The Mantle of Faith - Apostle Thomas E. Webb - E-Book

The Mantle of Faith E-Book

Apostle Thomas E. Webb

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A profound spiritual exploration, this narrative delves into a journey of faith, where trials forge resilience and belief becomes salvation. It is a celebration of the human spirit’s connection with the Divine, offering insight into the mantle of spiritual authority and the transformative power of unwavering trust in God’s plan. Readers are called to embrace their divine purpose, find strength in scripture, and embark on a pilgrimage towards enlightenment, recognizing faith's ability to guide, uplift, and inspire.
"Hope in God" is a powerful phrase that reflects the belief and trust in the divine. It signifies placing one's confidence, expectations, and aspirations in God, and finding solace, strength, and guidance in Having hope in God can provide comfort and reassurance during challenging times, as it acknowledges the belief that God is in control and has a plan for each individual's life. It encourages individuals to rely on God's wisdom, love, and faithfulness, knowing that He will provide for their needs and work all things together for their good.
"Hope in God" may serve as a guiding principle, reminding People Of God to maintain faith and trust in God's providence and seek His guidance in their work and decision-making processes. It can inspire a sense of resilience, perseverance, and optimism, knowing that God is with them every step of the way.
Having faith can provide individuals with a sense of purpose, meaning, and hope. It can serve as a source of strength during difficult times, as it allows individuals to rely on their beliefs and trust in 
God is a higher power to navigate challenges and find solace
Always remember this:
"That tough times don't last"
But tough people do
Jesus is Lord, the devil is defeated, and to 
God be the Glory.
All Is Well

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Apostle Thomas E. Webb

The Mantle of Faith

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Apostle Thomas E. Webb

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons,

living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-262-4

The Mantle of Faith

On a half tank of gas

Apostle Thomas E. Webb


First, I would like to acknowledge my God. I am so grateful for Him who allowed me to write this anointed book. He inspired me through the whole process. I am forever grateful to Him. Thank you, Lord.

I dedicate this book to my wife (Prophetess Menzell C. Webb) My daughter (Tashonda E. Webb), and even my three sons.

Jamal, Thomas Jr, and Darius River. When we went through this Journey as we stepped out on Faith. The hardships we went through.

As I begin to tell the stories of the Mantle of Faith on a half tank of gas. I never thought I was writing a book or even completing a book. But God.

I thank my wife for standing by me the whole time, never doubting or even waving her faith. She is very strong in her faith. So with that being said, Hallelujah, Glory to God. This journey has been amazing with the Holy Spirit encouraging me the whole time. I would never have made it to this book without his guidance. I bless the Lord for that.

The Lord has been my help through the ups and downs, been my strong tower, my deliverer, my God, my source. He did it. Thank you Jesus for all you have done. I am forever in debt unto you. The true meaning of faith is when you can't find your way and don't know the way or direction at all. Then for certain you are living by faith. And walking in faith is the precept of this book.

The Mantle of Faith on a half-tank of gas.

May you inherit God's richest blessings and promises and may his face continue to shine upon you all. Amen May all of you Live Long and Prosper Lives. Thank you, Lord.




1. The Mantle of Faith on a Half Tank of Gas

2. Faith in the Furnace

3. Faith Has no Limit no End

4. Faith ties to God

5. In Pursuit of Faith

6. Let your faith be Bigger than your fear

7. Supernatural Faith

8. Faith is the ability to see the Invisible

9. You shouldn't let your faith gauge drop below half

10. Adventures Faith

11. Great Men/ Women of the Faith

12. Faith is your miracle-working Power

13. What is the mantle of faith in the bible?

14. What does it mean to be covered with a mantle?

15. Taking up the Mantle

16. Types of Spiritual Mantles

17. How to activate the Prophetic Mantle?

18. What is the Spiritual Mantle?

19. What is the Mantle Of God?

20. Rise Ye Up and take your Journey


The Lord has been my help. I couldn't see my way if it hadn't been for Him and my family who keep me focused on this journey. Many days and nights I thought that life was a big letdown for me. Faith was tried in me. I pray that people understand that everyone has faith in them. The impossible goal is to remove any mountains that stand in their way. Just speak to it and sow toward it. Your faith has your back. That's where I struggled many times in life, but with God's strength and my wife's faith, I have leaned on her a lot. She has been a blessing to me. Faith is your vehicle to drive you through any mountains, hills, valleys, or storms in life. That's why Jesus says O ye little faith. The building of my faith made me stronger than before trusting in the faith that God has placed inside me and everyone, trust your faith to get you there, With Almighty God, you will get there, Trust Him. This faith is amazing to have in your faith and lets you tap into the spiritual realm of faith that when you go Faith to Faith, that's powerful.

I keep using this phrase a lot. When you can't see your way, then you are in faith. Faith is your assurance that settles it. Get in faith. I appreciate all that faith has taught me on this journey. It builds you up and strengthens you as well. Keep the faith. I know it works. As they say: “YOU GOT THIS.”

Jesus used faith a lot in his teaching, and the best one I like is “Where is your Faith?" (Thomas) Faith can connect to people, places, or things. My Faith is great now. But always remember it will be tested! Your Faith is your Weapon into the door of the realm of the Spirit. I know that this book will bless you and grow you as well. We pray over it with the power of the Holy Ghost. May you be blessed in this Faith MANTLE. I release it upon you as you read this book. In the Name of Jesus…

God's divine intervention has played a significant role in my life. His unwavering support and guidance have been instrumental in shaping my journey. I am eternally grateful for His blessings and the countless miracles He has bestowed upon me. His love and grace have provided me with strength during times of adversity and have filled my heart with hope and joy. God's presence in my life is a constant reminder of His infinite power and unwavering love for all His children. I am truly blessed to have experienced His divine intervention firsthand, and I will forever be grateful for all that He has done for me.

“The Mantle of Faith”

On a half tank of gas


I just want to Thank you, Lord, First who enabled me to write this heavenly book with your finger.

Grace and Peace from God and Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Mantle of Faith on a half tank of Gas.

As we navigate through this Mantle of Faith book you will always hear me say. But God, Amen.

Well, I acknowledge all who support me through this process of my journey of faith walk in God. Thank you.

My wife (Prophetess Menzell Webb) and I started years ago in the Ministry together believing in Almighty God for the promise He told us and showed us well. We kept the faith 21 years ago starting in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Started ministry under the leadership of Chief Apostle Clyde Smith. The name of the ministry was Faith Temple Ministers of God's Holiness Church. I  was pastor for some years. God was moving fast for us and many people had been delivered and curses were being broken, many received miracle money, and all the glory belonged to the Lord. And sometimes I think back to how God blessed his people and many thought they would never be set free. So we opened another ministry and the name was called Ministers of God Outreach Deliverance Center in Orangeburg, SC. We built our ministry on nothing but faith.

Our Faith was very in the heavenly realm, we were so in tune with what the Lord had spoken and said, We watched it come to pass, All that I share is true and will be shared throughout this powerful book that the Lord has placed in my heart to write, I am so grateful for the Lord who imparted Faith in me, Many times I couldn't understand the way the Lord was taking us, But I know it was something great. I will share more about how we built that ministry later in a chapter. The Lord used me and Prophetess Webb a lot in Orangeburg. We knew that someday we were made for greatness and that destiny was calling us for his people, and we knew that purpose was calling us as well, many knew it as well. I am grateful and humbled that God counts us worthy and with His Prophetic Word inside us, there is a lot we will share in this book. However, I can't go further without acknowledging my mother Apostle/ Prophetess Mary Vinson a great woman of God who birthed me twice one in the natural and the spiritual as well. I honor you great woman of God. Many times I think she knew that God had a great purpose (CALLING) for me and my wife. But many times we had to use our faith to get us to the place that God wanted us to be at. Without any money. That's right, no money.

Let me say this: Faith is not money, but it is the substance of faith. Wow Lord help me with this. We believe God has given us a weapon that we can activate with our mouths and the words we say. Amen

Prophetess Webb used to tell me to always watch what you say. Now I understand that, because words have power. The Bible even warns us about death and life is in the power of the tongue. Amen Well, I have continued to do the work of the Lord for some years there in Oranburg, SC. But what I am about to share with you will alarm your spirits, so sit down a moment and read this carefully.

There were many times that people were trying to kill us, Yes Kill us, But Our Faith in God was too strong. The Bible says 1 Peter 3:13 Who is he that can harm you if you follow that which is good, amen and My favorite verse is Romans 8:31 If God be for Us, Who can be against Us? I share this because I knew that faith was working for my good. Myself can't understand this process or Journey God has taken us on.

People of God, Hear me please God knows best, but think we know but Our Father God of Glory knows, He hears them in a secret place in the dark. Myself and the Prophetess just did not believe how many people were working against us. But Praise God Faith brought us Out. Hallelujah!!!

So I pray for you right now.

Father, God in the Mighty name of Jesus, Help your people who struggle in faith, Help them see their way as you saw the way for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, remove fear, and place it with faith. Let them become giant assassins for your Kingdom, and I will forever be grateful unto you Lord in the name of Jesus. Amen

So like I said before in this book you are going to find out a lot about your faith in God. I tell people we all have faith. We just have to keep trusting God to pull us through. Here's another scripture I love Hebrews 11:6 Without Faith it is impossible to please God, for those that come to Him must believe that He is a rewarder to them that seek Him. I will say this: seek God in everything you do and acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. We both love this scripture that God has given us. Using them they kept me through this process. We are explaining through the book about Faith the God kind of Faith. We will also be sharing about the mantle of faith, as a believer of God there are two types of faith. It has been stated today among the Jews or Christians two types of faith.

1. The Faith of the Old Testament

2. The Faith in Jesus Christ

I know your mind is thinking now but we will drive into it in this book.

Like I was saying in the early part while we were in Orangeburg, the Prophetess and I know there has been a shift in the city, several Apostle and Prophets/Prophetess told us that we were going to have to move, even I was shocked by it, yes I was, I thought we had something good going in Orangeburg,SC. I was very well known there and my mom was there as well, My wife's family was there in South Carolina. Then life began to have it let down, we lost our home, cars, job, and church van. The Ministry too as well, I thought God had abandoned me, I was so hurt in my heart, that even my faith was down.

I cried to the Lord. I fasted for him but nothing was going on, I hurt myself on the job, and everything was crumbling. We slept in the church for months, Sleeping on an air mattress, and my daughter still had to go to school. My faith has been tested. So I had a dream one night there in the church I saw in the spirit realm bugs and cock-roach in the church. I shared it with my wife, and she knew that we had to leave. The next day my lawyer called and said that a check had come in. Meanwhile, God spoke to us and told us to move to the state of Virginia, while we were still in Orangeburg we heard it on the radio and saw it on people's car tags, and shirts. Those are just confirmations. Here is the thing: We did not know where we were going. ( But Faith Knew), That brings me back to the bible when God told Abram to get out of the country and out of his father's house. Praise God for Faith, going back to what I was saying in the early part of this book When you are in Faith? That is when real faith kicks in when you can't see your way. Remember Faith is the vehicle to get you to your promised land. Without it, you can't please God. So get in faith. Trust the process, even when you can't see it. It is working for your good. Now that is food for thought. You will have strengthening power in the Word of God will be the best spiritual food that you need, some may argue but God, I knows it best I studied the Word of God for three years seeking the Lord for understanding, and He helped me through the Word of God/ His Holy Spirit is a teacher and a guider learn to lean on Him, He will speak to you and guide you and bring all things back to your remembrance. Amen

Now we are ready to go to the next Chapter, But before you go forward.

Pray this Prayer with me:

Father in The Mighty Name Of Jesus, I pray that you will increase my faith in you, Open my eyes to see what you see when I see mountains, and Help me to know that you see a Mountain remover, When I see trouble, You are my present Help in the times of need. Father as Apostle Webb stands as an Oracle of the Most High God. I received the grace that has been released on me. Amen, I pray that heaven will open for multiple blessings of favor upon me and your goodness and mercy on every side. God, I thank you in advance for removing all doubt out of my Spirit, so that I can bring forward many fruits for the Kingdom of God. And I will forever glorify Thy Name. In the name of Jesus. Amen and Amen

Wow! Now you are ready to go to the next level in Faith.

I thank you, Lord, for Your Faith that a Powerful Word there.

I must say There have been many Faith books. I thank God for every Man/Woman of God who has taken the time to share their views and stories. I honor you great man/ woman of God, May the Lord continue to anoint you for the Kingdom of God to win souls. I am so grateful to the Lord and I pray that this book blesses you with Spiritual Importation. From the Lord who wrote this book, It belongs unto Him. Thank you for your kind words and prayers. I deeply appreciate your heartfelt wishes for an increased measure of God's grace in my life. The grace of Jesus Christ is indeed a profound and transformative force that brings about spiritual growth, strength, and peace. May His abundant grace continue to guide and bless me in all aspects of my life, enabling me to walk in His love and fulfill His purpose. Your prayers are truly valued, and I am grateful for your support. May God's grace overflow in your life as well, bringing you abundant blessings and joy.


The Mantle of Faith on a Half Tank of Gas

I honor the Lord on behalf of all believers in the Kingdom of God. I understand the thing that keeps us moving forward is to get to know Him and to get even closer to Him, to hear His voice and to feel His presence. Amen. That is a great experience that we all look forward to during our walk with God, but there is a fact that must happen. Do you want to know what that is? Well, it's a five-letter word, and it is FAITH….. That right, Faith, Faith, and more faith. Listen, that is God by Himself. He is Faith in whatever He has done from the beginning of time. His Faith did all the work, Wow !!! Glory be unto the Lord. My God faith started it All. Mighty God. He stepped out on nothing and produced things, a World full of His goodness spoken in darkness and producing light that you and I can see through faith. We are going to talk about this thing called Faith. God created it for us to use, and the many scriptures in the bible prove that faith works; I need you to get faith.

Let's start first waking through the word FAITH:

F - for fastings/Faithful

A - Available/Advent time for expectations

I - Initiative

T - Teachable/Test

H - Heart of God

Praise the Lord. We learn the steps God loves about us when we use our faith. These functions help you grow in God in your Faith walk God. I even had to learn the truth I struggled with for years. Many others have struggled with the Faith walk with God many times; even the father of faith, Abraham, did as well, let the truth be told. Amen, But today, I broke that spirit off of you. I spoke to your inner man. Faith shall come out of you; I call today heaven against you; you will walk by faith and not by sight. I say this to you: You are more than a conqueror. Say this with me!!!

You even have to go by yourself to the next room. This is for your deliverance. I feel the presence of God, Hallelujah, you will be set free.

Shout it aloud: Fear Ain't In this House, repeat it: Fear Ain't In this House, cause fear is of the devil, and you'll not be the devil and don't look like one. Amen. We send fear back to which it came from In the Name Of Jesus.

The Bible clarifies in 2 Timothy 1:7 That God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. So, I rebuke the spirit of fear. We send it back in Jesus’s name and proclaim faith. Let's look into the Word of God at the spirit of fear and what it means: In the previous verse, Apostle Paul insisted that Timothy “stir up” the gift that he had received and use it as it was intended because God did not give us a “spirit of fear.” The Greek word is (delia), translated as "fear,” which stresses timidity or cowardice as opposed. You see that God did not give us the spirit of fear, so why are we operating in it? Why? Well, I'll tell you why. Cause there is no Faith simply as that. Faith has to have fully been charged in us. That's it. So get in faith. Let's move on.

We know that fear is a spirit that tries to operate in our lives from time to time. Fear is of the devil; their fear is broadcast through media, social media, family members, and even friends. God knows, I know, but we see it and hear it often, and it tries to intimidate us through peers. Amen, well, I can say it tries to bully you. I remember when I was in school, and a group of guys wanted to bully me for years; they tried to make me afraid of them, and I was for a while until I came to my senses and realized they were trying to control me. Once, I stood up to them and said I am not afraid of you or you guys. One was named Dean. I will never forget him, the whole school was fearful of him, they even knew I was too, but that day I stood up, and he hit me, and I ran and ran crying all the way home until I saw My uncle and Randy cool, I told him and said if you are afraid of him you will never know if we are scared of you. Man, A light went off in my head then; yes, How would I know if he wasn't scared of me? So the next day, I was back at school And saw him. And I went to confront him in front of everybody and whipped his butt… However, I want to engage the devil and his cohort, that spirit, and use The Word of God on Him. Hit that spirit in his mouth, and they say It is written that God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and love, a sound mind. Glory, God says, is power.

The Bible says if you resist the devil, he will flee. So speak to that controlling spirit that you want to control me and my family; well, the devil is a liar in the name of Jesus. A question arises: how do I resist the devil? Good question. Instead, make the intentional choice to live as an enemy of the world (and of the devil) by aligning yourself with God, “Submit to God" (v7). This means to “put yourself under God's authority, The intent is: “stop resisting God and resist the devil. "Lord, I love you for that.”

Help me as well, Lord. Well, the Greek word in the bible for resist is ( Anthistemi) which means to set against, withstand, or oppose the Lord. I pray that You equip the body of Christ with anointing to oppose any spiritual attacks against any believers in the Kingdom; let them start summit unto You and look to You for direction; you declare in Your Word if You would acknowledge me in all of your ways you will direct my paths. And now you can see Why I don’t like the devil, and if he has a mommy, I don't want her as well, so Let's resist what the enemy has planned, say to ourselves, I will submit myself to God, because He has given Grace to the humble. Amen, Lord. I love you for that. So, devil, we are arming ourselves wither. As you know, we will be sharper in the Spirit; I think the Apostle Paul says That we won't be ignored by his device( fear). Amen; we have the right to arm ourselves with a sound mind cause The Lord has given it to us unto us, and please use what the Lord has freely given to us, with power. Amen

The Lord knows all the devices of fear. There was a time in the bible when Jesus had experienced fear. Did you know that? Well, let's see, It's possible that even Jesus experienced fear. Jesus prayed for God to save him from crucifixion. “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, My Father, may this cup be taken from me if possible. Yet not as I will but as you will. Matthew 26:39 See !!! When we are at that point, the devil often tries us. But Jesus had the true answer in this Scripture: John 14: 27: I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid. Jesus just broke that fear right up. So don't be scared of fear. Man, I needed that. A young man named Dean from Atlanta was the bully over me, but we should never be afraid of anything. Fear works when faith is not activated.

Here's another powerful scripture: Luke 13:32: “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom." That should have you dancing all over the room. Wow. Did you see or read this carefully? Well, let me help you out. It says ( for your Father) that God has been pleased. (who?) God has been pleased to give you the KINGDOM. So why in the world has fear been trying to keep us out? Well, it doesn't want you to have The KINGDOM. Jesus says Behold, I have given you the keys to the kingdom. So far, you better start running out of my life by the power of the Holy Ghost. See, fear knows if I get the key to the Kingdom, I will lock him out, and fear wants to torment anybody else. It's taken the body of Christ to Pray in one Spirit to release a corporate anointing of Faith to destroy that spirit. Amen. Look at this. Jesus tells his disciples to release their fear or to” Have no fear” for the truth of who we will be revealed. If we are people who proclaim Jesus from rooftops, he will proclaim our name to the Father ( Matt: 10-26-27, 32). The truth is God recognizes the hearts of all people. I feel like preaching. Can I get an amen? God wants us to be filled with hope and trust, not fear. He has given us hope through the promise that we can be upheld by His strength today. He also promised those who have faith in Jesus Christ for their salvation a life of eternity with him. That is what I am talking about how our Saviour did for all of us, that way, to the cross, which was made for all walks of life. I want you to do this right now: Start reading this Scripture: Isaiah 41:8-10.

“So do not fear, for I am with you: do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen, help, and uphold you with my righteous right hand." The GOOD NEWS: God will give you strength when you are afraid. Amen. For real people of God, He will. I am a witness of His strength. He loves when you trust Him and depend on Him.

Here are some steps you can take to Overcome fear.

1. Invite God into your fear-reading.

2. Realize the power of your thoughts and words.

3. Replace the lie of fear with the truth of God's Word.

4. Partner with prayer warriors.

5. Trust the process of overcoming fear and be patient.

Perfect love casts out fear, and get in a real love ministry where you can feel love; if you need help, also reach out to me. Email: [email protected]

Remember, I mentioned we are driven by fear at the root of it because we have to stop being on the surface of fear. Here's the Spiritual side of fear. Fear paralyzes mental action; it weakens both mind and body. Fear throws dust in our eyes and hides the mighty spiritual forces always with us. Blessed are those who deny ignorance and fear and affirm the presence and power of the Spirit. Fear, how to overcome– fear is cast out by perfect love. Not just love or some saying I love you. It has to be cast out. It is a spirit. What is the ideal love? Well, I am so glad you asked; it’s called Agape- Original Greek, Ryann (agape). Agape is often defined as unconditional, sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love that is felt by a person willing to do anything for another, including sacrificing themselves, without executing anything in return. Wow !!! That's the truth. I need to tell you how to cast that spirit out with perfect love. It's in the Word of God. Here's another question some may ask? What is perfect love in the Bible? In John 4:16, John proclaims, “God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”Perfect love is an expression of God's love for us, and it is only complete( or ideal) when we reflect it onto Him; we can know no more significant than God has love for us.

Did you know about 360 Fear, not in the bible where the word “fear” is used? Huh? Did you know that? Well, it is true. It's been said that there are 365 “Fear Not” verses in the Bible- one for each day of the year, But some beg to differ. I realize that fear tries us every day. Let's see Where it first started in the Bible. ADAM. We don't have to wait long for fear to crop up in the bible. It first appears in Genesis 3, after Adam and Eve did the one thing they were told not to do: eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Interestingly, Adam and Eve weren't afraid of the devil; they feared being exposed before God. Wow.

See, what I am trying to drive home to you is that first, it has to be exposed; yes, expose the process of the healing part. You have been exposed. There is more; the Hebrews verb ( yare, pronounced ya-REH) means “to fear” or “to be afraid.” For example, when Adam explains why he hid from the Lord the Lord in Genesis 3:10, he states, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid. See, It's all coming together now, exposing fear. Amen

We praise the Lord for what He has done in the realm of the Spiritual. There is a place where the devil can't dwell at all; even if there was, there still won’t be enough room there, And you can't even invite that spirit there. That's powerful. My God, there is a place in you where there is nothing but Faith in you. It's called Faith Place, and in Jesus Christ, we are our faith’s author and finisher. The scripture even says Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works so that one can boast. I thank God for faith by his grace.

We discussed faith and fear much, but we must go further than this chapter. I pray this book will help you grow with your walk with Jesus Christ. What a Powerful name, Jesus. However, did you know that there are five keys to Faith? Huh? Let me explain: Keys are a symbol of authority & Power. Keys are given to a person, signifying the interest of Him with necessary charge.

The Bible says in Romans 12:3 that God has given every believer "the measure of Faith.” That phrase tells us something powerful about faith, the Christian walk, and how it applies to you. Some may ask whether God gives everyone the same measure of faith. To my shock, the answer is no, but that is the fact. Roman 12:6 As Paul says in verse six, we all have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us; each gift requires a different "measure of faith” that God supplies us with. As such, this measure of faith enables us to use sober judgment and access how we can use our gifts as a unique member of the body of Christ. That's what me and My wife (Prophetess Webb live in) Faith realm, And you should too. Look carefully at Romans 12:3. We are always at the center of our mind's eye, constantly measuring everything we see and hear against the standard of our perspective. Paul writes that one of the ways our minds must be transformed is by developing the ability to see ourselves accurately. We must create” sober judgment or objective eye, which sees it before we get it. That is the power of faith. As Romans 4:17 Calls those things not as they are. Spiritual insight is what nature can't understand.

Here are some more ingredients of faith.

The Five keys are Repentance & Faith, Forgiveness. Renunciation, Authority, and the Father's Blessing. Amen

This will bless you very well; we all have done it. Is trust God for BIG things? Did you know that you must have BIG faith to get something big for God? I may say that a bit of faith can move mountains, which is true, But to operate in a Big realm, you must Have Big Faith. The word says that we prophesy to the portion of Our Faith, right? Well, what are you believing in God for? Something little or Something? With that being said, The Bible says if you sow sparing, you shall reap sparing, right? Check it out: If you Soweth Bountifully, you shall reap Bountifully, Right? Well, why not sow or Speak Big things or Decree big things? Remember, You serve a Big God, not Jehovah- Cheap, Jehovah-Jireh, which means The Lord will provide………….

I remember years when we had just started our faith walk in the Lord and had no money or people in the ministry. Yet, we were a few weeks away from beginning our first Service and did have a drum set, and I was in the office praying, asking God to send us a miracle. Some of you know what I am talking about. You Need a right now Miracle, and I hear the Lord say go, Mark, the down the road, and your drum set will be there, And wait a moment to go there, and I fell in My Spirit to go, no one was in the church just me and the Lord. So I told the Lord I would use my faith to get us a drum set but be mindful of being young in ministry. So, I was just a block away. I opened the door, and Mark, the store owner, was on the phone. He just yelled aloud, Hey, Preacher, get those drums set and get out of my store. I was shocked that I had even asked for a drum and did not know what color to look for. Then, Mark got these and got out; I replied to Mark, And said I don’t have any money( see how fear started right in) Mark noted, than He say I did ask you for any money. I said get those drum sets and get out. Man, I got those drums and rushed out that door, praising God for a miracle He had done. Man, I set those drums up and played on our New drum set, making a joyful unto the Lord; my wife came in and saw the new drum set. We are dancing and magnifying the Lord; now, I want to share with you to let you know that faith can work with any money. God can touch the heart of man or woman as well. And have those drums for years. Hallelujah, praise the Name of the Lord, who is worthy to be Praised.

Gloria, faith is the best to operate in; God is faith. The Word makes it clear that Faith is the substance of things we hope for and the evidence of things we can’t see; it is the assurance that what is expected will become a reality. Yet faith is also the conviction that the unseen promises of God will be fulfilled.

I must pray for you:

Dear God, I believe, but help my unbelief". Please mature and empower my faith so my life will be a steadfast and consistent testimony to your presence and grace. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

I believe that God will increase your faith: I agree with you right now and decree it will come to pass. It will come to pass with my faith and your faith (BOOM). As our faith grows, we increase our study and knowledge and apply the principle of hope. Wow!! What a blessing! We can use the principle of God's laws of Faith, so use what the Lord has placed in you. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to use your God-given faith so that you can reach others and develop their faith. We should build one another up in faith. Even the Word of God says to build yourself up in holy faith. (Jude 1:20) Jude disclosed that the key to building ourselves up in the most holy faith is” praying in the Holy Spirit. Some may say How do you build yourselves up? Well, this is how you do it.

Go, Praying in the HolyGhost is when we have gone to the Holy Spirit for help in knowing what we should pray for, and then He goes with us to The Father to present the petitions that we have agreed upon; he also prays for the US concerning things for which we do not ask a remember, He knows our needs. Let me give you this: “Faith is one of the terms most often used to translate the Greek noun pistis. Pistis and relatives, including the verb piste in and the adjective [pists, are among the widely used terms in the New Testament. They were crucial concepts early Christians used to describe their relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

What does Pisteos mean: to think to be accurate, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in, of the thing believed, to credit, have confidence ……….

Read this Out Loud, OK Matthews, 17:20

“Truly, I tell you, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. I saw this, which made me feel like I had to go through it. I have been writing this book for some years, and God has finally allowed me to release this powerful book so that his people can grow in Him. Please share with me how this book helps you along the way/ forward all comments to [email protected]

We will walk through the Mantle of Faith; that’s a great topic to share, and I will explore Mantle in depth.

I remember I had a dream years ago and wrote it in my daily journey; the dream went like this. The Lord was preparing me to write this book, and I am very thankful to him; I love you for that. I can't stop thanking him enough for all He has done and brought me through then. I now understand the dreams I wrote down; I even thank you, Holy Spirit, for bringing them back to my remembrance; as I said, I had these fantastic dreams, and The Lord dealt with me in dreams and visions. I was in the field with my mom(Mary Vision), and we were walking along the side of the road. I looked up. I saw heaven open, and it was a beautiful sight. I noticed it was like a portal or deep dimension in heaven. I looked shocked at what I saw, a gorgeous sky and I saw this in the morning in my dreams. I can't believe what I saw. And I yelled at my wife and mom and said, “Do you see what I see? There were many, and I mean like baby white doves coming out the heavens; I mean a lot of them, even some like a key figure, and I said to my wife, you see this; come on,  I know you'll see this falling out, of the heavens, And So all was hitting the ground, and I said to my wife again you don't you want to get any of the doves and keys that are falling out of the heavens? She just looked, and then I ran and started picking them up individually. I gathered a lot of them, and then the dream went away. So the Lord began to tell me years later and reveal to me what the meaning of this dream was: I know now that the dream where the doves were symbolic of the Holy Spirit and the Keys I saw was the Spiritual Authority that the Lord Has given me. WOW !!! I saw this. Praise the Lord. I love you for that, Lord; He has released His Spirit and Authority on earth. Catch this Now; what are you waiting on to receive this same gift? Huh? Well, Jesus released as well on His Apostle's right power and authority. And said, The work you see me do, you can do greater, cause I go to the Father. Amen, The Lord has given it to me and those who receive the Power of The Holy Ghost…. Not the Holy Guest, guest, you got it now.

Now, the Mantle represents a man's gift, the call of GOD, and the purpose for which GOD had called him. In the case of the prophets, the mantle served as a symbolic purpose, showing they were in God’s authority. Let's walk through the mantle. The Hebrew word for (mantle is) addeth a large overgarment, “robe” cloak,” and in Sept.

That will describe the word mantle in Hebrew. Many prophets wear garments in the Old Testament, which were worn by several prophets, including Elijah and Elisa. And I believe they both had the Mantle of Faith; wow!!! They were wrapped in a garment and had faith to believe God in what they heard and saw for the People of God. Now, what did the Spirit of The Lord just reveal to me? Remember I told you earlier that the doves are falling out to the heavens, right? I was putting them in my pocket, and The Spirit now caught this: I was building a Spiritual garment ( Mantle). God was equipping me and putting His Spiritual Mantle on me. Glory to God! Wow !! Praise the Lord. I want to Shout right there; He knows I need a mantle. So God gave it to me years ago, and I realized that. Praising the Name of The Lord and the keys I was, He also gave me authority. Hallelujah! Gloryeeee

I must pray for you right Now:

Father, In the name of Jesus, I pray for God to increase my prophetic mantle. I pray for deliverance and for others to be delivered simply from my contact with them. May I preach with deliverance, charisma, inspiration, power relevant, revelation, and invoking God's presence through prophecy, Reaching people young and old, hurt and healed, from all over, For God to favor my prayers and people to be blessed in your presence, In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

The Lord knows the right thing to do: We must learn to learn His way. Amen. In all things, I had to learn as well, and I believe every believer has to do the same thing. Ask the Lord to give you a Mantle and watch. He will do it. Let's go further into this chapter. Let's see where it first started from. The mantle was originally a cape worn to ward off cold. The mantle was first mentioned in the Old Testament as a garment worn by several prophets, including Elijah and Elisha, in 2 Kings 2:-11-14. Read the story. The question you may ask is, what was the first thing Elisha saw? That’s right, MANTLE. Elijah was gone- but his mantle had dropped to the ground( See, in my dream, I saw it falling). When Elisha saw it, he ripped off his clothes. He tore them into pieces and placed Elijah's mantle on his back. Then he returned to Jordan and did just as his master had done. He took off and struck the water with it. Wow, that's amazing. Amen, following what he saw. The simple way to do something more significant is to follow the instructions of Jesus Christ. What is the mantle, in simple words?

1. A loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : 

2. b. A figurative cloak, preeminence, or authority

Hallelujah, you should be dancing and shouting to God, giving you the glory due unto Him for giving you his spiritual authority. Lord, I thank you for your Mantle, which you released on my life, and I honor you for it, and Lord, I will keep it and guard it as well; that’s my true feeling about the Mantle Of God. Like all imagery in the Old Testament, the mantle presents a visible representation of the New Testament principle. The mantle can be seen as a symbol of the anointing of the Holy Spirit whom GOD so graciously gives to all Saints, the people of His choosing (1 Thessalonians 1:5-6) ( 1 Peter 2:9)

Here's another place in the bible that talks about Mantle. The Book of Job chapter 2:12.. And they rent their mantle and sprinkle dust upon their heads toward heaven. “I see it all through the bible about "rending their mantles. What it means is that they are showing deep sorrow. We are learning many of the mantles used to help His people or a group of people that He wants for Himself. (Israel) God loves his people and will send Apostles and Prophets to teach. Evangelists, and Pastor and deliverance to His people, So when God calls you, He will equip you with His MANTLE, not man’s mantle. You need God's kind of mantle. That's your weapon, Glory Jesus. I love you for that. It sounds old-fashioned, but it will help you through life challenges. That's why the Word of God says to put on the Whole armor of God. Lord, I love you for that. Jesus, you know the way.

Did you know that King David had a Mantle? The Mantle of replacement is a prophetic decree and Davidic revelation that allows you to foresee and comprehend what is to come in the body of Christ and around the globe. It is a prophetic vision of the invasion of those who were prepared, predestined, and made in the dark. The Lord had been equipping me for years, and I didn't even know this. I must share this with you. It was not easy, trust me. Sometimes, I thought God abandoned me. I did since every time we thought we were there, there was another goat. Yup, another goat or something to push us back. But God, I can say That. BUT GOD brought us through, And I love Him for that. See, I was not operating in Faith. Did you believe that faith has to be worketh on? Well, let me open up your eyes. James 1:3-4 “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith.

He will equip you with His MANTLE, not man’s mantle. What’s the meaning of coat in Hebrews? The most common type of robe mentioned is the ketones. This word comes from a word that means ‘to cover' and describes an outer garment. The word is translated as coat and rode and can convey a basic or fine robe. Joseph's coat of many colors was a ketone. So that is why I was telling you that The Lord made me a Spiritual Mantle in a dream I saw years ago. Today, I still have the mantle that's made in the realms of the Spiritual and many times, I have to remind myself that God gives me this covering, and When God gives you something, there is not a person in this world who can take it from you, You keep it guard it with your life, and the Anointing that The Lord has placed on me it Big and Huge anointing to Help His people that struggle in the faith. Remember that Faith comes by hearing, and Hearing comes by the Word of God; Lord, I Love you for that. Man, I feel like preaching…….. Jesus is accurate, and He loves you very much and wants to give you a mantle for his purpose. Amen.

Now we talked about Faith, Fear, and Mantle, right? Well, let me share a part of the Half tank of gas. I will get more details about the half-gas tank later in the book. Ok, well, we were on our way from Jacksonville, Florida, and I want to take a moment to thank a good man and his wife. ( Mr. C) that's what they called him; bless you, Mr. C. We didn't have any money to get that suitable gas to put in the car, and we were on our last vehicle ( gray van). And The Lord spoke to me in Ashland, Virginia and told me to go to Texas - Then that's when we started the journey of Faith, Jesus……..

O Lord, I thank you for the journey; people of God, never tell God you will go where you send me, please, cause He will send you. And The trying of your FAITH. We bless you, Lord, for the wisdom, knowledge, and things we encountered while on the journey and your plans for Our lives. That was from me. In the walk with God, I learned always to thank Him and learn from the last experience or ask Him what you want me to learn from this. With God, people of God learn to lean more on Him, trust Him, talk to Him speaking faith, and call things into existence where God lives in the impossible realm. Like I said, I will talk more about the Half Tank of Gas. The Lord gave me the title of this book, and it is so unique that He spoke to me and told me to write a book. Huh? Well, the Holy Ghost can teach you anything to do or accomplish. And my faith is Super strong in Him, Lord. I love you for that, But God.

Let's Pray:

Father, in the Name of Jesus, we learn that we must trust you in all things and the direction of your Holy Spirit; Lord, help us when fear comes to take away the Word of faith you give us. Please help us to do what you plan for our lives. Let us see that you can bring all things into existence with the faith you have given us, Lord. We trust you in the name of Jesus.

That’s alright. We can do anything that we set our faith to do. Remember, we have the power to cause those things that are not as though they were with God (Rom. 4:17); nothing can be impossible; the Scripture says that all things are possible with God. Read: This daily amen will strengthen you.

Matthew 19:26:

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man, this is impossible, But with God, all things are possible. Look at the word: Possible; the Greek word is dunatos (pronounced doo-nat-os from 140; powerful or capable(literally or figurative); neuter possible'-- able, could,(that is) mighty(man), possible, power strong. So you are able and mighty to accomplish anything with God; you Have a God that is A Mountain mover; see you see a mountain, God considers a mountain remove, you see the impossible, God sees possible, live in the realm of faith, let faith work for you. Amen

You have it in you !!! That's right, I said it. You have it in you. FAITH. You are a faith walker, tongue talker, believer walker, and mountain mover; I believe Gomer Pyle's famous word was…. “G-o-o–olle.” Yes, “GOLLY,” you got this trust in the process. It will work out for your good. The Lord Knows the way I take. So we understand about the “The Mantle of Faith on a Half tank of gas' This is the Lord's doing, and it shall be marvelous in our eyes. ( Matthews 21:42) You will grow with God in Faith. Let's see how faith will cover you as well. It will cover you in believing in the impossible and build you up, so you become a giant if you have faith in God. And I want you to practice this: Lord, thank you for the INCREASE. Do it daily.


Faith in the Furnace

This is when the FAITH in you begins to build up your spirit, man the inner being, that thing where fear tries to range and rule, yes rule you must always proclaim, decree, and confess faith scripture daily in trust the process, cause the moment fear can smell your deepest desire and your overwhelm it attacks cause fear torments. Amen


Let's Us Pray:

Heavenly Father, as we pray in your son's name, Jesus Christ, We pray that the anointing touches the very inner man where we are built up in the faith. We order our hearts on the altar of your love and mercy; set us on fire, Jesus! The Holy Spirit delivers us from looking to other things to find fulfillment from fear and feeds us with Faith. WE ALREADY HAVE IT! Pour your love afresh into our Hearts; in Jesus’ Name, We pray. Amen

That's the prayer the devil doesn't like when we trust Him. What do we get from Spiritual Fire? In faith, this included reading the Bible, engaging in worship, and becoming a part of a faith community. It also can consist of a daily mental health walk, date nights with your significant partner (Husband and wife), cultivating new friends in the faith through bible study(Preachers, books, magazines, and praying ), or simple practice. When I think of faith in the furnaces, that's when the rubber met the road. We all have to ask God to search us to see if we can genuinely be your( God's property). Listen, God knows who is His and Who’s not; he and fool others, But God knows who belongs to Him. Amen. So I think of the Furnace; I think of hot flames. Something makes you or breaks you; everybody’s faith must be tested, not tried, But tested. See if you will trust God to bring you out or give in to fear. All through the bible, many Men and Women of the Faith had to be tested in the faith, Yes, their FAITH. That five-letter word is so powerful unto God, and He has given it to us; we, just as people of God, want them out right now or want to know. I bible the Word of God fully. I even tried to give up, but the reality is that God knows it already. Lord, I love you for that. We need to lean on Him more and rely on His guidance. I believe this scripture in the Word of God.

Proverbs: 3:5-6

Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't lean on your understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths; allowing God to be your guide begins with a commitment to trust. God cannot lead you where you will not follow. Amen

Let's talk about the furnace. The Dictionary says furnace means an enclosed structure in which heat is produced( as for heating a house or for reducing ore)

It's about to heat up: Declare this with me; Shout it aloud.


The reason I want you to shout it is I want the devil to hear it cause if he hears, he knows that he lost the fight.

Psalm 34:19 declares: Many are the afflictions of the righteous.

(“It is sometimes for God to put His people in the furnace of affliction). But He delivers them out.

What does Scripture talk about the furnace? Let's look at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego answers and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter; if it be so, our God whom we serve can deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. That is a powerful statement of a faith walker, believing in Faith over fear. The king spoke fear, and the Hebrew boys spoke faith. Says My God can deliver us out of your hand (Daniel 3:16-18). Man, that's such a powerful faith word. Amen. Speaking to a nation king and saying MY GOD is more significant than you; God is Bigger than any of our problems. My God, I am super excited now. I am so fired up. Hallelujah, Lord, I Love you for That. I was speaking with authority.

Furnace: a large furnace with a wide open mouth, at the top of which materials were casting. ( Daniel:3:22 Daniel 3:23; compare Jeremiah 29:22) Furnace: an enclosed structure in which heat is produced, right? I am going to blow your mind later in this chapter. This furnace comes from the Old French fournaise, “ oven,” and has the Latin root word “force, öven or Kiln,” which is a furnace definition. An enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc., right?

Okay, I will get to the point, but I must let you know that faith in the furnace produces more faith, "BOOM.” Let me show you this: We talk about us in the furnace of faith.

Furnaces get their name from the Greek word "fornax,” which means oven. The first furnaces were stone or clay structures that used coal and wood to create intense heat. These furnaces were used mainly for ceramic work, such as kilns and smelting ore, to create metal objects, tools, and materials.

God loves His people so much that He wants them all to Himself, so He wants us to be purified:

1 Peter 1:7 (CEV) These trials will prove that your faith is much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show you will be given praise, honor, and glory when Jesus Christ returns.

Here's another 1 Peter 1:7: “That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ''. This verse informs us about the purpose of trials: You must get reproved through the fire, and many of us need it for the master's use. I even said Lord, use me So you can get the glory, and I want to be used by you. I believe in my heart the Lord smiles and says really? So here comes the trials; no one knows when the trials start. I love the outcome. You are pure and will have testimonies to tell some song that the Lord has brought you out with a Mighty Hand, amen. Our God knows the outcome. Let's see what 1 Peter 4: 12-19