The Laws of Manu - Anonymous - E-Book

The Laws of Manu E-Book


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According to Wikipedia: "Manusmṛti (written also as Manusmriti or Manusmruti)is the most important and earliest metrical work of the Dharmaśāstra textual tradition of Hinduism. Generally known in English as the Laws of Manu, it was first translated into English in 1794 by Sir William Jones, an English Orientalist and judge of the British Supreme Court of Judicature in Calcutta. The text presents itself as a discourse given by Manu, the progenitor of mankind to a group of seers, or rishis, who beseech him to tell them the "law of all the social classes"

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Translated, with extracts from seven commentaries

George Bühler, translator

(Sacred Books of the East, Volume 25)


Chapter I. The Great Sages Approached Manu

Chapter II. Learn That Sacred Law

Chapter III. The Vow (Of Studying)

Chapter IV.. Having Dwelt With A Teacher

Chapter V. The Sages, Having Heard The Duties Of A Snatake

Chapter VI. A Twice-Born Snataka

Chapter VII. I Will Declare The Duties Of Kings

Chapter VIII. A King, Desirious Of Investingating Law

Chapter IX. I Will Now Propound The Eternal Laws

Chapter X. Let The Three Twice-Born Castes

Chapter XI. Him Who Wishes Offspring

CHAPTER I. The great sages approached Manu

1. The great sages approached Manu, who was seated with a collected mind, and, having duly worshipped him, spoke as follows:

2. 'Deign, divine one, to declare to us precisely and in due order the sacred  laws of each of the (four chief) castes (varna) and of the intermediate ones.

3. 'For thou, O Lord, alone knowest the purport, (i.e.) the rites, and the  knowledge of the soul, (taught) in this whole ordinance of the Self-existent  (Svayambhu), which is unknowable and unfathomable.'

4. He, whose power is measureless, being thus asked by the high-minded great  sages, duly honoured them, and answered, 'Listen!'

5. This (universe) existed in the shape of Darkness, unperceived, destitute of  distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it  were, in deep sleep.

6. Then the divine Self-existent (Svayambhu, himself) indiscernible, (but)  making (all) this, the great elements and the rest, discernible, appeared with  irresistible (creative) power, dispelling the darkness.

7. He who can be perceived by the internal organ (alone), who is subtile,  indiscernible, and eternal, who contains all created beings and is  inconceivable, shone forth of his own (will).

8. He, desiring to produce beings of many kinds from his own body, first with a  thought created the waters, and placed his seed in them.

9. That (seed) became a golden egg, in brilliancy equal to the sun; in that  (egg) he himself was born as Brahman, the progenitor of the whole world.

10. The waters are called narah, (for) the waters are, indeed, the offspring of  Nara; as they were his first residence (ayana), he thence is named Narayana.

11. From that (first) cause, which is indiscernible, eternal, and both real and  unreal, was produced that male (Purusha), who is famed in this world (under the  appellation of) Brahman.

12. The divine one resided in that egg during a whole year, then he himself by  his thought (alone) divided it into two halves;

13. And out of those two halves he formed heaven and earth, between them the  middle sphere, the eight points of the horizon, and the eternal abode of the  waters.

14. From himself (atmanah) he also drew forth the mind, which is both real and  unreal, likewise from the mind egoism, which possesses the function of  self-consciousness (and is) lordly;

15. Moreover, the great one, the soul, and all (products) affected by the three  qualities, and, in their order, the five organs which perceive the objects of  sensation.

16. But, joining minute particles even of those six, which possess measureless  power, with particles of himself, he created all beings.

17. Because those six (kinds of) minute particles, which form the (creator's)  frame, enter (a-sri) these (creatures), therefore the wise call his frame  sarira, (the body.)

18. That the great elements enter, together with their functions and the mind,  through its minute parts the framer of all beings, the imperishable one.

19. But from minute body (-framing) particles of these seven very powerful  Purushas springs this (world), the perishable from the imperishable.

20. Among them each succeeding (element) acquires the quality of the preceding  one, and whatever place (in the sequence) each of them occupies, even so many  qualities it is declared to possess.

21. But in the beginning he assigned their several names, actions, and  conditions to all (created beings), even according to the words of the Veda.

22. He, the Lord, also created the class of the gods, who are endowed with life,  and whose nature is action; and the subtile class of the Sadhyas, and the  eternal sacrifice.

23. But from fire, wind, and the sun he drew forth the threefold eternal Veda,  called Rik, Yagus, and Saman, for the due performance of the sacrifice.

24. Time and the divisions of time, the lunar mansions and the planets, the  rivers, the oceans, the mountains, plains, and uneven ground.

25. Austerity, speech, pleasure, desire, and anger, this whole creation he  likewise produced, as he desired to call these beings into existence.

26. Moreover, in order to distinguish actions, he separated merit from demerit,  and he caused the creatures to be affected by the pairs (of opposites), such as  pain and pleasure.

27. But with the minute perishable particles of the five (elements) which have  been mentioned, this whole (world) is framed in due order.

28. But to whatever course of action the Lord at first appointed each (kind of  beings), that alone it has spontaneously adopted in each succeeding creation.

29. Whatever he assigned to each at the (first) creation, noxiousness or  harmlessness, gentleness or ferocity, virtue or sin, truth or falsehood, that  clung (afterwards) spontaneously to it.

30. As at the change of the seasons each season of its own accord assumes its  distinctive marks, even so corporeal beings (resume in new births) their  (appointed) course of action.

31. But for the sake of the prosperity of the worlds he caused the Brahmana, the  Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his  thighs, and his feet.

32. Dividing his own body, the Lord became half male and half female; with that  (female) he produced Virag.

33. But know me, O most holy among the twice-born, to be the creator of this  whole (world), whom that male, Virag, himself produced, having performed  austerities.

34. Then I, desiring to produce created beings, performed very difficult  austerities, and (thereby) called into existence ten great sages, lords of  created beings,

35. Mariki, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Praketas, Vasishtha, Bhrigu,  and Narada.

36. They created seven other Manus possessing great brilliancy, gods and classes  of gods and great sages of measureless power,

37. Yakshas (the servants of Kubera, the demons called) Rakshasas and Pisakas,  Gandharvas (or musicians of the gods), Apsarases (the dancers of the gods),  Asuras, (the snake-deities called) Nagas and Sarpas, (the bird-deities called)  Suparnas and the several classes of the manes,

38. Lightnings, thunderbolts and clouds, imperfect (rohita) and perfect  rainbows, falling meteors, supernatural noises, comets, and heavenly lights of  many kinds,

39 (Horse-faced) Kinnaras, monkeys, fishes, birds of many kinds, cattle, deer,  men, and carnivorous beasts with two rows of teeth,

40. Small and large worms and beetles, moths, lice, flies, bugs, all stinging  and biting insects and the several kinds of immovable things.

41. Thus was this whole (creation), both the immovable and the movable, produced  by those high-minded ones by means of austerities and at my command, (each  being) according to (the results of) its actions.

42. But whatever act is stated (to belong) to (each of) those creatures here  below, that I will truly declare to you, as well as their order in respect to  birth.

43. Cattle, deer, carnivorous beasts with two rows of teeth, Rakshasas, Pisakas,  and men are born from the womb.

44. From eggs are born birds, snakes, crocodiles, fishes, tortoises, as well as  similar terrestrial and aquatic (animals).

45. From hot moisture spring stinging and biting insects, lice, flies, bugs, and  all other (creatures) of that kind which are produced by heat.

46. All plants, propagated by seed or by slips, grow from shoots; annual plants  (are those) which, bearing many flowers and fruits, perish after the ripening of  their fruit;

47. (Those trees) which bear fruit without flowers are called vanaspati (lords  of the forest); but those which bear both flowers and fruit are called vriksha.

48. But the various plants with many stalks, growing from one or several roots,  the different kinds of grasses, the climbing plants and the creepers spring all  from seed or from slips.

49. These (plants) which are surrounded by multiform Darkness, the result of  their acts (in former existences), possess internal consciousness and experience  pleasure and pain.

50. The (various) conditions in this always terrible and constantly changing  circle of births and deaths to which created beings are subject, are stated to  begin with (that of) Brahman, and to end with (that of) these (just mentioned  immovable creatures).

51. When he whose power is incomprehensible, had thus produced the universe and  men, he disappeared in himself, repeatedly suppressing one period by means of  the other.

52. When that divine one wakes, then this world stirs; when he slumbers  tranquilly, then the universe sinks to sleep.

53. But when he reposes in calm sleep, the corporeal beings whose nature is  action, desist from their actions and mind becomes inert.

54. When they are absorbed all at once in that great soul, then he who is the  soul of all beings sweetly slumbers, free from all care and occupation.

55. When this (soul) has entered darkness, it remains for a long time united  with the organs (of sensation), but performs not its functions; it then leaves  the corporeal frame.

56. When, being clothed with minute particles (only), it enters into vegetable  or animal seed, it then assumes, united (with the fine body), a (new) corporeal  frame.

57. Thus he, the imperishable one, by (alternately) waking and slumbering,  incessantly revivifies and destroys this whole movable and immovable (creation).

58. But he having composed these Institutes (of the sacred law), himself taught  them, according to the rule, to me alone in the beginning; next I (taught them)  to Mariki and the other sages.

59. Bhrigu, here, will fully recite to you these Institutes; for that sage  learned the whole in its entirety from me.

60. Then that great sage Bhrigu, being thus addressed by Manu, spoke, pleased in  his heart, to all the sages, 'Listen!'

61. Six other high-minded, very powerful Manus, who belong to the race of this  Manu, the descendant of the Self-existent (Svayambhu), and who have severally  produced created beings,

62. (Are) Svarokisha, Auttami, Tamasa, Raivata, Kakshusha, possessing great  lustre, and the son of Vivasvat.

63. These seven very glorious Manus, the first among whom is Svayambhuva,  produced and protected this whole movable and immovable (creation), each during  the period (allotted to him).

64. Eighteen nimeshas (twinklings of the eye, are one kashtha), thirty kashthas  one kala, thirty kalas one muhurta, and as many (muhurtas) one day and night.

65. The sun divides days and nights, both human and divine, the night (being  intended) for the repose of created beings and the day for exertion.

66. A month is a day and a night of the manes, but the division is according to  fortnights. The dark (fortnight) is their day for active exertion, the bright  (fortnight) their night for sleep.

67. A year is a day and a night of the gods; their division is (as follows): the  half year during which the sun progresses to the north will be the day, that  during which it goes southwards the night.

68. But hear now the brief (description of) the duration of a night and a day of  Brahman and of the several ages (of the world, yuga) according to their order.

69. They declare that the Krita age (consists of) four thousand years (of the  gods); the twilight preceding it consists of as many hundreds, and the twilight  following it of the same number.

70. In the other three ages with their twilights preceding and following, the  thousands and hundreds are diminished by one (in each).

71. These twelve thousand (years) which thus have been just mentioned as the  total of four (human) ages, are called one age of the gods.

72. But know that the sum of one thousand ages of the gods (makes) one day of  Brahman, and that his night has the same length.

73. Those (only, who) know that the holy day of Brahman, indeed, ends after (the  completion of) one thousand ages (of the gods) and that his night lasts as long,  (are really) men acquainted with (the length of) days and nights.

74. At the end of that day and night he who was asleep, awakes and, after  awaking, creates mind, which is both real and unreal.

75. Mind, impelled by (Brahman's) desire to create, performs the work of  creation by modifying itself, thence ether is produced; they declare that sound  is the quality of the latter.

76. But from ether, modifying itself, springs the pure, powerful wind, the  vehicle of all perfumes; that is held to possess the quality of touch.

77. Next from wind modifying itself, proceeds the brilliant light, which  illuminates and dispels darkness; that is declared to possess the quality of  colour;

78. And from light, modifying itself, (is produced) water, possessing the  quality of taste, from water earth which has the quality of smell; such is the  creation in the beginning.

79. The before-mentioned age of the gods, (or) twelve thousand (of their years),  being multiplied by seventy-one, (constitutes what) is here named the period of  a Manu (Manvantara).

80. The Manvantaras, the creations and destructions (of the world, are)  numberless; sporting, as it were, Brahman repeats this again and again.

81. In the Krita age Dharma is four-footed and entire, and (so is) Truth; nor  does any gain accrue to men by unrighteousness.

82. In the other (three ages), by reason of (unjust) gains (agama), Dharma is  deprived successively of one foot, and through (the prevalence of) theft,  falsehood, and fraud the merit (gained by men) is diminished by one fourth (in  each).

83. (Men are) free from disease, accomplish all their aims, and live four  hundred years in the Krita age, but in the Treta and (in each of) the succeeding  (ages) their life is lessened by one quarter.

84. The life of mortals, mentioned in the Veda, the desired results of  sacrificial rites and the (supernatural) power of embodied (spirits) are fruits  proportioned among men according to (the character of) the age.

85. One set of duties (is prescribed) for men in the Krita age, different ones  in the Treta and in the Dvapara, and (again) another (set) in the Kali, in a  proportion as (those) ages decrease in length.

86. In the Krita age the chief (virtue) is declared to be (the performance of)  austerities, in the Treta (divine) knowledge, in the Dvapara (the performance  of) sacrifices, in the Kali liberality alone.

87. But in order to protect this universe He, the most resplendent one, assigned  separate (duties and) occupations to those who sprang from his mouth, arms,  thighs, and feet.

88. To Brahmanas he assigned teaching and studying (the Veda), sacrificing for  their own benefit and for others, giving and accepting (of alms).

89. The Kshatriya he commanded to protect the people, to bestow gifts, to offer  sacrifices, to study (the Veda), and to abstain from attaching himself to  sensual pleasures;

90. The Vaisya to tend cattle, to bestow gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study  (the Veda), to trade, to lend money, and to cultivate land.

91. One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly even  these (other) three castes.

92. Man is stated to be purer above the navel (than below); hence the  Self-existent (Svayambhu) has declared the purest (part) of him (to be) his  mouth.

93. As the Brahmana sprang from (Brahman's) mouth, as he was the first-born, and  as he possesses the Veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation.

94. For the Self-existent (Svayambhu), having performed austerities, produced  him first from his own mouth, in order that the offerings might be conveyed to  the gods and manes and that this universe might be preserved.

95. What created being can surpass him, through whose mouth the gods continually  consume the sacrificial viands and the manes the offerings to the dead?

96. Of created beings the most excellent are said to be those which are  animated; of the animated, those which subsist by intelligence; of the  intelligent, mankind; and of men, the Brahmanas;

97. Of Brahmanas, those learned (in the Veda); of the learned, those who  recognise (the necessity and the manner of performing the prescribed duties); of  those who possess this knowledge, those who perform them; of the performers,  those who know the Brahman.

98. The very birth of a Brahmana is an eternal incarnation of the sacred law;  for he is born to (fulfil) the sacred law, and becomes one with Brahman.

99. A Brahmana, coming into existence, is born as the highest on earth, the lord  of all created beings, for the protection of the treasury of the law.

100. Whatever exists in the world is, the property of the Brahmana; on account  of the excellence of his origin The Brahmana is, indeed, entitled to all.

101. The Brahmana eats but his own food, wears but his own apparel, bestows but  his own in alms; other mortals subsist through the benevolence of the Brahmana.

102. In order to clearly settle his duties those of the other (castes) according  to their order, wise Manu sprung from the Self-existent, composed these  Institutes (of the sacred Law).

103. A learned Brahmana must carefully study them, and he must duly instruct his  pupils in them, but nobody else (shall do it).

104. A Brahmana who studies these Institutes (and) faithfully fulfils the duties  (prescribed therein), is never tainted by sins, arising from thoughts, words, or  deeds.

105. He sanctifies any company (which he may enter), seven ancestors and seven  descendants, and he alone deserves (to possess) this whole earth.

106. (To study) this (work) is the best means of securing welfare, it increases  understanding, it procures fame and long life, it (leads to) supreme bliss.

107. In this (work) the sacred law has been fully stated as well as the good and  bad qualities of (human) actions and the immemorial rule of conduct, (to be  followed) by all the four castes (varna).

108. The rule of conduct is transcendent law, whether it be taught in the  revealed texts or in the sacred tradition; hence a twice-born man who possesses  regard for himself, should be always careful to (follow) it.

109. A Brahmana who departs from the rule of conduct, does not reap the fruit of  the Veda, but he who duly follows it, will obtain the full reward.

110. The sages who saw that the sacred law is thus grounded on the rule of  conduct, have taken good conduct to be the most excellent root of all austerity.

111. The creation of the universe, the rule of the sacraments, the ordinances of  studentship, and the respectful behaviour (towards Gurus), the most excellent  rule of bathing (on return from the teacher's house),

112. (The law of) marriage and the description of the (various) marriage-rites,  the regulations for the great sacrifices and the eternal rule of the funeral  sacrifices,

113. The description of the modes of (gaining) subsistence and the duties of a  Snataka, (the rules regarding) lawful and forbidden food, the purification of  men and of things,

114. The laws concerning women, (the law) of hermits, (the manner of gaining)  final emancipation and (of) renouncing the world, the whole duty of a king and  the manner of deciding lawsuits,

115. The rules for the examination of witnesses, the laws concerning husband and  wife, the law of (inheritance and) division, (the law concerning) gambling and  the removal of (men nocuous like) thorns,

CHAPTER II. Learn that sacred law

1. Learn that sacred law which is followed by men learned (in the Veda) and  assented to in their hearts by the virtuous, who are ever exempt from hatred and  inordinate affection.

2. To act solely from a desire for rewards is not laudable, yet an exemption  from that desire is not (to be found) in this (world): for on (that) desire is  grounded the study of the Veda and the performance of the actions, prescribed by  the Veda.

3. The desire (for rewards), indeed, has its root in the conception that an act  can yield them, and in consequence of (that) conception sacrifices are  performed; vows and the laws prescribing restraints are all stated to be kept  through the idea that they will bear fruit.

4. Not a single act here (below) appears ever to be done by a man free from  desire; for whatever (man) does, it is (the result of) the impulse of desire.

5. He who persists in discharging these (prescribed duties) in the right manner,  reaches the deathless state and even in this (life) obtains (the fulfilment of)  all the desires that he may have conceived.

6. The whole Veda is the (first) source of the sacred law, next the tradition  and the virtuous conduct of those who know the (Veda further), also the customs  of holy men, and (finally) self-satisfaction.

7. Whatever law has been ordained for any (person) by Manu, that has been fully  declared in the Veda: for that (sage was) omniscient.

8. But a learned man after fully scrutinising all this with the eye of  knowledge, should, in accordance with the authority of the revealed texts, be  intent on (the performance of) his duties.

9. For that man who obeys the law prescribed in the revealed texts and in the  sacred tradition, gains fame in this (world) and after death unsurpassable  bliss.

10. But by Sruti (revelation) is meant the Veda, and by Smriti (tradition) the  Institutes of the sacred law: those two must not be called into question in any  matter, since from those two the sacred law shone forth.

11. Every twice-born man, who, relying on the Institutes of dialectics, treats  with contempt those two sources (of the law), must be cast out by the virtuous,  as an atheist and a scorner of the Veda.

12. The Veda, the sacred tradition, the customs of virtuous men, and one's own  pleasure, they declare to be visibly the fourfold means of defining the sacred  law.

13. The knowledge of the sacred law is prescribed for those who are not given to  the acquisition of wealth and to the gratification of their desires; to those  who seek the knowledge of the sacred law the supreme authority is the revelation  (Sruti).

14. But when two sacred texts (Sruti) are conflicting, both are held to be law;  for both are pronounced by the wise (to be) valid law.

15. (Thus) the (Agnihotra) sacrifice may be (optionally) performed, at any time  after the sun has risen, before he has risen, or when neither sun nor stars are  visible; that (is declared) by Vedic texts.

16. Know that he for whom (the performance of) the ceremonies beginning with the  rite of impregnation (Garbhadhana) and ending with the funeral rite (Antyeshti)  is prescribed, while sacred formulas are being recited, is entitled (to study)  these Institutes, but no other man whatsoever.

17. That land, created by the gods, which lies between the two divine rivers  Sarasvati and Drishadvati, the (sages) call Brahmavarta.

18. The custom handed down in regular succession (since time immemorial) among  the (four chief) castes (varna) and the mixed (races) of that country, is called  the conduct of virtuous men.

19. The plain of the Kurus, the (country of the) Matsyas, Pankalas, and  Surasenakas, these (form), indeed, the country of the Brahmarshis (Brahmanical  sages, which ranks) immediately after Brahmavarta.

20. From a Brahmana, born in that country, let all men on earth learn their  several usages.

21. That (country) which (lies) between the Himavat and the Vindhya (mountains)  to the east of Prayaga and to the west of Vinasana (the place where the river  Sarasvati disappears) is called Madhyadesa (the central region).

22. But (the tract) between those two mountains (just mentioned), which  (extends) as far as the eastern and the western oceans, the wise call Aryavarta  (the country of the Aryans).

23. That land where the black antelope naturally roams, one must know to be fit  for the performance of sacrifices; (the tract) different from that (is) the  country of the Mlekkhas (barbarians).

24. Let twice-born men seek to dwell in those (above-mentioned countries); but a  Sudra, distressed for subsistence, may reside anywhere.

25. Thus has the origin of the sacred law been succinctly described to you and  the origin of this universe; learn (now) the duties of the castes (varna).

26. With holy rites, prescribed by the Veda, must the ceremony on conception and  other sacraments be performed for twice-born men, which sanctify the body and  purify (from sin) in this (life) and after death.

27. By burnt oblations during (the mother's) pregnancy, by the Gatakarman (the  ceremony after birth), the Kauda (tonsure), and the Maungibandhana (the tying of  the sacred girdle of Munga grass) is the taint, derived from both parents,  removed from twice-born men.

28. By the study of the Veda, by vows, by burnt oblations, by (the recitation  of) sacred texts, by the (acquisition of the) threefold sacred science, by  offering (to the gods, Rishis, and manes), by (the procreation of) sons, by the  great sacrifices, and by (Srauta) rites this (human) body is made fit for (union  with) Brahman.

29. Before the navel-string is cut, the Gatakarman (birth-rite) must be  performed for a male (child); and while sacred formulas are being recited, he  must be fed with gold, honey, and butter.

30. But let (the father perform or) cause to be performed the Namadheya (the  rite of naming the child), on the tenth or twelfth (day after birth), or on a  lucky lunar day, in a lucky muhurta, under an auspicious constellation.

31. Let (the first part of) a Brahmana's name (denote something) auspicious, a  Kshatriya's be connected with power, and a Vaisya's with wealth, but a Sudra's  (express something) contemptible.

32. (The second part of) a Brahmana's (name) shall be (a word) implying  happiness, of a Kshatriya's (a word) implying protection, of a Vaisya's (a term)  expressive of thriving, and of a Sudra's (an expression) denoting service.

33. The names of women should be easy to pronounce, not imply anything dreadful,  possess a plain meaning, be pleasing and auspicious, end in long vowels, and  contain a word of benediction.

34. In the fourth month the Nishkramana (the first leaving of the house) of the  child should be performed, in the sixth month the Annaprasana (first feeding  with rice), and optionally (any other) auspicious ceremony required by (the  custom of) the family.

35. According to the teaching of the revealed texts, the Kudakarman (tonsure)  must be performed, for the sake of spiritual merit, by all twice-born men in the  first or third year.

36. In the eighth year after conception, one should perform the initiation  (upanayana) of a Brahmana, in the eleventh after conception (that) of a  Kshatriya, but in the twelfth that of a Vaisya.

37. (The initiation) of a Brahmana who desires proficiency in sacred learning  should take place in the fifth (year after conception), (that) of a Kshatriya  who wishes to become powerful in the sixth, (and that) of a Vaisya who longs for  (success in his) business in the eighth.

38. The (time for the) Savitri (initiation) of a Brahmana does not pass until  the completion of the sixteenth year (after conception), of a Kshatriya until  the completion of the twenty-second, and of a Vaisya until the completion of the  twenty-fourth.

39. After those (periods men of) these three (castes) who have not received the  sacrament at the proper time, become Vratyas (outcasts), excluded from the  Savitri (initiation) and despised by the Aryans.

40. With such men, if they have not been purified according to the rule, let no  Brahmana ever, even in times of distress, form a connexion either through the  Veda or by marriage.

41. Let students, according to the order (of their castes), wear (as upper  dresses) the skins of black antelopes, spotted deer, and he-goats, and (lower  garments) made of hemp, flax or wool.

42. The girdle of a Brahmana shall consist of a of a triple cord of Munga grass,  smooth and soft; (that) of a Kshatriya, of a bowstring, made of Murva fibres;  (that) of a Vaisya, of hempen threads.

43. If Munga grass (and so forth) be not procurable, (the girdles) may be made  of Kusa, Asmantaka, and Balbaga (fibres), with a single threefold knot, or with  three or five (knots according to the custom of the family).

44. The sacrificial string of a Brahmana shall be made of cotton, (shall be)  twisted to the right, (and consist) of three threads, that of a Kshatriya of  hempen threads, (and) that of a Vaisya of woollen threads.

45. A Brahmana shall (carry), according to the sacred law, a staff of Bilva or  Palasa; a Kshatriya, of Vata or Khadira; (and) a Vaisya, of Pilu or Udumbara.

46. The staff of a Brahmana shall be made of such length as to reach the end of  his hair; that of a Kshatriya, to reach his forehead; (and) that of a Vaisya, to reach (the tip of his) nose.

47. Let all the staves be straight, without a blemish, handsome to look at, not  likely to terrify men, with their bark perfect, unhurt by fire.

48. Having taken a staff according to his choice, having worshipped the sun and  walked round the fire, turning his right hand towards it, (the student) should  beg alms according to the prescribed rule.

49. An initiated Brahmana should beg, beginning (his request with the word) lady  (bhavati); a Kshatriya, placing (the word) lady in the middle, but a Vaisya,  placing it at the end (of the formula).

50. Let him first beg food of his mother, or of his sister, or of his own  maternal aunt, or of (some other) female who will not disgrace him (by a  refusal).

51. Having collected as much food as is required (from several persons), and  having announced it without guile to his teacher, let him eat, turning his face  towards the east, and having purified himself by sipping water.

52. (His meal will procure) long life, if he eats facing the east; fame, if he  turns to the south; prosperity, if he turns to the west; truthfulness, if he  faces the east.

53. Let a twice-born man always eat his food with concentrated mind, after  performing an ablution; and after he has eaten, let him duly cleanse himself  with water and sprinkle the cavities (of his head).

54. Let him always worship his food, and eat it without contempt; when he sees  it, let him rejoice, show a pleased face, and pray that he may always obtain it.

55. Food, that is always worshipped, gives strength and manly vigour; but eaten  irreverently, it destroys them both.

56. Let him not give to any man what he leaves, and beware of eating between  (the two meal-times); let him not over-eat himself, nor go anywhere without  having purified himself (after his meal).

57. Excessive eating is prejudicial to health, to fame, and to (bliss in)  heaven; it prevents (the acquisition of) spiritual merit, and is odious among  men; one ought, for these reasons, to avoid it carefully.

58. Let a Brahmana always sip water out of the part of the hand (tirtha) sacred  to Brahman, or out of that sacred to Ka (Pragapati), or out of (that) sacred to  the gods, never out of that sacred to the manes.

59. They call (the part) at the root of the thumb the tirtha sacred to Brahman,  that at the root of the (little) finger (the tirtha) sacred to Ka (Pragapati),  (that) at the tips (of the fingers, the tirtha) sacred to the gods, and that  below (between the index and the thumb, the tirtha) sacred to the manes.

60. Let him first sip water thrice; next twice wipe his mouth; and, lastly,  touch with water the cavities (of the head), (the seat of) the soul and the  head.

61. He who knows the sacred law and seeks purity shall always perform the rite  of sipping with water neither hot nor frothy, with the (prescribed) tirtha, in a  lonely place, and turning to the east or to the north.

62. A Brahmana is purified by water that reaches his heart, a Kshatriya by water  reaching his throat, a Vaisya by water taken into his mouth, (and) a Sudra by  water touched with the extremity (of his lips).

63. A twice-born man is called upavitin when his right arm is raised (and the  sacrificial string or the dress, passed under it, rests on the left shoulder);  (when his) left (arm) is raised (and the string, or the dress, passed under it,  rests on the right shoulder, he is called) prakinavitin; and nivitin when it  hangs down (straight) from the neck.

64. His girdle, the skin (which serves as his upper garment), his staff, his  sacrificial thread, (and) his water-pot he must throw into water, when they have  been damaged, and take others, reciting sacred formulas.

65. (The ceremony called) Kesanta (clipping the hair) is ordained for a Brahmana  in the sixteenth year (from conception); for a Kshatriya, in the twenty-second;  and for a Vaisya, two (years) later than that.

66. This whole series (of ceremonies) must be performed for females (also), in  order to sanctify the body, at the proper time and in the proper order, but  without (the recitation of) sacred texts.

67. The nuptial ceremony is stated to be the Vedic sacrament for women (and to  be equal to the initiation), serving the husband (equivalent to) the residence  in (the house of the) teacher, and the household duties (the same) as the  (daily) worship of the sacred fire.

68. Thus has been described the rule for the initiation of the twice-born, which  indicates a (new) birth, and sanctifies; learn (now) to what duties they must  afterwards apply themselves.

69. Having performed the (rite of) initiation, the teacher must first instruct  the (pupil) in (the rules of) personal purification, of conduct, of the  fire-worship, and of the twilight devotions.

70. But (a student) who is about to begin the Study (of the Veda), shall receive  instruction, after he has sipped water in accordance with the Institutes (of the  sacred law), has made the Brahmangali, (has put on) a clean dress, and has  brought his organs under due control.

71. At the beginning and at the end of (a lesson in the) Veda he must always  clasp both the feet of his teacher, (and) he must study, joining his hands; that  is called the Brahmangali (joining the palms for the sake of the Veda).

72. With crossed hands he must clasp (the feet) of the teacher, and touch the  left (foot) with his left (hand), the right (foot) with his right (hand).

73. But to him who is about to begin studying, the teacher always unwearied,  must say: Ho, recite! He shall leave off (when the teacher says): Let a stoppage  take place!

74. Let him always pronounce the syllable Om at the beginning and at the end of  (a lesson in) the Veda; (for) unless the syllable Om precede (the lesson) will  slip away (from him), and unless it follow it will fade away.

75. Seated on (blades of Kusa grass) with their points to the east, purified by  Pavitras (blades of Kusa grass), and sanctified by three suppressions of the  breath (Pranayama), he is worthy (to pronounce) the syllable Om.

76. Pragapati (the lord of creatures) milked out (as it were) from the three  Vedas the sounds A, U, and M, and (the Vyahritis) Bhuh, Bhuvah, Svah.

77. Moreover from the three Vedas Pragapati, who dwells in the highest heaven  (Parameshthin), milked out (as it were) that Rik-verse, sacred to Savitri  (Savitri), which begins with the word tad, one foot from each.

78. A Brahmana, learned in the Veda, who recites during both twilights that  syllable and that (verse), preceded by the Vyahritis, gains the (whole) merit  which (the recitation of) the Vedas confers.

79. A twice-born man who (daily) repeats those three one thousand times outside  (the village), will be freed after a month even from great guilt, as a snake  from its slough.

80. The Brahmana, the Kshatriya, and the Vaisya who neglect (the recitation of)  that Rik-verse and the timely (performance of the) rites (prescribed for) them,  will be blamed among virtuous men.

81. Know that the three imperishable Mahavyahritis, preceded by the syllable Om,  and (followed) by the three-footed Savitri are the portal of the Veda and the  gate leading (to union with) Brahman.

82. He who daily recites that (verse), untired, during three years, will enter  (after death) the highest Brahman, move as free as air, and assume an ethereal  form.

83. The monosyllable (Om) is the highest Brahman, (three) suppressions of the  breath are the best (form of) austerity, but nothing surpasses the Savitri  truthfulness is better than silence.

84. All rites ordained in the Veda, burnt oblations and (other) sacrifices, pass  away; but know that the syllable (Om) is imperishable, and (it is) Brahman,  (and) the Lord of creatures (Pragapati).

85. An offering, consisting of muttered prayers, is ten times more efficacious  than a sacrifice performed according to the rules (of the Veda); a (prayer)  which is inaudible (to others) surpasses it a hundred times, and the mental  (recitation of sacred texts) a thousand times.

86. The four Pakayagnas and those sacrifices which are enjoined by the rules (of  the Veda) are all together not equal in value to a sixteenth part of the  sacrifice consisting of muttered prayers.

87. But, undoubtedly, a Brahmana reaches the highest goal by muttering prayers  only; (whether) he perform other (rites) or neglect them, he who befriends (all  creatures) is declared (to be) a (true) Brahmana.

88. A wise man should strive to restrain his organs which run wild among  alluring sensual objects, like a charioteer his horses.

89. Those eleven organs which former sages have named, I will properly (and)  precisely enumerate in due order,

90. (Viz.) the ear, the skin, the eyes, the tongue, and the nose as the fifth,  the anus, the organ of generation, hands and feet, and the (organ of) speech,  named as the tenth.

91. Five of them, the ear and the rest according to their order, they call  organs of sense, and five of them, the anus and the rest, organs of action.

92. Know that the internal organ (manas) is the eleventh, which by its quality  belongs to both (sets); when that has been subdued, both those sets of five have  been conquered.

93. Through the attachment of his organs (to sensual pleasure) a man doubtlessly  will incur guilt; but if he keep them under complete control, he will obtain  success (in gaining all his aims).

94. Desire is never extinguished by the enjoyment of desired objects; it only  grows stronger like a fire (fed) with clarified butter.

95. If one man should obtain all those (sensual enjoyments) and another should  renounce them all, the renunciation of all pleasure is far better than the  attainment of them.

96. Those (organs) which are strongly attached to sensual pleasures, cannot so  effectually be restrained by abstinence (from enjoyments) as by a constant  (pursuit of true) knowledge.

97. Neither (the study of) the Vedas, nor liberality, nor sacrifices, nor any  (self-imposed) restraint, nor austerities, ever procure the attainment (of  rewards) to a man whose heart is contaminated (by sensuality).

98. That man may be considered to have (really) subdued his organs, who on  hearing and touching and seeing, on tasting and smelling (anything) neither  rejoices nor repines.

99. But when one among all the organs slips away (from control), thereby (man's)  wisdom slips away from him, even as the water (flows) through the one (open)  foot of a (water-carrier's) skin.

100. If he keeps all the (ten) organs as well as the mind in subjection, he may  gain all his aims, without reducing his body by (the practice) of Yoga.

101. Let him stand during the morning twilight, muttering the Savitri until the  sun appears, but (let him recite it), seated, in the evening until the  constellations can be seen distinctly.

102. He who stands during the morning twilight muttering (the Savitri), removes  the guilt contracted during the (previous) night; but he who (recites it),  seated, in the evening, destroys the sin he committed during the day.

103. But he who does not (worship) standing in the morning, nor sitting in the  evening, shall be excluded, just like a Sudra, from all the duties and rights of  an Aryan.

104. He who (desires to) perform the ceremony (of the) daily (recitation), may  even recite the Savitri near water, retiring into the forest, controlling his  organs and concentrating his mind.

105. Both when (one studies) the supplementary treatises of the Veda, and when  (one recites) the daily portion of the Veda, no regard need be paid to forbidden  days, likewise when (one repeats) the sacred texts required for a burnt  oblation.

106. There are no forbidden days for the daily recitation, since that is  declared to be a Brahmasattra (an everlasting sacrifice offered to Brahman); at  that the Veda takes the place of the burnt oblations, and it is meritorious  (even), when (natural phenomena, requiring) a cessation of the Veda-study, take  the place of the exclamation Vashat.

107. For him who, being pure and controlling his organs, during a year daily  recites the Veda according to the rule, that (daily recitation) will ever cause  sweet and sour milk, clarified butter and honey to flow.

108. Let an Aryan who has been initiated, (daily) offer fuel in the sacred fire,  beg food, sleep on the ground and do what is beneficial to this teacher, until  (he performs the ceremony of) Samavartana (on returning home).

109. According to the sacred law the (following) ten (persons, viz.) the  teacher's son, one who desires to do service, one who imparts knowledge, one who  is intent on fulfilling the law, one who is pure, a person connected by marriage  or friendship, one who possesses (mental) ability, one who makes presents of  money, one who is honest, and a relative, may be instructed (in the Veda).

110. Unless one be asked, one must not explain (anything) to anybody, nor (must  one answer) a person who asks improperly; let a wise man, though he knows (the  answer), behave among men as (if he were) an idiot.

111. Of the two persons, him who illegally explains (anything), and him who  illegally asks (a question), one (or both) will die or incur (the other's)  enmity.

112. Where merit and wealth are not (obtained by teaching) nor (at least) due  obedience, in such (soil) sacred knowledge must not be sown, just as good seed  (must) not (be thrown) on barren land.

113. Even in times of dire distress a teacher of the Veda should rather die with  his knowledge than sow it in barren soil.

114. Sacred Learning approached a Brahmana and said to him: 'I am thy treasure,  preserve me, deliver me not to a scorner; so (preserved) I shall become  supremely strong.'

115. 'But deliver me, as to the keeper of thy treasure, to a Brahmana whom thou  shalt know to be pure, of subdued senses, chaste and attentive.'

116. But he who acquires without permission the Veda from one who recites it,  incurs the guilt of stealing the Veda, and shall sink into hell.

117. (A student) shall first reverentially salute that (teacher) from whom he  receives (knowledge), referring to worldly affairs, to the Veda, or to the  Brahman.

118. A Brahmana who completely governs himself, though he know the Savitri only,  is better than he who knows the three Vedas, (but) does not control himself,  eats all (sorts of) food, and sells all (sorts of goods).

119. One must not sit down on a couch or seat which a superior occupies; and he  who occupies a couch or seat shall rise to meet a (superior), and (afterwards)  salute him.

120. For the vital airs of a young man mount upwards to leave his body when an  elder approaches; but by rising to meet him and saluting he recovers them.

121. He who habitually salutes and constantly pays reverence to the aged obtains  an increase of four (things), (viz.) length of life, knowledge, fame, (and)  strength.

122. After the (word of) salutation, a Brahmana who greets an elder must  pronounce his name, saying, 'I am N. N.'

123. To those (persons) who, when a name is pronounced, do not understand (the  meaning of) the salutation, a wise man should say, 'It is I;' and (he should  address) in the same manner all women.

124. In saluting he should pronounce after his name the word bhoh; for the sages  have declared that the nature of bhoh is the same as that of (all proper) names.

125. A Brahmana should thus be saluted in return, 'May'st thou be long-lived, O  gentle one!' and the vowel 'a' must be added at the end of the name (of the  person addressed), the syllable preceding it being drawn out to the length of  three moras.

126. A Brahmana who does not know the form of returning a salutation, must not  be saluted by a learned man; as a Sudra, even so is he.

127. Let him ask a Brahmana, on meeting him, after (his health, with the word)  kusala, a Kshatriya (with the word) anamaya, a Vaisya (with the word) kshema,  and a Sudra (with the word) anarogya.

128. He who has been initiated (to perform a Srauta sacrifice) must not be  addressed by his name, even though he be a younger man; he who knows the sacred  law must use in speaking to such (a man the particle) bhoh and (the pronoun)  bhavat (your worship).

129. But to a female who is the wife of another man, and not a blood-relation,  he must say, 'Lady' (bhavati) or 'Beloved sister!'

130. To his maternal and paternal uncles, fathers-in-law, officiating priests,  (and other) venerable persons, he must say, 'I am N. N.,' and rise (to meet  them), even though they be younger (than himself).

131. A maternal aunt, the wife of a maternal uncle, a mother-in-law, and a  paternal aunt must be honoured like the wife of one's teacher; they are equal to  the wife of one's teacher.

132. (The feet of the) wife of one's brother, if she be of the same caste  (varna), must be clasped every day; but (the feet of) wives of (other) paternal  and maternal relatives need only be embraced on one's return from a journey.

133. Towards a sister of one's father and of one's mother, and towards one's own  elder sister, one must behave as towards one's mother; (but) the mother is more  venerable than they.

134. Fellow-citizens are called friends (and equals though one be) ten years  (older than the other), men practising (the same) fine art (though one be) five  years (older than the other), Srotriyas (though) three years (intervene between  their ages), but blood-relations only (if the) difference of age be very small.

135. Know that a Brahmana of ten years and Kshatriya of a hundred years stand to  each other in the relation of father and son; but between those two the Brahmana  is the father.

136. Wealth, kindred, age, (the due performance of) rites, and, fifthly, sacred  learning are titles to respect; but each later-named (cause) is more weighty  (than the preceding ones).

137. Whatever man of the three (highest) castes possesses most of those five,  both in number and degree, that man is worthy of honour among them; and (so is)  also a Sudra who has entered the tenth (decade of his life).

138. Way must be made for a man in a carriage, for one who is above ninety years  old, for one diseased, for the carrier of a burden, for a woman, for a Snataka,  for the king, and for a bridegroom.

139. Among all those, if they meet (at one time), a Snataka and the king must be  (most) honoured; and if the king and a Snataka (meet), the latter receives  respect from the king.

140. They call that Brahmana who initiates a pupil and teaches him the Veda  together with the Kalpa and the Rahasyas, the teacher (akarya, of the latter).

141. But he who for his livelihood teaches a portion only of the Veda, or also  the Angas of the Veda, is called the sub-teacher (upadhyaya).

142. That Brahmana, who performs in accordance with the rules (of the Veda) the  rites, the Garbhadhana (conception-rite), and so forth, and gives food (to the  child), is called the Guru (the venerable one).

143. He who, being (duly) chosen (for the purpose), performs the Agnyadheya, the  Pakayagnas, (and) the (Srauta) sacrifices, such as the Agnishtoma (for another  man), is called (his) officiating priest.

144. That (man) who truthfully fills both his ears with the Veda, (the pupil)  shall consider as his father and mother; he must never offend him.

145. The teacher (akarya) is ten times more venerable than a sub-teacher  (upadhyaya), the father a hundred times more than the teacher, but the mother a  thousand times more than the father.

146. Of him who gives natural birth and him who gives (the knowledge of) the  Veda, the giver of the Veda is the more venerable father; for the birth for the  sake of the Veda (ensures) eternal (rewards) both in this (life) and after  death.