The noble Polish coat of arms Wreby. Die adlige polnische Familie Wreby. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish coat of arms Wreby. Die adlige polnische Familie Wreby. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish coat of arms Wreby. Die adlige polnische Familie Wreby.

The noble Polish coat of arms Wręby.Impressum

The noble Polish coat of arms Wręby.

Die adlige polnische Familie Wręby.

Wręby, Polish coat of arms; Korczak, 

3 silver cross bars, gradually decreasing downwards, in a red field; in a jewel in a golden canopy, half a natural colored dog; there are varieties of Korczak-Herne; mainly found in families living in Lesser Poland and Red Ruthenia; known from the seal of 1390; moved to Lithuania during the Union in Horodło in 1413; Among the approximately 250 families of the Korczak coat of arms, the following became important: Branicki, Chłopiccy, Drohojowscy, Hańscy, Komorowscy, Sołtanowie, Wołodyjowscy.       


Bal of the Gozdawa coat of arms (vol. 2 pp. 49-52)

Bal of the Gozdawa coat of arms. Sarnic had printed for a long or longer time that they had taken over the name and the original of their house from the Goths. lib. 4. What he would support, Duke Goths Balta mentions, by whose name how much the Bales are who cannot see. Procopius also lib. 1. in his story in 1533. writes that Balas, a colonel of great bravery in the Emperor's Justinian army, regimented six hundred Masagetes or Slovaks against the Vandals. Baltow is also a family on the Baltic Sea, centuries old, read by historians. Be sure, however, that this house in Poland is old-fashioned: because Nakielski in Miechów fol.        369. On the list of Jan Tęczyński, the castellan of Kraków inter praesentes, he wrote in 1401 Mściug from Balowo to the Burgrave of Krakowski. Later they began to enjoy writing from Nowegotańca when Mikołaj Bal Zdowska, heiress of these goods, took

Jan von Nowegotańca, a Sanocki stolnik, five of them sons. Michał, who valued King Kazimierz very much, for his courage in all his activities, [p. 50], which he showed in various embassies to the sovereign monarchs with no skepticism, with no less hope for future successes of high dignity, the world headed for the Order of St. Francis. Min. De Observan. of . Johannes Capistrano, admittedly, he acted in his holy virtues so soon that for that time he was only a deacon, to Bohemia, for the conversion of the Hussites he sent obedience: Heresy, dissolute against all calamities, has just appeared apostolic, some confirmations in faith, leading others from the path of injustice How has he so intensified his hatred of himself that he and his life have been caught by ungodliness, wholesome exhortations and contempt, for love with anger, for the word of God with blows. He was ordained a priest when he was offered the Archdiocese of Prague for an exemplary life, that spirit with a glory who trampled the waiting dignitaries and despised Pallius on his way to the Order. However, the Polish province, which three times reluctantly received the governments with the kindness and casual care with which he would please each of the brothers, took their hearts in such a way that they all dutifully loved him. The Sambork Convention, which is duly endowed with its diligence in matters of time; The Bydgoszcz Monastery, with the consent of Kazimierz Król under the direction of Zbigniew Oleśnicki, was given a place, at the end of years of work, and through a long helplessness, weakened and full of merit, the world said goodbye in Krakow in 1495. Vadingus in Annale. Minorum vol. 6th n. 28th 1475th and 1480th n.31st et t. 7. Et 1481. n.16.            

Maciej, the castellan of Sanocki, signed a letter from Alexander the king to the city of Lviv with this title in 1506. Mikołaj, the third son, called by Sanocki's land clerk, chamberlain there in 1526, about which I received a letter from Zygmunt I in MS. Petricovia. his descendants were Stanisław, who was chamberlain of this country in 1550, and Jerzy, whose daughter was Odnowska's only child. Samuel, apparently the son of Stanisław, died with Dmitry Moscow, a Moscow-educated tsar. Petrizius lib. 2. Hist. Moschov. Orichovio dialogue. 4. run de. he mentions this house that he had confiscated a novelty from Geneva.         

Piotr, Chamberlain of Sanocki, heir of 9 from Hoczew in Balogrod, son of Stanisław, also Chamberlain. Commissioner of the Sejm 1611 to judge injustices on the Hungarian border, constitution. 1611. fol. 7. Starowolski in monuments. Two daughters remained from this Piotr: one of them Anna from [p. 51] Jerzy Drzewicki, whose tombstone from Kruszwica was written in Monumen by Starowolski. the second was engaged to Bełżecki Aleksander Stanisław, the voivode of Podolia. And four sons.       

Samuel, the ensign of Przemyski, son of Piotr Chamberlain, was mentioned in the constitution of 1637. Stefan, the second son, and he, Chamberlain von Sanocki and before that Ensign von Przemyski, were united for life with Zofia Ostrowska, from whom Jan, Stanisław and Michał were born. Krasuski in Regina Poloniae. Adam, the third son of Piotr, Ensign von Przemyska, member of the Coronation Sejm in 1633. From then on he was deputy for the re-authorization of our army in Ukraine and for the tribunal of Radom. Constitu. 1633. fol. 14. On the 21st and 55th, at the Seym's, he received the privilege of eternity for a wine shop in Balogród, his heir town. He took Regina from Konary Słupecka, the castellan of Radom: the son of Stanisław, chamberlain from Sanocki, from the Sejm from 1670 and 1676, the commissioner for calming the Hungarian border, Constit. fol. 27. and 31. His daughter Agnieszka with Piotr Firlej, the castellan of Kamieniec, ordered them. Two sons, Mikołaj and Jan: Mikołaj stolnik Sanocki, whose daughter of the Wręby coat of arms from Leszczyńska, a Sędzian from Sanocka, daughter engaged to Mikołaj Gołuchowski: son Stefan 1696, writer from the town of Sanocki, died childless with the castellan Stadnica from Przemyśl. John, the second son of Stanisław, the Chamberlain of the Chamberlain, Judge Sanocki, of Teresa Rabsztyńska, who fathered four sons, that is Józef, who died young, Antoni, the Chamberlain of Sanocki, and before that the Cupbearer of Przemyśl, a deputy several times to the Crown Court: from Helena Rupniewska, who was the first to vote for Aleksander Drohojewski, the banner from Przemyśl, his daughter Elżbieta: Jan the cupbearer from Trembowelski, his wife Marianna Drohojewska, castellan from Czerniechów: Ignacy's heir in Balogród, the starost from Taborowski , Teresa Wasilewska, the eldest of Narewska, the remaining widow of Wasilkowski, the hunter of Podolski took the first association: the second association of Andrazowna from Hungary: Jan, the fourth son of Piotr Chamberlain Sanocki from Tarłowna, with his brother Samuel, attended 1627 other countries in the Sejm. .. Commissioner to assess border damage from Hungary. Constitu. fol. 13th and 1633th during the interregnum an envoy to be called.                

Maciej Bal, the brother of Piotr, Chamberlain of Sanocki, died before 1617. Piotr, an heir in a middle village, I think Maciej's son or a grandson had sons: Bogusław, Jan and Stanisław. Of these, Bogusław's descendants, [p. 52] Michał, the one with Mokrska, Adam, who signed marriage contracts with Ubyszowna.  

Buchowiecki, Giejsztor coat of arms (vol. 2 p. 343)

Buchowiecki of the Giejsztor coat of arms . Kojałowicz ascribes this coat of arms to them, only they have no stars, but there are three notches under the cross. Among them was Epimach Buchowiecki, the Starost of Szucharski; his two sons; the first Adam, a replacement for Grodzieński, fathered Aleksander, Kazimierz, Jan and Stefan. The second Alexander, Chamberlain von Grodzieński, the staroste von Filipowski, fathered Krzysztof, the staroste von Filipowski and Merecki. Marcin, Adam's cousin, a country writer, Brześćński, Maksymilian 1648.       

Dybowski of the Nałęcz coat of arms (vol. 3 p. 444)

Dybowski of the coat of arms of Nałcz in the Łęczyca Voivodeship. Ms. Kojalow. at MS. He says that the Dybowski family in the Orszański and Wołkowyski districts near Nałęcz put three white notches and three ostrich feathers in their helmets. Ludwik, Bailiff Drohicki and Krzysztof from Podlaski, Jan signed the election of Jan III. in the country of Warsaw. and formerly Jan Dybowski there collector 1577. Constit. fol. 321. Ludwik Dybowski in our monastery at this time. Helena stood behind Kazimierz Ejsmont.          

Korczak coat of arms (vol. 5 pp. 223-227)

Korczak coat of arms. Not everyone uses this coat of arms in the same way. There are some who put half a gray pointer in a golden chalice on the shield so that it is raised upwards, both front legs are raised, in the red field they have three notches on the helmet above the crown. Others, and the usual, three notches on [p. 224] they wear shields in the red field, all should be white, all not the same, so that the first notch or the flow from above is the longest, the second below it is smaller, the third below it is the second, smaller; and on the helmet over the crown, as described above, the dog looks from its canopy to the left shield. OK. in vol. 1. fol. 424. and fol. 429. Paproc. about the coat of arms. fol. 533. Kojałowicz in MS. According to this author, there are many houses in the Principality of Lithuania that use this coat of arms in a different form, and at first they threw the pointer from their helmet, and in this place three ostrich feathers are attached, so the Kotowicz, Selicki, Jeleński, Łaniewski families seal themselves , Ulczycki, Świdłów, and also the Daleszyński family in Wielkopolska. They turned the other notches up; so that it is larger from below, above the smallest, above which the horseshoe is turned upside down without crosses as if it girded the first notch from above, there are three ostrich feathers on the helmet, and it is the fur of the family's coat of arms Hornowski. Others, like the Siwicki Dermonts, put the Abdank coat of arms on the helmet, three ostrich feathers under the grooves that get smaller and smaller from above. Others place the moon between the second and third groove with the shoulder up, the horns down and three ostrich feathers on the helmet. This is the coat of arms of the Newelski family. Still others tell them diagonally that the bottom side goes the largest from the left and the smallest notch is on the right side of the shield: three ostrich feathers on the helmet. The Korytyńskis place under the three notches, from top to bottom, which are getting smaller and smaller, the moon as if it was girding the grooves and the head of a greyhound on their helmet. The Konarzewski family put their notches at an angle, above them a star, and three ostrich feathers on their helmets.                       

The origins of this coat of arms, Długosz, date back to the time of Ludwik, King of Poland and Hungary, as if the Lord would first use three rivers for Demetrius, who wrote himself from God's gift. It does not appear Paprocki, and the earlier coat of arms shows it on this occasion. The three rivers on the right are in the Kingdom of Hungary, Danube, Save and Tisza, the others, the city of Tisza, on the Drawa; over these rivers the ancestors of the coat of arms of Czasza did much bravely against the enemies of the kingdom and spread the lands of the republic far around them: for it was a very, perhaps and almost superior family. remembers the ancestor of this family, a Hungarian historian named Zoarda, who, at the time when Attila and Detryk came to Zewen from Verona, on Attila's orders against Detrych and received him gratefully, with the royal banner in front of the post. Then he was sent from Attila to Appulia and Calabria and the whole country there was devastated in the cities [p. 225] Region and Catona that he built, he learned, Kato. This Zoard, an ancestor still in paganism, was when it came to electing a new lord after the death of the Hungarian prince, both in terms of wealth and a considerable birth and in chivalric matters in great kindness to the Hungarian Invited to the throne. The prudent man refused to do so, and to get rid of the attack himself, he sent them another rabbit for the master, which, if they agreed, hence the conspiracy that the Hungarians chose a dog for their master. But when Caninus made him cruel to his subjects, he drove him out of you and robbed him of life. So they wanted him to be their master again; but here he broke off, but in memory of the fact that he had killed the tyrant Kanin, the head of the dog was given in the coat of arms after the image of Kaninova as he presented it to the people; He gave three rivers over which the enemies of the kingdom struck him more than once. It is Paprocki, Okolski testifies to him, that he tells a fairy tale about the Kingdom of Hungary, for which he says that King Ludwig of Poland and Hungary raised a dog in a canopy for a helmet: and he put three rivers on his shield , and changed this coat of arms so that this form is more common in our country.               

In addition, in the past, dogs were washed off in the coat of arms, Paproc testifies. about the coat of arms. fol. 3. where it is said that Osiris the son of Ham had in his coat of arms; Dog, wolf and ploughshare. Pierius lib. The 24th witness that the Armenians had long since painted a yellow dog on their shields and now they are putting a carved dog in their churches to remind them that the dog brought them home in a certain migratory wilderness. Bonani in Equit. fol. 17. claims that the Montmorantius family used the coat of arms of the dog as a symbol of loyalty, because when Buchard Montmorantjusz entered the palace of Philip I the king, they all wore a gold chain around their necks, their heads were tied with deers at the bottom on each of these cavalry breasts hung a little dog, for which they are called Equites canis. Because there is no cheaper animal than a dog, nor a loyal guardian. S. Ambrose wrote about the dog in Antioch that when his master was killed standing over him, he howled so miserably that all people began to run to the corpse and among others the murderer of his master, who wanted to hide, to himself came the spectacle; the dog, who cared about no one because he only noticed him, jumped on him and began to bite and tug, which was suspended, put into office and punished for murder at extradition. At that time there was a woman in Cracow [p. 226] crossed the Vistula, crossed the Vistula, from the canoe and the porter, fell to the bottom, it fell to the bottom when she saw this from the bank, the dog, who had driven home three days earlier, threw himself up the reason twice the Vistula, which wanted to save her mistress, for each payment the woman, who did not know what was happening to her, refused: rested on the bank, the third time the dog went deep, and the lady stretched her braid, barely breathing into the eyes of the common people, on land. Historian. Krakow Coll .                    

Paprocki adds that Zoarda descendants have disappeared from different kingdoms. In Venice there are three families called Donatorum, one carries a rose by the river, the second two, the third three, and the Korczak helmet is gold, with a dog's head in it, i.e. a sitting dog. One of them was the Duke of Venice, Frances Donatus. There are many houses of this gem in the Kingdom of Naples, the Karaffs in particular are paprocki, and he says Karaffa is translated into Polish by Korczak. This is done by Petrasancta, as their coat of arms is more similar to the coat of arms of the Kosów family than that of the Korczak family, unless this coat of arms variant has been changed, as we see with many other coats of arms.    

Ancestors of this house.

Procopius from the cantor of Gniezno, pastor of Sandomierski, canon of Cracow, after the death of Paweł Przemankowski in 1293. He entered the cathedral in Cracow. after his mother Gryffin Ruska: common sense, from where Bolesław made the disgrace, he made his seal of graces of goodness, which pleased him all, which was also helped by his generous hand. In Ivanowice he built the parish church and tithe it. By the grace of Przemysław Król and then Wacław, the chiefs of the Kraków Saltworks, he made his contribution to his successors, but he ruled this church only two years and three months after he said goodbye to the world in 1295. Starowol. in Vitis Episc. Krakow.    

Wacław, coat of arms of Korczak, fifth bishop of Lutsk. He made this mortal life immortal in 1462, as it says in the first volume. 


Bałaban, Barzi, Biernawski, Bohowolski, Boratyński, Branicki, [p. 227] Chańkowski, Chodorowski, Choiński; Chyszewski, Czaryski, Czerniejowski, Ciupa, Czuryło, Dąbkowski, Daleszyński, Derewiński, Dermunt, Derszniak, Dobraczyński, Drohojewski, Drzemlik, Gliński, Gorajski, Hańarzski, Hołonzko, Hwoczyński, Konjewski, Konwocowski, Illmanoni, Komowski, Illmanoni, Illocowski, Illmanoni, Illmanoni, Komowskioni, Komonioni, Komowskioni, Derewiński, Derewiński, Daleszyński, Derewiński, Illłmanoniowski, Czaryski, Czaryski, Czerniejowski, Ciupa, Czuryło, Dąbkowski, Daleszyński, Derewiński, Dermunt, Derszniak, Dobraczyński Korbut, Korczmiński, Korytyński; Kotowicz, Kozieradzki, Kręzyłowski, Krukiewnicki, Krupski, Krzeczowski, Leszczyński, Lipski; Luszkowski, Łahodowski, Łaniewski, Łyszczewski, Malczycki, Michalewski, Mieleszko, Mleczko, Mogilnicki, Morochowski, Myszka, Newelski, Ościsławski, Ostrowski, Podhorodeński, Saporkoki, Podhorodeński, Saporkutki, Saphorodeński, Saporkutki, Saphorodeński, Saporkutki, Saphorotiklski, Porwaniecki, Prošotaniecki, Saporkutki, Saphorotiklski, Saporkutki, Siešorbotaniecki, Saporkutki, Siešotaniecki, Saporkutki, Siešotaniecki, Saporkutki, Siešotaniecki, Michalewski, Mieleszko, Mleczko, Mieleszko, Mleczko.    

Later heraldists such as Duńczewski, Kuropatnicki, Małachowski, Wielądek and other families who use this coat of arms indicate

Bedlewicz, Biernacki, Bierzawski, Chański, Cuper, Czasza, Deubel, Drogojewski, Drzewiński, Hołowicki, Kadłubiski, Korczakowski, Łuszczewski, Pruchnicki, Sadłocha, Sampławki, Tiski, Tycamilzski .

Coat of arms of Kusza (vol. 5 p. 471)

Crossbow coat of arms . Some houses in the Lithuanian principality use a crossbow in their coat of arms, houses of various shapes, and first the Korejws, Burnaks in Vilnius Province, stretched a crossbow without an arrow in a red field, in a helmet three ostrich feathers. The Bystrzycki family stuck a bolt from the crossbow, the crossbow without the string or handle, and under all these three notches and three ostrich feathers into the helmet. The Maskiewiczs use the same coat of arms as the Bystrzycki family, but they have no cuts. It was reassuring. at MS.      

Lacki's coat of arms (vol. 6 pp. 1-5)

Lacquer coat of arms. Paproc wrote about this coat of arms. about the coat of arms. fol. 671. Okolski vol. 2. fol. 17. Jewels fol. 104. Bielski fol. 571. All agree that there should be a half-headed griffin with outstretched wings and forelegs as if trying to catch something; the other half should be a dragon in a circle with a curled tail; the area of ​​the shield is marked in red, the griffin should be white, the dragon is black and its head is raised, [p. 2] in the left dial. But Paweł Ruszel from the Order of Preachers in his book, whose title: Triumf, i MS. Ms. Kojałowicz, you are arranging it with a different symmetry; that is, there should be a lying dragon with its head turned towards the right shield, winged, with its tail curled up in a circus, above it between the head and back, a bachelor's cross, three ostrich feathers on the helmet. Petra sancta fol. 354.The coat of arms is similar to this, only from the back, half covered with a fish scale in a white field with a coat of arms saying that some families in Silesia honor each other. This coat of arms came to Poland from Moscow in the opinion of all our authors: but many of them write that the former ancestor of this house was called Zawichojski, who left Poland and settled in Moscow, where it was named because of the smooth pronunciation and religion He came from from Ruthenia, Lacki, since Ruthenia was Poland. Dubowicz in the Kazan Personnel Expedition adds that this Zawichojski Zacharias, who sent from Poland to Moscow, settled there: his son, according to No. [p. 3] the Lithuanian field man, “who had visited Italy, France, 1, Germany and Malta since his youth, wherever he deserved his name for a great man, turning his neck by the horns and to the ground. for he was great in strength; so he pulled the heavier ropes like fine threads with a slight pull; Quad and double cars. with all the rustling of the horses he was astonished, several hands pressed together, very slowly with one hand he pushed back: the bow drew so smoothly that it was not even when the bow was drawn; for this he took a noble steed as a gift from him at the court of the Tartar ambassador at the time of Stephen the King, when he bowed in admiration. In Malta he established the elements of knightly works; and returned to his homeland, he did not quit military service for twenty years. When Charles the Swedish king came from Livonia with the army, several dozen came at Kokenhauz, Orla, Derp, Rewel, Dynamunda, Wolmar and others [p. 4] Konstytucje 1611. fol. 45th and 1613th Chwali Gaspar Zaliwski, Laurentius Bojerus SJ in Carolomachia, Fastigium Triplex, Kojałow. at MS. He was particularly pious to the saint of the mother of Czstochowa, so he always carried her picture with him, exhibited it in the camp in honor, he simply made a pilgrimage from Lithuania to Częstochowa and pushed himself without a pump. He died in great sorrow for the knights in Vilnius; which the wounds of Kirchholm gave rise to. He had Izabela Bonarella de Rovere behind him, an important parentage in Italy: daughter Katarzyna with Teodor Tyszkiewicz, voivode of Nowogrodzki, had to live for life, mother was Janusz Tyszkiewicz, voivode of Vilnius, and son He died with great sadness for the knights in Vilnius ; which the wounds of Kirchholm gave rise to. He had Izabela Bonarella de Rovere behind him, an important parentage in Italy: daughter Katarzyna with Teodor Tyszkiewicz, voivode of Nowogrodzki, had to live for life, mother was Janusz Tyszkiewicz, voivode of Vilnius, and son He died with great sadness for the knights in Vilnius ; which the wounds of Kirchholm gave rise to. He had Izabela Bonarella de Rovere behind him, an important parentage in Italy: daughter Katarzyna with Teodor Tyszkiewicz, voivode of Nowogrodzki, had to live for life, mother was Janusz Tyszkiewicz, voivode of Vilnius, and son                                            

Jan Alfons, Starost von Żmudzki, his early years at the court of Sigismund III. he polished, then went with him to Smolensk, and he never missed another campaign, at Chocim against Osman, in Inflantech and Prussia against the Swedes and Gustav. He became a danger not only with great effort but also with considerable lives. Having made use of the services of Dyneburski, the people he had set up to defend his homeland, with his own coffers, he made the enemy who invaded this fortress, saw all his willingness to resist or suddenly wanted to own it he can direct his power elsewhere. The commander in chief, still as Vilnius, then in legations, served in public functions for twenty years. Constitu. 1627. fol. 9. Then he was the castellan of Minsk, so he worked at Burgmudzka Castle, in the end the Starost of Żmudzki Raduński Zosleński founded the OO. Dominicans in Wysokie Dwór, in their hereditary estates, suffice [p. 5] (if, in the author's example, the pen mistakenly wrote the town of Lacki not Ber writeaski, or he mistakenly wrote the town of Berżańskie here), his son Jan from Zawiszanka left. Teodor, the first of the Lithuanian sub-capital, the Starost of Radun, was a member of the Seym in 1653. Constitu. fol. 5th then in 1676 court marshal of Lithuania. Constitu. fol. 9. He joined Katarzyna Komorowska from Wrębyer Wappen, the remaining widow of Samuel Grudziński, Starost von Śrzedzki, of whom he left offspring. the pen, the town of Lacki, did not accidentally write Berżański, or it did not accidentally bring it here, the town of Berżańskie left his son Jan from Zawiszanka. Teodor, the first of the Lithuanian sub-capital, the Starost of Radun, was a member of the Seym in 1653. Constitu. fol. 5th then in 1676 court marshal of Lithuania. Constitu. fol. 9. He joined Katarzyna Komorowska from Wrębyer Wappen, the remaining widow of Samuel Grudziński, Starost von Śrzedzki, of whom he left offspring. the pen, the town of Lacki, didn’t write Berżański by mistake, or it didn’t bring it here by mistake, the town of Berża hisska left his son Jan from Zawiszanka. Teodor, the first of the Lithuanian sub-capital, the Starost of Radun, was a member of the Seym in 1653. Constitu. fol. 5th then in 1676 court marshal of Lithuania. Constitu. fol. 9. He joined Katarzyna Komorowska from Wrębyer Wappen, the remaining widow of Samuel Grudziński, Starost von Śrzedzki, of whom he left offspring.                                

The aforementioned Teodor Lacki, court marshal of Lithuania, translated a book by Hugo Herman into a Polish verse in Krakow in 1573 with the title: Pobożne lust. - 1778. Onufry Lacki, Trotsky's Ensign. - Krasicki.  

Nałęcz coat of arms (vol. 6 pp. 512-516)

Nałęcz the coat of arms . In the third volume of fol. 202. I described the Nałęcz coat of arms, which was once sealed by the Czarnkowski house, and then, as far as I know, the Morawski house, where I talked about the creation of the Nałęcz coat of arms. More often, however, in Poland it is such a shape that they wrapped the virgin helmet between deer horns with a white binda and tied it in a red field, so that one holds with one hand, the other holds the other, her head is tied that way that the ends of the garter belt can be seen on either side of the head. OK. Volume. 2. f.248. Paproc. about the coat of arms. fol. 150          


Beklewski, Bielakowski, Błędowski, Błoński, Borsza, Brudzewski, [p. 513] Bukojemsky. Chełmicki, Chmiel, Chwalibogowski, Cichocki, Ciechanowicz, wikliński, Czarnkowski. Dąbrowski, Darowski, Dłuski, Domasławski, Drohiciński, Drużbicki, Drzewicki, Dybowski, Dylągowski, Gembicki, Gigański, Gilbaszewski, Giżycki, Golian, Gorski, Gorzeński, Łckcziński, Gosbłewski, Gosbcziński, Gosbłewski, Gosbczińonie, Gosbłewski ,ęckczłewski, Gosbłewski, Gosbczińonieonie owecki, Łuszczewski; Malski, Malachowski; Marcinkowski, Mickiewicz, Molski, Morawski, Moszczyręski, Moszyński, Mrocki, Mroczkowski, Mysłowski, Nałęcz, Niemierna, Niesiołowski, Ninieński, Nowodworski, Nowosielecki, Obiezierski, Oborski, Odachowski, Odrzywolski, Odrzywolski [p., 514] Udrzycki, Wardęski, Wąsowski, Watkowski, Wieniecki, Wierszowski, Wierzbiński, Wierzchaczewski, Wilkowski, Wolski, Woyniesławski, Woynowski, Woysławski, Żabicki, Żarczyński, Zbgski, Złotopolski,       

Duńczewski, Kuropatnicki, Małachowski, Wielądek and the heraldists, the following families join this coat of arms

Dzierżykraj, Głowacz, Gurski, Jargoski, Kulikowski Uszak, Niepokójczycki, Siep rawski, Sobieszczański. wieprawski, Szujski, Uszak, Woyno. 

After all, not all Nałęcz coats of arms placed here arrange the coat of arms with the same symmetry, and first the Pirawskis, for the Nałcz Bound, use three stars; so that one of them is over the top of Nałęcz itself, the other two on the sides; The Sterpinskis turn Nałęcz upside down, but they have a star in the center of the circle and a cross between the ends of Nałęcz. The Dybowski family in Lithuania near Nałęcz made three notches and three ostrich feathers in the helmet. Others tie a knot with one knot, others tie only one tied, others tie two knots. The Nowosielecki family in Volhynia on the Nałęcz River placed an arrow with a straight blade and five ostrich feathers on their helmets. Our Petrasancta, which describes foreign coats of arms, does not exist like Nałęcz; what to know that this started in Poland . What is certain, however, is that the Ordo Equitum Bandae once flourished in Spain, which is protected by Maruna Miraeus. under the year 1332. Alphonsus Castilliae Rex, in Hispania novam militum instituit Bandae nomine (Bando, vulgari Hispanorum lingua, taenia es [p. 515] Hispania Equites Bindae. enim Ludovicus inferioris Pannoniae Rex, bellum intulisset, Reginae reginae reginae reginae post et belli vices, pax inita fuit anno 1351. memoriam hic Ordo est institutus, nodo autem vinciebamt brachium. A sun in Regno Neapolitano Equites modi. Cum enim Ludovicus inferioris Pannoniae Rex, bellum intulisset Reginae Joannae, quae regni haeres erat; post belli vices, pax Inita fuit anno 1351. et Ludovicus Tarentinus nuncupatus, jussu Clementis VI. Rex fuit coronatus, in matrimoniumducta Joanna, in cujus rei memoriam hic ordo est institutus, nodo autem vinciebamt brachium. A sun in Regno Neapolitano Equites modes. Cum enim Ludovicus inferioris Pannoniae Rex, bellum intulisset Reginae Joannae, quae regni haeres erat; post varios tumultus et belli vices, pax inita fuit anno 1351. et Ludovicus Tarentinus nuncupatus, jussu Clementis Vl. Rex coronatus fuit, in matrimoniumducta Joanna, in cujus rei memoriam hic Ordo est institutus, nodo autem vinciebamt brachium.                  

Ancestors of this house.

Piotr, the archbishop of Gniezno, in 1059, Długosz was attracted by the coat of arms of Nałęcz, but Damalewicz in Vitis Archiep. Gnesn. to the coat of arms of Leszczyc, where I also talked about it. Piotr or Piotrowin, drawn from the grave and resurrected by St. Stanisław, the Bishop of Kraków, that he bore this coat of arms, testifies Pruszcz in Fortecy fol. 45. That. For Stanisław, who at that time still lived in great glory, went to heaven and thanked him for the prayers for himself and that the people at his grave in Piotrowin would receive various graces, claims M. Baronius. Szymon Nałęcz, castellan of Kalisz 1264. Mikołaj, voivode of Kraków, 1260. the same or another Mikołaj, castellan of Kraków, heir in Rościnin, Bialy Kosy and Sokolniki in 1283. I left him in the first volume. These were discussed in the first volume. Mikołaj, castellan of Łęczyca 1381. Piotr von Krempa, pastor of Kujawy, founded an altar in this cathedral in 1451 with the title Assumption of the Lord. Back then. in Praepos. Vladislav.            

Jan Bishop of Pozna, called Gerbisz, and the other traditor, the Poznań Canon, elected to this cathedral according to the chapter confirmed by Jakub Świnka, Archbishop of Gniezno, in 1286 and consecrated in the Lędzki Monastery. During his time, the rectory of Santock was removed from the jurisdiction of the Poznan bishops by Otto Dlugi, the prince, and incorporated into the Soldyna chapter, which John saw through the gaps, although this was at the expense of his diocese. he died in 1298. He was buried in the Poznan Cathedral. Długosz in Episc. Poses.   

Mikołaj, the bishop of Poznan, from the cantor of Gniezno and the Poznan scholastic, drawn to this miter by the free voices of the entire chapter, in 1382 a pious man, humble and generous to the poor, confirmed by the archbishop of Gniezno from Jan Suchywilk, however Ludwik, the king of Poland and Hungary, insulted that this election was brought under the authority of Władysław, the Duke of Opole, Jan Holit, or Kropidło, his nephew, for this diocese without his consent [p. 516] was: To examine Nicholas in order to gain royal grace, went to Buda in Hungary with a request, and when Louis the King refused him he went to Rome, but because of Louis' instinct in Tarvisium he was withheld; and they were not sent forward until Sprinkler stayed with the episcopate. Because for Urban the Pope is one thing, so that he does not keep the king from himself: how much a church of God bursting during a schism; secondly, that he had the sprinklers too close to him: he willingly let himself be persuaded by Ludwik and awarded him the Poznan miter. Długosz in Vit. Episkop. Poses.        

Jan Bishop of Plock, son of Count Abraham, who was brought to this cathedral in 1310, died in 1318. He was buried in Plock. The Jan scholar of Gniezno, mentioned by Kromer in 1283, is added by Paprocki. that he later became Bishop of Chełm, which could not survive because there were no Chełm bishops at that time and they did not come soon. The ancestors of this coat of arms are mentioned where the family belongs. From Kolna Dobrogost of the Nałęcz coat of arms, 1458 castellan of Kamieniec. Jan Socha Nałęcz royal writer for Jagiełło Król. Bielski. Bartholomäus von Wissembourg defeated the Teutonic Order Biel. fol. 339. Cromer lib. twenty.          

Roch 3tio coat of arms (vol. 8 pp. 119-120)

Smelled 3tio herb . Okol writes about the Roch 3tio coat of arms. Volume. 2.f. 620. They should be graduated theses, but smaller at the bottom and larger at the top, ie three notches, if one is separated by a lily on the highest of them and the other on the helmet, but without the notches *): the origin of this The coat of arms was not described by anyone; It seems to me that Kazimierz III. King of Poland awarded for services       

*) According to later authors, the field should be red, the lily and the notches silver. - PW [p. 120] to Kościuszko, made available by Siechnowice and forever, and King Alexander added Leniewice and Stupice in Brześcienskie Voivodeship.  


Hurko, - Karsza, - Kościuszko, - Rosudowski.

Since the Rosudowski and Hurków families seal themselves with the same coat of arms, I was informed that the coat of arms of Hurków Kojałowicz was Hakami.

Schweryn coat of arms (vol. 8 pp. 298-299)

Schweryner coat of arms. A glass or a window for miners, angular, at least a bit pointed, white, on the field it should be red, five ostrich feathers on the helmet, one glass on one side and another on the other, the same shape as on the shield, that is how it is described, Okol. Volume. 2. fol. 343. MS. o family. Prushich, MS. Q. He was reassuring. Hartmann. in the republic. Pomer. says that the Schwerynów family with this coat of arms is the oldest in Pomerania, and from this it can be seen that the daughter of Mikołaj Schweryn, Elżbieta, was after Otto I. He was the Archbishop of Riga, about whom Długosz wrote in 1299. When the Teutonic Knights harassed the people of Livonia with long oppression and heavy rule , he bravely opposed them, but he was captured by them and treated so badly by them that he 1300. and delivered him from life. MRS. Krakow. de Livonia. Facies Rer. Sarmatian. he added that in Rome he had freed the Pope from Teutonic mercy, but he had gained little. Krzysztof Schweryn generalissimo, on the imperial cavalry, his son Jakub, the supreme commander of the imperial troops, Pomeranian chamberlains, Jan Feliks, son of Jakub, the governor of Pomerania, whose son Ulryk was colonel in the imperial army, fathered a son of his Son Jan Ulryk, heir in Alszwang, polished these early years in Mars' works under Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, exhibited a considerable computer of war people at his expense, [p. 299], with which he stood heroically on various occasions, but especially against the Swedes in Inflanciech. The first of his house to give up heresy, the church in his homeland was restored by Catholic priests to Catholic priests, died in 1637. From Barbara von Konarzyn Konarska of the coat of arms of Koło he had three sons, Jan, Jerzy, a royal courtier, his wife Eufroszyn, princess in Kowel Sanguszkowna 1644, and Samuel, the cathedral priest of Żmudzki, who made his homeland the foundation of this prelature. I saw four of her father's coat of arms, Jan Ulrich, the first pane or window, the second Trento, the third notch, the fourth wreath, made of a green oak branch, twisted. Zofia Sabina Schwerynowna, was after Jan Zawadzki, the voivode of Pärnu 1614. Otto Schweryn Minister Aulae Brandeburgicae 1655. Pufendorf l. 2. §. 56. Baro a Sweryn Excubiarum Generalis Praefectus 1660. Dameler. in Luteran. Revoke *) A similar coat of arms is placed through the Petrasancta cap. 26. The Szweryn family built two castles, one Landskron, the other Schweryn. Krzysztof Schweryn, Ensign von Parnawski, Jerzy, Jan Aleksander, royal courtier, in the Duchy of Żmudzki 1674. N. was Hieronim Wazyński, Starosta von Wieczszniański. The last of this house in Poland (because on another day two brothers born as eunuchs flourish with considerable honors. Katarzyna Schwerynowa stood behind the Stenbocki Count Eryk around 1650.                                 

Trach coat of arms (vol. 9 pp. 106-108)

Trach coat of arms. The coat of arms of this shield should be divided lengthways into two parts, on the right the dragon is raised, with wings and legs stretched out as if it wanted to catch something, without a crown, with long ears, its tail slightly arched, as if one were standing on it ; on the left side three notches, but slightly sloping, three ostrich feathers on the helmet. Paprocki in Sztambuch Śląski dedic. Kolloq. 17. Okolski and vol. 3. fol. 235. Says that there should be a golden dragon with a crown on its head, in a blue field, and on the other side three fields, on a helmet, says that some put half a dragon like on a shield, [p . 107] the last three ostrich feathers. He also understands that this coat of arms has its origin from the famous cavalry in Rome called Draconaria: it was customary among the Romans and some other nations to wear dragons on their banners. hence Isidor L. 17. says: Draconis signa ab ipso Apolline morte Draconis inchoata, de hinc a Graecis et Romanis in bello gestari coeperunt: atoli Lipsius L. 4th dial. 5th de Milit. Romana doesn't admit Greeks, but brings Joan. Curopal. de Offic. Constant. that the Assyrians marked their banners with dragons: and Suidas writes about Indian soldiers: Indi gens barbara, quibus in bello erant signa, in quosque mille Equites Draco extensus in pertica, ejus caput ex argento factum erat, dentibus restrictis et nudis, minacequumictu, reli , serico textu longitudine et crassitie, et varietate coloris, in verum Draconem, and about the Tatars, signa Scythico, quae ferunt in bello, sunt vela colore variegata, quae in speciem maxime serpentium assimilata sunt, et suspensa hastise medio; Lipsius, Dacos quoque Scythis affin, eadem vulgo usurpasse, atque censeo ab illis ipsis Dacis Romanos sumpsisse, ut fit imitatione, tacitly enimili terror, quem mori dracones in aere faciunt, vel hoc argumento; quod antea Trajan aevum, non eos in rebus Romanis legas. Quanquam et Persas iis usos indicat Vopiscus in Aureliano. Ex-Relat gets to know the Chinese state that it has golden dragons in its coat of arms. itineris P. Ferdinand. Advertising Familia Boncompagnów of Italy, including Pope Gregory XIII. Half a golden dragon can be seen in the coat of arms, the same for the Burghessiusz family according to Petrasancta Mütze. 54. The Trach family is famous in Silesia, which August I, King of Poland, admitted in his letter, in which they were especially informed by Kazimierz [p. 108] of the Duke of Cieszyn, bestowed on 1494th approved, where he says it has flourished for five hundred years; of these they were, Trach, who founded Franchenberg in the Duchy of Opole. Hanzel Trach de Brezy, Jan Prince von Opawski and Raciborski, adviser, Piotr Trach, Hetman von Landek, Jan Richter von Oppeln in 1487. Jan de Brezy, to whom August the King approved his old privileges. Wacław, district judge of Opole and Ratibor 1608. Paproc. The Silesian Booklet. According to the same author, one of the trachs was behind Jędrzej Zborowski, the castellan of Oświęcim, the other behind Jan Sielnicki, a landowner of Kraków, an officer in the imperial army. Aleksander Karol Trach 1657. his calves in Silesia. Some of them had settled in Greater Poland and bought Prochy's property, they remember Ziemak de Prochy, a Poznań country writer, Otto the brave bachelor, and his son Wawrzyniec, an heir in Procha, whose only daughter Kosicki from Koniczyn des Samson married Wappen, this descendant from the Procha ware that she brought to this house called by the Prussians. Stanisław, Wawrzyniec's brother, bought the tannins that the Gnińskis had left.                                    


Gniński, - Proski, - Żak, - Zelęcki.

Coat of arms weight (t. 9 pp. 210-211)

Weight coat of arms. Okolski vol. 2. fol. 439. This is how the coat of arms describes: the cross on the right should be double, on which the moon is not full, turned on both sides with the horns downwards, underneath the lines are arranged and connected so that the three triangles express themselves, between the two triangles at the bottom there are three notches: the blue field of the shield is Okolski, but others form this coat of arms, they put a cross, not a double cross, on it the moon described above, below it scales in the form of the letter W, so that from the corner of a letter W on the other hand there is an elongated line that connects at both ends, the end of the cross also goes through this line and rests in the middle of the letter W, in the red field three ostrich feathers on the helmet. This coat of arms is sealed by the Pociejowie and Niepokojczycki in the Duchy of Lithuania, but the subordinate ones between the two angels below use three wręby, smaller from above. It was reassuring. at MS. Weights of many houses abroad [p. 211] take, the witness is Petrasancta Mütze. 84. fol. 651. And yes, this author says cap. 3. that the Cappadojans appropriated the weight of their own coat of arms of their nation. At the beginning of this coat of arms there is nothing certain that it came from the Ruthenian princes and it is a heroic work, on which occasion, however, some people with Okolski suspect more than that it seems to be true.            

Later authors state this as belonging to the coat of arms

Abramowicz, - Korzeniowski, - Wagów.

Hondorf, coat of arms of Nabram (vol. 4 p. 367-374)

Hondorf, coat of arms of Nabram, but with the difference of this coat of arms, draw a line over three black and white squares diagonally from the upper right side down to the left side. This family was famous in Germany for a long time, and from there they came to Prussia with the Teutonic Order, they wrote in front of von Hohendorff, but were then already called Hondorfs with the abbreviation. They are divided into five lines, because some of them write from Sztenelie, others from Bylina, the third from Fangotten, or Kownatki, the fourth from Goja, the last from Daniele. All the same coat of arms and house. Those who write from Sztenelie have moved to Poland. Jerzy Hondorff from Milwowna, from which he fathered his son Wojciech, the one from Wildenhanowna, had two sons Krzysztof and Jerzy, Krzysztof was the imperial head leader in the imperial army, then lost his son to the war in Germany after his marriage to Braksejmowna, and he gave his daughter to Bromzer, who also inherited the good Sztenelia, which was on the Preplo river not far from Tylza: later this Krzysztof Starost von Morang and major general of the Brandenburg army: at Bar, where he was for Jan III. commanded several thousand Brandeburgers. he showed considerable courage. Jerzy and his brother, who had settled in Patrykki in Warmia near Apolonia von Hoppowna, who gave birth to Szteinbokovna, had seven daughters and two sons from her, but all of these offspring died, only one son, Jan Krzysztof, remained, he moved to Poland, in the army as a brave bachelor, "he reached the attack of the major general, the campaigns of Batowska, Żorawińska, Kałuska Vienna, his courageous witnesses, but especially in Bukowina showed the heart of the knight, where, at the artillery bravely resisted the onslaught of the enemy, who saved the king and the entire army. erected first, the trenches [p 368] ordained, there was the first commander, then fifty years in various war problems of this country he served and died eighty years. he had three daughters of Franciszka Kurczowny, of whom Anna and Joanna married Saint Bernard sisters, Marianna Żurowski married the Jewish carpenter and the sons Jerzy, a captain of the Polish arm ee, Mechtylda Mężyńska was behind him, and he died of her son Edward, after which he married a second wife. Michał Szepelska, the remaining widow of the judge Kaminski Krzemieniecki, Adam elected the priesthood, Krzysztof and Mikołaj both knights. Jerzy Gwilhelm from Bylina Hondorf had a wife from the Seroskerten family, important in the Netherlands, who was raised by the emperor to SR I baron, he was in command of the Kortryk fortress. His great cousin, the noble bachelor, was a lieutenant general in the Danish army. From this line he was adjutant general to Prince Eugene Generalissimi of the imperial army. From the line of Fangotten or Kownatek there are two senior officers in Brandenburg Prussia, Jerzy Krzysztof Major in the Lithuanian army, also the second major in the Duchy of Prussia. The fourth and fifth lines in Prussia, Silesia and Courland are blossoming. Jan Hondorf had Brantowna of the torch coat of arms behind him.                   

Niesiecki divides the Hondorf family into five lines, only Sztenelie reports one, the other four are silent - Duńczewski in Herbarz Volume II. Pages. 55, represents the genealogy of this family, organized almost from the beginning of our publication - which includes many variations in relation to the people mentioned by Niesiecki; all this description is placed here as follows: -   

Procedure in Prussia and the Ruthenian province of Hondorf, coat of arms of Nabram or Wręby, called Waldorf in German.

Historians and chroniclers of the Electorate of Saski extensively praise the use of this name from earlier years; in which, et in Imperio, the first nest was founded by the ancestors of that name; as at the beginning of the 14th and Old Prussia, or the history of the Duchy of Prussia, fol. 301. The Lithuanian historiographer Maciej Stryjkowski, fol. 430. named him Rudolf or Luder in his chronicle, and the then Saxon prince called him Teoderischer Meister des Teutonic Knight Order), after the late Teoderich Oldenburg, the German master who preserved the dignity of many families from the Saxon principality, et ex Imperio, came with him to Pruss on the heathen, for the acquisition of war fame, Marcin Hondorf, the first in the Duchy of Prussia was named after this ancestor. Since this name in [S. 369] in the Duchy of Prussia, in what titles and honors, how related to the first families there, how with beautiful names and fame during the war? the authors attest to this; the already mentioned hard bone fol. 451. Hartung in fragmentis Genealogicis pag. 203. and others, Paulus Fyrszler titulo Insignia Familiarum, parte 3tia fol. 166. et 183. Henneberger in Genealogia Prussica tab. 28. and other authors, especially Prussia. ? the authors attest to this; the already mentioned hard bone fol. 451. Hartung in fragmentis Genealogicis pag. 203. and others, Paulus Fyrszler titulo Insignia Familiarum, parte 3tia fol. 166. et 183. Henneberger in Genealogia Prussica tab. 28. and other authors, especially Prussia. ? the authors attest to this; the already mentioned hard bone fol. 451. Hartung in fragmentis Genealogicis pag. 203. and others, Paulus Fyrszler titulo Insignia Familiarum, parte 3tia fol. 166. et 183. Henneberger in Genealogia Prussica tab. 28. and other authors, especially Prussia.                         

Marcin, who had moved to Prussia, left behind two sons by the wife of the Saska family, Gospothowna: Marcin and Anselm. Anselm, Maren's first son, Liber Baro auf Landveden, a bachelor in Albrycht's army, Margrave of Brandenburg, to whom Anna Dybowna entrusted three sons, Gaspar, Marcin and Fryderyk; Of these, Gaspar had first with Eric, the Danish monarch, the highest command of the army; Then he traveled with Vratislav the Sixth, the Pomeranian prince, to Rome in 1392, to see Pope Urban, through whom he sent a golden rose with a blessing to the same Urban King of Jerusalem during the then famous crusade; Katarzyna Rypovna gave him four daughters, of which Barbara Imo Lejden, two to the governor of Królewiecki, Gazpr Aulak, gave; Anna Gaspr Gaudekier, Major General of the Brandeburg Army; Katarzyna Ernestyna to Jan Schanwitz, a colonel in the Prussian cavalry (he lived in 1540 under Philip the First, Prince of Upper Pomerania). Friedrich Otto, the second son of Anselm, was entrusted with the task of treating a settlement between Bogusław X. and Otto, the Pomeranian dukes, the Bitumski and Lembursi districts in 1470. Brygida Feldenowny became one of a daughter Barbara Beata. left behind, Jan Preka, the director of the Camerae Compbergiensis, and the son of Gaspar Otto, heir to the Milejnen estates, capable of Protestants to Auszpurg, ad conferendos Auogustanae Confessionis articulos. These six sons left: from them Jerzy, heir of Wilhauzen, with Barbara Zynkienowna; Wilhelm Colonel in the Prussian Army, with Emilia Neninkowna from Swabia; Wojciech, an artillery colonel, with Urszula Wildenowna; Friedrich, the captain of the Prussian cuirassier army, lived childless with Rebecca Klingszporowna, the daughter of the major general. Jan, the fifth son of Gaspar Otto, née Urszula Brodnicka, a district judge from Pilty, left two daughters: Dorota Eustachy Knobelzdorf, the horse of the Duchy of Prussia; Katarzyna Jan Brant, coat of arms of the torch, major general, wife; Son Jerzy and a famous bachelor in military expeditions. Wolf, sixth son of Gaspar Otto, heir of the Bajolen estate, of Katarzyna Knobelzdorfowny, daughter of Ernest, a colonel and commanding officer of the Pilawa Fortress; of them brave and deserving bachelors in the army; Cavalry Colonel Gaspar, Major Frouchnold; Krzysztof Colonel of the Infantry; Frederick Jan, Major General of the Infantry in the Prussian Army in 1683. They died in the famous Battle of Vienna; in the same friendship with them, and sister Katarzyna, Otto Brania Lieutenant General, from the infantry of the Prussian army, wife, killed at the same time as her husband. [S. 370]                      

Marcin, son of Marcin the first from Gospothowna, major general of the Prussian cavalry, whose son of Weronika Albenowny Jan Guntherus, a cavalry colonel, was; with the Pomeranian Duke Jerzy he went to the Seym in Auszpurg in 1530 to receive a Feudi; he joined Klara Königxekowna for life, she gave him a son, Anselm, the heirs of Szwansfeld and Beliny, a colonel in the Prussian cavalry; his wife, Elżbieta Eglofszteinowna, daughter of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Prussia, of whom four sons Guntherus, Franciszek, Anselm and Jerzy and two daughters; of these, Małgorzata, first Gaspra Kinwang, Adrian Bohsen, Anna Marcin Eglofszteina, wife repeated. Marcin, the third son of Anselm von Dybowna, Liber Baro, and Supreme Marshal von Jerzy, the first Elector of Brandenburg, was entrusted with the leadership of the army during the uprising of the Danzig residents in 1525. from Jadwiga Dylowna, a regional judge in the Duchy of Prussia, he left his daughter Katarzyna Teodora, whom he bravely married in 1699 with Frederic Greben, a colonel of the Brandeburg Infantry, a bachelor; and son of Johannes. Franciszek, the first son of Anselm von Eglofszteinowny, the highest huntress in Prussia, Urszula de Perlein, left him four sons. Jerzy died childless, Gaspar from the Ejlavski district, Michał the heir of Oletzksen from the Olrtzchia district, signed the commission points between Zygmunt III. King and the Republic of Poland, and Prince Jan Sigismund, Elector of Brandenburg, circa feudum Ducale Prussicum; about it in 3tio Volumine Legum, 1612. fol. 113. Michał renewed his vows twice, married to Katarzyna Frebnerowna and Katarzyna Hallenowna; including daughters Julianna Ferdynand de Frejtach Sztolpeński in Pomerania, the Staroste, Urszula Kazimierz Bohren, Barbara Ludwik Froszken, Colonel, the Starost Welaw in Prussia, married; and two sons: Sebastian Major in the Imperial Army, Krzysztof Colonel in the Ruthenian Army; but he lived childless with Weronika grafówna Fenkovna. John the Fourth, son of Franciszek, heir to Merklak, Staroste Welawski, took Weronika Krosztenowna into a marriage, from the daughter Dorota Cecylia, Walenty de Heym, governor of the fortress Kistrynu, wife and three sons; of these Jan Intimus Consiliarius in Starogard in Pomerania, Fabian, the Starost of the city in Pieritz, wife of his Dewicoowna. Gaspar, Jan's third son, Major General of the Brandeburg Army, died at Ramelia in the battle against the French,                  

John, the second son of Anselm from Eglofszteinowny, Consiliarius Ducatus Prussia, heir to the Kippiten estate in the Tapiawa district; his née Barbara Werterowna, daughter Dorothy, wife of Ludwik Folfang Szliben and son Anselm Major in the army of the King of Sweden. Jerzy a Russian judge, third son of Anselm, heir in Szkanglak 1593. His wife Maria Graf Horn, daughter of the lieutenant general, gave him two daughters, of whom Maria Wilhelm Kenigxek, Giertrude Wilhelm Hondorf, married; and the son of a Krzysztof, a district judge of the Sterbursky district, who lived with Katarzyna Sakienovna [p. 371] lived childless. Walenty Gustaw, a district judge in Prussia, Gaspra, son of Rypenowny, lived with Katarzyna Zynkienowna, praesidis in Curlandia. Daughter, son Frederick, Starost of the City of Prize Holland, died in 1593.      

Jan Zygmunt Marcin, son of Jadwiga Dylowny, heir in Bajoly Praesidens in Prussia, renewed his marriages twice, with Elżbieta Wollframsdorfowa, repeatedly with Magdalena Elsenowna, of whom he left four daughters: Gertrude Jerzy Greben, major in the Prussian army; Mechtylda zu Gazpr Kinwang, a cavalry colonel in the Swedish army; Emerencjanna to Wolfgang Arenszwald; Anna Otylia to Jerzy Elsen, cavalry captain of Jerzy Wilhelm, Kurfirszt von Brandenburg (he died in 1633 during the siege of Bamberg) for life in conspiracy and the sons of three children. Dimitri, a cavalry colonel in the Danish army, with Countess Szlitenbachowna, died in 1598 without an heir; Wilhelm (he was President of Ducatu Prussia) lived all his life with Małgorzata Leszkwanowna, his daughter Major General in the Swedish Army, he repeated his marriage to Giertrude Hondorfowna, daughter of whom; Esther von Fryderyk Kichmistrza de Szternberg, from the family of the German Masters; Anna Fryderyk Preka, the highest horse in Prussia; Barbara Zygmunt Berwald, repetitions of Melchior Kannacher, Secretary of the Status Regis Prussia, committed by a vow of life; and son Jan Onlyak, heir in Bajolach, with Katarzyna Wetzhausowna, Major General of the Prussian Army, daughter of Sterilis. Jerzy, the third son of Jan Zygmunt, the squire of Pastt and Prystannien, swore for life to Katarzyna Gąudekierowna, married by her two daughters Elżbieta to Dymitr Pakmor, Anna Leszkwan to Colonel Szwedzki; and three sons, Jan Albrecht, heir in Prystanynie, the same delegate from Ordinibus Prussia from the Bartensztejski district, while Zygmunt III. signed Literas reversales, vide vol. III. Legumes fol. 151. sub Anno 1612. Pakmarovna's wife. Jerzy with Dorota Kannaherovna in 1600. Fryderyk, the last son of Katarzyna Tettaowna, went without a child. Jerzy or Guntherus, heir to Wielka Goj and Suszlak, the fourth son of Anselm from Eglofszteinowny, Anna Żarnowska from Pomerania, gave birth to a son Fabian, heir to the great Gojach and Beliny, Barbara Ebertynowna's wife, three daughters: Sibyl Michał Eglofszteina, Kommandant Tilsit Barbara Fryderyk Rozenberg, advisor to the Prussian court courts; Amalia Jerzy Belinga, great Prussian rider, wife; Fryderyk and Fabian von sons: Fryderyk, heir in Serwillach, major in the Danish troops, son of Katarzyna Teltaowna, one son, Jerzy Hubertus, colonel in the Dutch army, 1712. Admiral of the Venetian fleet. Fabian's second son, Army Major. Prussian, the heir to the great Goji, Beliny and Prystanynie, he renewed his marriage twice, with Weronika Lehensdorf, another with Barbara Kannaherowska, in Paszlaki and Schwansfeld, heiress; four of them left their sons Wojciech, Jan, Melchior and Fabian. Wojciech Knappe in Beliny, memorable in his son Jerzy Wilhelm, colonel of the imperial troops, whose fighting skills were found in Leopold the Roman emperor [p. 372] with the estimate that he adorned him with the rank of Baron SRI; He was equally respected by Prince Eugene Generalissimo of these troops, that he wanted him to be an inseparable colonel on all military expeditions, made him his adjutant general and governor of the Cortic fortress in the Netherlands, and after he won the famous victory over the French in Turin , he traveled to the Dutch Republic in the embassy of the same Prince Field Marshal, in 1706 he fulfilled his due function, as everyone reads in his speech to the Dutch states, which are mentioned in the life story of Prince Eugene in German, published in the language, fol . 123. In 1714 he lived a lifelong friendship with Baroness Seroskierchen, a Dutch family. He died on May 9, 1719 in Berggospsoom. John's father Fabian von Kannaherowny, heir in Wangottach. His wife Rosyna Kienixekovna, the second Anna Maria from Courland Medonovna; of these, the first was Elżbieta Julianna's daughter, N. Kniaziewicz, heir in Lauxtoff; Dorota Małgorzata Mikołaj Derszawa, Piltyński country writer, heir from Kaulisz in Courland, wife; and three sons: Jerzy, Albrecht, Ludwik and Fabian; Jerzy Krzysztof, squire in Wangottach, Abeliny, and Szpigloffen, large infantry in the Sasek Army, including from Katarzyna Hondorfowny, heiress of the Dulcem estate, a son of Melchior, heir to his father in Wangottach, Junkierskien, Szarwsz and Szpiglofsen, court councilor , Colonel of the Polish artillery during his lifetime. Albrecht Ludwik, the second son of Jan von Kenixekowna, heir in Wejtzdorffe, colonel in the Danish army, left several sons with Barbara Katarzyna Grebenowna, of whom Wolff Ferdynand, heir in Wejtzdorf, Bolawa and Sztan, lived in Prussia at the time. Fabian Henryk, the third son, colonel in the Imperial Army, childless, recently deceased. Melchior, the third son of Fabian of Kannaherowna, heir to the estates of Dulcyna and Abeliny; his wife Katarzyna Małgorzata Kannaherowna, heiress in Szwanswelda, from whom she has two daughters: Katarzyna Sybilla, Jerzy Krzysztof Hondorf, the above-mentioned Anna Jan Gąsiorowski, married; and son Jerzy Wilhelm, heir to the Dulcem estate, had two wives, Anna Adelgunda Gaudekierowna, the other Barbara Katarzyna Grebenowna, son Krystian Ludwik lived. Fabian, the fourth son of Fabian von Kannaherowna, heir of the smaller Goys, colonel in the cavalry of the Prussian army, born 1623. He lived with Rozyna Sechsdorf for life, repeatedly with Katarzyna Elżbieta Aurowna from Tyrenberg, grandson Jerzy Krzysztof, major in the Prussian army , Adamschejda, and the smaller Goji heir who lived at the time.                                          

Gaspar, the second son of Walenty von Zynkienowny, Councilor of the Prussian Elector, of Katarzyna Gattenhofenowny, fathered a daughter Barbara, Jerzy Kleist, a regional judge in Pomerania, born in 1599, and Adelgunda Gaspar Wilhelm Elsznica, Starosta of a Rastemburian; and three sons: Krzysztof, commander of the Hungarian fortress Temeswark; Krzysztof Zygmunt, his second son Anna Moschwitczowna, again Małgorzata Walenrodowna, from the family [p 373] Konrad Walenrod, Master of the Teutonic Order, wife; and Jerzy Chief Officer of the Prussian Cavalry, Elżbieta Mulbenowna, gave birth to a son of Wojciech, an artillery colonel in Prussia; He lived with Katarzyna Wildenheynowska, of whom he had two sons, Krzysztof in the Imperial Army Senior Leader, with Braxejny he left a son, an experienced soldier in various German wars and his daughter, whom he bought for Bromzer, Sztenelia, considerable estates on Pregl lying with Tilsit, gave up, made a dowry; In Bar, too, he demonstrated his considerable bravery as Lieutenant General, who commanded several thousand Brandenburg troops, during the reign of John the Third King of Poland. Jerzy and his brother settled from Prussia in Warmia on the inheritance of Patryk, the Apolonia Hoppenowna, born to the graphic designer Szteynbokowny, gave birth to a memorable son, Jan Krzysztof, a teaspoon of Nowogrodzki, a major general in the Army of the Republic Poland. The famous battles Batowska, Żurawińska, Kałuska, Wiedenska and near Bukowina testified to his knightly courage, as Niesiecki reads on, and his immortal memory is recorded in the Crown Constitutions. Legum Volumine, 6to, sub anno 1710. fol. 197. with these words: "So, and born Krzysztof Jan Hondorf, tea cup Nowogrodzki, our major general, not in a test of bravery and loyalty, for his damage and his ruin caused by the enemy, the compensation for the goods of our vodniks agree to the Ruthenian Voivodeship, the Lvowska Land, and we will take over the leases of their legitimate leases. " He lived with Franciszka Kurczowna, the deputy of Bracławska, of whom four daughters, Anna and Joanna, St. Bernard sisters in Lemberg; Marianna Tomasz urowski, Stolnik Zydaczewski; Teofila with Karol Mężyński, Stolnik Trębowelski, repeatedly married to Franciszek Rościszewski, a country writer from Płock; and four sons, the pastor Adam Gołogurski, elected the priesthood for themselves; Michał, the cupbearer of Nowogrodzki, 1st vote with Szepelska's widow, after Kamiński judge Krzemieniecki, 2nd with Janiszewska, his son Jerzy in the monastery of Dominika Ś., And Jan in the world. Krzysztof, a fellow hussar, Potocki castellan of Cracow, hetman of the crown. Jerzy, infantry colonel in the Crown Army of the Republic of Poland, carpenter in Inflancki, cleaned his youth in the Prussian army, and in Poland he received the supreme command as a reward. In 1739 he was sent by Józef Potockie, the Crown Prince Hetman, the castellan of Kraków, to the Moscow Emperor Anna Ivanovna for important business, which he celebrated with honor. He was in command of the fortress Stanisławów from the time of the invasion, under which Kantymir, the Duke of Wallachia, had to surrender after several thousand people in 1738, infectis rebus: and then also a function in Lviv for several years he held dexterrime . After his first wife, Mechtilda Mężyńska, sterilized and deceased, he lived in a marital partnership with Anna Gumowska, Cześnikowska Zakroczymska, whose son Antoni and Józef, a young prankster in schools, polish them; Elżbieta's daughter, Stanisław Jeło Maliński, Wołyński's cupbearer, was married. [S. 374] Franciszka and Katarzyna, Marianna, Dorota, still aetate in Tenerife. Ferdynand Hondorf, heir in Henryków, Janów and Rudawa in Prussia, lives during this time, N. Hondorfowna, cujusvis Nominis, on the other side of Breza, in the Poznan Voivodeship, lives during this time. - young joke polished in school; Elżbieta's daughter, Stanisław Jeło Maliński, Wołyński's cupbearer, was married. [S. 374] Franciszka and Katarzyna, Marianna, Dorota, still aetate in Tenerife. Ferdynand Hondorf, heir in Henryków, Janów and Rudawa in Prussia, lives during this time, N. Hondorfowna, cujusvis Nominis, on the other side of Breza, in the Poznan Voivodeship, lives during this time. - young joke polished in school; Elżbieta's daughter, Stanisław Jeło Maliński, Wołyński's cupbearer, was married. [S. 374] Franciszka and Katarzyna, Marianna, Dorota, still aetate in Tenerife. Ferdynand Hondorf, heir in Henryków, Janów and Rudawa in Prussia, lives during this time, N. Hondorfowna, cujusvis Nominis, on the other side of Breza, in the Poznan Voivodeship, lives during this time. -                                       

Jeleński of the Korczak coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 481)

Jeleński of the Korczak coat of arms , with the exception that there should be three ordinary notches on the shield and only three ostrich feathers in the helmet. MRS. Ms. Kojałowicz testifies to it. Gabriel Jeleński from the Brześć Voivodeship, MP 1626. From there, MP at the Lithuanian Finance Court. Cons. fol. 6. Jan Podędek Mozyrski 1674. N. had the Mozyrska standard from Andruszewicz behind him.        

1778. Józef Jeleński, district judge, Trotsky. - Jan Mozyrski district judge. - Marcin the guardian. - Stanisław Mozyrski, city writer. - Jozef Mozyrski. - 1788. Konstanty, Chamberlain von Mozyrski. - Jan the Starost von Mozyrski. - Krasicki.       

Kmita of the coat of arms of Śreniawa with the cross (vol. 5 pp. 125-129)

Kmita of the Śreniawa coat of arms with a cross. It was a house of that time, reborn into worthy people, only our historians told us little about them; In Kromer's Thirteenth Book, the oldest I have read Jasek Kmita in 1374. the Starost of Sieradz, this for Władysław the monk who was angry in the kingdom that entered and invaded Greater Poland, he went his way with the circle of his Starost after having a battle, he partially defeated his army, partially defeated him. After this loss, he only reached the boat, crossed the Vistula and fled to the castle in Złotoryja. The same thing in 1376, but already the Starost of Cracow by Elżbieta Król, to calm the revolt of the Hungarians [p. 126] ​​was sent to Cracow when on horseback the sides of the bunks tilted downwards, one of the Hungarians hit him in the neck with such an arrow that he fell from his horse and died in their eyes. Then the brothers ran together, and the kinship of the murdered and death, the vengeance of the dead, with the relentless drive to be able to kill Hungarians, Elżbieta Królowa, who wanted to appease the irritated hearts anyway, to Piotr, son of the still immature Jasek, donated the county of Łęczyca Dług. lib. 10. fol. 34th was at that time that Piotr, the castellan of Lublin in 1400, like Długosz clearly lib. 10. and then he went to the province of Sandomierskie, as I wrote in the first volume. Anna from Wiśnicz, Stefan from Brzezie Lanckoroński, castellan from Wojnicki, wife. Acta Terrestr. Noise. 1379. Biernacki in specul. Less. f. 269 testifies that Jan Kmita was a Franciscan province in the Czech and Polish provinces from 1428, who was elected in Cracow until 1442 and asked his brothers to release him from this position after he had lost his sight. this land was admitted, and then in 1478 the Voivode of Sandomierz was mentioned in the first volume. I know that Dobiesław had two sons, one of whom was Piotr, the Grand Marshal of the Crown in 1496. Spiski Sądecki, the Staroste, as I read it in the aski statute of folklore. 110. and then, together with a large cane, the Krakow voivode 1503 and 1504. simultaneously Łaski fol. 112. The second Stanisław, the castellan of Wiślicki in 1493, entered the list of King Albrycht handed over to the city of Lublin: the same or another Stanisław, the castellan of Przemyśl, in Łask. in stat. 1496. fol. 110. As early as 1504, the Bełsk voivode was with Łaski, fol. 112. and then the Ruthenian voivode, as it was called in the first volume, had Katarzyna Tarnowska behind him [p. 127] of the Leliwa coat of arms, the sister of Jan the Castellan of Cracow and the Hetman, his daughters were two, one with Stadnicki, the other with Barzi for life, but this,