The guardian of my dream... tom cruise - Antonia Tomasino - E-Book

The guardian of my dream... tom cruise E-Book

Antonia Tomasino

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Antonia a simple provincial girl, positive, always with smile on your lips and sense of humor so much, with a million impossible dreams and many complex details from everyday life. That does not still knows nothing about life and was about to lose it for a stupid reason, and meanwhile she has walked on clouds, testing the impossible. To the point that one day takes a decision that usually does not belong, risking life. I slept for over two days, because of a combination of pills, as the doctor said. During these two days the impossible happened, the unimaginable. A guardian angel was next to she the whole time I was asleep, watching on she, making it possible for me to come back home, and allowing me live a fairy tale at the same time. My story, Antonia and Tommy.

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