The noble Polish family Babicz. Die adlige polnische Familie Babicz. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Babicz. Die adlige polnische Familie Babicz. E-Book

Werner Zurek



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The noble Polish family Babicz. Die adlige polnische Familie Babicz.

The noble Polish family Babicz.Impressum

The noble Polish family Babicz.

Die adlige polnische Familie Babicz.

The noble Polish family Babicz.

The noble Polish family Babicz, coat of arms print ( Drucki Książę )

Babicz. Belz Voivodeship in 1540. They come from the line of Russian princes, are a branch of the Sokolinsky family. Thrive in Russia as princes with the Babicz coat of arms. A branch that does not bear the title of prince was entered in the nobility register of Galicia in 1782 and 1808.

cityand countyKaliszcaptionsseventeenth/eighteenth century 5641 (N178 /180) 1743  Adam Babicki , ol . and . B.'ol . Elżb . Strzyiskiej , ol . Jan becomes score. bishop. + -His sisters born. Son title en . x Michael Bułakowskiego prepo Philip on Śródka , his uncle (p. 15)

36/119/0/4/559 0 List of mortgage property near the village Babicz Community Korytnica1929 1933 Geographical Register Babicz VillageState Archives in Lublin Branch in Chelm 36/119/0/4/in 1472 0 List Mortgage Babicz Village Community Mikulicze1929State Archives in Lublin Branch in Chelm 36/119/0/4/560 0 List of mortgage property near the village Babicz Community Korytnica1929 -1932Geographical Register Babicz VillageState Archives in Lublin Branch in Chelm 53/471/0/12.17/2192 0 Tailoring -Jan Babicz Piła1947State Archives in Poznań 35/442/0/-/1398 0 District Arbitration Office in the application Lubartów Branickiego Michał vs. Babiczowi Stanisławowi1935State Archive in Lublin 36/115/0/-/2638 0 File on the application of StefanBabicz against Piotr and Zofia Babiczowi Goluchowej1936 -1937 1939State Archives in Lublin Branch in Chelm 36/372/0/-/7 Minutes of the meeting in Chłopiatynie GRN N I- VIII1961Personal register Babicz Kazimierz - the Vo President of the PGRN ; Janczura Zygmunt - Secretary of PGRN; Pastuszak Stanisław - President PGRN; Senderek Jan - Chairman PGRN State Archives in Lublin Branch in Chelm 36/372/0/-/11 0 Minutes of Presidium meetings in Chłopiatynie GRN N 1-101961 Register of persons Babicz Kazimierz - Chairman of PGRN ; Janczura Zygmunt - Secretary of PGRNState Archives in Lublin Branch in Chelm 38/410/0/-/71 [ book of mortgage ] Lordship Głęboczyzna , no hip. 53 , Volume II1887 -1937Angela Register of Persons Babicz , Babicz Stanisław , Butrym Maryanna ; Chimski Jozef ; Ciok Constantine ; Danilko Anna ; Danilko Snapper, Delicacy Stefan ; Dersewicz Bronislaw ; Gadomski Aleksander; Gadomski Franciszek; Gadomski Wik (...)State Archives in Lublin Ast Radzyń Pauslaski 38/410/0/-/64 0 [Book Farm Derewiczna Hypotheken , Hypotheken- N 48 , Volume II ] from 1910 to 1946 , 1958 , 1968Personal register Babicz Anna ; Beck Carolina ; Bek Wladyslaw ; Berenc Antoinette ; Berenc Maryanna ; Chlibinski Jan ; Chomiuk Emilia, Emilia Chomiuk of Chomiuków; Chomiuk Franciszek ; Chomiuk Stanislaw ; Ciok Ivanity, Czech Teodor, Demjanjuk Piotr; Doluk Wladyslaw ; Gawałko Aleksander; Gawałko Katarzyny, Golec Katarzyna of Siłuchów; Hałajuk Michał ; Harasimiuk Angela ; Harasimiuk Feliks ; Harasimiuk Stefan ; Jar (...)State Archives in Lublin Ast Radzyń Pauslaski 37/250/0/-/74 0 Cologne Bełżyce Part . 11894-1945 Volume 4 [2000 ]Register of persons Abramovich Marcin; Adamczyk-Dabrowska Angela; Anasiewicz Antoni, Michał Babicz, Baka Antoni, Antoni Biernat, Michał Biernat, Paweł Biernat, Blaszczyk-Dabrowska by Józef Ludwik Loaf-Dabrowska; Bogudzki Julian , Full Beard Kazimierz Brzezinski Constantine , Brzezinski Witold ; Ceglinska Maryanna ; Ceglinska - Rumińska Eve ; Chyła Henrykk's son Antoni; Chyła - Sosnowska Cecilia wife of Henrykk; Dabrowska - Adamczyk Angela , Dabrowska - Blaszczyk Józef ; Dabrowska (...) State Archives in Lublin Ast Kraśnik 38/410/0/-/63 [ book of mortgage ] Farm Derewiczna , no hip [ separated from earthly goods Planta ] . 48 , Volume I1897-1938 , 1963-1978 register of persons Babicz Anna from Łobejków ; Bek Carolina with Chomiuków; Berenc Antoinette ; Berenc Maryanna Mackiewicz, Jan Tadeusz Brzozowski Adam; Chaluk Michael ; Chlibiak ( Chlibiuk ) Jan ; Chomiuk Emilia ; Chomiuk Franciszek of Chomiuków; Chomiuk Stanislaw ; Chomiuk Stefan ; Ciok Vasyl ; Nikita Meise , Demjanjuk Piotr ; Gawałko Aleksander; Gawałko Katarzyna of Oleszczuków; Golec Katarzyna of Siłuchów; Grysi (...) State Archives in Lublin Ast Radzyń Pauslaski 53/918/0/13.31/3149 0 Index to records of late death settlers arriving at a base in the Green Górze in 1945 Register of persons (...) Andrzej1037 ; Antkowiak Józef 1037 ; Antoniak Alice in 2093 ; Antosiewicz Paweł 77 ; Antosiewicz Piotr 5385/46 ; Antisik Veronica 1122-1145 ; Arciszewska Marya 400/45 ; Aryniak Albert 86/45 ; Audrzynowski Józef 17777 ; Augustine Ignacy 3781; Augus Czeslaw 3103, Augus Maryan 3537; Aygustyn Ignacy 3781 ; Babarowski Stanisław - 21-2007 ; Babiarczyk Stanisław 4333/45 ; Babicz Antoni 2858/46 ; Babonski Kazimierz 3630 ; Baczerz Waclaw 2783 ; BACZKOWSKI Adam 219/45 ; Bączyk Stefan 2220 , Marya Baczyńska 456/45 ; Baczyńska Teofil in 1416 -1445 ; Baczyński Wladyslaw 3363 ; Badus Stanisław 175/45 , 210 Henrykk Bajau , Bajau Józef 226; Bak Antoni 2250 ; Bakerek Antoni 643/45 ; Bak Henrykk 2389 ; Aubergine Łukasz 3140 ; Bakowska Helena 3225 ; Bałabon Władydsław 1143-1145 (...)State Archives in Posen (Poznań) 53/918/0/13.12/2663 ​​​​0 Record alphabetical index to Volume IV - Xb.d.Personenregister (...) Ski Antoni , number: 6018 ; Amold Eve number: 38487 ; Szymon Andrzejewski number: 38841 ; Andrzyszczak Pelagia number: 38294 , English Stanisław number: 37835 ; Ararko Aleksander number: 37784 ; Arciszewski Julian number: 38043 ; Aulonowicz Adam number: 38014 ; Babarowski Stanisław , number: 9240 ; Babecki Waldemar , number: in 1569 6 , Piotr Baber number: 38048 ; Babiak Mieczyslaw , number: 20059 , Babicz Michał , number: 15353 , Babik Eugene , number: 15280 , Babinski Antoni , number: 11389 ; Babinski Gabriel , number: 12690 , Babirecki Stefan , number: 16444 , Babisz Angela , number: 16821 , Babrocki Stefan , number: 21189 , Babula Agnes , number: 15295 , Bachyrycz Józef , number: 8451 ; Baćmaga Stefan number: 8153 ; Baczkowski Aleksander , number: 12210 , Baczkowski Stanisław number: 38493 , B (...)State Archives in Poznań 53/918/0/9/3160 0 repertories decisions out of szkAus owawczych8 X II from 1945 to 1926 1947 register of persons ( ...) 02; Babiak Cecilia - 142-14113 ; Babiańska (Korewa) Anna - 169-16812, Babiarz Helena - 160-15907, Babiarz Teresa - 103-10247; Babicka Florentyna - 53-5298 ; Babicka Marya - 128-12755, Antoni Babicz - 174-17400, Bronislaw Babicz - 128-12754; Baberczuk Agnes-24-2306; Babijczuk Szymon - 107-10627 ; Babi Dominik - 193-19223 ; Babij Franciszek - 183-18248 ; Babinska ( Babimska ) Marya - 92-9196 , (...) State Archives in Poznań

The ancestors of the dukes Drucki will be prince. Michał, his sons and Wasil Semen. Descendants of Prince Vasil 1508 to Moscow, and from them come the princes Druccy existing in Rossyia. Prince Semen had a son Dmitri, who already, like his descendants, we have some news. Prince Dymitry belonged to the Lithuanian expedition equipped by Kestutis against Moscow in 1372 ( Ka V f 25). His sons: Prince Ivan signed a peace with the Teutonic Order in 1398 and Prince Semen promised Dymitriewicz in 1401 to remain loyal to King Ladislaus (f Racz. 256 and CAus. Epist. Pp. XV. 30). Her sister was to be a priest. Aleksander, wife of Prince Andrzej Olgimuntowicza Holszański, mother of Queen Zofia (Kniaź.). The sons of the princes of Demetrius became Michał and Aleksander Pberescy , died on Worskla 1399 the name was taken from PAus berezia , in the district of Orszańskim . In 1423 , the prince Druccy : Ivan Baba and Pucyata were besieged by Witold against the Mongols sent Aus ojew (. Ka VN 214). They are his father's sons. Semen Dymitriewicza and princes: Michał, Wasil, Dimitri Siekira and Hrehory (Kniaź.). Prince Ivan Semenowicz Baba signed the Treaty of 1422 Lithuania into law. He then entered the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow, Wasil Dark (Ka. V.) . His sons Wasil, Semen and Iwan, also to Moscow, two others, Fedor and Constantine, the other in Lithuania. Prince Fedor Ivanovich, often referred to as Fedor Babicz, was given by Kazimierz Jag. in the years 1443-1450 of different origin ( Kniaź. ) . The sons of the princes of Semen , Fedor , Vasil and Ivan Fyorovich , said in 1466 to the monastery records czerejski that Kazimierz Jag . approved 1469 (A. Zap . Ros. III). Prince Semen Fyorovich; already Sokolinski 1489 toropecki governor , and the governor Branski 1492 his sons Yuri , Wasil and Andrzej Sokolińscy princes . Prince Fedor Fedorovich, nicknamed Konopla, gave birth to Princes Konopla-Sokolińskim. Prince Ivan Fyorovich, who is a Glinski fan, went with them to Moscow in 1508, but his wife and children stayed in Lithuania and gave birth to Prince Oziereckim. The descendants of Prince Konstanty Ivanovich, Czesnik century, Prince Vytautienė of Pryhaby estates, called them the Pryhabskimi. Prince Puciata Iwan Semenowicz, Lithuania signed a treaty with the law to 1422 and a truce with the Świdrygiełły with Władysław Jag. 1431 and the covenant made by the same century , prince . with the Teutonic Order 1432 ( Skarb. Dan . , and A. Rus. Liw . f 190) . His sons: Ivan and Dymitry Puciatycze princes. PJ Wolff believes Prince Wasil is known ancestor of Prince Horskich, son of Prince Ivan Puciaty Semenowicz as well, and Prince Michał, whose son was to be a priest. Yuri Mikhailovich Szyszewski, then called the Tołoczyńskim. Prince Michał Semenowicz nicknamed Bołoban , the Wilkomierz died in 1435 . Bychowca Chronicle says that Prince Wasil ( Semenowicz ) Krasny , together with his brother , Prince Mitkiem Zubrewickim was conquered in. Prince Reichstaler Zygmunt in 1432 Oszmian Dass Prince Wasil signed a year before the truce with Władysław Jag . , From Świdrygiełły , 1446 he was Deputy Century , Prince Kazimierz exit Piotrkowski , 1447 he was present at his coronation , and again in 1448 , the envoy of the Lithuanian Parliament Lublin (L). He was married to P. Worotyńską because his son , Prince Ivan Wasilevich Krasny , said in 1505 on a Losko that Prince Marya , daughter Korybut Olgerdowicza , through centuries the prince bred. Witold was issued for his uncle, Fürst. Fedora Worotyńskiego . Sister, so Prince Fedora had to be the mother of Ivan and his wife, Prince. Wasil Krasne (June 5). Prince Ivan Wasilevich Krasny I took the two princes in the "post houses" for Ostrogski and assigned a priest . Ivan Ostrogskiemu women who were married to Prince Ivan Wasilevich Krasne. , A witness for the record, Prince Zubrewickiej and Trąbski 1486 he was the next governor of Minsk . Married one-on v. Prince MARY Semenówną Kobryńską , second time Prince Maryna Zasławską Ivanovna . Judgment of Prince Zygmunt from 1508 on which Czerewaczyce released and Hruszowę mentioned that Maryna, second daughter of Prince Cossack Romanowicz, was the wife of Prince Ivan Wasilevich Krasne, a record of testimony of Prince Ivan in 1516 to the wife of Prince Zasławski testifies from his second marriage tem (Junior 2 and 10) . Prince Dymitri, his only son, had been dead since 1507 ( Kniaź. ). Prince Dymitri Semenowicz, v. Mitko Semenowicz, v. Dymitri Siekira 1427 received from Wladyslaw Jag. many estates in the land of the Lviv (Lemberg) ( Inw. Arc - c. Kor. ) . Well Zubrowice , what he owned , and thus was called Zubrowickim wrote Prince Zofia ( presumably his wife ) and their children ( Junior 2 year 6900 ? ') . Prince Sophie and her daughter, Prince Maryna, wife of Prince Semen Semenowicz Trabskiego, Turzno 1486 engraved to the Council of Vilnius (Wilna, Wilno, Wilnjus) This act in which the two princesses call Prince Semen his grandfather, and Prince Semen Yuryevich Holszański , his brother who introduced me to the bug and placed them in the "post houses" as sisters, while one of them is the mother of the other. Mentioned in this act , Lord Semen is probably Druckim , grandfather , Lord Maryna . (June 2 and Arch. Zbor. Doc. VI). Lord AKUT Dymitri kept for centuries by Lord Vytautas and Zygmunt who is in dispute with Lord. Zwiaholskimi, Kazimierz Jag. bestowed upon her in 1489 by Prince Maryna (Inw. Arch. Ko Woj Stick., ML. 4). Prince Maryna. Acts of 1490 and 1496 his entire fortune to his grandson wrote Olbrycht Gasztołdowi (Junior 2 and 4) . In his judgment, the acute , Prince named Maryna after the Prince's daughter. Mitjka Siekiry, in the files of the donation, the daughter of Prince Dimitri Zubrewickiego. PJ Wolff, based on the actions of the donation, testimonial from F. Maryna for Olbracht, the grandson of Jan Gasztold, in which she called him her grandson, according to Pater. Maryna had a daughter , issued to Marcin Gasztold 's father Olbracht . I thought that again Prince Dymitri Zubrewicki as his entry for his wife and convinced their children had their several and that the other was his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Jan Gasztold, Olbracht's grandfather, whom Prince Maryna was nothing but cousin wife. This claim relied on my deed that King Aleksander's list on the right Traby , Holszany etc. after the death of Prince Trąbski , Gasztold's aunt and her sister Elizabeth carried the law to this Gasztold cupbearer of the king from his estate and donated collection collectors from Novgorod , always confirmed in Brest, March 17 Ind. VIII (1505) (June 2 f 27). Wife of Jan Gasztold just named Elizabeth. However coat of arms posted on the tombstone Olbracht in Vilnius (Wilna, Wilno, Wilnjus), against my assertion is supported. There are four: Habdank, Hipocentaurus, Zadora, and Druck. They show that Jan Gasztold's wife was Zadorczanka may have daughter and wife Jawnuvon him u as says Pan J. Wolff , Princess Trabska . In this case there is a flaw in the plot I quoted. Claiming the support again visit castle ostrskiego 1628 , the examiners divided : that the estates went past the right of inheritance , and only after the childless death of P. . Mary Trąbski, delivered into the hands of the king. If so, Prince Trabska died, leaving her daughter for Gasztold not to be able . (Archive IZ Ros. VII. 1) . Prince Hrehory Semenowicz , signed the Treaty of Lithuania against the Germans in 1422 With the case pending in 1561 between Prince Sokolińskimi and Lübeck The custody of Prince Horskimi it seems that Prince Sokolińscy go to F . Ivan Baba and Prince Lubeccy go to the father. Hrehorym ( Kniaź. ) . Son of Prince Hrehorego , Prince Hrehorowicz Wasil , a witness for the record , Prince Semen Fedorowicza Sokolińskiego in 1466 , the monastery czerejski (A. Zap . Ros. III) , was born with sister Olizarowej Szyłowiczowej , who in 1488 passed to his nephew , Prince wrote married. Bohdan Wasilewiczowi Lubcza , after his death , gave the jag to Aleksander . in 1500 , his brother, Prince Roman Wasilewiczowi ( June 5 ) . His descendants , Prince Lubeccy . Druck was owned by all princes Drucki, as a matter of some Druck, founded in 1548 after the death of Father. Semen Jamontowicza PAus bereskiego , to persuade and involved in everyone named Prince Druccy .

The noble Polish family Babicz.

The noble Polish family Babicz.

City and country of Gniezno part 1

6925 (#76) 1622

X. Andrzej Gembicki, the abbot and commander of Trzemeszno, and the entire convoy of I and Mikoł. Dzialynski, Chamberlain of Dobrzyń. from the 2nd receipt with the counter in between included X. Wojc. Mieliński op. I shake. and this diary about the carrier city of Kazimierz and the village of Ul. Babicz, Prawęczycz, Sobienia, Chrosna and the villages of Bryski, Gora, Kossino near Łęczyce. with 8/3. (f. 27). cf counter exercise these goods on l. 3 census. 5/6 1621 from Op. Jewel. (f. 27)

The ancestor of the Dukes of Drucki is said to be Fr. Michał, his sons Wasil and Semen. The descendants of Prince Vasil moved to Moscow in 1508 and are the descendants of the Drucki princes existing in Russia. Prince Semen was supposed to have a son, Dmitry, about whom we already have some information, as well as his descendants. Fr. Dymitry belonged to the Lithuanian campaign organized by Kiejstut against Moscow in 1372 (Kar. V f. 25). His sons: Rev. Ivan signed a peace with the Teutonic Knights in 1398 and Fr. Semen Dymitriewicz promised loyalty to King Władysław in 1401 (Racz. f. 256 and Cod. Epist. p. XV. 30). Her sister was to become a priest. Alexandra, wife of Father Andrzej Olgimuntowicz Holszański, mother of Queen Zofia (Kniaź.). Dymitr 's sons were also princes: Michał and Aleksander Podbereski, who died in Vorskla in 1399. They received their surname from Podberez in Orsza County. In 1423 the dukes of Drucki: Ivan Baba and Pucyata were sent by Vytautas against the Mongols who besieged Odoyev (Car. V No. 214). They shall become Father's sons. Semen Dymitriewicz, as well as princes: Michał, Wasil, Dymitr Siekira and Hrehory (Kniaź.). Fr. Ivan Semenovich Baba signed the Lithuanian Treaty with the Order in 1422. He then accepted the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow, Vasil the Dark (Car. V). His sons Vasil, Semen and Ivan also moved to Moscow, two others, Fedor and Konstanty, stayed in Lithuania. Fr. Fyodor Ivanovich; often called Fedor Babicz, he received it from Kazimierz Jag. in the years 1443-1450 various grants (Kniaź.). The sons of his princes: Semen, Fedor, Wasil and Iwan Fedorowicz testified in 1466 to the records for the Cherei Monastery, which Kazimierz Jag. approved 1469 (A. Zap. Ros. III). Mrs. Sperm Fedorowicz; already Sokoliński, governor of Toropecki in 1489 and governor of Brańsk in 1492. His sons: Jurij, Wasil and Andrzej, princes of Sokolińscy. Fr. Fedor Fedorowicz, surnamed Konopla, brought forth the Konopel-Sokolinski princes. Fr. Ivan Fedorowicz, a follower of Gliński, went with them to Moscow in 1508, but his wife and sons stayed in Lithuania and gave birth to the Ozierecki princes. Descendants of Fr. Konstanty Iwanowicz, cupbearer of P. Witoldowa, of Pryhaba's estate, they were called the Pryhabskis. Br. Puciat Iwan Semenowicz signed the Lithuanian treaty with the Order of 1422 and the truce on the side of Świdrygiełło with Władysław Jag. 1431 and the covenant made by the same priest. with the Teutonic Knights 1432 (Treasury of Dan. and A. Rus. Liw. f. 190). His sons: Ivan and Dymitry, princes Puciatycze. PJ Wolff considers Fr. Wasil, the well-known progenitor of Fr. Horski, to be the son of Fr. Iwan Puciata Semenowicz and Fr. Michael, whose son should become a Father. Juri Michajłowicz Szyszewski, later called Tołoczyński. Fr. Michał Semenowicz, nicknamed Bołoban, died in Wilkomier in 1435. The Chronicle of Bychowiec mentions that Fr. Wasil (Semenowicz) Krasny, together with his brother Fr. Mitek Zubrewicki, he was arrested by Father. Zygmunt near Oszmiana in 1432. Fr. Wasil, a year earlier signed a truce with Władysław Jag, on the side of Świdrygiełło, in 1446 he was envoy of Fr. Kazimierz at the Piotrków Congress, in 1447 he was present at his coronation, and in 1448 he was again the envoy of Lithuania to the Lublin Sejm (Dług.). He was married to Fr. Worotyńska because his son Fr. Iwan Wasilewicz Krasny, testified in 1505 in the case of Łosko that Fr. Marya, daughter of Korybut Olgerdowicz, brought up by Fr. Witold, married to his uncle, Fr. Fjodor Worotynski. So this Fr. Fedora's sister must have been Ivan's mother and Father's wife. Wasil Krasny (ML. 5). Fr. Iwan Wasilewicz Krasny I recorded these two princes in "Poczta Rodów" for the Ostrogskis and commissioned Fr. Iwan Ostrogski wives who were the wives of Fr. Iwan Wasilewicz Krasny, witness in the protocol of Fr. Zubrewicka and Trabska in 1486, he was governor of Minsk the following year. 1st married to Mrs. Marya Semenówna Kobryńska, 2nd from with Mrs. Maryna Iwanówna Zasławska. Judgment of Fr. Zygmunt of 1508, issued in the case of Czerewaczyce and Hruszowa, mentions that Maryna, the second daughter of Fr. Semenowa Romanowiczowa, was the wife of Fr. Iwan Wasilewicz Krasny, and the record attested by Fr. Ivan 1516 for the wife of P. Zasławska, testifies to his second marriage (ML. 2 and 10). Fr. Dymitri, his only son, died in 1507 (Kniaź). Fr. Dymitri Semenowicz, v. Mitko Semenowicz, v. Dymitri Siekira, received in 1427 from Władysław Jag. various goods in the country of Lviv (Inv. Arch. Cor.). Dobra Zubrowice, which belonged to him and was therefore called Zubrowicki, was founded by Fr. Zofia (probably his wife) and their children (ML. 2nd year 6900??). Fr. Zofia and her daughter P. Maryna, wife of Fr. Semen Semenowicz Trabski, Turżna registered for the Council of Vilnius in 1486. This act, in which both duchesses P. Sperma as his grandfather and Fr. Semen Juriewicza Holszański, his brother, he misled me and I put them in "Poczta Rodów" as sisters, while one of them is the mother of the other. Mentioned in this file, Fr. Sperma, he is probably Drucki, the grandfather of Fr. Mar ja. (ML. 2 and Arch. Collect. Doc. VI). Fr. Dymitri kept Ostra from Fr. Witold and Zygmunt, who in dispute with Fr. Zwiaholski, Kazimierz Jag. it was bestowed in 1489 by Fr. Maryna (Inv. Arch. Kor. Woj. Kij. i ML. 4). Mrs. Marina. Through deeds from 1490 and 1496 she bequeathed her entire property to her grandson Olbrycht Gasztołd (ML. 2 and 4). In the sentence for Ostra, Fr. Maryna is named after P.'s daughter. Mitka Siekira and in the donation files the daughter of Fr. Dymitr Zubrewicki. PJ Wolff, on the basis of Fr. Maryna for Olbrycht, grandson of Jan Gasztołd, in which she calls him her grandson, claims that Fr. Maryna had a daughter who was married to Marcin Gasztołd, Olbrycht's father. Again it seemed to me that Fr. Dymitri Zubrewicki, as convinced of his legacy to his wife and their children, had several of them and that his second daughter was Elżbieta, the wife of Jan Gasztołd, Olbrycht's grandfather, whom Fr. Marina was then only a great aunt. I based my assertion on the act by which King Alexander sent letters for the estates of Traba, Holshana, etc. after the death of Mrs. Trabska, Gasztołd's aunt, and her sister Elżbieta, who by right were those Gasztołd, cupbearer of the king of His Majesty and Successor of Novgorod, in Brześć on March 17 Ind. VIII (1505) (ML. 2 f. 27). Jan Gasztołd's wife's name was Elżbieta. However, the coats of arms on Olbrycht's tombstone in Vilnius speak against my claim. There are four of them: Habdank, Hipocentaurus, Zadora, and Druck. They indicate that Jan Gasztołd's wife was Zadorczanka, perhaps Jawnuta's daughter, and that she must have been a grandmother, as Mr. J. Wolff claims, the Duchess of Trabska. In this case, however, there is an error in the law I quoted. My claim is supported by the Ostrski Castle revision of 1628, in which the inspectors stated that these estates used to be hereditary and only after the heirless death of Fr. Mary Trabska, passed into royal hands. So if Mrs. Trabska died childless, her daughter could not be with Gasztołd. (Arch. IZ Ros. VII. 1). Fr. Hrehory Semenowicz signed the Lithuanian treaty with the Order in 1422. Sokoliński and Lubecki for caring for Fr. Horski, it turns out that Fr. The Sokolińskis followed Fr. Iwan Baba and Fr. Lübeckers choose Fr. Hrehorim (Prince). Fr. Horory's son, Fr. Wasil Hrehorowicz, witness in the protocol of Fr. Semen Fedorowicz Sokoliński from 1466 to the Czerejski Monastery (A. Zap. Ros. III), he was married to Olizarowa Szyłowiczowa's sister, who in 1488 married her Nephew P. Dr. Bohdan Wasilewicz Lubcza, after whose death it was given by Aleksander Jag. 1500 to his brother, Fr. Roman Wasilewicz (ML.5). His descendants, Mrs. Lübecki. Druck remained in the possession of all the Dukes of Druck, since the case for part of Drucki was convinced in 1548 after the death of Rev. Semen Jamontowicz Podbereski, and in which all the above Dukes of Drucki took part.

1. The ancestor of the Dukes of Drucki is said to be N. ks. printi

2. Fr. Michael, M. Michael Fr.

3. their sons Wasil and m Wasil

4. Sperm. m seeds

5. Prince Wasil's descendants moved to Moscow in 1508, and from them descended m Wasil, Fr. 1508

6. Drucki princes existing in Russia. N. Fr

7. Prince Semen was to have a son m Semen, Father.

8. We already have some information about Dymitr, as well as about his descendants. m Dimitri

9. Fr. Dymitry belonged to the Lithuanian campaign organized by Kiejstut against Moscow in 1372 (Kar. V f. 25). m Dymitr Fr. 1372

10. His sons: Fr. 1398 Ivan signed a peace with the Teutonic Knights and Ivan Fr. 1398

11. Fr. Semen Dymitriewicz promised in 1401 to be loyal to King Władysław (Racz. f. 256 and Cod. Epist. p. XV. 30). m sperm Fr. Dmitrievich 1401

12. Her sister should become a priest. Aleksandra, M. Aleksander Fr.

13. Wife of Fr. Andrzej Olgimuntowicz Holszański, mother of Queen Zofia (Kniaź.). m Andrzej (father: Olgimunt) Mrs. Holschanski

14. Dimitri's sons were also Dimitri

15. Princes: N. Fr.

16. Michael and Mr. Michael

17. Aleksander Podberescy, who died in Vorskla in 1399. They took their surname from Podberezia in Orsza County. m Alexander Podberesky 1399

18. 1423 the dukes of Drucki: N. ks. Printed 1423

19. Ivan Baba and m Ivan Baba

20. Pucyata, were sent by Vytautas against the Mongols besieging Odoyev (Car. V No. 214). N.Pucyat

21. They are said to be the sons of P. Sperm Dymitriewicz, as well as m sperm Fr. Dmitriewicz

22. Princes: N. Fr.

23. Michael, m Michael

24. Wasil, m Wasil

25. Dymitr Siekira and m Dymitr Siekira

26. Hrehory (Knyaz.). m Horory

27. Fr. Ivan Semenovich Baba signed the Lithuanian Treaty with the Order in 1422. m Ivan (father: Sami) Fr. Baba 1422

28. He then accepted the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow, Vasil the Dark (Car. V). m Wasil the Dark

29. His sons: Vasil, M. Vasil

30. seed and m seed

31. Ivan, they also moved to Moscow, two others, m Ivan

32. Fedor and m Fedor

33. Konstanty, stayed in Lithuania. m Constanti

34. Fr. Fyodor Ivanovich; often called m Fedor Fr. Ivanovich

35. Fedor Babicz, he received from Kazimierz Jag. in the years 1443-1450 various grants (Kniaź.). m Fedor Babich

36. Sons of his princes: N. Fr.

37. seed, m seed

38. Fedor, m Fedor

39. Wasil and m Wasil

40. Ivan Fedorowicz, testified in 1466 the records for the Czerejsk monastery, the Kazimierz Jag. approved 1469 (A. Zap. Ros. III). m Ivan Fyodorovich 1466


41. Mrs. Sperm Fedorowicz; already m sperm Mrs. Fedorowicz

42. Sokoliński, governor of Toropecki in 1489 and governor of Brańsk in 1492. N. Sokoliński, governor from 1489

Governor of Brańsk (pdl) 1492

43. His sons: Yuri, m Yuri

44. Wasil and m Wasil

45.Andreas, m.Andreas

46th Sokolinsky princes. N. Fr. Sokolinski

47. Fr. Fedor Fedorowicz, nicknamed Konopla, produced the m Fedor Fr. Konopla Fedorowicz

48th to the princes of Konopel-Sokolinski. N. Fr. Konopla Sokolinski

49. Fr. Ivan Fedorovich, supporter of m Ivan Fr. Fedorowicz

50. Gliński, went with them to Moscow in 1508, but his wife and sons stayed in Lithuania and gave birth to the princes of Ozierecki. m N. Glinski 1508

51. Descendants of Fr. Konstanty Iwanowicz, Cupbearer of Konstanty Fr. Iwanowicz of

52. Fr. Witoldowa, from the estate of Pryhaba, called f (Witold's wife) ks.

53. Pryhabski. N. Pryhabski

54. Br. Puciat Iwan Semenowicz signed the Lithuanian Treaty with the Order of 1422 and the Armistice on the side of Świdrygiełło with Władysław Jag. 1431 and the covenant made by the same priest. with the Teutonic Knights 1432 (Treasury of Dan. and A. Rus. Liw. f. 190). m Puciata Ivan Fr. Semenowicz 1422



55. His sons: Ivan and Ivan

56. Dmitry, Prince Puciatycze. m Dymitr Fr. Puciatycze

57. PJ Wolff considers Fr. Wasil, the well-known progenitor m Wasil ks.

58. Fr. Horski, N. Fr. Horski

59. for the son of Fr. Ivan Puciata Semenowicz and Ivan Fr. Puciata Semenowicz

60.Fr. Michal, M. Michał, P.

61. whose son was to become a priest. Juri Michajłowicz Szyszewski, later called Juri (father: Michajło) P. Szyszewski

62. Tołoczyński. m N. Tołoczyński

63. Fr. Michał Semenowicz, nicknamed Bołoban, died in Wilkomier in 1435. m Michael Fr. Boloban Semenovich 1435

64. The Bychowiec Chronicle mentions that Fr. Wasil (Semenowicz) Krasny, together with his brother Wasil (father: Semen) Fr. Rot

65. Fr. Mitek Zubrewicki, he was arrested by Father. Zygmunt near Oszmiana in 1432. This father Mitko, Fr. Zubrewicki 1432

66. Fr. Wasil, a year earlier signed a truce with Władysław Jag, was on the side of Świdrygiełło, 1446, an envoy of the village of Wasil, ks. provincial representative


67. Br. Casimir for the Piotrków Congress In 1447 he was present at his coronation, and in 1448 he was again the envoy of Lithuania to the Lublin Sejm (Dług.). m Kazimierz Fr. von Piotrkow (August)



68. He was married to Father. Worotyńska, because his son f N. ks. Vorotynsky

69. Fr. Ivan Wasilewicz Krasny, testified in 1505 in the case of Łosko that Ivan (father: Wasil) Fr. Krasny 1505

70. Fr. Maria, fMaria Fr.

71. The daughter of Korybut Olgerdowicz, raised by Fr. Witold, married to his uncle M. Korybut Olgerdowicz

72. Ms. Fyodor Vorotynsky. m Fedor Fr. Vorotynsky

73. So the sister of this Fr. Fedora must have been the mother of Fedor Fr.

74. Ivan, m Ivan

75th and the wife of Mrs. Wasil Krasny (ML. 5). m Wasil fr. Red

76. Fr. Ivan Wasilewicz Krasny I recorded these two princes in "Poczta Rodów" for the Ostrogskis and commissioned Fr. Ivan Ostrogski wives who were the wives of Fr. Ivan Wasilewicz Krasny, witness on record m Ivan (father: Wasil) Fr. Red

77. Fr. Zubrewicka and f N. ks. zubrewicki

78. Trabska 1486, he was governor of Minsk the following year. f N. Trabski Governor of Minsk (min)


79. Married 1st to Mrs. Marya Semenówna Kobryńska, f Maria (father: Semen) Mrs. Kobrinski

80. 2-o V. with Mrs. Maryna Iwanówna Zasławska. f Maryna (father: Iwan) Mrs. Zaslawski

81. Judgment of Fr. Zygmunt of 1508, published in the case of Czerewaczyce and Hruszowa, mentions that Zygmunt Fr. 1508

82. Maryna, f Maryna

83. the second daughter of Fr. Semenowa Romanowiczowa, w (semen's wife) Fr. Romanowicz

84. was married to P. Iwan Wasilewicz Krasny, and the file attested by Mr. Iwan (father: Wasil) Fr. Red

85. Fr. Ivan in 1516 for his wife Ivan, Fr. 1516

86. Br. Zasławska, testifies to his second marriage (ML. 2 and 10). f N. Fr. Zaslawski

87. Fr. Dymitri, his only son, died in 1507 (Kniaź). m Dymitr Fr. 1507

88. Ms. Dymitri Semenowicz, v. m Dymitri Fr. Semenovich

89. Mitko Semenowicz, vm Mitko Semenowicz

90. Dymitri Siekira, obtained from Władysław Jag in 1427. various goods in the country of Lviv (Inv. Arch. Cor.). m Dymitr Siekira 1427

91. Dobra Zubrowice, which belonged to him and was therefore called Zubrowicki, was written by N. Zubrowicki

92. Fr. Zofia (probably his wife) and their children (ML. 2nd year 6900??). f Sophia Fr.

93. Fr. Zofia and her daughter f Zofia Fr.

94. Fr. Maryna, f Maryna Fr.

95. Wife of P. Semen Semenowicz Trabski, Turżna enrolled for the Council of Vilnius in 1486. This act, in which both duchesses P. Sperm as his grandfather and Fr. Semen Juriewicza Holszański, his brother, he has me in the Misled and I put them in "Poczta Rodów" as sisters, while one of them is the mother of the other. Mentioned in this act, Fr. Sperma, he is probably Drucki, the grandfather of Fr. Marinas. (ML. 2 and Arch. Collect. Doc. VI). m Samen (sire: Samen) Mrs. Trabski from Vilnius (wil)


96. Fr. Dymitri kept ostra from Fr. Witold and Zygmunt, who in quarrel with Dymitr Fr.

97. Ms. Zwiaholski, Kazimierz Jag. it was bestowed in 1489 by Fr. Zwiaholski 1489

98. Fr. Maryna (Inv. Arch. Kor. Woj. Kij. i ML. 4). f Maryna Fr.

99.Fr. marina. by deeds of 1490 and 1496 she bequeathed her entire property to her grandson f Maryna, Fr.

100. Olbrycht Gasztold (ML. 2 and 4). m Olbrycht Gasztold

101. In the judgment for Ostra, Fr. Maryna f's daughter is called Maryna Fr.

102. Fr. Mitek Siekira, and in the donation files m Mitko ks. Axe

103. Daughter of Fr. Dymitr Zubrewicki. m Dymitr Fr. Zubrewicki

104. SJ Wolff, on the basis of Fr. Maryna for f Maryna fr.

105. Olbrycht, m ​​Olbrycht

106. Jan Gasztołd's grandson, in which she calls him her grandson, claims that Jan Gasztołd

107. Fr. Maryna had a daughter, f Maryna ks.

108. issued to Marcin Gasztołd, m Marcin Gasztołd

109. Olbrycht's father. m Olbrycht

110. It seemed to me again that Fr. Dymitri Zubrewicki, as convinced by his legacy to his wife and their children, had several of them and that his second daughter m. Zubrewicki

111. Elizabeth, f Elizabeth

112. Wife of Jan Gasztołd, m. Jan Gasztołd

113. Olbrycht's grandfather, whose m Olbrycht

114. Fr. Marina was then only a great-aunt. f Maryna Fr.

115. I based my statement on the act by which King Alexander wrote letters for the estates of Traba, Holshana, etc. after the death of Fr. Trabska, f N. ks. Trabski

116. Gasztołd's aunts, v. N. Gasztold

117. and her sisters Elizabeth, inherited by right from that f Elizabeth

118. Gasztold, cupbearer of His Majesty the King and successor of Novgorod, was perpetually confirmed on March 17 in Brest Ind. VIII (1505) (ML. 2 f. 27). m N. Gasztołd Cupbearer of the Royal Court ()

Suk collector of Nowogródek (now)

119. Jan Gasztołd's wife's name was Jan Gasztołd

120. Elizabeth. However, the coats of arms on Olbrycht's tombstone in Vilnius speak against my claim and me. f Elizabeth

121. There are four: Habdank, N. Habdank

122. Hippocentaurus, N. Hippocentaurus

123.Zadora and N.Zadora

124. Print. N pressure

125. They point out that Jan Gasztołd's wife was Jan Gasztołd

126. Zadorczanka, for N. Zadorcz

127. perhaps Yavnuta's daughter, but she must have been a grandmother, according to Mr. J. Wolff, f Yavnuta

128. Duchess of Trabska. In this case, however, there is an error in the law I quoted. f N. Fr. Trabski

129. My statement is supported by the revision of Ostrski Castle from 1628, in which the inspectors stated: that these estates used to be hereditary and only after the heirless death of Fr. Mary Trabska passed into royal hands. fMaria Fr. Trabsky von


130. If Fr. Trabska died childless, f N. ks. Trabski

131. Your daughter could not be with Gasztold. (Arch. IZ Ros. VII. 1). m N. Gasztold

132. Fr. Hrehory Semenowicz signed the Lithuanian Treaty with the Order in 1422. From the 1561 pending case between Hrehory, Fr. Semenowicz 1422


133. Fr. Sokoliński and N. ks. Sokolinski

134. Lubecki, on custody of N. Lubecki

135. Fr. Horski, it turns out that N. Fr. Horski

136. Fr. The Sokolińskis chose N. Fr. Sokolinski

137. Fr. Ivan Baba and Ivan Fr. Mrs

138. Fr. The Lubeckis rely on N. ks. Luebecki

139. Fr. Hrehorim (Prince). m Hrehory Fr.

140. Son of P. Hrehory, m Hrehory Fr.