The noble Polish family Babicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Babicki. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Babicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Babicki. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French. Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.

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The noble Polish family Babicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Babicki.

The noble Polish family Babicki.Impressum

The noble Polish family Babicki.

Die adlige polnische Familie Babicki.

The noble Polish family Babicki, coat of arms Dołęga (Dołega, Dolega).

Babicki, coat of arms of Dołęga (Dołega, Dolega). Country of Warsaw. Same origin with the Slu.owski.

53/943/0/1.12/535 0 Evidence from the accounts of the grain farm głuszyńskiego , Babicki and szczytnickiego1843 -1844

State Archives in Poznań 53/943/0/1.12/528 0 Book incoming and outgoing sheep in the flock Szczytnicka save and babickiej1834 -1835 State Archives in Poznań 35/403/0/5.5/683 6 [Project motorowni additions to the mill S L. Fajngerichtów in Ruda Babicka , pow. garwoliński ] 1930 State Archives in Lublin 53/4356/0/12.4/953 0 Józef Babicki Puszczykowo old building new settlements - Babicka Izabella1931 -1937 State Archives in Poznań 35/115/0/2.4/23 Files Personal Babicki Aleksander , Assistant Medical Office assesora veterinary province lubelskiej1858 -1863 State Archives in Lublin 35/115/0/2.5/23 0 Spisok gławnym objezatelnym postanovlenjom and osnovnym rasporjaženjam from rekrutskoj povinnosti1866subject register pharmacy Żmi Gruszkiego das Sands protect, Dominican Republic in KrasnobrAus - sale of the monastery arms and infirm people in Lublin Church in Baranowie , Assistant Appraiser Veterinary Medicine Office of Lublin Province , Aleksander Babicki , see article . Classified Items - Department of General Services; secret items - Department of General Services personal register Babicki Aleksander - Assistant appraiser Veterinary Medicine Office of Lublin province; Żmi Richter - pharmacy Sands Register Geographical Rams - the church ; Krasnobr - Sale of Dominican Monastery, Lublin Governorate - Aleksander Babicki, Veterinary Assistant Assessor Medical Office, Lublin - House looked after the poor old and infirm; Sands - Pharmacy ŻmigrAus zkiego State Archives in Lublin 58/437/0/1/12 39 [duplicate files born, marriages and went to the parish of Bieliny 1879] 1879-1880 register of persons Babicki Łukasz; Babicki Wladyslaw, Andrzej Chmielewski, Cieslik Helena, Józef Cieslik Katarzyna Dabrowska, Maryanne Dabrowska, Dogwood Franciszek, Franciszek Gavin, Gębczyńska Anna; Goszcz by Józef Grzywacz (...) State Archives in Radom 58/437/0/1/23 41 PrihAus and Belina duplicate Uroždennyh , Brakosočetavših and Umierših v 1890 gAus u1890 -1891 Register of persons Stanisław Adamski ; Babicka Zofia ; Babicki Franciszek, Adam Baranowski, Barańska Victoria, Bald Karol Stanisław; Bieniek Zofia ; Biniek Walenty, Blaszczyk Maryanna ; Bubiec Gabriel ; Chałubińska Józef ; Chmielewska Maryanna (...) State Archives in Radom 58/437/0/1/16 32 duplicate Aktov Graždanskogo Sostoâniâ RAus ivšihsâ , Brakosočetavšihsâ and Umierših PrihAus and Bĕliny1882 RK -1884 register of persons Babicka by Józef Stanisław Blaszczyk ; Cicierski Stanislaw ; Ciecierski

Joseph; Cieslik Antoni, Dabrowska Józef, Maryanne Dabrowska, Dabrowski Franciszek; Gębczyńska Maryanna; Gębczyński Stanisław; Host Zofia; Castle of Zicka Eve; Jędrzejczak Antoni, Bronislaw Stag, Fawn Emilia; Jobczyk Stanisław; Kalińska Maryanna, Antoni Karpinski, Kmita Julianna; Kondziela Stanisław; Krajew (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/17 32 Dublikat Aktov rAus ivšihsâ, brakosočetavšihsâ und umierših PrihAus und Belina Opočin'skĕ für 1884 gAus 1883-1885Personenregister Babicki Józef; Babicki Łukasz, Adam Baranowski, Binek Wladyslaw; Buczyńska Ludwik; Chojnacka Józef; Dabrowska Helena, Dabrowska von Józef Józef Dabrowski; Dużyńska Saturninus; Gawryś Antoni; Goszcz Franci (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/31 45 Dublikat Aktov RAus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših PrihAus und Belina für 1898 gAus 1897-1899Personenregister Babicka Maryanna; Bombe Józef, Waldemar Franciszek; Karol Buczyński; Chałubińska Maryanna; Chojnacka Bridget, Józef Chojnacki; Ciecierska Maryanna, Katarzyna Dabrowska, Michał Dabrowski, Mikołaj Dabrowski; Shmendrik Szymon Juda Maryanna Gavin, Gavin Stanisław, Józef Grochowski; Grod zitski Jan; Katarzyna Grzybkowska; Jędrzejczak Anna; Jędrzejczak Michał; Jędrzejczak Stanisław; Juszyńs (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/25 50 Dublikat aktov RAus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših PrihAus und Belina gAus 1892 1892-1893Personenregister Babicki Stanisław; Baranowska Julianna; Białuski Stanisław; Biniek Carolina; Bubiec, Zofia; Cieslik W (?) Vater (?); Dabrowska Barbara, Dabrowska Zofia, Mikołaj Dabrowski; Gamuń Maryanna; Gębczyński Stanisław; Gębczyński W (?) Vater (?); Giermakowski Mieczyslaw Victor; Goszcz Stanisław, Adam Gut, Gut Józef; Idzik Marcjanna; Jędrzejczak Helena; Jędrzejczak Jan; Jędrzejczak Józef; Jędrzejcza (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/33 57 Dublikat Aktov RAus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših v PříhAus und Belina für 1900 gAus 1899-1900Personenregister Adamski Aleksander; Babicka Florentyna; Catherine's Babicka; Babicka Maryanna; Babicki Jan, Babis Franciszek; Badura Barbara; Baranowska Helena; Biniek Ludwik, Blaszczyk (...)Staatsarch iv in Radom58/437/0/1/4 19 Dublikat aktov Graždanskogo Sostoâniâ urAus ivšihsâ, umierših und brakosočetavšihsâ Belina Prih Aus und für den Gott im Jahr 1871 1870-1872Babicka Rosalieregister; Kazimierz Bąkowski; Chałubińska Józef; Dabrowska Angela, Maryanne Dabrowska, Dabrowski Jan, Józef Dabrowski; Gębczyńska Franciszek, Wincenty Hill; Goszcz Łukasz; Jędrzejczak Wawrzyniec; Julonek Ignacy; Kacprzak Eve, Józef Lau, Łęgosz Wincenty; Lipińska Maryanna; Liziniewicz Constantine; Lukasik Anna, Anna Michalska; Anna Micińska; Papis W (?) Vater (?); Pawlowski wi (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/6 23 Dublikat Aktov UrAus ivših, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših PrihAus und Belina für 1873 gAus 1872-1874Personenregister Adamska Antoinette; Babicki Adam, Adam Biernacki, Chałubińska Anna, Józef Chojnacki, Chojnacki Piotr; Dabrowska Eleonora; Dabrowska Michalina, Dabrowska Sophie, Adam Dabrowski, Stanisław Dabrowski, Gavin Jan, Elizabeth Gębczyńska; Gębczyńska Eve; Jadwiga Gębczyńska; Carolina Gębczyńska; Gębczyński Andrzej; Gębczyński Stefan; Gębczyński W (?) Vater (?); Jaciubek Michał; Jędrzejczak Franciszek; Jędrzejcza (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/3 20 Dublikat aktov graždanskogo sostoâniâ urAus ivšihsâ, brakosočetavšihsâ und death Belina PrihAus und für den Gott 18701870-im Jahr 1871Personaregister BabickaJadwig; Babicka Rosalie; Bombe Francis; Chałubiński Antoni, Piotr Cieslik Katarzyna Dabrowska, Gavin Paweł, Gębczyński Franciszek; Gębczyński Wincenty; Henzlik Pawełina; Jędrzejczak Andrzej, es (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/22 39 Dublikat Aktov Uroždennyh, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših v PříhAus und Beliny der 1889er gAus 1888-1890Personenregister Babicka Sophie, Adam Baranowski, Józef Buińska, Chałubinska, Chałub Maryanna; Ciecierski Stanisław; Ciecierski W (?) Vater (? ); Dabrowska Maryanna; Dabrowski Franciszek, Tomek ekekasz Gajewski, Gębczyński W (?) Vater (?); Juszyński Józef; Klimczak Pawełine; Kmita von Józef Maryanna Kowalska; KOZERAWSKI Jan; Krześnicki Franciszek; Krześnicki Franciszek Józef; Łęgosz Antoinette; Łęgosz Józef; Łęgosz Stanisław, (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/37 46 Dublikat aktov: rAus ivšihsâ, brakosočetavšihsâ, umierših v PříhAus und Belina für 1903 gAus 1902-1904Personenregister Babicka Helena; Babicki Jan; Badura Philip; Baranowska Maryanna, Bogusz Józef; Bombe Maryanna; Buczyńska von Józef Cieslak Julianna; Dabrowska Helena, Maryanna Dabrowska, Adam Dabrowski, Andrzej Dabrowski D (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/20 37 Dublikat Aktov uroždennyh, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših v PříhAus und Beliny The 1887 gAus 1886 - 1888Antoni Antenregister ; Babicki Isidore, W (?) Vater (?) Bialek, Bieniek Franciszek; BORKOWSKA Antoinette; Bystrzejewska Maryanna Aleksansdra; Kazimierz Bystrzejewski; Chojnacka Scholastica Marcjanna; Cieslik Antoinette, Józef Maryanne Cieslik, Dabrowska von Józef Józef Dabrowski, Stanisław Dabrowski; Julianna Guest; Idzik Adam; Jaciubek Agnes; Januszewska Franciszek Helena; Jędrzejczak Grzegorz; Jędrzejczak (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/8 27 Dublikat Aktov Ur Aus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših PrihAus und Belina gAus u1874 Opočin'skĕ v 1875-1876Personenregister Babicka Maryanna; Chałubińska Franciszek; Chałubińska Michalina; Cicierski Wladyslaw; Dabrowska Franciszek, Józef Dabrowska, Dabrowska Maryanna, Maryanna Gąbczyńska, Gad, Jakub, Gajsler Maryanna, Gavin Franciszek, Franciszek Gębczyńska; Gębczyński Andrzej, Heartland Franciszek; Idzik Józef; Jędrzejczak Agnes; Jędrzejczak Andrzej; Jędrzejczak Franciszek; Jędrzejczak Jan; Jędrzej (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/14 53 Dublikat Aktov R Aus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših PrihAus und gAus u1880 Belina v 1881-1882Personenregister Babicki; Luke Babicki ; Babicki Tomek ekekasz, Józef Blaszczyk; Bubiec Łukasz; Buczyńska Maryanna; Bukiewicz Antoni; Bykowska Maryan; Chałubiński Józef, C (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/19 45 Dublikat Aktov Uroždennyh, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših v PříhAus und Beliny die 1886 gAus 1885-1887Personenregister Babicka Franciszek; Babicki Franciszek; Baranowska Maryanna; Bentkowski Piotr; Bętkowski Piotr; Białuski Roch, Anna Blaszczyk, Bubiec Łukasz; Józef Bucznikowski; Buczyńska Maryanna; Chmielewska Victoria; Choj (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/36 56 Dublikat Aktov RAus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših v PříhAus und Belina für 1902 gAus 1901-1903Personenregister Babicki Jan, Babis Rosalie; Katarzyna's Badura; Bombe Józef; Bubiec Maryanna; Chojnacka Angela, Michał Chojnacki, Stanisław Chojnacki, Jan Chrobak; Cichoński Stanisław, Maryanne Dabrowska, Adam Dabrowski, Dabrowski Antoni, Franciszek zekzekzekzekzekzekzekzekzek Dabrowski, Jan Dabrowski, Duczek Stanisław; Famon Józef; Shmendrik Jan; Shmendrik Marcin; Goszcz von Józef Franciszek Jędrzejczak; Jędrzejczak Maryanna, Jelo (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/24 61 Dublikat aktov RAus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših PrihAus und Belina gAus 1890 1891-1892Personenregister Adamska Maryanna; Babicka Julianna, Julianna Baranowska; Baranowska Victoria; Bęckowska Zofia Katarzyna, Bombe Franciszek; Bubiec Gabriel; Chmielewska Michalina, Jan Chojnacki, Tomek ekekasz Cieslik, Anna Dabrowska; Dabrowska Maryanna, Jan Dabrowski, Józef Dabrowski, Marcin Gamuń; Gębczyńska Maryanna; Goszcz Józef Jacek; Idzik Julianna; Idzik Wincenty; Jędrzejczak Anna; Jędrzejczak Józef; Jędrzejczak (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/21 43 Dublikat Aktov RAus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših v PříhAus und Belina für 1888 gAus 1887 - 1888Personenregister Babicka Victoria; Babicki Józef; Baranowska Juliet Józef Bialek, W (?) Vater (?) Bialek, Bilska Maryanna Kazimiera; Bocheński Walenty, Brest Maryanna; Chałubiński Franciszek; Chmielewski Wawrzyniec; Chojnacki Jó (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/26 100 Dublikat Aktov von R Aus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših PrihAus und Belina für Tysâča vosem'cot devânosto Tretij (1893) gAus 1892 -1894Personenregister Adamenregister Adamenregister Adam , Adam Baranowski Cyriak; Bętkowska Barbara Blaszczyk Franciszek; Buczyńska Marcjanna; Chojnacki Piotr, Józef Cieslik, Maryanne Dabrowska, Józef Dabrowski, Stanisław Dabrowski, Gad, Adam; Shmendrik Maryanna; Józef Gębczyński; Gojda Adam; Goszcz Stanisław; Grod zitski Marcin; Józef Jankowski, Juszyńska Barbara; Juszyńska Józef; Juszyńska Maryanna; Juszyński Ludwik, Bottiche (...)Staatsarchiv in Radom58/437/0/1/35 70 Dublikat Aktov R Aus ivšihsâ, Brakosočetavšihsâ und Umierših v PříhAus und Belina für 1901 gAus 1900-1902

Register of persons Adamska Anna ; Babicka Florentyna ; Babicka Józef ; Babicka Maryanna, Blaszczyk Józef, Jan Bogusz, Bomb Jan; Bratkowska Wladyslaw Helena, Waldemar Rosalie; Buczyńska Maryanna , C (...)State Archives in Radom58/437/0/1/27 57 duplicate Aktov RAus ivšihsâ , Brakosočetavšihsâ and Umierših PrihAus and Belina for Tysâča vosem'cot devânosto četvёrtyj (1894 ) gAus 1893 - 1895 register ofpersons Jan Adamski ; Babicki Karol ; Baranowski Adam Cyprian ; Bialuski Jan ; Biniek Jozef ; Chojnacka Józef ; Cieplinski Ignacy, Ewa Cieslik, Maryanne Cieslik, Dabrowska Franciszek; Dabrowska Józef, Maryanne Dabrowska, Dabrowski Antoni, Józef Dabrowski, Stanisław Dabrowski; Shmendrik Maciej ; Gawin W (?) Father (?) ; Gebczyńska Barbara; Gębczyńska Franciszek ; Gębczyński Józef ; Giermakowski Stefan ; Goszcz Maciej , (...)State Archives in Radom58/437/0/1/28 63 duplicate Aktov RAus ivšihsâ , Brakosočetavšihsâ and Umierših PrihAus and Belina for Tysâča vosem'cot devânosto pâtyj (1895 ) God ] 1894-1896register of persons Babicka Maryanna ; Babicki Jan, Franciszek Baranowski, Baranowski Francsizek; Bentkowski Józef ; Bętkowski Józef ; Bialuski Jan, Blaszczyk Walenty; BFrom ur Zofia ; Chałubińska Anna ; Chojnacka Victoria, Cieslik Er (...)State Archives in Radom58/437/0/1/30 63 duplicate Aktov RAus ivšihsâ , Brakosočetavšihsâ and Umierših PrihAus and Belina for Tysâča vosem'cot devânosto sed'moj (1897 ) gAus 1896 - 1898Register of persons Babicka Katarzyny ; Babicki W (?) Father (?) ; Babis Maryanna ; Badur Helena ; Baranowska Eve, Jan Baranowski, Bomb Jan, Waldemar Maryanna; Bubiec Zofia ; Budziec Jan , Józef Chojnacki , Angela Cieslik , Bridget Cieslik , Dabra (...)State Archives in Radom58/437/0/1/32 54 Duplicate Aktov Graždanskogo Sostojaniâ RAus ivšihsâ , Brakosočetavšihsâ and Umierših PrihAus and Belina for Tysâča vosem'cot devânosto devâtyj gAus 1898 1899-1900 Register ofpersons Adamski Aleksander; Babicka Carolina ; Babicki Józef ; Blaszczyk Franciszek ; Bomb Eve, Eve Bomb Stanislaus Bratkowska Wladyslaw Helena; Chałubińska Carolina ; Chałubiński Bronislaw ; Chojnacka by Józef Stanisław Chojnacka; Cic (...)State Archives in Radom53/471/0/15.3/3349 0 judgments Provincial Committee of Land district kępiński.1949 subject indexAlexandrovich , Mąkoszyce p.100 ; Babicka Figaszewski Sobczak , Bierzów p.55 , Weiß, Chełkowo p.71 ; Boratyński , Goat United S.47 ; Brząśćiel, Rybin p.349; Caliński, Mikorzyn p.152; Cierlak are recurrences .166 ; Dębska, BGS p.41; Derda, Nowa Dorf Principe p.289; Dorynek Kozlowski, Bojanowo Old p.66; Dudarski, Ujazd p.68; Fejdasz Poluch, Ostrzeszów p.77; Gębała, Bierzów p.94; Glapa, Perzow p.339; Golec Grylewicz , Br (...)State Archives in Posen (Poznań)inventory: 35/1630/0 files of the Civil Parish Church in Babicach in 1842 -1877History of the inventory parish church in Babice (via Tarnogród , defeated gorajski ) was in 1842 on the site of the former Greek Catholic parish with the decision of the Commission of Government Affairs. In accordance with the provisions in force since January 1, 1826, the Civil Code of the Polish Kingdom of Babicki served as Pastor the Registrar for the orthAus oxe population living in the parish. Actions of civil status ( births, marriages, and deaths) were written twice. The metrics are prepared and then attached coupons ( among others. Issued to copies of the marriage certificate from recorded birth certificates, acts of recognizing brides , official rectification and (...)State Archives in Lublin53/918/0/13.31/3153 0 index to book reports returnees and Displaced persons attending an intermediate station in the Green Górze1945 -1947 Register ofpersons (...) ak Maryan 4002 ; Augustinus Ignacy 5481 ; Aułkowski Boleslaw 2713 ; Autoszewska Krystyna 7271 ; Auzelne ( Marya ) Mieczyslaw 3163 , B; Babarowski Stanisław - 21-2007 ; Babiarczuk Jan 6632 ; Babicka Emilia 6373 ; Babicki Franciszek , 6372 ; Michał Babijczuk 1335 ; Babijczuk Stanisław 2250 3691 Kazimierz Babinski ; Babisz Waclaw 881 ; Bachezowicz Zofia 3378 ; Bachorska Bronislaw , Stanisław 864 ; Bachorska Bronislaw ,Stanisław 864 )53/918/0/9/3160 0 repertories decisions out of szkAus owawczych8 X II from 1945 to 1926 1947 register ofpersons (...);Babarowski Stanisław - 21-2007 ; Babaryko Antoni - 32-3102 ; Babiak Cecilia - 142-14113 ; Babiańska (Korewa) Anna - 169-16812, Babiarz Helena - 160-15907, Babiarz Teresa - 103-10247; Babicka Florentyna - 53-5298 ; Babicka Marya - 128-12755, Antoni Babicz - 174-17400, Bronislaw Babicz - 128-12754; Baberczuk Agnes-24-2306; Babijczuk Szymon - 107-10627 ; Babij Dominik - 193-19223 , Babij Franciszek (...)State Archives in Poznań

cityand countyKaliszcaptionsseventeenth/eighteenth century 5641 (N178 /180) 1743   Adam Babicki , ol . and . B.'ol . Elżb . Strzyiskiej , ol . Jan becomes score. bishop. + -His sisters born. Son title en . x Michael Bułakowskiego prepo Philip on Śródka , his uncle (p. 15)

BabicaMarcinBabic , ChamberlainWarsaw1400urban,Warsawin 1458noblerMikołaj andJan, the sonsfromurbana,owned by twosubjectsin the villageYou there1564( Zs. CzersG42431f ) introduced.Seweryn , earthlyregentsSochaczewski1670JackoBabickiinherit thebabyin the districtVladimir1570 ( Jabł.).

Wit as a squire , the heir of Karczewo 1428 and the first Karczewsc Jasieńczykowie are the children of Wit Karczewo. He also inherited Otwock and Miedzechowie. Wit AWitoslav from ? and Otwock, this is often the case, before the courts in Czerski since 1408, and in the Jaktora trial of ? - those from Sedki in Czersk in 1411 are the memoirs of his brother Zbrosław , the prosecutor in Warsaw and Jan. Wit is steward is Czersk in 1421, together with his brothers and Andrzej ( with Lichanic ? ) separates from Miedzechów and Laskowskich in 1424 ( Don Czers . ) . In 1428 Edler Wit met with his sons: Petrus, Jan and Wit, department Karczewo estates and Miedzechowa (M. 333 f 85) . This section was probably made by Edler von Carver... ?, and probably the children remarry. With his second wife were: Piechna, daughter of Wit Karczewo, wife of Stanislaus Lipia and her brothers: Marcin, W(?) father(?) and Stefan, for whom the inheritance was abandoned in 1452. (M. 4 f 4). Karczewscy in 1434, confirmed by Piotr and Paweł von Otwock. Wit's son Duda, noble carver from Czersk, Kucharski (M. 3 f 128). Paweł Ducki, provincial judge, fighter in 1459 who are children: Paweł, Jakób, Jan Marcin Wawrzyniec, Katarzyny and Elizabeth, owned Łubkowskim in 1460 (Zs. Czers Gr 1 B 714 f). . Paweł , Jakób , Jan , and W (?) father (?) fulfilled receipt of goods , under which Paweł received Chełchy , in the district of Radom (M. 5 f 104) . Katarzyny, the judge's daughter, wife of Sławca Okecie, relinquished parental wealth to his brother Paweł in 1485 (M. 338 f 9). Jan Ducki de Wilkta and the good of him, Jan , the son was once wit of bagpipes and the good of his Duda Lochowo , W (?) father (?) Ducki of Otwock and the good of his Otwocko called Duckich and Ossowiec and Paweł of bagpipes , Noble Czersk and the good of his will and Lubna , in the Czersk district , together with others they got freedom from Prince Konrad 1476 ( km. ) . Paweł , the judge's son , noble Czersk 1476 ensign Zakroczym 1488 Warsaw , 1489, lieutenant in 1490 he received the privilege of Prince Konrad Mazowiecki in lokacyę village Ducka Will. In 1492 there was a wedding and I prefer (duck) in the buildings in Czersk on Duchnice, in the country of Warsaw. In the same year he received 20 fibers from forests stromeckich (Zs . Warec. 30 f 76, M. 18 f 52 and f 60 41) from Prince Konrad Mazowiecki. His daughter Anna , found for Stefan zu Rososzy 1495 and son Jan , in 1501 , as the successor Chechły ( Chełchy ) , and 1521 , as the successor Bagpipes and Drazgowa (Rad. Inscr . Decr . 832 f VII and IX 414 f) . and Elizabeth , the judge's daughter , his wife and Mlącki Cedrowskiego (Gr Zs . Czers . , and B f 880 f 4 and 2). Wit wit von Elisabeth's son , had a daughter : Barbara , Santa Czyszkowskiego wife , Katarzyny , wife of Michał Żelawińskiego in 1479 and N. , wife of Jan von Prussów in 1478 and sons , Jan and Jakóbus , who wrote the Ostrowca the in 1486 sold Głosków (Zs. Czers G 2 f 225 and 236, M. 338 f 12) . Jan had daughters, Margaret, wife of Franciszek Karczewski, Barbara, wife of Jan Karczewski and Anna. Urbana Babicki's wife, who wrote his whole fortune, it's part of the bagpipes, Otwock, Dąbrówka, etc., 1530 (Gr Zs. Czers. 10A f 11 f 127 and 560). If one of Wit's sons, Noble Carver Czersk, followed Stanisław, he inherited the Kleine Miedzechowie. Stanisław Ducki with his sons Jan and Mikołaj von Miedzechowa Small, testified in 1491, irritieReichstaler In 1499 said the children of Stanislaus Miedzechowa Department. In 1515, Stanisław, son of Mikołaj, testified charged. In 1549 Kataryna, daughter of Stanislaus, was God for Jakób. Marcin , the second son Mikołaj , witnessed Miedzechowa division with his brother - Stanisław 1546 , the same year Marcin secured the dowry of his wife Ursula , with Jasieniec , daughter of Andrzej ( Zs. Warec and C f 127 and 260 , 7 and 518 f . 650 ; . Zs Czers Gr 4 f 5 f 370 and 512) . . Czersk records from 1564 mention Jan Duckim, famous for Jan who was inherited in 1576 together with Stanislav auf Miedzechowie Kleine and Kabajce (Zs. Czers G 307 31 f and Paweł.) .

Life at the end of the fourteenth century Wenceslaus (sometimes called Wincentius instead of Wenzel) of Giżyce, was the father of Zygmunt, the parish priest of Plock, Paweł, Bishop of Plock (CAus. Ep. P. XV) and possibly Wincenty, Marshal of Mazovia . Zygmunt was in 1427 at the University of Kraków (Kraków), and in 1446 he became a doctor of law at Bologna and pastor of Plock. Paweł, the scribe of the earth Kraków 1424 the canons of Posen (Poznań) and Gniezno (Gniezno), Kraków (Kraków) and Plock scholastic , Bishop of Plock 1439 died in 1463 buried in Pultusk , in the church funded by her. Wincenty von Giżyce Giżycki 1446 , the speaker of the Czersku princes of Mazovia and Warsaw , in 1465 , who married castellan wiski , in 1440 , the one-of v. the Olechną from Sąchocina , marszałkówną Mazovia ( M. 3 f 238 ), 2 - the Dobrochna v. Szyrzykówną of Wavelet, daughter of Jan , for whom he made Wavelet, in the Opoczyński district. From Dorota and her sister, the wife of Cave von Ostrow acquired 1447 Szkucin and Wyszyński (Opocz. Decr. 388 f II and Council. Inscr. Decr. 401 f II, III and IV f 131 f 21) . In 1448 , for good guards Sąchocin took from Jan Rogala (M. 4 f 66) . Left two sons: Paweł and Jan, and daughter, Katarzyny, wife of Melsztyn Spytka. in 1463 Wincenty pledged to his daughter the sum of 1000 ducats , and this prevented the Rusienicach , Mysliborz , a suburb of Żarnowskim , Chełsty and Zawady , the daughter of his force, to witness the act of turning away from the paternal estate to the brothers , and the only home of Jan ( Helc . II . 3710 and 3711 ) . In one act it can be concluded that Paweł was born from his first wife, and Jan and Katarzyny on the other. Paweł was in 1459, at the University of Kraków (Kraków). Between Jan and Prince Konrad Mazowiecki war was "belli ac guerrae atrocitas", which ended their 1490 judgment Jan Albert, commanding Prince Conrad to pay 2,000 zł. Giżycki Hung , and records of Giżycach , Roszkach and Great Will they be erased and harm done to each other (km. ) . Jan, court marshal , Prince Boleslaw of Warsaw Sochaczew 1482 years , married one-on v. in 1477 by Margaret of Leżenic, Zianką Sieradz Voivodeship (Zs. Warec. 1 B 288 f). second time with Katarzyna von Kleczowa that after his death they married court Kiernoskiego. sued it in 1509, with the husband being the son of his first wife, Andrzej Gizycki (M. 21 f. 27, 24 f. 70 and 48 f. 543). Andrzej , the son of Jan Kastellan Rawa , died 1530 1501 , secured on their property dowry and dowry of his wife Jadwiga von Propeller . his brother Wenzel, born but from Kleczowskiej. sells Wavelet Slawinska 1533. by 1589 sued his brother Andrzej's sons, Hieronim, Jan, Stanislaus and St. Piotr of Turowice (Opocz. Decr. 4 310 f.). With Kleczowskiej Jan was still Sierpską daughter Anna and son Feliks , after which the remaining daughters , Jadwiga , Mrs. Jakób Masłomęckiego 1543 and Sophie ( Opocz. Decr. 4 471 f.). Opoczno district records 1549 mention Franciszek, Andrzej and Hieronim, sons of Hieronim (InscGraf V f 492). Jan , Kasztelanic Rawa , Married in 1536 to Anna Ciołkówną Sobieńską , wojszczanką Czech (M. 52 f 75 and Zs . Czers G 5 f 182) , with their daughter Jadwiga , left for Maksymilian Boglewski and sons , Franciszek , Stanislaus , Andrzej , Jerzy and Marcin v. Marcy . Four Brothers , with the exception of Franciszek , together with their sister , sued Ciołków tales 1563 , the same year recognizes sister receiving the dowry (Zs. Czers G 30 f 455, 677 and 787 , 32, 469 f.). Franciszek , son of Jan , died young , with an unknown woman had a son , Stanislaus , usamowolnionego 1574 , who in 1576 represented his uncle Marcy . was elected , and daughter Jadwiga , wife of Mikołaj Chmielewski . It relinquished parental property to his brother in 1588. Judgments Lublin from 1585 mentions that Franciszek had a son Andrzej and daughters, Katarzyna, Anne and Elizabeth (ibid. 44 f. 285, 56 f. 995, M. 113 f. 11 and Exp. Lub. 26 f. 98). Andrzej, son of Jan, was married in 1581 to Jadwiga Miedzechowską (ibid. 49 f. 123). His is probably the son Andrzej , I called Andrzej , son of Andrzej from Giżyce , from B Aus en Gostyńska , who died in 1591 , the sons of Mrs. Mniszewskich Margaret , daughter of Wawrzyniec, part of his Kozerach ( Zs. Warec 10 f 813 and Perp Czers and A f 135 . . . ) by him: . Jan, Adam. and successors of Abraham , sued Boglewskiego 1612 (. Zs. Warec 20 f 132 and 148) Among them Jan , married to Teofila ; Dąbrowiczówną , daughter of had a son , Stanislaus , who lived a hundred years , from the time of Wojski (officer and guard of the voivodeships when the voivodeships and castellans were at war) ego Gostyń , in 1641 who acquired the rights Ortyńskich them Pohorzec (Group Lvovs . ) . Stanisław in Russia and Anna Maryanna Lisowski left sons , Andrzej , Canon of Lviv (Lemberg) who died in 1746 , Mikołaj and Kazimierz, the commander of the regiment of Maul batons settled large crown. 1.747 the last two parts of his late on PAus wysokiem , Nowosiółki and her sister Saxon, Maryannie Pagowska (Group Lwows . ) . Mikołaj , the owner of his father Elk , Edler Busko (?) and scribe municipality Kiev 1748 Czesnik buski and judge municipality Halicki 1754 has been surrogatorem governor Halicz , Potocki (Sig. 28) last year . Niedabylskiej by Maryanna , daughter of Mikołaj , Noble carver Czernichow 1743 the 6,000 fl . (Group Buskie ) inscribed , left sons , Antoni Klemens Ignacy and Jan (Group Lvov . from 1760 ) . Antoni Klemens Ignacy, b. Elk in 1744 ( in met Pidkamin 1749 ), 1806 Chamberlain Stanisław died August 1780 the ( Smp . ) Czesnik buski in 1782 and apparently and lieutenant HorAus lo 1792 the owner Bogdanówki and Bereżanki with Maryanna Brzezińska , Skarbnik (treasurer) ównej Brest-Kujawien (DW 96 f 1178 and 1187 Stein Gr . des in 1765 ), died buried in Bazalii 1811 , left a daughter : Constanta for court Drużbackim ; Józefa for Mikołaj Maszkowskim; Ursula for Józef Wiercińskim, MaryAnn Jan Schukowski, Ludwike for Stanisław HorAuseckim and Teresa and Sons, Feliks, Jan Kant Wincenty and Ferdinand Fabian Sebaste. Feliks, with Julia Sokolnicki, daughter of Józef, Andrzej Białoskórskim. Edges Jan Wincenty, who married 1831 , owner Bereżanki in PAus olien , with Tekla with Wiercińskich , had a daughter , Joanna , for Titus Lesniewicz and son Wenzel Józef , b . Nowa Huta in PAus olien in 1822 , died in the municipality of Bronze , 1883 , the owner of the Armenians in PAus olien , since the nobility legitimized themselves 1847 married Olimpia Romerówną in 1851 which had sons Zygmunt Octavian , Waclav Aleksander , Aleksander Kazimierz and Kazimierz Kasper Wincenty and daughter Emilia, Zofia, wife of Boleslaw Bilinski, Marya for Józef Surzyckim; Helena for Izydor Kownackie , Tekla , died in Cracow ( Kraków ) in 1885 , and Anna , for Julius Nosalewskim She married a in Żwańcu in 1895 the sons of Zygmunt , b . , 1852 , married , in 1885 , Czerwińska Maryam , the daughter of Vladimir , the sons , Thaddeus , b . 1886 Mieczyslaw, b. , 1888, Zygmunt , was born. 1889 and daughter Eva. Wenzel, Brahy heirs, married, in 1893, in Rossochowatej Nikorowiczówną Emilia, daughter of Victor and Emeryki the Carnic. Aleksander married, in 1893 , in Kamieniec Polski Tołkaczówną MARY , daughter of Adam and Emma with Chobrzyńskich . Kazimierz, b. married in 1860 , in 1886 and there Bronisława Jankowska has sons Wenzel Cajetan , b . , 1887, Jerzy Mikołaj , b . 1889 and a daughter , Helen undefeated, proved the nobility of the nobility in PAus olien 1896 Ferdinand Fabian Sebastyan , who died in 1846 , had the owner Bogdanówki , ensign starokonstantynowski 1805 married to Christine Żukowska , daughter of Casper , a daughter , Ursula , for Romuald Kiełkiewicz and sons , Grzegorz Kazimierz Eustace , Lucy and Józef Kasper Teofil proved the nobility of nobility in PAus olien 1847 Kazimierz , b . 1819 died 1865 the owner Bogdanówki , Żukowska to Anna , daughter of Jan married sons Antoni and Jan Mark Aurelius Ferdinand , who died in 1883 , and daughters , Cornelia and Valery linPrince Jan Mark Antoni , b . Michnówce 1844 , the owner Bogdanówki , Councilor of State , professor in Dorpat and Mitawie , married in 1876 , in Berditschew MAus esta von Leśniewiczów Laura , who was born with Joanna Lötzen and takes their sons , Yvonne , b . 1882 and Franciszek Józef, b. , 1885, both in Mitawie and daughters Janine and Julia Laura. married the latter in 1901 Klimontów Mikołaj Wąsowicza Dunin - Połotyńskiego, the son of Wincenty and Mary Wąsowicza of Połotyńskich. Lucyan Kasper Józef, who was married, one-on v. Ewaryst MAus erowską , second time Teresa Niwinska , from his first wife had a daughter : . Teresa , wife of Prince Dmitry Mourousy and Evelina , wife of Jan Lukowski and son of Marya b in Vinnitsa 1859 . , who died in 1891 Rzeczyca's other wife - son Antoni , was born 1872 , married, in 1898 , in ShiTomek ekekir Szamborską Józefa , daughter of Józef and Frances Charzewskich complete this branch in the books of nobility in the province PAus olien 1847 registerReichstaler . - 1896 ( List. ) Marcyan v. Marcin , son of Jan , castellan of Rawa , heir and Rożniszewa Zagrobów in Warka , 1576 and together with his brother Andrzej , brother of Franciszek and children unknown closer : . Hieronim , children Piotr and widow Freitag, had Giżyce and Bieniewo 1579 ( PAW. ) . the same Marcyan of Giżyce Land Gostyńska, 1575 attested on file Czerski and in 1578 in the files of Warka, an entry for life with his wife Zofia Lasocki, daughter of Stanislaus (Zs. Czers G 882 42 f, Zs. Warec. 989 11 f.) 1588 appointed a guardian to your children (Zs. Czers G 57 f 85). in 1594 , he was a Czersk collector . (. sa Issued 58 f 314) died Gostyń Haushofmeister ' s sons : Mikołaj , Albert , Anselm , Aleksander and Remigian and daughters : Maryna for Paweł Ratibor ; Anna for Jurgianem Młochowskim; Agnieszka for Łukasz Puczkiem, Jadwiga for Krzysztof Czyszkowskim. and Sophie for Dobrzynieckim. Raciborski secured the dowry to his wife Agnes 1599 deceased Anna Młochowska brothers said part of his Rożniszewie and Zagrobach 1604 confirm Agnieszka in father's dowry Jadwiga in 1615 confirm the brothers dowry in 1615 and Sophie in 1621 ( Perp. Czers., and f B 309, 2 460 and 538 f , 3 f 31 , 5 f 121, DW 46 1294 f ). ABOUT Olbrachcie do not know. Anselm died childless before in 1626 where his brother Mikołaj left inheritance from him , the decline after another , his brother Remigianowi . the latter together with his brother Aleksander leased by his brother Mikołaj Rożniszewie in 1613 and left in 1617 . In 1648 he lived in Czersk which signed the land, election of Jan Kazimierz. Maryanna, daughter Remigi for Aleksander Czyszkowskim 1653 (Perp. Czers. 7 f. 338, 11 f. 572, Zs. Warec. 20 f. 28 and f. 21 748). Aleksander pledged part of his 1614 years to Giżycach and Rożniszewie's brother Mikołaj, heir to Zagrobach (Zap. Or. 21 f 240). Mikołaj , Marcy 's son , Chamberlain Czersk 1619 castellan of Czersk 1622 years the community received a 1625 shooting hand . (M. 172 f 91) . died in 1637 . testified in 1608 , an entry for life with his wife , Anna von Czyszkowskich , who after the death of her husband in 1637 , represents the advocates of his sons Stanislaus , Krzysztof , Mikołaj and Franciszek ( Perp . Czers . 3 f 121 and Zs .Warec .26 f 1) . Besides these sons, castellan Czersk left daughters Hedwig, the wife of one of the PAus lAus owskiego v. Jakub, 2 B.C. Stanisław Żabickiego from 1641 , and Maryann . All children finished the department castellan of goods in the year 1644 Among them ( Zs . Warec 26 f 571 and Perp Czers 10 f 233 and 502 . . . ) : . Stanisław received from his father Osiemborowo 1635 in 1650 he was canon Kruszwickim and 1655 the pastor in Magnuszewie (Perp . Czers. 327 10 f., Zs. Warec. 28 f. 28 f. 155 and 341). Krzysztof , under the name of Constantine , the Order of the Carmelites ( Zs. Warec . 29 268 f ) 1654 Franciszek entry testified for life with his wife , Anna of Słąnków He had died in 1662 , what remained after the widow with children : . . Adam , Franciszek , marcyanna and Teresa , sued the Stanislaus , canon Kruszwickim , about a tenth of Osiemborowa . Taz widow with children sold some Sadkowa and Zamosc Boniecki 1667 to 1681 the Jan Gizycki, Ensign Owrucki, sued the forests in the village of Wolka Tarnów ( Perp. Czers. f 11 672 and 673, 13 f 180 and 230; Zs Warec 29 f. 228 , 31, 132 f) the children of Franciszek : . . Franciszek , a canon he von Luck in 1710 and marcyanna , the wife of Zygmunt Trzebinski , Swordbearer Czersk 1712 ( Perp. . czers . 226 f 17, f 14 D 94, 18, 175 f.). Mikołaj , Kasztelanic Czersk , said in 1645 developing life in prison with his wife Joanna Maryann Dobrzyniecka and secured 15,000 fl . in 1647 he was dead. in 1655 which went after the widow 2 for v. Oczosalskiego for Maksymilian , LandrichterBraclaw ( Perp. Czers . 535 10 f , 13 f 321, M. 190 f 240 and Zs . Warec . 28f . 302) His son Jan Józef Stanisław , mostly just issued Jan Jan Stanislaus in the file named , and daughters , Anna and Teresa , of which 1663 Anna already dead last year , the castellan Czersk widow and her sons. : Stanisław , a canon he Kruszwica and Constantine ( Krzysztof ), Carmelite , widow of Mikołaj, bailiff icu Czersk with her son Jan and daughter Teresa and widow of Franciszek , bailiff icu Czersk , with children : Adam, Franciszek , marcyanna and Teresa , Osiemborowie heirs are suing the This village Osiemborowskim ( Zs. Warec . 268 29 f ) . Teresa, daughter of Mikołaj, castellan Czersk, 1-on for Luke v. Cieciszewskim, cupbearer liwskim in 1673, 2 -on for Franciszek v. Antoni Chomętowskim, judge liwskim Erde, his widow in 1695 (Perp. Czers. 448 13 f and 279 f 14 C). Jan, Jan v. Stanisław , son of castellan Czersk , ensign owrucki 1680 the owners of Tarnow and Rudy , in Czersk land received 1699 from August II confirmed the privilege Prince Ziemowita Mazowiecki, duty on the Vistula near Tarnow ( Perp. Czers. 321 13 f , 14 C and 15 f 42 f 138) . written by BAus en Czersk about the election of King Augustus II . . in 1699 , the king's captain , then colonel of the royal army (ibid. 14 D f 142) . Katarzyny von Paprockich , daughter of Zygmunt von Paprotek Paprocki , Wojski (officer and guardian of the voivodeships when the voivodes and castellans were at war) ego Ciechanowskie and Jadwiga Zaborowskich married, together with the treatment was by Winklerów 1700 lease Gościeńczyc ( Zap. Issued 68 f 873 and M 242 f 48) . survived by sons Franciszek , Bartłomiej , Andrzej and Aleksander , and daughters , Teresa , wife of an o v. Michał Paprocki 1697 2 v. Michał Arnolf von Prażmowski, governor Nieszawa in 1703 Katarzyny, wife of Marcin Wybranowskiego, ensign PAus olien und Maryann, wife of Aleksander Lewikowskiego, Wojski (officer and guard of the voivodeships when the voivodes and castellans were at war) ego Stężyce. mentions siblings, with the exception of Theresa perhaps then deceased, to meet his mother in 1712, the distribution of goods: . Piotrkowice , Zagroby , Tarnow , Tarnow ores and Wolka , Osiemborowa and Boguszkowa , to the land of Czersk ( Perp. Czers 17 f. 375 , 16 A f 1 and 14 D 10 f ) by the sons of ensign owruckiego : . Aleksander died without issue before 1735 in which his brother Andrzej, as his successor and guardian of his son, and his brother Franciszek, ensign Owrucki 1712 in Trzebinski confirm (ibid. 23 B f 53) Andrzej, cupbearer Nurski in 1724 catch Czersk 1728 he was a candidate for the 1739 from komorstwa Czersk (M. 258 f 119) but did not receive the office and has Hofmeister : . Married 1-on with TheAus ora v. Kicińska who testified to a life-saving sentence in 1724, the 2-by BC. by Maryann from Przyłuski, which his mother wrote a marriage contract marriage contract years 1732 (Perp. Czers. 353 f 19, f 22 201 and 23 A 259 f.). his daughter Salome, the wife of Dominik PAus horski, Czesnik Czernichow, complains 1755 years to his uncle Bartłomiej von Rożniszew and Zagroby (ibid. 30 f. 139). After Franciszek , ensign Owrucki 1712 remained son Franciszek , the patron in 1735 was his uncle Andrzej (ibid. 17 f. 375 , 23 B f 53) . Bartholomew , catch Czersk 1739, on Lord High Steward, and the cupbearer , at the end of 1746 y Kastellan WyszoRichter . , was killed . hajdamacy 1768 in Kniażypolu the Kamenyets , home of his daughter Caroline , one-on v. Kilianowej Wislocki, 2 v. 1764 the wife of Jan von Nepomuk Ilińskiego, governor cudnowskiego. in 1739 he was a candidate for judging the earth Czersk (M. 258 f. 119 . ) in 1740 he was appointed master of the steward SchyTomek ekekyr , but this nominacya nieprzyszła to fruition . Romerówny with Frances , with whom admission testified for life in 1721 , and that after his death was introduced in 1769 for estates Rożniszewa , Osiemborowa , Zagroby and Boguszkowa ( Perp. Czers . 113 f 19 and 34 f 101 ) , in addition to the named daughter left Sons led Gaetano and Tadeusz estates Rożniszewa and Eisen Osiemborowa in 1771 and kwitowanych through. Gołembiowskich in 1776 years ( Perp. Czers . 32 f 38, f 34 268 and 35 152 f . ) they have fulfilled the above goods section in 1782 (ibid. 37 f 70 ) . Cajetan , under the name Stanislaus Kasztelanic WyszoRichter , allowance for Crown Court was Hofmeister Owrucki 1767 then appointed as Ensign Cajetan in 1776 ZhyTomek ekekyr and Kyiv Ensign 1784 Knight of the Order of St Stanislaus 1783 ; . Owner Krasnopol in the province of Kiev died in 1785, who remained after the widow Katarzyna von Rakowskich, together with their children: Salomea, Antoni, Franciszek, Adam and Bartłomiej, Osiemborowa and Eisen were introduced in 1786 (Perp. Czers 271 38 f.). these children ensign Kiev, together with his mother , entered komplanacyę with his uncle Tadeusz , a good country located in Czersk (ibid. 39 f. 75 ) . Salome for Dominik Oskierko. Antoni , sword bearer Kiev 1785 in his own name and brothers , together the uncle Tadeusz , sold 1786 years Osiemborowo and Eisen Gordon (DW 102 f 956) . Bartholomew Volhynia provincial marshal of the nobility, then governor of Volhynia until 1825 , and was married to Graf . Ilińską Ludwike , starościanką żyTomek ekekierską . Franciszek 1786 had lieutenant kawaleryi national ( Perp . Czers 39 f 75 . ) , married to Veronica Sulatycką with their daughters : . Elizabeth , the wife of Count Chołoniewski Andrzej and Cecilia , the wife of Ignacy Stempkowski and son Jan von Nepomuk , the Marshal of the Nobility District ZhyTomek ekekyr , who awarded deputacya noble Volhynia the title of count . Walewskiej With Józefa who died in Volhynia Mołoczkach in 1863 he left three daughters , Albertine , for Count Franciszek zekzekzekzekzekzekkzek Zamoyski , of the Hungarian line , Hedwig , for Leon Gizycki and Michalina for Leonard Shashkevych . Tadeusz Kasztelanic WyszoRichter, Chamberlain Stanislaus Augustus and Chev. Stanisław 1785 in a compromise and aspiring , other estates of his father entered the land of Czersk with Kajetan 's brother , the widow and their children , in 1786 the following year , sold part of his estate to Ambrosius Rakowski , while they settled the sum for his Wife, Agnes von Rakowskich on Medwedówkę secured his sons ( Perp. Czers 39 f 75 and 152 , DW 102 f 830 and 103 f 763 . . ) . : Ludwik , Franciszek Xavier and Jan , were used for counting by the decyzyi deputacyi noble Apart from these, he still Tadeusz sons : . . Piotr, Erasmus and Ignacy Ludwig, owners of Novosyelitsa and Jałaniec married Michalina Sobanska with her sons Michał and Leona and daughters Stefania, for hr Mieczyslaw Grocholskim, Zofia, for hr Edward Łubieński, who died in 1847 and was buried in Rome; . . . . wiktory and Marya, for hr Zygmunt Czarnecki Michal , owner Novosyelitsa in Volhynia , married, in 1865 r . Count Ludmila Zamoyska, the son of Józef. Leon, owner of Jalance in PAus olien, married Jadwiga Giżycka. Franciszek Xavier Neri Bartholomew, b. 1786 ( met in Starymkonstantynowie ) , the heir of Zdarzec , Janina and Głębówka , died in 1843 married to Barbara Skowrońska , left a daughter Mary , for N. Iliaszewiczem , Anna , Antoni Iliaszewiczem 1846 years ; . . Władysława Tekla and son Kazimierz , b Warsaw 1821 Jan , the owner and Tachtalii Nehrebówki in PAus olien , Oskierczanką married Mary , born of Salome Lötzen , left children : Flora and Xavier Ladislaus Józef , Jan and Flora, and daughter , Tekla , for Ludwik Rakowski , proved the nobility of the nobility in the province PAus olien 1845 In addition to these we can meet the following Giżycki : Stanisław Giżycki the courts in Lviv (Lemberg) 1450 ( AGZ. XIV . 2.332 ) . Children of Piotr, co-heirs Giżyce 1579 (PAW.). Son of Piotr , residing in Kościan district , sued for assault Prażmowskiego in 1582 (Gr Zs . Czers . 517 50 f . ) Isn't that the same W (?) father (?) was then governor Belz , whose famous for Mikołaj says konstytucya Sejm from in 1620 , Mikołaj in 1594 the law in Padua. Felicyanna for Jan Ciołkiem Osiemborowskim 1586 (ibid. 13 f. . 579) . Dorota for Piotr Babickim in 1642 ( Perp. Czers. 321 10 f. ) 1667 Stefan attested entry for life with his wife Katarzyna von Leżeńskich (ibid. 13, 167 f.). Luke, the Lord High Steward of Kyiv in 1669 r . Mikołaj Land Czersk , and Michał , the judge Rzeczycki , the district rzeczyckim signed the election of King Jan III -go . rzeczyckim in the county Treasurer Michał was Jan 1764-1772 swordsman , Zofia married Fredrówną in 1692 ( Zap . Or . 873 68 f ) . Bartholomew and Andrzej , sons Mikołaj , bought from stolego Livonian sum Żabickiego years 1714 ( Perp. Czers . 160 18 f . ) Marcin , son of Sebaste , the governor hussar regiment , married in 1721 with Maryann from Zdzienieckich (ibid. 19 f. 138 and 148 ) . Antoni, who died before 1774 and was married to Kunegunda by Konar Kołaczkowska, daughter of Józef and Michał Maryanna Hunting (Transcript tip. Run. 165 f. 316) . Giżycki Paweł, from BAus en Czersk, in 1543 he moved to Prussia and here received 112- stands here from land in the county of leckim established two villages named Giżyce. Married to N. de Jachwaldt, he left his son Albert, whose great-grandson Ernest returned to Poland and was the king's captain in 1706 (Rel. Castro. Leop. 3.175-3.176 12 f.). Is not Ernest was married in 1711 , with Eufrozyna Derzachoriaszewiczówną (?) (group Żydacz . 54f . 275 ) . Józef , captain of the dragoon regiment , married in 1719 , with Anastasius Rohatyńską (Group Żydacz . 55 and 57). , Paweł , who was married to Hedwig Fredrówną , with their daughter , Ursula , for W (?) Father (?) Richter in 1759 ( G left Buskie ) . Józefs, who was married to Hedwig Zagorska, had a daughter, Maryann, wife of Stanisław Dobrzański, heir to the Falejówki and his son who lived in 1731 (Group Sanoc. Prot. 941 66 f.). Aleksander , from EuphroSohn e Bogucka , left daughter , Zofia , for Józef Janowski year 1731 ( G Sanoc . ) and sons married W (?) father (?) to Maryann Świejkowską and Andrzej , married to Zofia Pagowska . Grandson W (?) Father (?) Tomek ekekasz and Adam , sons Andrzej and Anna Białokurowiczównej , testified to the nobility in 1782 with r , a city of Sanok in court, and Adam's son Jan , b . 1772 the estate , in 1838 showed the US grandson Andrzej Jan , the son of Antoni and Zofia decidua , the nobility , in 1782 district courtSanok and Maryanna Pohorecka , left children :. . Feliks , Karol and Joanna W (?) father (?) checked in 1782 in Sanok earthly court Aleksander , son of Stefanund Katarzyny Siczyńskiej , grandson of Antoni and Ursula Czarnecka in 1782 , proved his noble origin, the court Cantonal Trembowelski m , without your arms Piotr and Melchior , sons Walenty , grandson Franciszek wylegitymowali nobility in kingdom 1841 son Mikołaj Tomek ekekasz , Jan with his sons : . Jan , Grzegorz , his sons , Jan and Matthias and Szymon , his sons : Antoni and Jan 1845 ; Teofil , son of Jerzy , grandson of Jan and Leon and Dominik , sons of Jan , grandson Jan , in 1860 , and Michał , son of Jerzy , grandson of Jan , in 1868 interrogating the nobility in the province of PAus olien . Tomek ekekasz and Jan were sons of Andrzej, grandson of Tomek ekekasz, great-grandson of Tomek ekekasz (list.). Honor , daughter of Stanislaus , married , in 1805 , Ignacy Zakrzewski h Trzaska von PAus olien .