The Name of Jesus - Adedeji Elizabeth Aderonke - E-Book

The Name of Jesus E-Book

Adedeji Elizabeth Aderonke

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This article, "The Name of Jesus," originally appeared in the May 1910 issue of Trust, a magazine produced by Elim Publishing House in Rochester, New York, founded by Mrs. Elizabeth V. Baker (1849-1915) and her three sisters. This article by Mrs. Baker, published posthumously, talks about the spiritual growth, the life of faith that follows after salvation: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

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The Name of Jesus




© 2020 Full Well Ventures


Originally published in the May 1910 issue of “Trust” magazine



The Name of Jesus


“This is the confidence that we have in Him.” — John 5:14

YOU SAY YOU have perfect confidence in Him, but what practical results follow this confidence; what working out in our own lives and of those needy ones about us?

First, we will look at what it is to believe in His Name. Let us see where the Bible places His Name. Philippians 2:9. “Wherefore, hath God also highly exalted Him and given Him a name, which is above every name,” and then in Ephesians 1:20-23, “The power ... that raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand, far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named.” There are different grades in the fallen world, from the lowest demon up to Satan, and on the other side of the unfallen angels, archangels, seraphim and cherubim, etc. It says that God has raised up Jesus Christ. Man as well as God, and this man Christ Jesus hath God exalted above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion. Before His incarnation He was God above all, but it is the Man Christ Jesus, the one who came and took our nature upon Himself; this Man hath been exalted far above fallen hosts and angelic hosts. Put all things under His feet. We get this statement of all the power given to Jesus, and this power is for His body, — for the Church. We have had an idea that sometime after death we will find ourselves in the heavenlies with Jesus, but that is not what the Lord intends. He is not waiting until death: He says that we are already crucified with Him, and risen, and seated with Him in heavenly places.

God expects the Church to take their position in Jesus Christ. It is not enough to believe that Christ is there and has limitless power if we are not going to make any use of it. It is for us here and now. We will not need it in the same way after we die as we do now, for it is here that we have the conflicts, here the world sins and suffers and need to be brought back to its God, and God expects certain results which would follow if the Church used the power He has given. In the beginning of the history of the body of Christ, after Pentecost, they had an appreciation of their position and the Name of Jesus. He must restore it to us, or else we are disjointed and out of order.