The Elon Musk / Donald Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster - Heinz Duthel - E-Book

The Elon Musk / Donald Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster E-Book

Heinz Duthel



The Elon Musk / Donald Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster I'm surprised at how many of you are actually calling for more censorship. What's wrong with you people? Big government is not your friend. Inside the Chaotic Interview That Shocked the World!

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The Elon Musk / Donald Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster

I'm surprised at how many of you are actually calling for more censorship. What's wrong with you people? Big government is not your friend.

Heinz Duthel

All right, hello, everyone.

So my apologies for the late start. We unfortunately had a massive, distributed Nile of service attack against our servers and saturated all of our all of our data lines like basically hundreds of gigabits of data were saturated. We've, we think we've overcome most of that, and so it's not time to proceed. But as as this, this massive attack illustrates there's a lot of opposition to people just hearing what President Trump has to say, and so, but I'm honored to have this conversation. I want to emphasize it's a it's a conversation, and it's really intended to just get, get a feel for what Donald Trump is just like in a conversation. So it's hard to catch a vibe about someone if you just don't hear them talk in a normal way. And when you know when this when there's an adversarial interview, like no one's themselves in adversarial interview. So for and this is really aimed at kind of open minded independent voters who just trying to make up their mind. And so you can understand, like, what? What is, you know, what is it just like to have a conversation? So honored to Donald great, great to speak. We had a great conversation yesterday. As you mentioned yesterday, if we could just record that conversation and post it, it would have been excellent. I hope we can have something like that today.

Well, I think we will. I'm pretty sure we will. And congratulations, because I see you broke every record the book with so many millions of people, and it's an honor. We view that as an honor. And then you do want silencing of certain voices, usually those are voices that have something to say that are constructive, oftentimes constructive, and so we have to consider it an honor. But congratulations on breaking every record in the book tonight. That's great. Well, thank you.

Well, maybe we could start off with, I mean, the assassination attempt, which was an incredible thing, and I have to say that your actions have that nest, that assassination attempt, were inspiring. You know, you, instead of shying away from things, instead of ducking down, you were pumping your fist in the air and saying, fight, fight, fight. And I think that's, I mean, you know, the President of the United States represents America. And I think that is, that is America, that is strength under fire. And so that's, you know, a big, you know, part of the reason why I was excited to endorse you as the president united states for having another term here is that was, that was just incredibly inspiring. But, I mean, what was it like for you?

Not pleasant

I didn't know I had that much blood. The doctors later told me that the ear is a place that is a very bloody place if you're going to get hit. But in this case, it was probably the best alternative you could even think about, because it went at the right angle. And, you know, it was a hard hit. It was very, I guess you would say surreal, but it wasn't surreal. You know, I was telling somebody you have instances like this, or like a lot less than this, where you feel it's a surreal situation. And I never felt that way. I knew immediately that it was a bullet. I knew immediately that it was at the ear, yeah, and because it, you know, it hit very hard, but hit the ear. And I also heard people shout, bullets, bullets. You know, get down. Get down. Because I, you know, I moved down pretty nicely, pretty quickly, and we had bullets flying right over my head after I went down. So I'm glad I went down. The bigger miracle was that I was looking in the exact direction of the shooter, and so it hit it hit me at an angle that was far less destructive than any other angle. So that was the miracle that was for those people I don't believe in God, I think we got to all start thinking about that. You have to, you know, I'm, I'm a believer. Now I'm more of a believer, I think. And a lot of people have said that to me. A lot of great people have said that to me, actually. But it was, it was amazing that I happened to be turned just at that perfect angle, and all because I put down a chart on immigration that showed that the numbers were so great. I I love that chart.

Even maybe it's a sign, maybe that's a sign, immigration side, you highlighted a serious issue at that moment. Mr. You know, but, but, but you know. Mr. Your head. I mean, you're well, the. Amazing thing is that the sign, I said, bring down that sign on immigration. And it was literally about an eighth of a second where it would be good, and after that, it was going to be a disaster, no matter which way you were facing. But it just had that perfect angle, which was exactly at this shooter. Very sad situation, such a sad situation, as you know, we lost somebody that was great Corey, who a firefighter, a great gentleman, a great a great Trumper. He was a just a fantastic family and a fantastic man. And a friend of mine came up Elon and said, I'd like to give the family some kind of help. And I said, that's great. He said, Do you mind? I said, I don't mind at all. And he wrote out a check for a million dollars, gave gave it to the wife, and, you know, she said, This is really nice, but I'd rather have my husband back, which is a nice thing for somebody to say, to be honest, she's she's great. The family is great. And we raised a lot of money for them, and for two other gentlemen are unbelievable people. Also, they were hit really badly. They thought they were not going to make it, and they did the doctors in the butler area. I tell you, they were incredible. They saved the two. And they were really hit tough, both of them equally. And we thought we've my first question was, because I heard bullets flying over me. I said, How many people were killed? Because we had a massive crowd. There a tremendous 1000s and 1000s of people, and there was no land. I mean, it was just, it was all people. So I said, How many people have been killed? Because I knew there were other shots being fired, sure. And they said, We don't know yet, but some people have been badly hurt. And I have to give the Secret Service sniper. They call him or sharpshooter, but sniper, because he didn't know there was a problem. He's been he's an extraordinary shot, obviously, and he didn't know there was a problem, and he was able to pick it all out within five seconds. And he used one bullet from very far away, I guess probably about 400 yards. The shooter was 130 but he was on the he was on the opposite side of the field and the podium, and he saw the the smoke and the flame from the gun, immediately recognized it, and immediately took a shot. And it was one perfect shot from very far away. And if he, if he didn't do that, Elon, he would have, I mean, if he would have a lot of people, a lot more people have been, could have been badly hurt and killed. So I have to take my hat off to him, because that's also a surreal you know, you've been with them for 23 years, and there's, he's never had anything like this, and all of a sudden he has to act. And it's a very tough thing to act and to be shooting somebody. But he saw the he saw the gun, saw the smoke, saw the flame from the gun, very far away. I obviously has very good eyes. He's got very good vision, which I assume you have to have in that particular work. But he, he took a game very quickly, and it was, they say it was approximately five seconds from long range, one bullet, if that didn't happen, because the shooter had a lot of bullets. He had a lot of, a lot of cartridges out there with him. So, I mean, I mean that that that's clearly, you know, you know he was, he was very competent in taking that shot to stop the the assassin, the attempted assassination, but, but, I mean, that does seem to be, I mean, some pretty significant failings elsewhere in the system. Like, there's just no way that. Like, how on earth does a shooter get on a roof 130 yards away? That seems crazy. I think most people like what. People are wondering, how that on Earth could such a thing happen? Well, you know, I view it as two ways. There should have been nobody in the roof. There were people, because there were so many 10s of 1000s of people there. There were people that were seeing him, and there was one woman with a red shirt and Trump all over it, and she's screaming, that guy's got a gun. You know, you saw it. Probably it's like, I'm just, I'm just, I guess,

I mean, fine, for my part. And I think probably many members of the public are wondering, How the heck are, you know, basically people wondering by pointing out there's a guy on the roof with a gun. Yeah, they're seeing it. But somehow it's not being addressed that that does seem crazy.

Well, they're going to learn from this the communication between the local police, who sort of had an idea. And then ultimately, a man lifted himself up to the roof. Could barely do it because, you know, he was pulling himself up and, yeah, he saw the man with the gun, the man with the gun, pointed the gun at him. He thought he was probably going to get shot, but, you know, he was like, pulling himself up, and because of that, he couldn't get to his gun. And he fell down, actually, very badly. Hurt his leg, his ankle, I hear, very badly, but, but he fell down, and he. Did you know, from what I understand, he did say there's a guy up there with a gun, and the the shooting started very quickly after that. I think it, I think it forced the shooter to go maybe quicker. You know, you're supposed to be a very good shot. Yeah, my sons, Don and Eric, they, they can't believe what happened, but they said, from 130 yards, a bad shot would hit that target almost every time they said, it's like in golf, thinking a two foot putt, yeah, it's not a hot it's not a tough shot, not a it's not a long shot. The Secret Service person had the long shot. He had a, you know, triple the distance, actually. So, you know, it was a terrible thing. Look, it's hard. I have to say this about the Secret Service. When I went down and, you know, I went down based on, I think they're screaming, but other people also, because people saw this happen. You know, you had so many people, one of the miracles was that nobody ran. I mean, if a gun goes off, the crowd control, people showed showed us this, when guns go off, and it does happen in stadiums, at a soccer match or some kind of a match, everybody flees. They call it a stampede, like cattle, but everybody, and a lot of people get killed with us, stampedes, we had more people than you'd have it. You know, some of these matches or these games, and nobody left. You know, you had a small group behind us in the grandstand, and that was full, and you look at it as it was taking place, and normally they'd be running, they didn't leave. They saw that I was hurt. They saw a lot of blood, and they saw that I went down, and it's almost like they wanted to be with me. Well, out front, you had 1000s, 10s of 1000s of people you as far as the eye could see, you had people in Butler, as far as the eye could see, and, and, yeah, and a lot of press too. It was, you know, many cameras on watching this. It's what made, makes it so different, because normally things happen that aren't good, but you never have a picture of it. Here we have all these cameras shooting it. So, you know, sort of amazing. But one of the interesting things was that you didn't have anybody flee, you didn't have anybody stampede, nobody. And there were some people behind me. They stood up, and they're looking like, you know, I mean, I say you want to have, you want to have them in a foxhole with you. I want to meet some of those people, because it's so different from what you heard. But so, so I was down. But the Secret Service guys, there were bullets flying right over my head. You could hear him go whizzing. And these guys came jumping on top of me. And a young lady, Kate, would jump. They moved so fast. And let me tell you, that took tremendous courage. Now there was a lack of coordination there was, you know, obviously everybody understands that. Somebody that that building should have been covered. And, yeah, I