The Lady or the Tiger (illustrated) - Frank R. Stockton - E-Book

The Lady or the Tiger (illustrated) E-Book

Frank R. Stockton

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“The Lady, or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton is a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its intriguing tale of love, jealousy, and moral dilemmas. Originally published in 1882, this short story masterfully explores the psychological depths of a semi-barbaric princess torn between her passions and her sense of justice.
Set in a whimsical kingdom ruled by a mercurial king, the story revolves around a unique trial system where fate is decided by chance: a hungry tiger or a beautiful lady awaits behind two identical doors. The suspenseful narrative leaves readers pondering an eternal question—what lies behind the chosen door?
This edition has been carefully formatted for modern digital readers, preserving the elegance and charm of Stockton’s original prose. Perfect for fans of thought-provoking literature and those who enjoy unraveling the complexities of human nature.

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