The noble Polish family Babka (Babk). Die adlige polnische Familie Babka (Babk). - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Babka (Babk). Die adlige polnische Familie Babka (Babk). E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French. Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.

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The noble Polish family Babka (Babk). Die adlige polnische Familie Babka (Babk).


The noble Polish family Babka (Babk).

Die adlige polnische Familie Babka (Babk).

Branches: Czestkowski, GosTomek ekekski, Lipinski.

53/1106/0/7.3/433 Inspections Planned District Babki.1965 Series Name7 : Inspection Department ; 7.3: Inspections planned districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1106/0/7.3/437 Inspections Planned district Babki.1971Series name 7 : Inspection department ; 7.3: Inspections planned districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1106/0/7.3/438 Inspections Planned district Babki.1972Series name 7 : Inspection department ; 7.3: Inspections planned districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1106/0/7.3/431 Inspections Planned district Babki.1963 -1964Series name 7 : Inspection department ; 7.3: Inspections planned districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1106/0/7.3/432 Inspections Planned district Babki.1964 -1965Series name 7 : Inspection department ; 7.3: Inspections planned districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1106/0/7.3/434 Inspections Planned district Babki.1966 1967Series name 7 : Inspection department ; 7.3: Inspections planned districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1106/0/7.3/435 Inspections Planned district Babki.1968 -1969Series name 7 : Inspection department ; 7.3: Inspections planned districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1106/0/7.3/436 Inspections Planned district Babki.1969 - 1970Series name 7 : Inspection department ; 7.3: Inspections planned Districts and others - District BabkaState Archives in Poznań35/1420/0/1.2/363 Harasimiuk S. Babka1978State Archives in Lublin53/439/0/-/233 Building Control Roll Municipality of Babki1865 -1880State Archives in Poznań53/439/0/-/675 Building control roll Municipality of Babki1880 - 1895State Archives in Poznań

35/1420/0/1.2/362 Harasimiuk S. Babka Opowiadania1977State Archives in Lublin53/474/0/28/62 Babka Stanisław , inkasent1932State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/439/0/-/346 Building control roll Good and Głuszyna Babki1865 - 1876State Archives in Poznań53/329/0/4.10/327 Site visit of Babka village 1904 -1908State Archives in Poznań53/4418/0/5/81 List of souls - Donne Babki1800 - 1954State Archives in Poznań53/1511 /0/-/58 Photo cluster Babka for the years 1966 to 1970 . [ Characteristics of Agriculture in the Cluster ] .1967. Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań) State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1106/0/2.4/39 Forest facility of the State Forestry Babka . Tomek ekekek I.1964 -1974. series name 2 : planning ; 2.4: Forest Divisions Forest Management Plans - District Babka. State Archives in Poznań53/4418/0/5/82 Paper registration - Donne Babki1800 - 1954. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.3/67 / Contract for renting a farm Babki/1876. State Archives in Posen (Poznań)Inventory: 53/4740/0 Experimental Center of Potato Industry in Baba k Poznania1957 - 1969. State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/1106/0/2.4/40 Forest facility of the State Forestry Babka. Tomek ekekek II.1964 -1974. series name 2 : planning ; 2.4: Forest Divisions Forest Management Plans - District Babka. State Archives in Poznań53/1106/0/2.4/41 Forest facility of the State Forestry Babka. Tomek ekekek III.1964 -1974. series name 2 : planning ; 2.4: Forest Divisions Forest Management Plans - District Babka. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.7/222 files real estate Konarzewo - Administration Babek1897. State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/943/0/1.29/1888 Mark of the water mill - Babki1857. State Archives in Poznań53/329/0/5/692 Administrative cases of the Babki Municipality 1905 -1923. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.12/515 Recording Grain Głuszyny and Babek1822 -1823. State Archives in Posen (Poznań)

53/329/0/4.10/353 Site inspection of Gut Gluschin Mythos Babki1902 -1910. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.20/1176 VAT fireplace in Głuszyna and Babkach1832. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.34/2001 List of reparations Głuszyna and Babkach1875. State Archives in Posen (Poznań)Inventory: 53/1511/0 Presidium of the National Council District Baba - Czapurach (via Poznan) 1955-1972. State Archives in Poznań53/4418/0/3.2/33 Registry dimensional property tax - Cluster Babki.1948. State Archives in Poznań53/4418/0/3.2/38 Registry dimensional property tax - Cluster Babki.1949. State Archives in Poznań53/4418/0/4.2/67 Registry dimensional property tax - Cluster Babki.1951. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.3/92 AGB Leasing Głuszyny and Babek1874. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.7/211 Files coordinated Głuszyny administration and Babek1874. State Archives in Poznań53/723/0/-/1439 Pension Cadastre of Babka Commune, Poznań District.1878 -1928. State Archives in Poznań53/4356/0/5.9/199 Records Administration Municipality Babka - from atkowość1921 -1935. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.3/89 Terms of Lease of Głuszyna and Babki Estates in 1860 State Archives in Poznań53/4356/0/5.9/200 Files related to administrative villages Babki1926 -1929. State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/943/0/1.22/1209 Files coordinated belaying buildings in Babkach1836 -1856. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.32/1948 Files coordinated ablution Rent Babkach1850 - 1852. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.7/220 Administration Baba farm in connection with its dzierżawcą1887 -1894. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.10/284 Employment contract on the farm in the Baba dekarzem1849State Archives in Poznań53/4418/0/3.2/43 Registry of farms and areas appraisal - Cluster Babki.1950State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/943/0/1.3/88 Justificatoria to bind tenant claims Głuszyna and Babek1806 -1808State Archives in Poznań53/1292/0/7.5/773 Protocol control estates Babka and Głuszyna Leśna1958 -1959State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.10/288 Tables prestacyjne Estate Professionals in Baba and PAus łozinach1876 -1882. State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/943/0/1.2/24 Files coordinated purchase farm Głuszyny , Babek1808 -1814. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/-/2745 Files coordinated abuse WalentyBrukwickiego possession of boron at Babkach1883. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.6/147 List of sprawionych utensils of the Forest Office in Babkach1853 -1855State Archives in Poznań53/942/0/6/851 Registry Dimensional Baba farm in the Poznań District and Szczytniki farm in the śremskim county1864. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.29/1889 files coordinated by the height of the water in the mill in Babkach1857 - 1861. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.32/1932 files coordinated lift and separation zacięgów team formation Babkach1824 - 1832. State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1106/0/2.4/38 ​​Poznań District National Forests in Poznań Plan of the State Forest Forestry Engineering Babka . Tomek ekekek II.1951 - 1960. Series name 2 : planning ; 2.4: Forest Divisions Forest Management Plans - District Babka. State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/943/0/1.22/1223 files coordinated fire cadastral estates - Dopiewo , Babka and Głuszyna1890. State Archives in Poznań35/118/0/-/1369 According to prošenîji povivalny Babka 2. razrjada Rosalia Nazarevič from razrešenîi zanimatsja povivalnoj praktikoj1911 -1911. State Archives in Lublin53/943/0/1.31/1918 files coordinated downloading of rented housing in Babkach1836 -1857. State Archives in Poznań53/296/0/5.59/3740 The device of forestry forest Remleinund Wincenty in Baba district poznański1932. State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.2/25 Files coordinated Głuszyny Sale and Rent operations respectively Babek tychże1886 - 1888. State Archives in Poznań35/118/0/-/1306 Nach prošenîi povivalnoj Babka 2. razrjada Emilia Stenko from razreszenîi zanimatsja praktikoj v hot. Sědlec1910 -1910. State Archives in Lublin

53/943/0/1.6/152 files coordinates Głuszyny accommodation tax establishments and Baba the Credit Socievon him iemstwa1823 -1838. State Archives in Poznań35/118/0/-/1283 After prošenîju volno - praktikujuščej v hot. Sedlec povivalnoj Babka Florentiny Domanskoj from predstavlenîi her dolžnosti VlAus avskoj povivalnoj babki1890 -1890. State Archives in Lublin53/4368/0/7.4/1042 Babka district. Sampling village Rogalin , Mosina commune , Poznań district -economic map lasów1975. State Archives in Poznań53/4368/0/2.7/496 Inspection reports of the Presidium of the National Council district in Baba - correspondence with the Presidium , statements, report on implementation uchwał1965 -1968. State Archives in Poznań35/118/0/-/1388 After prošenîju povivalnej Babka 2. razrjada Chana Geršovny Zombkovskoj from predstavlenîi as dolžnosti rAus ilnoj gorAus skoj povivalnoj babki1913 -1913. State Archives in Lublin53/1106/0/2.4/37 Business plan Unit of State Forests District National Sponge for 1 to 1951 to 31 Dec 1960 years Tomek ekekek I.1951 - 1960Series name 2 : Planning ; 2.4: Forest Divisions Forest Management Plans - District BabkaState Archives in Poznań53/4831/0/12/181 Business Plans for the Farm Team Babka State Estates Poznań Years 1952-19551952-1955State Archives in Poznań35/118/0 /-/1284 After prošenîju volno - praktikujuščej v hot. Bales povivalnoj Babka Anastasia Budilovič von predstavlenîi ihr dolžnosti Bělskoj gorAus skoj povivalnoj babki1890 -1890Staatsarchiv in Lublin35/119/0/7/2180 Über naznačenii auf dolžnost Bielskoj gordskoj povivalnoj Babka Jevgienii Pinko1913Staatsarchiv in Lublin53/1106/0/13/1034 Minuten Lieferzeit - Acceptance of transfer and acquisition of real estate forest divisions : Antonin , Babka , Baszków , White , Biedrusko , Bolewice , Boruszynek , Bucharzewo , Czerniejewo.1945 -1952State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.38/2135 Acta manualia des Council of Justice Heyer in matters of Dominii Babka contra Because of the merchant Pakscher 12 R.1850State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/943/0/1.3/93 Files coordinated Głuszyny leasing farms and Baba from July 1, 1888 to 12 years Issued 151888-1890State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/4831/0/12/180 minutes Purchase of land by the Poznan State Farms Group in the Babka cluster of the OB. Kaszczyka Stanisław1952State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/329/0/-/recesy an A.concerning the regulation - in the village of Babka: correspondence , 1832 ; Reces Isolation, 1831-1832; Agreement on measurement and okopcowania , 1832 ] 1822 - 1915State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/4368/0/2.7/481 Inspection reports of the Presidium of the National Council district sponge - report on the implementation of decisions , correspondence with the Presidium of the National Council Babka district , the proposals for the inspection report , Management- Prezydium1960 -1964State Archives in Poznań35/119/0/7/2204 About naznačenii Anna Aleksander ovny Tomek ekekačinskoj on dolžnost Cholmskoj gorAus skojpovivalnoj Babka 1913-1914State Archives in Lublin53/043/943 1.3/91 files coordinates Głuszyny leasing farms and Babek You Prabuckiemu from St. Jan on the same day 18861874-1886State Archives in Poznań53/4747/0/9.2/3 Municipal Council Babka from 23.11.84 to 10.07.89 , the [ Mosina commune, in the province of Poznan .. ] 1984-1989State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/354/0/1/88 Administrative dispute of the widow Babka Anna HoAus To the further Catholic school board Gluschin ways to To Hera Attracting school maintenance contributions 1901 State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/943/0/1.3/41 Mortgage eddy cum attinentiis for this great ladyship the Countess Dzieduszycka for Konarzewo , Dopiewca cum attinentiis , Szczytniki Nebst Stoneware and Daszewice , Głuszyna Nebst Babka cum attinentiis in Posen (State Archives -4s1 cum attinentiis18 Poznań)53/4368/0/7.6/1072 Plan of forestry village Czapury for a period of one and from 1975 to 1931 December 1984 Poznań district , village - Mosina . Forestry sponge -economic card lasów1974State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.3/70 files coordinated lease Babek wielmożnemu Jakób Degórskiemu for twelve years / path / from July 1, 1888 to June 30, 19001888-1900State Archives in Poznań53/943/0/1.38/2127 files coordinates measures in Treasurer Brieger the savings accounts of the Głuszyny , Babek and Szczytnik plants a year from the end of 1848/491848-1849State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/943/0/1.38/2197 files coordinates the Process of Abraham Pakscher in Poznan plaintiffs meet this great ladyship the Countess Dzieduszycka defendants received a receipt for rent 36 pieces of eight from the holding under N Issue 10 Babkach1853 State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/943/0/1.3/68 files coordinated lease Babek wielmożnemu Antoni Wojtowskiemu 1 ° July 1876 to June 30, 1888 from July 1, 1879 years ceded wielmożnym Julian and Konstanz by Wizów Gajzlerom1876 - 1888State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/ 943/0/1.3/69 files coordinated Babek Immobilien Leasing, the correspondence with a former tenant wielmożnym Antoni Wojtowskim and present as a result of the allocation of July 1, 1879 year wielmożnym Julian Gajzler and various outbuildings around the construction , these reparations itp.1878 - 1888 State Archives in Posen (Poznań)35/72/0/7.3/444 album [of literary works] Felicjanny von Mikoszewskich Radzimiński my Babka AB [ Achilles Breza ] in 1828 , becomes Half of the nineteenth centuryState Archives in Lublin53/1511/ 0/-/42 Finance Committee and Budżetu.1961 -1962Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/43 Finance Committee and Budżetu.1963 -1964Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/47 Commission Mandatowa.1962 -1965Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/48 Object Commission Gromadzkiego.1961 -1962team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/ -/49 Object Commission Gromadzkiego.1963 -1964Team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/39 Registry Applications Committee Rady.1956 - 1960Team name district of the Presidium of National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/51 Economic Planning and Budżetu Commission.1965 -1969Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/52 Commission for Economic Planning and Budżetu.1970 -1972Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/53 Agriculture and Supply Committee Lud ności.1961 -1962team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/54 Committee on Agriculture and Supply Ludności.1963 -1965team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/55 Committee on Agriculture and Supply Ludności.1965 -1969Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań )53/1511/0/-/37 Resolution of the Narowej District Council .1966 -1971Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)

53/1511/0/-/50 Gromadzkiego.1969 Property Committee of Roads -1971team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/65 budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1955,1955 team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań) State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/66 budget [ annually ] cluster for the year 1956,1956 team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (about Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/67 budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1957,1957team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (about Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/68 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1958,1958team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/ 1511/0/-/69 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 19591959 Team name District of the Presidium of the Nati onal councils for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/70 budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 19601960team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/71 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1961,1961 Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań) State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/ -/72 budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1962,1962 team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań) State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/73 budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 19631963team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/74 budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1964,1964team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań) State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/75 Budget [ annual h ] cluster for the year 19651965team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/76 budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1966,1966team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/77 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1967,1967Team name District Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań )State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/78 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1968,1968team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań 53/1511 /0/-/79 Budget [ yearly ] clusters for the year 1969,1969

Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/80 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 1970,1970Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/81 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 19711971Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/ 1511/0/-/82 Budget [ annual ] cluster for the year 19721972Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/44 Commission for Education, Culture and internal Socjalnyc coat of arms 1961 -1962team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/45 Commission for education, culture and internal Socjalnyc coat of arms 1963 -1964team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba-Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/46 Commission for Education, Culture and Internal SocjalnycCoat of Arms 1965 -1968Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53 /1511/0/-/10 minutes session of the Narowej District Council .1963team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/12 minutes session of the Narowej District Council .1965team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (about Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/13 minutes Council meeting district Narowej .1966team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (about Poznań) State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)

53/1511/0/-/14 minutes Council meeting Narowej district .1967 Teamname District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/15 minutes Council meeting Narowej District .1968team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/16 minutes Council meeting Narowej district .1969team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach ( via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/17 minutes Meeting of the Council District Narowej .1970team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0 /-/18 minutes session of the Narowej District Council .1971team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/19 minutes session of the Narowej District Council .1972team name district of Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/3 minutes Meeting of the Council District Narowej .1956team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/ 0/-/4 minutes Council meeting Narowej district .1957team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/5 minutes Council meeting Narowej district .1958team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/7 minutes session of the Council Narowej District .1960Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznań

53/1511/0/-/8 minutes Council meeting Narowej district .1961team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/9 minutes Council meeting Narowej District .1962Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/11 minutes Meeting of the Council Narowej District .1964 -1965Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/6 minutes Meeting of the Council District Narowej .1959 - 1960Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53 /1511/0/-/1 minutes Council meeting Narowej district .1954 -1955Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/2 minutes Council meeting Narowej district .1955 -1958Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (about Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/38 Registry decisions of the Presidium Narowej District .1966 -1971team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (about Poznań)State Archives in Poznań ( Poznań)53/1511/0/-/63 Cluster development for the period 1961-1965,1962team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/64 Cluster development for the period 1966-1970,1967team name District Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/60 plans of economic clusters [ for the years 1962-1965 ] 0.1962-1965Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/61 plans of economic clusters [ for the years 1966 to 1970 ] 0.1966-1970 Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Pozn ań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/21 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Council Narowej District .1956team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511 /0/-/22 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Narowej District Council .1957Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/24 Minutes of the meetings of the Presidium of the Council district Narowej .1959Team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/25 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Council Narowej district .1960Team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/26 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Council Narowej District .1961Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)p State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/27 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Council Narowej District .1962team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0 /-/28 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Narowej District Council .1963Team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznań53/1511/0/-/29 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Council Narowej district .1964Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/30 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Council Narowej district .1965Team name District of the Presidium of the National council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State Archives in Poznan (Poznań)53/1511/0/-/31 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Council Narowej District .1966Team name District of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (above Poznań)State archive in Poznań53/1511/0/-/32 Minutes of meetings of the Presidium of the Narowej District Council .1967team name district of the Presidium of the National Council for Baba - Czapurach (via Poznań)State Archive in Poznań