The Extreme Old Testament Bible Trivia Challenge - Troy Schmidt - E-Book

The Extreme Old Testament Bible Trivia Challenge E-Book

Troy Schmidt



How well do you know the Old Testament of the Bible? Can you answer these questions? What were God's first two words to Moses? How much did Absalom's hair weigh when it was cut? What occasion did Job's children like to celebrate? What did Jonah say was wrapped around his head inside the great fish?   The Extreme Old Testament Bible Trivia Challenge contains over 3,800 questions, arranged in the order they appear, with at least one question from every chapter in the Old Testament of the Bible (that's 929 chapters). If you love the Bible, this book is for you. Read through the questions on your own or have fun challenging your family, friends, church, or study group. The more you get to know the Bible, the more comfortable you become with it. The more familiar you are with it, the closer it grows to your heart.

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BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC

Racine, Wisconsin, USA

The Extreme Old Testament Bible Trivia Challenge

Copyright © 2016 by Troy Schmidt

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5238-2 (softcover)

ISBN-13: 978-1-4245-5272-6 (e-book)

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1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles








Song of Songs



























1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles








Song of Songs


















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Group Quiz Score Card

About the Author


1. What are the first three words that start the book of Genesis?

2. When the earth was created, what hovered over the waters?

3. What were the first words spoken by God in the Bible?

4. What was the first thing God created by saying, “Let there be …”?

5. What did God separate light from?

6. What did God create on the first day?

7. What did God create on the second day?

8. On what day did God create land and sea?

9. On what day did God create vegetation (plants/trees)?

10. On what day did God create stars?

11. On what day did God create the sun and the moon (called “the greater light” in the day and “the lesser light” in the night)?

12. On what day did God create sea creatures and birds?

13. On what day did God create land creatures?

14. On what day did God create humans?

15. Of all the creations, which one did God create in his own image?

16. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and do what?

17. What was the first thing God gave Adam and Eve for food?

18. What did God first offer to the beasts of the earth for food?

19. On what day did God say all of his creation was “very good”?

20. On what day did God rest from all this work?

21. Which day of creation did God make holy?

22. How did God water the earth in Genesis 2?

23. What did God form Adam out of?

24. Into what part of Adam did God breathe the breath of life?

25. In what direction—north, south, east, or west—was the garden located?

26. What was the location of the garden called?

27. What were the names of the two trees God put in the middle of the garden?

28. Name the four rivers flowing from the garden of Eden.

29. Which of the four rivers flowed to a land rich in gold?

30. Which of the four rivers flowed to the land of Cush?

31. Which tree did God say would cause Adam and Eve to die if they ate from it?

32. During creation, what was the first thing God said was not good?

33. Why did God bring the animals to Adam?

34. From what part of Adam’s body did God form Eve?

35. Because of the union of a man and woman, what would they leave to be united with each other?

36. In Genesis 2, God said that when a man is united with his wife, they become one what?

37. What animal was craftier than any of the wild animals God made?

38. Where in the garden was the tree that God told Eve not to eat from?

39. What did Eve tell the serpent would happen if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

40. What happened to Adam and Eve’s eyes when they ate the fruit?

41. What did Adam and Eve sew together after they realized they were naked?

42. According to Genesis 3, what was the temperature in the garden when God was walking through?

43. Why did Adam say he was afraid when he heard God coming?

44. Whom did Adam blame for the fruit-eating incident?

45. Whom did Eve blame for the fruit-eating incident?

46. Because of the deception, God told the serpent he would eat what from then on?

47. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, Eve’s pain would increase during what event?

48. Because of the garden deception, what two horticultural problems would grow from the ground?

49. When Adam died, to what would he return, since from it he was taken?

50. Who named Eve?

51. What kind of garments did God make for Adam and Eve?

52. What did God place on the east side of the garden to guard the tree of life?

53. Who was the first recorded child born in the Bible?

54. Who was the second recorded child born in the Bible?

55. What occupation did Abel take up?

56. What occupation did Cain take up?

57. What kind of offering did Cain bring?

58. What kind of offering did Abel bring?

59. Whose offering did God look at with favor—Cain’s or Abel’s?

60. Whom was God talking to the first time the word sin was used?

61. Who was the first murderer in the Bible?

62. Who said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

63. According to God, whose blood cried out from the ground?

64. Who did God say would be a restless wanderer on the earth?

65. According to God, how many times over would someone suffer vengeance if he killed Cain?

66. What did God put on Cain so nobody would kill him?

67. What land did Cain move to?

68. What was the Land of Nod east of?

69. Who is the first recorded grandchild of Adam and Eve?

70. What did Cain name after his son Enoch?

71. What was the name of the first recorded city in the Bible?

72. Who was the first herdsman that lived in a tent?

73. Who was the first musician mentioned (he played the harp, flute/stringed instruments, and pipes)?

74. What did Tubal-Cain forge out of bronze and iron?

75. According to the Bible, who was the third son born to Adam and Eve?

76. Who was Seth’s son?

77. According to Genesis 4, what did people first start doing during the lifetime of Enosh?

78. Who lived longest—Adam, Seth, or Enosh?

79. How many years did Adam live?

80. In Genesis 5, who was the second oldest person to live?

81. Whom in Genesis did God “take away”?

82. Who was the oldest person to live in the Bible?

83. How old was Methuselah when he died?

84. Who was Noah’s father?

85. How old was Noah when he became a father?

86. What were the names of Noah’s three sons?

87. In Genesis 6, to what age did God limit human life?

88. Who were called the heroes of old, the men of renown?

89. The Nephilim came about when the heroes of old went to the daughters of whom?

90. What was God sorry he had made?

91. In Genesis 6, who was the one person that found favor in God’s eyes?

92. What kind of wood was the ark made of?

93. What was the ark coated with, inside and out?

94. How many decks did the ark have?

95. How many of each living creature would be called to the ark?

96. How many pairs of every kind of clean animal did God tell Noah to take on the ark?

97. How many kinds of unclean animals did God tell Noah to take on the ark?

98. Of what species did God specifically tell Noah to bring seven of every kind?

99. How many days passed from the moment God talked to Noah in Genesis 7 to when the rains came?

100. How many days did God say he would allow it to rain?

101. How old was Noah when the floodwaters came on the earth?

102. How many humans were on the ark?

103. How much higher did the waters rise above the mountains?

104. How many days after the rain did the flood waters cover the earth?

105. How many days after the flood stopped did the ark rest on a mountain?

106. On what mountains did the ark rest?

107. What did Noah first open to let a bird fly out?

108. What kind of bird did Noah send out first?

109. What bird did Noah send out the second time?

110. How many days did Noah wait before he sent out the dove a second time?

111. What was in the beak of the dove when it returned to the ark?

112. How many total times did Noah send out the dove?

113. What happened to the dove after it went out the last time?

114. How old was Noah when he lifted off the cover to the ark to see if the water had dried up?

115. What was the first recorded thing Noah that did when he got off the ark?

116. Who smelled the sacrifice and was pleased?

117. In Genesis 9, what did God tell Noah to eat when he got off the ark?

118. What did God tell Noah must not be in the meat when he ate it?

119. What did God promise not to destroy the earth with in Genesis 9?

120. What did God reveal in the sky as a sign of the covenant between God and every living creature?

121. Which of Noah’s sons was the father of Canaan?

122. What did Noah plant when he got off the ark?

123. Where was Noah lying when he passed out drunk?

124. Who saw his father’s nakedness and then told his brothers about it?

125. What did the other two brothers do when they heard their father was naked?

126. Whose descendants did Noah curse because of what Ham did?

127. How many years after the flood did Noah live?

128. How many total years did Noah live?

129. Who grew to be a mighty hunter and warrior on the earth?

130. In what book of the Bible do we first hear about the areas of Babylon, Assyria, and Nineveh?

131. Who first built Nineveh?

132. What two notorious cities, later destroyed by God, did the Canaanites build?

133. On what eastern plain did the men of earth settle after Noah?

134. Instead of stone, what did the people use to build the Tower of Babel?

135. What did the people use for mortar when building the Tower of Babel?

136. In addition to a tower, what else did the builders of Babel construct?

137. To inhibit the people’s progress, what did God confuse?

138. What was the place called because of what was confused that day?

139. Who was Abram’s father?

140. Who were Abram’s brothers?

141. What was the name of Haran’s son (and Abram’s nephew)?

142. Who was Abram’s wife?

143. Who was Nahor’s wife?

144. What city did Terah, Abram, Sarai, and Lot leave from?

145. Where were they headed?

146. Where did they settle instead (the place where Terah eventually died)?

147. How old was Abram when he set out from Harran to Canaan?

148. From what region did Abram leave to go to the Promised Land?

149. What two people went with Abram to Canaan?

150. During the famine in Genesis 12, to where did Abram and Sarai travel for help?

151. Fearing Pharaoh would kill him to take Sarai as his wife, how did Abram describe his relationship with Sarai?

152. Which group in Egypt saw Sarai and praised her beauty to Pharaoh?

153. What animals did Pharaoh give Abram in return for Sarai?

154. Because Pharaoh took Sarai as his wife, the Lord inflicted diseases on whom?

155. What group of Abram’s and Lot’s workers began quarreling?

156. What plain did Lot choose when he and Abram split up?

157. What two infamous cities were in the area Lot chose to live?

158. Like what particle, too numerous to count, did God promise Abram that his descendants would number?

159. After Lot departed, Abram moved his tents to live near the great trees of what?

160. The Valley of Siddim contained what sea?

161. What gooey ecological obstacle was the Valley of Siddim full of (that people fell into)?

162. Which of Abram’s relatives was taken prisoner during the war?

163. Who was first called a Hebrew in the Bible?

164. How many fighting men did Abram take with him to rescue Lot?

165. What title besides king did Melchizedek hold?

166. What was Melchizedek the king of?

167. What food did Melchizedek bring Abram?

168. What fraction of an offering did Abram give the priest Melchizedek?

169. What payment did Abram want from the king of Sodom for his help in defeating the enemies?

170. If Abram didn’t produce an offspring, who would inherit all his property?

171. To understand how many descendants Abram would have, what did God tell him to look up and count?

172. When Abram believed God, what was he credited with?

173. What five animals did God ask Abram to sacrifice for the covenant in Genesis 15?

174. What came down and tried to eat Abram’s sacrifice in Genesis 15?

175. God foretold that the Israelites would be strangers in a country for how many years (talking about Egypt)?

176. In Genesis 5, what passed between the pieces of sacrifice Abram offered God?

177. What was the name of Sarai’s maidservant?

178. Where was Sarai’s maidservant from?

179. Who comforted Hagar at the desert spring after she ran away?

180. Who would be called a wild donkey of a man?

181. What did Hagar call the well where God met and comforted her?

182. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?

183. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham because he would be the father of many what?

184. In Genesis 17:10, what new covenant did God establish with Abraham that every male needed to keep?

185. At what age were boys to be circumcised?

186. God changed Sarai’s name to Sarah because she be the mother of all what?

187. Who gave Abraham’s son Isaac his name?

188. Isaac’s name means “he _____” because that’s what Abraham did when he heard he would be a father at a hundred years old.

189. How many rulers/princes would be born to Ishmael?

190. How old was Abraham when he was circumcised?

191. How old was Ishmael when he was circumcised?

192. In what location were the great trees where Abraham pitched his tents?

193. How many men visited Abraham in that location?

194. What did Abraham ask Sarah to make for the visitors?

195. Where was Sarah when she heard the news that she would have a child in one year?

196. What did Sarah deny doing when accused by the Lord of having done it?

197. What two cities did Abraham bargain with the Lord to save?

198. To save Sodom, how many righteous people did Abraham first bargain for?

199. What was the final number that ended Abraham’s bargaining for Sodom?

200. At what time during the day did the angels arrive in Sodom?

201. Where was Lot sitting when the angels arrived in Sodom?

202. What did the men of Sodom want to do with the visiting angels?

203. Whom did Lot offer to the men of the city instead of the angels?

204. What physical condition did the angels strike the Sodom mob with to help with Lot’s escape?

205. Who thought Lot was joking when he pleaded with them to leave Sodom?

206. Who were the four people that originally got out of Sodom safely?

207. To what town did Lot want to flee?

208. What rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah?

209. In addition to the people and the two cities, what two other things does Genesis 19 say God destroyed that day?

210. Who disobeyed the angels and looked back at the destruction?

211. What did Lot’s wife become when she looked back at the destruction of Sodom?

212. Whom did Lot’s oldest daughter give birth to?

213. Whom did Lot’s younger daughter give birth to?

214. What two future enemies of Israel were sons of Lot?

215. What was the name of the king of Gerar that Abraham lied to, saying that Sarah was his sister?

216. How did God communicate to the king of Gerar to stay away from Sarah?

217. According to Abraham, how was Sarah related to him outside of marriage?

218. What did God close up in Abimelech’s household because of the incident with Sarah?

219. How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?

220. Besides a son, what did Sarah say that God had brought her?

221. In what desert did Hagar and Ishmael find themselves?

222. When God opened Hagar’s eyes, what did he show her?

223. What skill did Ishmael perfect in the desert?

224. From what country did Hagar find a wife for Ishmael?

225. What did Abraham’s servants and Abimelech’s servants argue over in the desert?

226. What kind of a tree did Abraham plant in Beersheba?

227. To what region did God tell Abraham to take his son Isaac?

228. What kind of an offering did God want Isaac to be?

229. What animal did Abraham take with him to Mount Moriah?

230. How many servants went with them on the journey?

231. After how many days of traveling did Abraham see the place where the sacrifice would occur?

232. What did Isaac carry up the mountain for the sacrifice?

233. What two items did Abraham carry up the mountain?

234. What did Isaac believe they had forgotten for the sacrifice?

235. What part of Abraham’s body did the angel grab to stop the sacrifice?

236. What animal did they see caught in the bushes?

237. What did Abraham call the place where God stopped the sacrifice of Isaac?

238. In Genesis 22, God promised Abraham that he would make him as numerous as what two things?

239. How old was Sarah when she died?

240. Where did Sarah die?

241. What was the place where Sarah was buried?

242. Who owned the field where Abraham buried Sarah?

243. What did the land cost Abraham?

244. Whom did Abraham send to find a wife for his son Isaac?

245. From what people group did Abraham specifically say he did not want Isaac to marry?

246. How many camels did Abraham’s servant take with him to find a wife for Isaac?

247. To what town did the servant travel to find a wife for Isaac?

248. Near what did the servant stop and wait for Isaac’s wife to come by?

249. As a sign that Abraham’s servant had found the right wife for Isaac, what did he pray the woman would offer to give a drink to?

250. While the servant prayed, who walked up with her water jug?

251. Who was Rebekah’s father?

252. What jewelry did Abraham’s servant give Rebekah when they first met?

253. Who was Rebekah’s brother?

254. How many more days did Laban and her mother want Rebekah to stay before the servant took her away?

255. Who was Abraham’s wife after Sarah died?

256. To whom did Abraham leave everything he owned?

257. How old was Abraham when he died?

258. Where was Abraham buried when he died?

259. Who was the firstborn son of Ishmael?

260. How many sons did Ishmael have?

261. Near what border did the sons of Ishmael live?

262. How old was Isaac when he married Rebekah?

263. What did the Lord tell Rebekah there were two of in her womb?

264. What did God say would be the relationship between the twins inside Rebekah’s womb?

265. What color was Esau when he was born?

266. Who got his name because he was red and hairy?

267. How does the Bible describe Esau’s whole body?

268. When Jacob was born, what was he grasping?

269. How old was Isaac when Rebekah gave birth?

270. What was Esau skilled in?

271. While Esau loved the open country, where did Jacob prefer to stay?

272. Which son did Isaac love more?

273. Which son did Rebekah love more?

274. What color was the stew Esau desired?

275. Why was Esau called Edom?

276. What did Jacob want in return for the stew?

277. What did Esau sell to Jacob?

278. What kind of stew did Jacob make?

279. What did Esau despise after that day?

280. What so severely struck the land that it caused Isaac to move?

281. Where did Isaac move to?

282. Where did God tell Isaac not to move to?

283. How did Isaac tell the men of Gerar that Rebekah was related to him?

284. What was the name of the king that Isaac lied to about his wife Rebekah?

285. What were the four things called Esek, Sitnah, Rehoboth, and Shibah?

286. What does the name Rehoboth mean?

287. What two women did Esau first marry?

288. What kind of dinner did Isaac want Esau to prepare for him?

289. What did Jacob put on his arm to make it seem hairy like Esau’s?

290. What one quality almost gave away Jacob’s deception of Isaac (that he was actually Esau)?

291. Where did Rebekah tell Jacob to stay while Esau cooled down?

292. In what region did Laban live?

293. Jacob went to Paddan Aram to find a wife among the daughters of whom?

294. When Esau heard that Isaac went to Paddan Aram to find a wife from his own family line, to whose family line did he go to find another wife?

295. What was the name of the third wife Esau married?

296. What did Jacob use as a pillow before he saw the stairway in a dream?

297. Who was ascending and descending the stairway to heaven in Jacob’s dream?

298. What did Jacob call the place where he saw the stairway to heaven?

299. What was this city, which Jacob renamed, formerly called?

300. What was Rachel’s occupation?

301. What was Jacob’s relationship to Rachel?

302. What was Jacob standing by when he first saw Rachel?

303. How were Leah’s eyes described?

304. How long did Jacob offer to serve Laban for the hand of Rachel?

305. Who was the servant that Laban gave to Leah?

306. Whom did Jacob wake up with on his first wedding night?

307. How many more years did Laban want Jacob to work for Rachel?

308. How long did Jacob wait to marry Rachel after marrying Leah?

309. Why did God bless Leah and give her sons?

310. Who was the first son born to Jacob?

311. Which of Jacob and Leah’s sons’ names means “he has seen my misery”?

312. Which of Jacob and Leah’s sons’ names means “he heard me”?

313. Which of Jacob and Leah’s sons’ names means “attached to me”?

314. Which of Jacob and Leah’s sons’ names means “praise the Lord”?

315. Who were Jacob and Leah’s sons?

316. Who were Jacob and Rachel’s servant Bilhah’s sons?

317. Which of Jacob and Bilhah’s sons’ names means “he has vindicated”?

318. Which of Jacob and Bilhah’s sons’ names means “my struggle”?

319. Who were Jacob and Leah’s servant Zilpah’s sons?

320. Which of Jacob and Zilpah’s sons’ names means “good fortune”?

321. Which of Jacob and Zilpah’s sons’ names means “happy”?

322. What plant did Rachel and Leah argue over?

323. Which of Jacob and Leah’s sons’ names means “rewarded”?

324. Which of Jacob and Zilpah’s sons’ names means “honored”?

325. What was Jacob’s only daughter’s name?

326. Who were Jacob and Rachel’s sons?

327. Which of Jacob and Rachel’s sons’ names means “added”?

328. What two livestock became the center of the negotiation to divide the flocks of Isaac and Laban?

329. What kind of tree branches did Jacob use to cause the newborn goats to have spots and speckles?

330. When Jacob ran away from Laban, what did Rachel steal from her father?

331. Whom did God warn Laban in a dream not to harm?

332. How many total years did Jacob serve Laban?

333. What did Jacob call the stone pile covenant between him and Laban?

334. What did Jacob name the place where he saw the angel camp?

335. How many men were with Esau when he came to meet Jacob?

336. Where on Jacob’s body did the angel touch during their wrestling match?

337. What new name did the angel give Jacob after the wrestling match?

338. What does Jacob’s new name mean?

339. What did Jacob name the place where he claimed he saw God face-to-face?

340. Because of Jacob’s hip injury, typically what don’t Jews eat today?

341. After Jacob left his meeting with Esau, he set up shelters in a place called what (which actually means “shelters”)?

342. Who was the Hivite leader that violated Dinah, then fell in love with her?

343. Name the father of the Hivite that tried to negotiate with Jacob for Dinah.

344. What Jewish custom did the brothers of Dinah ask the Hivites to perform before they could intermarry?

345. Which two sons of Jacob retaliated against the Hivites for the rape of their sister?

346. Before going to Bethel, what did Jacob tell his household to get rid of?

347. Rachel died after giving birth to which son?

348. What did Rachel originally name Benjamin before Jacob changed it?

349. Rachel was buried on the way to what city?

350. Which of Jacob’s sons slept with Bilhah, Jacob’s concubine?

351. Genesis 36 gives the genealogy of what man that lost his birthright?

352. Whose daughter was Basemath, a woman Esau married?

353. Esau and his family moved to the hill country of what area?

354. How old was Joseph when he tattled on his brothers to Jacob?

355. Why did Jacob love Joseph more than all his brothers?

356. What gift did Jacob give Joseph?

357. Joseph’s first dream involved sheaves of what bowing to another sheaf?

358. Joseph’s second dream involved what three objects in space?

359. What nickname did Joseph’s brothers give him when they saw him approaching them in the field?

360. What did Joseph’s brothers throw him into?

361. Which brother first defended Joseph and kept the others from killing him?

362. To whom did Joseph’s brothers sell him?

363. To what country were these traders headed?

364. Which brother suggested selling him to the traders?

365. For how much did Joseph’s brothers sell him?

366. Which brother returned to the cistern too late and found Joseph gone?

367. What animal’s blood did they put on Joseph’s robe?

368. What did Jacob think happened to his son Joseph?

369. Whom did the Midianites sell Joseph to in Egypt?

370. What was Potiphar’s job?

371. Who were Judah’s two wicked sons?

372. Why did God put them to death?

373. What did Onan spill on the ground, refusing to have a child with his brother’s wife?

374. Who was Judah’s third son that he didn’t give Tamar as his wife?

375. Who disguised herself as a prostitute and slept with her father-in-law Judah to have children by him?

376. What three items did Tamar take as a pledge from Judah?

377. When the twins were born, what did the midwife tie on the wrist of the one that stuck his arm out first?

378. Who were the twin sons born of Judah and Tamar?

379. Which one stuck his arm out first?

380. Who was Potiphar’s boss?

381. What clothing evidence did Joseph leave in Potiphar’s wife’s hands?

382. What did Potiphar’s wife accuse Joseph of?

383. Whom did Joseph immediately find favor with while in jail?

384. What two Egyptian officials did Joseph meet in prison?

385. To whom did Joseph say all dream interpretations belong?

386. Who had the dream in prison of vines and grapes?

387. Who had a dream in prison of three baskets of bread?

388. What in the baker’s dream kept stealing the bread from the basket?

389. In both dreams, what did the three items (branches and baskets) mean?

390. During what occasion did Pharaoh restore the cupbearer to his position?

391. What happened to the baker?

392. How long after the cupbearer’s release did Pharaoh have a dream about cows?

393. On what river bank was Pharaoh standing in his dream?

394. In Pharaoh’s dream, what did the seven skinny cows do to the seven fat cows?

395. In Pharaoh’s dream, seven healthy heads of what were eaten by seven sickly heads?

396. What two groups of people could not interpret Pharaoh’s dream in Genesis 41?

397. Who told Pharaoh about Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams?

398. What two things did Joseph do to look presentable before he met with Pharaoh?

399. In both of Pharaoh’s dreams, what did the seven stand for?

400. What did Joseph interpret the seven fat cows to mean?

401. What did Joseph interpret the seven skinny cows to mean?

402. What percentage of crops did Joseph suggest should be collected and stored for the lean years?

403. What three items did Pharaoh give Joseph after interpreting the dream?

404. Whom did Pharaoh rename Zaphenath-Paneah?

405. What was the name of the daughter that Pharaoh gave to Joseph?

406. How old was Joseph when he started serving Pharaoh?

407. Name Joseph’s two sons.

408. Which of Joseph’s sons was named because God helped Joseph forget his troubles?

409. Which of Joseph’s sons was named because God made him fruitful?

410. How many of Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt during the first trip to buy grain?

411. Which son was Jacob reluctant to send to Egypt to buy grain?

412. What did Joseph accuse the brothers of being when he first met them?

413. Which brother stayed behind in Egypt while the other brothers returned to Jacob?

414. What did Joseph secretly return to his brothers in their pouches on the first trip back to Israel?

415. Which two brothers promised Jacob that they would make sure Benjamin returned home safely?

416. According to Genesis 43, what did the Egyptians consider to be a detestable thing to do with Hebrews?

417. How much bigger was Benjamin’s food portion compared to his brothers’ when served a meal while in Egypt?

418. What item did Joseph have planted in his brothers’ sacks and then accuse them of stealing?

419. What did Joseph’s steward say Joseph used the cup for?

420. In the sack of which of Joseph’s brothers was the silver cup found?

421. Which brother made a desperate plea to Joseph when Joseph told them he would imprison Benjamin?

422. When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, what was the first question he asked?

423. Why did Joseph feel he needed to be sent to Egypt?

424. In what area did Joseph tell his brothers they would live in Egypt?

425. While every brother got a set of new clothes, how many sets of clothes did Benjamin get?

426. Who did God say would close Joseph’s eyes at death?

427. How many people in all traveled from Israel’s home to Egypt, not counting the wives?

428. What occupation was detestable to Egyptians?

429. What occupation did Joseph want his brothers to tell Pharaoh they did so they would be allowed to settle in Goshen?

430. How old did Jacob tell Pharaoh he was?

431. Before Jacob left Pharaoh, what did he do to him?

432. After the Egyptians ran out of money buying food, what two things did they exchange for food?

433. According to Joseph’s plan, what fraction of all produce was given back to the Egyptian government?

434. Before he died, how long had Jacob lived in Egypt?

435. How old was Jacob when he died?

436. Where did Jacob not want to be buried?

437. Who switched his father’s hands, thinking Jacob was blessing the grandsons in the wrong order?

438. Which of Joseph’s sons was younger but got the older son’s blessing?

439. Which son did Jacob not bless because he had defiled his father’s bed?

440. Which two sons did Jacob call, before his death, men/weapons of violence?

441. Which of his sons did Jacob compare to a lion?

442. What did Jacob say would not depart from Judah?

443. What two animals did Jacob prophesy about Judah that Jesus would later ride when coming into Jerusalem?

444. Which of his sons did Jacob call a rawboned donkey?

445. Which of his sons did Jacob say would provide justice and be called a serpent by the roadside?

446. Which son did Jacob say would be a fruitful vine?

447. Which son did Jacob call a ravenous wolf?

448. In what cave did Jacob asked to be buried?

449. Who else was buried in the cave Jacob asked to be buried in?

450. How many days did it take to embalm Jacob?

451. Before he died, where did Joseph ask to be buried?

452. What of his did Jacob want carried there?

453. How old was Joseph when he died?

454. Of all of Jacob’s sons, the Bible gives an age at death for only one. What was his name?


455. According to Exodus 1, how many in Jacob’s family went to Egypt?

456. To make their lives bitter, what did the Egyptian slave masters force the Israelites to build?

457. What two Egyptian cities does Exodus 1 say the Israelite slaves built?

458. With what two items did the Egyptians make the Israelites build?

459. In addition to on building sites, where else were the Israelites treated harshly?

460. What job did the Hebrew women Shiphrah and Puah have in Egypt?

461. Which gender of Israelite baby—boy or girl—did the king of Egypt ask the midwives to kill?

462. What did the midwives tell the king of Egypt that the Hebrew women did before they arrived?

463. Because the midwives feared God and did not carry out Pharaoh’s orders, what did God give them?

464. Into what did the king of Egypt want all the Hebrew boys thrown?

465. From what tribe were Moses’ parents?

466. For how long did Moses’ mother hide him after he was born?

467. From what kind of reed was baby Moses’ floating basket made?

468. What was baby Moses’ basket covered with?

469. What member of baby Moses’ family watched him float down the Nile?

470. Who found the basket with baby Moses inside?

471. Who was hired to nurse baby Moses?

472. Who named Moses?

473. What does Moses’ name mean?

474. Whom did Moses see an Egyptian beating?

475. Where did Moses hide the Egyptian he killed?

476. When he heard Moses killed an Egyptian, who wanted to kill Moses?

477. In what region did Moses hide when Pharaoh wanted to kill him for the murder of an Egyptian?

478. From what did the shepherds drive the women away but Moses came to their rescue?

479. What was the spiritual title of the man whose daughters Moses saved?

480. How many daughters did the man have?

481. What was the name of the man from Midian that took Moses in?

482. Who became Moses’ wife?

483. What was the name of Moses’ first son?

484. What did his son’s name mean?

485. What was another name for Reuel, Moses’ father-in-law?

486. Whose flocks were Moses tending to when the burning bush appeared?

487. On what mountain did the burning bush appear?

488. What were God’s first two words to Moses?

489. What did God ask Moses to remove before he stepped closer to the burning bush?

490. God told Moses the land he stood on was what kind of ground?

491. God promised to take the Israelites to a land flowing with what?

492. When Moses asked what God’s name was, how did God answer?

493. What did Moses’ staff turn into when thrown to the ground?

494. When Moses grabbed the staff by the tail, what did the snake turn into?

495. When Moses put his hand into his cloak, what disease covered it?

496. What third miracle did God tell Moses to do if the Egyptians did not believe the first two?

497. What did Moses say he was slow in?

498. Who did God suggest could be Moses’ mouthpiece?

499. When Moses returned to Egypt, whom did he take with him?

500. Why was God going to kill Moses?

501. Who circumcised Moses’ son?

502. What kind of a cutting instrument was used to circumcise Moses’ son?

503. What was that cutting instrument made of?

504. Where did the Lord tell Aaron to meet Moses?

505. For how many days did Moses ask Pharaoh to release the Israelites to worship God in the wilderness?

506. Angry at the Israelites, what did the Egyptian slave drivers make the Israelites gather for themselves to make bricks?

507. Who was the father of Gershom, Kohath, and Merari?

508. Who was Moses’ father?

509. What was the name of Moses’ mother?

510. How old was Moses when the plagues began?

511. How old was Aaron when the plagues began?

512. Whose staff turned into a snake in front of Pharaoh?

513. What three groups in Pharaoh’s court were able to reproduce some of Moses’ miracles?

514. What did Aaron’s snake/staff do to the magician’s staff that had turned into snake?

515. What did God say he would turn into blood?

516. Because the Nile turned to blood, what died and stunk up Egypt?

517. Which three plagues happened as a direct result of Aaron’s staff?

518. Who stretched his hand and staff over the waters and caused the frogs to cover Egypt?

519. What was the first plague the Egyptian magicians could not replicate?

520. What was the fifth plague?

521. After which two plagues did Pharaoh ask that Moses pray for him?

522. What did the sixth plague sicken?

523. Though the livestock of the Egyptians got sick, whose livestock did not get sick?

524. What did Moses toss into the air that triggered the plague of boils?

525. In addition to the hail, what two other weather phenomena occurred at the same time?

526. What two crops were destroyed when the plague of hail hit Egypt?

527. Which two crops were not destroyed when the plague of hail hit Egypt because they ripen later?

528. What was the eighth plague Egypt faced in the book of Exodus?

529. Which two plagues occurred when Moses lifted his staff?

530. What drove the locusts away?

531. Where were the locusts carried away to?

532. How many days did the plague of darkness blackout Egypt?

533. When the Israelites left after the final plague, God told them to ask their neighbors for articles made of what two elements?

534. At what time in the day was every firstborn in Egypt prophesied to die?

535. During the plague on the firstborn, what did Moses say a dog wouldn’t even do?

536. The month of Passover was the first month of what?

537. On what day of that month did the man choose the lamb?

538. How old did the Passover animals need to be?

539. The Passover animal needed to be which gender—male or female?

540. What two animals could be used as Passover sacrifices?

541. On what day of the month were the people to sacrifice their Passover animal?

542. At what time of the day were the people to sacrifice their Passover animal?

543. What two places on the doorframes were the people told to put the Passover blood?

544. How should the Passover lamb be cooked?

545. What two other items were the people to eat with the Passover animal?

546. What were the Israelites instructed to do with the meat if any was left the morning after Passover?

547. How were the Israelites instructed to dress as they ate the Passover meal?

548. In addition to people, what other group would also lose their firstborn that Passover night?

549. What would God see on the houses and “pass over” it?

550. How many days were they told to eat bread without yeast during the Passover?

551. What happened to a person that ate bread with yeast?

552. What kind of branch did the Israelites use to apply the Passover blood to the doorframes?

553. What passed over the household when there was blood on the doorframe?

554. At what time did the firstborn die in Egypt?

555. Exodus 12 says that everybody from the firstborn of Pharaoh to what other person would be affected by death?

556. What three items did the Israelites ask the Egyptians for as they left?

557. How many Israelite men traveled out of Egypt after the Passover?

558. How many years did the Israelites live in Egypt prior to the Passover?

559. When the Israelites left Egypt, whose bones did they take with them?

560. God led the Israelites out of Egypt by day with a pillar of what?

561. God led the Israelites out of Egypt by night with a pillar of what?

562. How many chariots pursued the Israelites out of Egypt?

563. What did God keep doing to Pharaoh’s heart?

564. What did the Israelites say there were none of in Egypt so Moses had brought them out to the desert to die?

565. What two things did Moses raise and stretch out to divide the Red Sea?

566. From what direction did the wind blow to turn the sea-soaked land dry?

567. In Exodus 14, God looked down from the pillar of fire and confused whom?

568. What did God do to the chariots of the Egyptians that pursued the Israelites through the Red Sea?

569. How many of Pharaoh’s army survived the Red Sea incident?

570. Exodus 15 says _____ and the Israelites sang a song after the Red Sea incident.

571. Who led the Israelite women in song after the Red Sea incident?

572. What instrument did she play?

573. Why did the Israelites call the desert place Marah?

574. What did Moses throw into the waters of Marah so it would become fit to drink?

575. How much time had passed since they came out of Egypt when the Israelites grumbled over the food?

576. What did the Israelites say they had pots of in Egypt?

577. How much manna were the people told to gather for five mornings?

578. How much manna were the people told to gather on the sixth day?

579. In Exodus 16, what did God provide for them to eat at twilight?

580. What did the people say when they saw the manna?

581. What specific weight of manna could each person could take daily?

582. If the Israelites kept any manna until morning, what infested the batch?

583. On the sixth day, how many omers of manna were collected?

584. What color was the manna?

585. The manna was the same color as what kind of seed?

586. The manna tasted like wafers made with what?

587. Moses had the manna put in the jar so who could see it?

588. For how many years did the Israelites eat manna?

589. What fraction of an ephah is an omer?

590. In what area was the rock that Moses struck in Exodus 17, causing water to come out?

591. Why was the place of the first water-from-rock miracle called Massah?

592. Why was the place of the first water-from-rock miracle also called Meribah?

593. Who were the first enemies to attack the Israelites in the desert?

594. Who led the first battle against the Amalekites in the Egyptian desert?

595. What did God instruct Moses to do during the battle with the Amalekites?

596. What did Moses sit on when he got tired?

597. Who held up Moses’ hands during the battle when he got tired?

598. When the Israelites defeated the Amalekites, what did Moses call the altar?
