shining a Light on the Customer Problem
Generating Ideas
Idea Quantity
Idea Quality
Better Brainstorming
The Idea Generation S-Curve
The Nine Innovation Roles
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 6 - Picking a Winner Without Looking
You Get What You Measure
Separate But Equal
Idea Evaluation Checklist
Idea Challenges
Parallel Idea Evaluation in a Serial World
Saying No in the Right Way
The Importance of “Not Now”
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 7 - Going to Market Blind
Useful or Valuable
Slow Innovation
Slow Innovation Case Study—The iPod
Slow Innovation Case Study—The VCR
Slow Innovation Case Study—The Internet
Slow Innovation Case Study—Southwest Airlines
Slow Innovation—Conclusion
Idea Commercialization Stories—Apple Designs a “No!”
Lessons Learned
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 8 - Have You Had an Innovation Lobotomy?
What Are You Afraid Of?
The Impact of Culture
Organizational Hierarchy of Needs
Breaking Out of the Mold
Choose Your Own Hours—A Case Study in Flexibility
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 9 - Do Your Policies and Processes Keep People in the Dark?
Some Secrets of Continuous Innovation Are Nothing New
Should They Call Them Silos or Bunkers?
Get Your Hands Off My Bonus
A Case Study in Breaking Down Information and Structural Barriers—Cisco
Another Case Study—GE and Reverse Innovation
Bringing It All Together
CHAPTER 10 - Keeping the Lights On
Who Innovates?
Innovating in a Crisis
Innovation Is Not a Project
If You Want Systemic Innovation, You Need Systems to Manage It
Innovation versus Flexibility
Managing Innovation Is About Managing Change—A Case Study
Purpose and Passion
Blogging Innovation as a Case Study in Passion
Passion versus Obsession
Innovation Is Social
Bringing It All Together
APPENDIX A - Customer Exploration
APPENDIX B - Visual Frameworks for Guiding Your Innovation Efforts
APPENDIX C - The Innovation Baker’s Dozen
About the Author
Additional Praise forStoking Your Innovation Bonfire
“Braden Kelley has delivered a book that helps people move innovation from theory into practice. Given our experience innovating with clients over the past 40 years, I believe Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire shares many useful strategies and case studies showcasing what works. Most importantly, the book helps managers identify and address the barriers to innovation within their organization—a crucial step toward making sustainable change.”
—Mark Bernstein, CEO of PARC (
“Braden Kelley has been able to abstract the realities of innovation in his book. This is not theory or science fiction; it is about valuable lessons from real-life examples that those in charge of innovation should be aware of if they want to design winning strategies.”
—Moises Norena, Director of Global Innovation, Whirlpool Corporation
“Braden Kelley helps to demystify innovation, helping readers to understand how to deliver strong and sustainable yield from their innovation efforts. Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire is a great primer for any organization focused on advancing its approach to innovation.”
—Joe Boggio, Director of Innovation, U.S. Commercial Sector
“Without knowing it, organizations drift toward bad habits and blind spots that shut off innovation. Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire unpacks the blockages standing in the way of growth so leaders understand how to move the organization forward.”
—Drew Boyd, Executive Director, Master of Science in Marketing Program, and Assistant Professor of Marketing and Innovation, University of Cincinnati
Copyright © 2010 by Braden Kelley. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Published simultaneously in Canada.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Kelley, Braden.
Stoking your innovation bonfire / Braden Kelley.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-470-62167-7; ISBN 978-0-470-90640-8 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-90641-5 (ebk);
1. Creative ability in business. 2. Technological innovations--Management. I. Title.
HD53.K453 2010
Innovation is never easy—and not always welcome. This book is dedicated to the men and women who dedicate their lives to pushing our organizations to make more efficient use of our human capital and natural resources and to make the world a better place.
Innovation is not what it used to be. In fact, if you were to pick up a book on innovation from the 1970s and compare it with the book you are now holding in your hands, you would probably find the difference quite remarkable.
Back then, there were basically two areas of focus in the field of innovation. One was on boosting a company’s research and development (R&D) capability, which was essentially all about developing new technologies and products. You would have been hard-pressed to find any book at that time that dealt in a serious way with how to innovate around operational processes, services, cost structures, customer experiences, business models, management practices, or industry architectures. The dominant paradigm of that era—at leading companies like IBM, Xerox, or Procter & Gamble—was that innovation was something you did almost exclusively in a scientific research center. And those research centers were usually kept quite separate from the company’s core business. They were funded to explore fringe ideas that may have had little or nothing to do with the real work of the company, or nascent technologies that would require a very lengthy time frame before they could ever be commercialized.
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