The noble Polish coat of arms of Kos. Die adlige polnische Familie Kos. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish coat of arms of Kos. Die adlige polnische Familie Kos. E-Book

Werner Zurek



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The noble Polish coat of arms of Kos. Die adlige polnische Familie Kos.

TitelseiteCoat of arms of the Kosa (vol. 5 p. 320)Coat of arms of Prussia 2do (vol. 7 p. 523-524)Kalksztein, Kos coat of arms (vol. 5 pp. 18-19)Cossack of the Kos coat of arms (vol. 5 p. 266)Raba of the Kos coat of arms (vol. 8 pp. 1-2)Coat of arms of Prus 3tio (vol. 7 pp. 524-525)Rywocki, coat of arms of Prus (vol. 8 pp. 213-214)Wappen der Kosa (Bd. 5 S. 320)Wappen von Preußen 2do (Bd. 7 S. 523-524)Kalksztein, Kos Wappen (Bd. 5 S. 18-19)Kosak des Kos-Wappens (Bd. 5 S. 266)Wappen von Prus 3tio (Bd. 7 S. 524-525)Rywocki, Wappen von Prus (Bd. 8 S. 213-214)Armoiries du Kosa (vol. 5 p. 320)Armoiries de Prusse 2do (vol. 7 p. 523-524)Kalksztein, armoiries de Kos (vol. 5 pp. 18-19)Cosaque des armoiries de Kos (vol. 5 p. 266)Armoiries de Raba de Kos (vol. 8 pp. 1-2)Armoiries de Prus 3tio (vol. 7 pp. 524-525)Rywocki, armoiries de Prus (vol. 8 pp. 213-214)Impressum

The noble Polish coat of arms of Kos.

Die adlige polnische Familie Kos.

Kos, Kos (Koss) - a coat of arms .  

Description of coat of arms : 

There are three red slopes in the silver field. Gemstone: three ostrich feathers 


1. Five times in a red and silver polo belt. Jewel: A silver eagle's wing between two buffalo horns with red and silver stripes. Aleksandrowicz.  

2. Another piece of jewelry: two buffalo horns in red and silver stripes. Kalkhtein. 

Earliest mentions:

 Crest comrades : 

Amsel, Balaszewicz, Bałaszewicz, Bokszczanin, Borski, Burski, Kasak, Kobyliński, Kos, Kosak, Kossacki, Kossak, Maas, Mas, Plastwig, Pluszwic, Poleski, Rabcewicz, Rossen, Rzęczkowski, Siemirowski, Stoliński or., Wapelsoliski

See also: heraldry , heraldry , coat of arms list

Source: " "  

Kos II

Kosarzewski, Bogen (emphasized arch) - coat of arms of the nobility .    

Description of coat of arms : 

In the red box there is a bow, stretched with an arrow, silver. Gemstone: three ostrich feathers. 


1. In the red field, above the stretched bow with arrow, silver, also a horseshoe with an etched bachelor's cross. Kosarzewski. 

2. In the red box there is a stretched bow with an arrow wrapped around it, silver. Kaminski. 

3. Another piece of jewelry: green laurel wreath. Kosice. 

Earliest mentions:

Coat of arms known from the 16th century.  

 Heraldic comrades:

Assanowicz, Bajraszewicz, Bajraszewski, Bałakir, Bohdziewicz, Bohusz, Borysowski, Brzumiński, Bublik, Burczyucha, Choromowicz, Chorumowicz, Chwastowski, Czyczud, Dargdiewicz, Derewiczwidski, Dargdiewicz, Derewińortski, Ejert, Egzińortski, Ejert, Egziński Halkiewicz, Halkiewicz, Halkiewicz Jakóbowicz, Kamiński, Kierszański, Knichycki, Kosanowski, Kosarski, Kosarzewski, Kosicki, Kozarewski, Kozarzewski, Krukowicz, Kuleśnicki, Occzzyki, Kuleśnicki, Occzewiczski, Przwzinowski, Przwzinowski, Przwzinowski, Przwzinowski, Przczewski, Przwzinowski, Przwzinowski, Przewzinowski, Przewzinowski, Przewzinowski, Przewzinowski, Przewzinowski, Paszwzinowski, Palzewski, pasziewzinowzinuszzzedzyczirzski, paszkiewzzyzycusz. Raven, Reniger, Rodziewicz, Saffarewicz, Snitowski.

Famous representatives

Maria Rodziewiczówna

Kos ( KOS, Koss ) - Prussian noble coat of arms , probably of Western European origin . Used by around 20 families, mainly in Royal Prussia , as well as Mazovia and Lithuania .               

There are three red slopes in the silver field. Gemstone : three ostrich feathers. Red labras , lined with silver .      

The Kalkstein family used the Kos coat of arms, differently, they have three stripes above the shield, one below each other, directly above the helmet, and the hunter's wing and the crown between the two trumpets  

The coat of arms mentioned by Niesiecki , Dachnowski ( coat of arms of the royal Prussian nobility ), Ostrowski ( book of coats of arms of Polish families ) and Chrząński ( variation tables ).             

The best-known family of this coat of arms were the Kosów von der Amsel from Royal Prussia and the Chełmnoer Land . According to Dachnowski, this family comes from Italy , from where it came to Prussia via Bohemia in 1230. In another manuscript, however, the same author claims that the family comes from the old German nobility of the Blackbird ( German: Kos ) and settled in Prussia 1250. Kosovars supported the Teutonic Order in the Thirteen Years War . After the Crown took over Royal Prussia , they stayed in place, served the Republic of Poland, and achieved senatorial degrees. In the 16th and 17th centuries the family in Pomerania was already in large numbers, it owned about a dozen villages and held Starosts. In 1565 and 1570 the family owned the villages of Belno , Jarzębiniec , Korytowo , Łaszewo , Osłowo and parts of the villages Biechowo , Buczek , Krąplewice , Lipno in the Wiecie district . Jan Kos (died 1662) was the standard bearer of Chełmno in the years 1636–1643, castellan of Elbing in 1643–1648, Voivode of Chełmno 1648–1662, Prussian treasurer 1649–1655, as well as the Starost of Borzechów, Brodnica and Kowalewski. Another Jan Kos (died 1702) in the years 1677–1685 Prussian swordfish, 1685–1688 castellan of Livonia, 1688–1702 Chełmno Voivodeship. His son Jan (died 1712) became Voivode of Smolensk in 1710 and Józef (died 1717) became Voivode of Livonia in 1709. Adam Kos (died 1661) was Bishop of Chełmno. Many other Kosovars held smaller offices and functions not only in Pomerania and the surrounding area.          

Kos (Koss) nicknamed the Blackbird. Other families of this coat of arms mentioned by Tadeusz Gajl are: Bakszczewicz, Balaszewicz, Bałaszewicz, Bokszczanin, Borski, Brunów, Burski, Kasak, Kobyliński, Kos, Kosak, Kossacki, Kossak, Maas, Mas, Osławzwski, Plastwigz, Polwski, Rossen, Rzęczkowski, Siemirowski, Stoliński, Wapels, Waplewski, Wapliwski, Zakrzewski, Zubkowski-Rapcewicz.    

Siemirowscy, Borscy (Burscy), Zakrzewski are probably wrongly assigned to this coat of arms - Przemysław Pragert mentions them with the coat of arms of Kos II .   

Coat of arms of Kos (vol. 5 pp. 262-266)