The noble Polish family Flemimg. Die adlige polnische Familie Flemimg. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Flemimg. Die adlige polnische Familie Flemimg. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish family Flemimg. Die adlige polnische Familie Flemimg.


The noble Polish family Flemimg.

Die adlige polnische Familie Flemimg.

Fleming ( Flemming ) -  coat of arms .     

Description of coat of arms


In a blue field a white crowned  wolf with a red jewel in its paws.  Gemstone : peacock tail.     

Earliest mentions:

Natives from  1700 .   

Dunin of the swan coat of arms (vol. 11 p. 108-111)

Dunin the Swan's coat of arms. About this family in Volume III., But if the genealogy contained therein is incomplete, we present the collected family records here. This family has had the title of count for a long time and is awarded to it today. By Peter, the royal court marshal mentioned in Volume III. P. 433. New tribes of the Dunin family, who received their surnames from various estates, branched out as follows: to Skrzynno and Borkowo Duninów Borkowscy; in Skrzynno and Suligostów, Duninów Suligostowscy; about chests and swans, Duninów Łabędzcy; in Karesy Karwiccy; in Wąsowce Wąsowicze; in Szpoty Szpotowo;          and td - Speaking of Duniny, we don't want to go back to the first placings that Nesiecki has already placed, starting with Władysław Dunin, courtier Henryk Waleze, who left several sons and daughters to Jadwiga Opalińska: among the sons, Paweł Dunin was captain at the time of King Stefans , the same son Adam Dunin was an adviser to King Zygmunt III. left his son Adam Dunin in 1640, made Czerski, he was also Substarost and judge of Opoczyński and 1643. In Opoczyński's files he made a gift of the property to Gapinin Genrsi Hermolai Sandkowski, he married Teresa Opacka, of whom two sons remained: 1. Aleksander Krzysztof in Skrzynno and Suligostów Dunin, lower town of Bielski, and then the castellan of Lubaczowski. - 2. Adam Samuel on Skrzynna and Suligostów Dunin. - Aleksander Krzysztof von Podstoli Bielski, and then the castellan von Lubaczowski, with two names, married [p. 109] Katarzyna Rudnicka, of whom Paweł Dunin Suligostowski with Jadwiga Duninowna voter was 2voto Franciszka, née Rozalia Sarnowska, son Stanisław, to whom Julianna Bętkowska gave birth in 1778 Hipolit, 1784 canon of the Kamieniec-Chapter of Wincenty, Felix 1785, Francis Xavier 1786, General of the Rossians and Knight of the Order, Jan 1779. The wife of this Jan Wiktoria née Potocki Pilawitów, fathered Piotr in 1809. Józef 1812. Second son of Count Paweł in Skrzynno. and Suligoste von Dunin, née Jadwiga Duninowska, her name was Paweł, together with Marianna Mierzejewska: the third Stefan and the fourth Jan were born by Franciszka, née Hewel. Paweł and his wife Marianna née Mierzejewska left two sons. 1. Franciszek Dunin merged with Magdalena Łużycka, leaving behind his son Wojciech, who was born around 1776 and who married Tekla Jeleńkowska and fathered in 1810. Kalixt, 1819. Hipolit Leopold Babin. r. 1821. Feliks 1834. Aleksander Dunin. 2. Kazimierz Dunin, brother of Franciszek, joined Apolonia Ż Pąggów and left behind a son Ignacy, born in 1794, who, together with Wiktoria Szuwarska, fathered August Eustachy Dunin in 1821 . The second son of Adam Dunin Suligostowski, cupbearer Czerski, and the brother of Aleksander Krzysztof, whose name was Samuel, reunited with Teresa Opacka, left behind a son Adam, Konstancja née Brygida Marska, the daughter of Józef Marski and Teresa Laskowska: from the same Karska Brygida was born to the son Stanisław Kostka, who was endowed with three privileges by the cheerful king of Poland, Stanisław August, for his wife Anna Ledochowska, of whom he fathered: Jan 1st, heir to the Głęboka estate in Galicia. 2. Piotr Paweł, Lieutenant of the Guard of Mounted Rifles of the Polish Army, associated with Jełowicka. 3. Anastazy Roch childless. Jan and Emilia nee Radziejowski have sons: 1st Władysław, 2nd Stanisław, 3rd August.                  

The constitutions are mentioned in 1674. Count Dunin von Skrzynno, Krzysztof, the Lower Town Bełski von Bełski. - Dunin Mikołaj, castellan from 1676. Dunin Krzystof, ensign from Ruski, 1676. Dunin, Count von Skrzynno, Swiatosław Franciszek of the army of Sandomierz and envoy from 1676. Dunin von Skrzynno, von Jan, envoy from Poznan, 1676. Mikołaj and Kazimierz. Konstanty, Ensign of Parnawski. Mścisław, Aleksander Wojski Sandecki, Władysław, Paweł, Wawrzyniec, Piotr and Tomasz from Łęczycki. Dunin from Kryszpin, Szczęsny the Starost from Szmettyryjski from Witebski, Jan Rafał from Warszawski, they all lived and worked in the year [p. 110] 1676. In the constitutions recorded under the same year, as well as in these constitutions, we read Jacob on Dunin's breast of the knight Sanctae Mariae de Monte Carmelo et S. Lazari. 1710. He was a commissioner for Danzig from Lesser Poland; r. 1710. Piotr Comes and Skrzynno Dunin, castellan of Radom in 1710. in the Constitutions of Alexander in Skrzynno Comes Dunin Vexilifer Winnicens. 1710. Józef de Skrzynno Dunin, deputy of the monastery ad pacta in 1710. Antoni Dunin, regent of the Crown Chancellery V. 16 and 70 in the Pilzno deeds. Ignacy Jan and Anna, sons and daughter of Franciszek na Skrzynno Dunin and Zofia née Chyrów Romerowna. Dunin de Skrzynno Szpost Józef r. 1736. Dapifer Duccatum Zathoriens. &. Oswiecimens. Dunin de Skrynno Petrus comes Succamerar. SRM Capitaneo Zathoriens r. 1720. Stanisław Regent Zydaczewski r. 1738. R. 1790. Jerzy Wojciech from Skrzynno was Dunin, a teacup Stężycki. 70. in the Pilzno files. Ignacy Jan and Anna, sons and daughter of Franciszek na Skrzynno Dunin and Zofia née Chyrów Romerowna. Dunin de Skrzynno Szpost Józef r. 1736. Dapifer Duccatum Zathoriens. &. Oswiecimens. Dunin de Skrynno Petrus comes Succamerar. SRM Capitaneo Zathoriens r. 1720. Stanisław Regent Zydaczewski r. 1738. R. 1790. Jerzy Wojciech from Skrzynno Dunin was a Stężycki teacup. 70. in the Pilzno files. Ignacy Jan and Anna, sons and daughter of Franciszek na Skrzynno Dunin and Zofia née Chyrów Romerowna. Dunin de Skrzynno Szpost Józef r. 1736. Dapifer Duccatum Zathoriens. &. Oswiecimens. Dunin de Skrynno Petrus comes Succamerar. SRM Capitaneo Zathoriens r. 1720. Stanisław Regent Zydaczewski r. 1738. R. 1790. Jerzy Wojciech from Skrzynno was Dunin, a teacup Stężycki.                            

The second son of Jakub, Crown Trainee Piotr, Starost von Zatorski and Bakoski, Marshal of the Queen and Knight of the White Eagle Order, finally the Castellan of Radom married Countess Fryderyka Rochlitz, whose marriage was greatly contributed by August II. The King of Poland and the Elector of Saskia, etc., as the marriage concluded in Warsaw on December 9th, 1720 testifies, by which Count Piotr Dunin, who was married to Fryderyka Grafówna Rochlitz, condemned all movable and immovable property and td. The authorized commissioners were appointed by King August II. Std. Henry Fleming the great rider and Td Count. Henryk Wacdorf, Minister von Saski. - With this artist Rochlitz fathered four children, of whom Gertruda's daughter lived in the Warsaw Order of the Sacraments. Marianna after Antoni Tomkowicz. Antonina after Ignacy Malczewski. The son Frederyk, also Starost Zatorski, with Zofia Małachowska, went under without an heir. - From family documents.         

In Herbarz, in Herbarz, adds another message about Duniny Borkowski: Jerzy von Skrzynno Dunin Borkowski, Chef Latyczowski and Colonel of the troops of JK Mci and the Commonwealth, during the happy expedition from Vienna, bravery and courage to his decent genius with the Bloodshed and the risk of living the holy faith and he defended his home. Who, after having formed a lifelong friendship with Zaleska, fathered Jacek and Katarzyna with her, who lived with Siemaszek, secondly with Radlin and Radlińska, who entered into the obligations of a second marriage, with her Jerzy from Wielki Skrzynno in Grodek fathered Dunin Borkowski, Substitute Mkis Żydaczowski left out, then castellan von Gostyński [p. 111] of the Starost of Radelicki, who as the most cheerful king JMci August III. from the Przemyśl region he granted him approximately debitam adorationem for the lord and monarch by envoy. After he reunited for the first time with the daughter of Lamar, the major general, he lived with him for almost six months and died. Iterato connubio entered with Scholastyka from Olszewska Olszewska, a Prussian Cześnik, a judge Grodzka Żydaczowska, with whom there were three sons and two daughters: Jan the Elder, Dunin Borkowski, staroste Radelicki, JK Mci courtier and companion in the duties of a married man Sign from Hussarski, Duke August Czartoryski, voivode and general of the Ruthenian countries, during the extraordinary, two Sunday Sejm from the Sanok country in the negotiations of General Ruski with JK Mci MP's second son, Jerzy Dunin Borkowski, chief of Żydaczowski, after the death of his brother Starost Radelicki, companion of the Hussarsky sign, Minister Count Saski Brühl, General of the Crown Artillery; the third Adam, died in the school system. The daughter, Anna the elder, appointed Marcin de Grodków, Łoś, the Lviv subordinate, another, Tekla, to Worcel, the Lviv provincial, judge of the Jews. - Duńczewski's herbarium.          

Fleming's own coat of arms (vol. 4 pp. 42-43)

Fleming your own coat of arms. This old house from Flanders moved to Brandeburgia in 1250, where they released the Albertus Rufus territory called Fleming on the Elbe, where some of them multiplied in Thuringia and others in Pomerania. Of these, Tham Fleming had two sons around 1295. One of them is called Curd, the other Erdman, one the Fleming line, de Bocken, the other de Martentin. Among them was Jakub Marshal von Pomerania, whose two sons: Jerzy Kasper, advisor to Kurfirszt Brandeburgski, who fathered three sons from Ostenovna: Joachim, Friedrich General, his wife de Watzdorfen, Jakub Henryk, horse of the Lithuanian field marshal of the Saxon army, Knight St. Jana, wife of his first Lithuanian Franciszek Sapieżanka, but the marriage ended in divorce. The second princess, Radziwiłł, Chancellor of Lithuania, however, had no descendants after him and Bogusław Bodon, a lieutenant general whose wife was de Wrechen and their children. The second son of Jakub Heino, Henryk, in the army of Sask and Brandeburg, Field Marshal, left with Elżbieta de Phulen four sons and two daughters: Elżbieta Marianna, Jan Przebendowski, Grand Treasurer of the Crown, the second of General Schak's wife, and sons : Jan Jerzy, Count Fleming, Major General of the Lithuanian Army and Artillery, then Treasurer of the great Lithuanian, whose wife Katarzyna de Segris de Bielken, whose family were the two Swedish queens.        

Equestrian Fleming Lit. Minister Augusta II came down childless. Two sons followed him. Of these, the younger one, who settled in Saxony, was initially the emperor's envoy from Saxony, [p. 43], then Minister of the Cabinet Saski. From Lubomirska, swordfish crowns. He left offspring of these daughters, the daughter was given to Przebendowski, sons also left some: this minister was the starost of Gniewski, who had this royal land from her father-in-law.      

Jerzy, the older brother of the minister, was first general and chief of a guard regiment, then a great Lithuanian treasurer. He died in 1772. Governor of Pomerania, he was also Starost von Brzeski, Szadowski, Szereszowski, a man of great skill in the economy, and he came to immense fortunes, an honest industry and bought his inheritance to Pociej with debts, and left him back in an elite state. These properties are mainly located in the Brzesko Litewski Voivodeship, from Pociejów Włodowa, Rożanka, Terespol, Rzeczyca from Sapiehas successors to Chancellor Lit. with many neighborhoods. He also had Berckloo County in Holland, estimated to be more than two million. During the greatest conflict between Czartoryskie and Radziwiłł, he was once marshal at the Lithuanian tribunal. He had Princess Czartoryska, the daughter of Chancellor Lit, behind him. after his death, after the Roman dispensation, he married a second daughter. He left a daughter of his first wife, Izabela, the only heir to his immense wealth, which Adam, Prince Czartoryski, understood. - Krasicki.         

Wielądek in the heraldry, as well as Niesiecki above, gave him Jan Jerzy, Treasurer Lit. Katarzyna de Segris and daughter Izabela later followed Czartoryski, who then wrote in the Czartoryski genealogy that this Flemish treasurer was the daughter of Fryderyk Michał Ks. Czartoryski and after her second full sister who supported Krasicki after her death. So I think Jerzy had three wives, and of the first was de Segris Izabela née Fleming, Duchess Czartoryska, who, after leaving two daughters, was Marianna after Prince Ludwik Wirtemberski, Zofia after the ordained from Zamojski (died 1838) and the sons of two Adam and Konstanty from the universal grief of all those who revere their exemplary family and their civic virtues, after having experienced great political changes in their beloved homeland, had great influence and influence on their families, she died in 1835. -   

Fleming coat of arms (vol. 4 p. 42)

Flemish coat of arms . The wolf should be crowned on two legs, with its whole body turned in the right shield, its tail raised towards it, and a rich stone in its paws.  

Aleksandrowicz coat of arms (vol. 2 pp. 22-25)

Aleksandrowicz coat of arms. Paprocki and Okolski were silent about it. There are two scythes with their tips turned against each other and the ends of which lie crosswise on a cross, through the middle of which two German swords converge as if they were joined together: three ostrich feathers on the helmet. On what occasion this coat of arms was given is not certain. I know that the Aleksandrowiczs seal it in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Of these, the electoral order Władysław IV was elected in 1632. Jan Marshal Grodzieński, Konstanty, Kazimierz, Piotr and Mikołaj Bitout from Judge Upicki, Aleksandrowicz. The electoral order of King Jan Kazimierz 1648, Konstanty, the land writer Upicki and the envoy from Grodno. The same or another Konstantyn, a land clerk from Grodno, member of the Sejm 1652. From then on, Deputat 23] Treasury Tribunal Lithuanian Constit. fol. 16. Then deputy from Grodno and member of the Seym in 1659 and 1661. Constit. fol. 59 and 1662, but already a district judge in Grodno, from where he was appointed commissioner to pay the army wages to Constit. fol. 5. and 22. His son Kazimierz. Stefan, Chamberlain von Grodzieński, then Marshal: vom Seym 1690. Deputy of the Treasury, Constit. fol. 5 and 1683. fol. 6th and 1697th Deputy of the Vilnius Court. Stanisław, the captain of the tank flag, died on the expedition with Moscow near Miedniki on the square. 16. Recall and praise his courage for posterity, save bloody merits, hangover count on successors: she confirmed the same thing. Konstytucja 1683. fol. 5. Sebastian, who had polished his younger years at your court, then began to serve God in the Soc. Jesus, who chose in him a state of humility and work for domestic service: there, by continuing his prayers, choosing obedience and choosing other virtues, in 1658 he scarred heaven and said goodbye to this world. It was comforting. Memorial of the Brothers 27. 7bris. Benedykt Placyd 1697. Michał first land clerk of Lidzki, then marshal in 1704.                             

Hrehory Aleksandrowicz, Castellan of Vilnius, Hetman W. Ks. Lithuanian. Starosten von Grodno and Mohilowski, under Zygmunt August Król, he wrote his diplomas to the Prussian Prince Kurfirszt von Brandenburg. Codex diploma. Ms. Dogna. The same author dates from 1569. Homagium et perpetuae fidelitatis juramentum, Bogdan Aleksandrowicz palatini Moldaviae ex archivo thesauri regni, extat in archivo cancellariae regni, lib. Embassy. Lit up. Y. fol. 421          

Jan Staroste von Grodno, the tenant of the keys from Jezierski Satandzki, Kotrzański was honored with a special letter from Her Majesty Anna, then called Anna Infans, and it was at this time when after the death of her father Sigismund Augustus commissions from the Commonwealth were assigned to the year 1573. - Albert Aleksandrowicz of Horses W. Ks. Ignited. for Zygmunt the first.  

The aforementioned Stefan Aleksandrowicz was also castellan of Nowogrodzki, and after electing Tekla Kierdejowna, castellan of Trock, he left descendants of Jan Ostrzyński, Staroste, who died young after serving as a member of the cavalry state; and four daughters: one, confused by Komorowski, Brzeski Voivode: the second, after Białozor, Starost von Nowomłyński: the third, after Zienowicz, Starost von Sznitowski: the fourth, Konstancja, after Łukasz Aleksandrowicz, the standard bearer of Lidzki County . 

Michał was a marshal of Lidzki County, a husband of unspoiled virtue; during the Swedish Revolution, he made a donation to the county, he founded the poor nobility with his fortune: he died unmarried at a late age, he rests in Lida by the Church of Fr Carmelites in a walled up grave. - [S. 24]   

Piotr A. spent his whole life as a soldier during the Wallachian expedition with 100 people of his command, who were repulsed and dispersed by 1000 Wołochs who broke into the Polish border. - 

Florian Stanisławowicz Aleksandrowicz Treasurer of Lidzki County. - 

ukasz Antoni, Ensign von Lidzki, during the reigns of August II and August III. Kings, famous to many for their functions, served three times as deputy to the tribunal. During the interregnum after the death of August II was the marshal. Federal and hood courts of the Lidzki district. He forwarded several times; In 1746 he made his last mission under the grace of the Lubomirski Starost of Kazimierz, and in 1748 he ended his life: he rests in Szejbakpol in his property in the parish church Franciscans financed and donated to each other. He was married to Konstancja Aleksandrowicz, the castellan of Nowogrodzka, of whom he left two sons, Franciszek and Dominik, and a daughter, Elżbieta, Chrzanowska, starosta Rowiatycka.         

Kazimierz A., the cupbearer of Lidzki, the brother of ukasz, served several times as deputy and commissioner.

Franciszek A., the older son of the aforementioned ukasz, was first cupbearer, then standard-bearer, then chamberlain and marshal and finally castellan von Lidzki. As cupbearer he was deputy and marshal of the clerical tribunal compositi judicii in 1748. As the standard bearer he summarized the old laws and the Novellae legis constitution and presented the citizens of Lidzki district: during the coronation of King Stanisław August, in the unconsciousness of the Lithuanian standard bearer. He carried the banner of the Lithuanian province: he held several parliamentary offices, for which he was honored with both state medals as a reward from King Stanisław August. He had married Tekla Matuszewicz, the starost of Stokliska, with whom he had a son, Stanisław A., Starost Wasiliski, who returned to his homeland after completing his studies and spending time abroad and devoted himself to the public service. He was twice a deputy, then a deputy and court clerk from the Lidzki district, whose elementary services were rewarded by the brightest Stanisław August in the national brigade with a captaincy. As the person in charge of separating the Kleszczelewski-Starostens from the Brzesko Voivodeship, he lived there in a prosperous youth after a short illness. - ibid., after a short illness, he lived his life in a flourishing youth. - ibid., after a short illness, he lived his life in a flourishing youth. -           

Dominik A. dear dream of the standard bearer Lidzki and the younger brother of Franciszek, Mrs. Zündete's horse. in various offices in the country, he was anxious to complete his service, he was first deputy of the court of ref 1750 he was elected under the rule of Father Albrycht Radziwill, the Starost of Rzeczycki by citizens to Landschreiber. About Lidzki, who was a member of the Seyms several times in the 1920s, in 1758, 1761 and the last time after the death of August III. r. 1764. under the grove. Fr. Jmci Czartoryski, the general of Podolia, who did not bother to continue his service for his homeland in 1770, became second deputy and marshal of the main court, W. Ks. Ignite. whose hard-working and expensive services to King Stanisław [p. 25] August, who lit first the order of S. Stanisław and then the riding of W. Ks . Finally he was crowned with the Order of the White Eagle. And not only in marital status, but also in military service, he willingly rendered service to the mother country, as Lieutenant Petychorski under the sign of Fleming, treasurer W. Lit. then under the sign of Sołłohub, voivode of Vitebski, and a regiment during the Massalski hetmanship of the Lithuanian division troops, and when the hetman's power was later transferred to an established military commission, he was honored by that commission with a special patent; what military merits the king bestowed acquired the captain of the Ussarsk banner. He was married to Klara Platerovna in Inflanta, with whom he had three children, two daughters and a son, Ignacy. - as Lieutenant Petychorski under the name Fleming, Treasurer W. Lit. then under the sign of Sołłohub, Voivode von Witebski, and during the Massalski hetmanship a regiment of the Lithuanian division troops, and when the hetman's power was later transferred to an established military commission , he was honored by this commission with a special patent; what military merits the king deigned to bestow by rewarding the captain of the Ussarsk banner. He was married to Klara Platerovna in Inflanta, with whom he had three children, two daughters and a son, Ignacy. - as Lieutenant Petychorski under the name Fleming, Treasurer W. Lit. then under the sign of Sołłohub, Voivode von Witebski, and during the Massalski hetmanship a regiment of the Lithuanian division troops, and when the hetman's power was later transferred to an established military commission , he was honored by this commission with a special patent; what military merits the king deigned to bestow by rewarding the captain of the Ussarsk flag. He was married to Klara Platerowa in Inflanta, with whom he had three children, two daughters and a son, Ignacy. - what military merits the king deigned to bestow by rewarding the captain of the Ussarsk banner. He was married to Klara Platerovna in Inflanta, with whom he had three children, two daughters and a son, Ignacy. - what military merits the king bestowed acquired the captain of the Ussarsk banner. He was married to Klara Platerowa in Inflanta, with whom he had three children, two daughters and a son, Ignacy. -                                  

In his footnotes Krasicki does not name him Platerovna, but a Lithuanian trainee lawyer Oskierczanka. - 

Tadeusz, the judge of the countries. Godzieński, was also a member of the Seym, four times MP and tribunal writer. 

Hieronim, the Substarost and treasurer of Grodno, was also the deputy of the Rzeczycki district and deputy marshal of the tribunal.

Antoni, the judge of the countries. the Lidzki district; he was a member of the tribunal and hussar flag bearer.  

Józef the land clerk. says. Lidzki - the other Józef was the major of the Pethore Brigade.  

Franciszek, the captain of Pulko the fourth and an envoy of the district. Lidzki on June 17, 1793 to the Seym. 

Alojzy, Bishop Chełmski, son of Marcin Ensign von Bracławski and Helena Bachmińska; He dedicated himself to the clergy from his youth, was a civil servant in Warsaw for several years, then he was promoted to the Diocese of Chełm, he died in 1782. of his 65th life, the secretary of the perpetual council, died in 1784 ... and Tomasz , Voivode of Podlasie, Court Marshal to His Majesty of the White Eagle Order and St. Stanislaus the Knight. This man first served his homeland when he was sent to the Ottoman port as an internuncio from the Republic of Poland, and returned to the country after his work was done. Soon appointed to his court by King Stanisław August. After the death of Karaś, the castellan of Wiskie, he took over the post of marshal together with the castellany of Wiska. At that time he married Marcjanna Ledochowska, Voivode Czerniechowska. He increased his earnings and made the Podlaskie Castle including the Podlaskie Voivodeship. He died in 1795. - His son Stanisław. -        

Fabian, son of the hunter from the Orszański district of El Illinoisbieta Illinois, the Starosta of Dorochowska, sired with property in Biało Rusia, in the Duchy of Żmudz and in the Kaunas district, he went to military service at a young age to the rank of vice brigadier in the national unit of the Lithuanian Army. He was a member of the Smolensk Voivodeship to the Grodno Sejm in 179, Chamberlain of JK Mci, captain of Starodubowski and Starost von Wilczatowski. - Wielądek and others. [S. 26]    

Janiszewski of the Junosza coat of arms (vol. 4 pp. 437-439)

Janiszewski of the Junosza coat of arms. Almost all later heralds mention this family, and Duńczewski gives the beginning of the Piotrowin family, one of which during the reign of Bolesław the Bold, Ś. Stanisław, the Bishop of Kraków, was resurrected, and their subsequent descent is listed as follows: - There were three brothers, Piotr the Redeemed, John and Paweł. Piotr, another Piotrawin, came from Janiszewo on the Vistula, a mile from Piotrawin, on the property of Marcin Janiszewski, Ulanowski's teacup. Węglińska's wife, coat of arms of Godziemba, the old house from which Stanisław, the head of King Henry, settled in Ruthenia, where he fathered Daniel, Lubelski's deputy, who lived in 1635. Adam the hunter Helmski, member of Seym 1662. Constitute. fol. 2. and Mikołaj, benefactor of OO. Dominikanów in Lviv, to whom his son Stansław, the writer and then judge of the country Helm, saved the village and ten thousand.       

Marcin Janiszewski, a descendant of Jan the Priest, Teetasse Ulanowski, later had four sons and their descendants; of the same Adam Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, moved to Lithuania, where he lived in Minsk, married Szwejkowska or Szwykowska, [p. 438], as they write, of the Ogończyk coat of arms, an Orszańska Starosta, then he became a Minsk city writer. From this house of the Szwejkowski family Lenard was Halicki's cupbearer, and Kasper settled in Lithuania, where he married Franckiewiczowska and fathered Jan, Daniel and Kasper; about the Volanus in Medit. writes that they stood bravely on the occasion of Uła, where Jan Szwejkowski, Szujski, the commander of the Moscow army, was killed with his hand. Jan Szwejkowski was a royal secretary, a commissioner from the Seym, who was appointed to pay the army in 1613. Constit. fol. 3. Some of these families are in Okolski, vol. 2. fol. 100. as Szwejkowski, Chamberlain Witepski, Samuel Fähnrich von Nowogrodzki, envoy at the convocation in 1696. Stefan, judge of the city of Vilnius, Starost von Onysk. Szwykowski or Szwejkowski, it was also a Lithuanian sub-capital, behind him Zofia Piotrowska, the sister of Wierzbowska, the Sieradz Voivodeship, and then Skaszewska, the castellan of Wojnicka, of whom a son Samuel, Canon Smoleński, and the other was Starost von Onyski . Teodora Szwejkowska, daughter of Aleksander, son of Ensign von Nowogrodzki, stood behind Stefan Slizien, the Lithuanian trainee lawyer. From Szwejkowska the Orszańska Starosta Adam Piotrawin Janiszewski, a city writer Miński, had two sons, Franciszek Stolnik Smoleński, Kasper, also Smoleński, and four daughters, one married to Adam Wołodkowicz, the Miński carpenter; the second for Łukomski, Bracławski's stool; the third for Jeleński, Mozyrski's teacup; the fourth was an elderly Basilian nun.                 

Franciszek na Janiszewo Piotrawin Janiszewski, the shopkeeper from Smolensk, signed marriage contracts with Pakoszowna, coat of arms of Prawdzic, of which Sebastian Pakosz from Podgórze first settled in Lithuania, married to Szemetowska, the castellan of Żmudzka; the son of Przecław, lieutenant, in Żmudz, he married Czechowiczowska, Marshal of Żmudzka; Krzysztof Pakosz, also a lieutenant against the Cossacks, married Lisowska, a judge from the city of Upitska. The Trojan, who sent from the Połock Voivodeship to Parliament, signed the election of King Jan III. Pakosz was also a Lithuanian court standard bearer and member of the Seym in 1724. Wenceslaus married in Holland. Pakosz had Marianna Grużewska, the chamberlain of Żmudzka, behind her. Pakosz, a Płock district judge, had Anna Pacoowna, a Lithuanian guardian, behind him. There were also many other important families in this house, including Pakoszowna, Franciszek Janiszewski's wife was the first to leave . Adam Janiszewski was born out of it, he made a lifelong votive offering with Pruszanowska, Rzeczycka's cupbearer, and with her he has a son, Tadeusz; Adam's second brother, Hieronim, became a secular priest and pastor of Minsk. I have information that the same Franciszek gave his daughter Petronella Julian from Olszyn Buczyński, the treasurer of Rzeczycki, but I don't know if this is true because the same Franciszek Janiszewski, the shop owner of Smoleński, had a lifelong friendship with Buczy tookska , Treasurer of Rzeczycka, the old house in Poland, from Nicholas the patron saint of the Church of St. James in Kazimierz Krakowski, still 1462. Hieronim and Bogdan, the voivode of Multanski, fought a long war, then traveled with his brother Piotr, from there an envoy to Constantinople [p. 439] to ports. Stanisław, Dimitri's secretary to the Moscow prince, wrote to the Kraków Voivodeship about the election of Władysław IV. Wojciech with Słonimsk, Mikołaj, Karol, Stanisław, Podlaski to Jan III. Walenty with the Land of Nurska, Franciszek and Konstanty with the Bełskie Voivodeship to Augusta II. Polish Kings. In Podlasie and other provinces there are also quite good Buczyńskis at this age, from their families Buczyńska, the treasurer of Rzeczycka, Ignacy Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, Stolnikiewicz Smoleński, hussar companion, the sign of Fleming, the treasurer of Lithuania and his insière brothers slept. Franciszek and Konstanty with the Bełskie Voivodeship on August II. Polish Kings. In Podlaskie and other voivodships there are also quite good Buczyński at this age, from whose families Buczyńska, the treasurer of Rzeczycka, Ignacy Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, Stolnikiewicz Smoleński, hussar companion, the sign of Fleming, the treasurer of Lithuania and his brothers slept. Franciszek and Konstanty with the Bełskie Voivodeship on August II. Polish Kings. In Podlaskie and other provinces there are also quite good Buczyńskis at this age, from their families Buczyńska, the treasurer of Rzeczycka, Ignacy Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, Stolnikiewicz Smoleński, hussar companion, the sign of Fleming, the treasurer of Lithuania and his insière brothers slept.                        

Kasper Janiszewski, brother of Franciszek, Smoleński, had Zarankowna, Wołkowyska's cupbearer, whose descendants were Jan and Stanisław, but both died eunuchs; also two daughters, one married to Proszyński, a native of Miński; the second for Pruszanowski, Wojski Rzeczycki. The third brother of the named, Michał Janiszewski, the Owrucki hunter. He has a Pruszanowska, also a carpenter from Rzeczycka, of whom Justynian Pruszanowski signed with the Minsk Province in 1448 to elect Jan Kazimierz as king.    

Paweł Piotrawin Janiszewski, the first named, the brothers Peter and Jan, had successors in his line, or even later Bazyli Janiszewski, born of Princess Czetwertyńska, who had a wife Kaszowska, and Kazimierz sired Kazimierz, the sub-capital of Owrucki, behind Windarska had, lives childless. His second brother, Antoni Janiszewski, priest Bazylian, procurator Causarum of the entire chapter. - This is Duńczewski.  

1778. Ignacy Janiszewski, the oldest of Miński. - The year 1788. Franciszek Janiszewski, a district judge of Czerniechowski - (but you do not know which coat of arms you are) - Krasicki.  

Janiszewski of the Junosza coat of arms (vol. 4 pp. 437-439)

Janiszewski of the Junosza coat of arms. Almost all later heralds mention this family, and Duńczewski gives the beginning of the Piotrowin family, one of which during the reign of Bolesław the Bold, Ś. Stanisław, the Bishop of Kraków, was resurrected, and their subsequent descent is listed as follows: - There were three brothers, Piotr the Redeemed, John and Paweł. Piotr, another Piotrawin, came from Janiszewo on the Vistula, a mile from Piotrawin, on the property of Marcin Janiszewski, Ulanowski's teacup. Węglińska's wife, coat of arms of Godziemba, the old house from which Stanisław, the head of King Henry, settled in Ruthenia, where he fathered Daniel, Lubelski's deputy, who lived in 1635. Adam the hunter Helmski, member of Seym 1662. Constitute. fol. 2. and Mikołaj, benefactor of OO. Dominikanów in Lviv, to whom his son Stansław, the writer and then judge of the country Helm, saved the village and ten thousand.       

Marcin Janiszewski, a descendant of Jan the Priest, Teetasse Ulanowski, later had four sons and their descendants; of the same Adam Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, moved to Lithuania, where he lived in Minsk, married Szwejkowska or Szwykowska, [p. 438], as they write, of the Ogończyk coat of arms, an Orszańska Starosta, then he became a Minsk city writer. From this house of the Szwejkowski family Lenard was Halicki's cupbearer, and Kasper settled in Lithuania, where he married Franckiewiczowska and fathered Jan, Daniel and Kasper; about the Volanus in Medit. writes that they stood bravely on the occasion of Uła, where Jan Szwejkowski, Szujski, the commander of the Moscow army, was killed with his hand. Jan Szwejkowski was a royal secretary, a commissioner from the Seym, who was appointed to pay the army in 1613. Constit. fol. 3. Some of these families are in Okolski, vol. 2. fol. 100. as Szwejkowski, Chamberlain Witepski, Samuel Fähnrich von Nowogrodzki, envoy at the convocation in 1696. Stefan, judge of the city of Vilnius, Starost von Onysk. Szwykowski or Szwejkowski, it was also a Lithuanian sub-capital, behind him Zofia Piotrowska, the sister of Wierzbowska, the Sieradz Voivodeship, and then Skaszewska, the castellan of Wojnicka, of whom a son Samuel, Canon Smoleński, and the other was Starost von Onyski . Teodora Szwejkowska, daughter of Aleksander, son of Ensign von Nowogrodzki, stood behind Stefan Slizien, the Lithuanian trainee lawyer. From Szwejkowska the Orszańska Starosta Adam Piotrawin Janiszewski, a city writer Miński, had two sons, Franciszek Stolnik Smoleński, Kasper, also Smoleński, and four daughters, one married to Adam Wołodkowicz, the Miński carpenter; the second for Łukomski, Bracławski's stool; the third for Jeleński, Mozyrski's teacup; the fourth was an elderly Basilian nun.                 

Franciszek na Janiszewo Piotrawin Janiszewski, the shopkeeper from Smolensk, signed marriage contracts with Pakoszowna, coat of arms of Prawdzic, of which Sebastian Pakosz from Podgórze first settled in Lithuania, married to Szemetowska, the castellan of Żmudzka; the son of Przecław, lieutenant, in Żmudz, he married Czechowiczowska, Marshal of Żmudzka; Krzysztof Pakosz, also a lieutenant against the Cossacks, married Lisowska, a judge from the city of Upitska. The Trojan, who sent from the Połock Voivodeship to Parliament, signed the election of King Jan III. Pakosz was also a Lithuanian court standard bearer and member of the Seym in 1724. Wenceslaus married in Holland. Pakosz had Marianna Grużewska, the chamberlain of Żmudzka, behind her. Pakosz, a Płock district judge, had Anna Pacoowna, a Lithuanian guardian, behind him. There were many other important families in this house, including Pakoszowna, Franciszek Janiszewski's wife was the first to go. Adam Janiszewski was born out of it, he made a lifelong votive offering with Pruszanowska, Rzeczycka's cupbearer, and with her he has a son, Tadeusz; Adam's second brother, Hieronim, became a secular priest and pastor of Minsk. I have information that the same Franciszek gave his daughter Petronella Julian from Olszyn Buczyński, the treasurer of Rzeczycki, but I don't know if this is true because the same Franciszek Janiszewski, the shop owner of Smoleński, had a lifelong friendship with Buczy tookska , Treasurer of Rzeczycka, the old house in Poland, from Nicholas the patron saint of the Church of St. James in Kazimierz Krakowski, still 1462. Hieronim and Bogdan, the voivode of Multanski, fought a long war, then traveled with his brother Piotr, from there an envoy to Constantinople [p. 439] to ports. Stanisław, Dimitri's secretary to the Moscow prince, wrote to the Kraków Voivodeship about the election of Władysław IV. Wojciech with Słonimsk, Mikołaj, Karol, Stanisław, Podlaski to Jan III. Walenty with the Land of Nurska, Franciszek and Konstanty with the Bełskie Voivodeship to Augusta II. Polish Kings. In Podlasie and other provinces there are also quite good Buczyńskis at this age, from their families Buczyńska, the treasurer of Rzeczycka, Ignacy Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, Stolnikiewicz Smoleński, hussar companion, the sign of Fleming, the treasurer of Lithuania and his insière brothers slept. Franciszek and Konstanty with the Bełskie Voivodeship on August II. Polish Kings. In Podlaskie and other voivodships there are also quite good Buczyński at this age, from whose families Buczyńska, the treasurer of Rzeczycka, Ignacy Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, Stolnikiewicz Smoleński, hussar companion, the sign of Fleming, the treasurer of Lithuania and his brothers slept. Franciszek and Konstanty with the Bełskie Voivodeship on August II. Polish Kings. In Podlaskie and other provinces there are also quite good Buczyńskis at this age, from their families Buczyńska, the treasurer of Rzeczycka, Ignacy Piotrawin on Janiszewo Janiszewski, Stolnikiewicz Smoleński, hussar companion, the sign of Fleming, the treasurer of Lithuania and his insière brothers slept.                        

Kasper Janiszewski, brother of Franciszek, Smoleński, had Zarankowna, Wołkowyska's cupbearer, whose descendants were Jan and Stanisław, but both died eunuchs; also two daughters, one married to Proszyński, a native of Miński; the second for Pruszanowski, Wojski Rzeczycki. The third brother of the named, Michał Janiszewski, the Owrucki hunter. He has a Pruszanowska, also a carpenter from Rzeczycka, of whom Justynian Pruszanowski signed with the Minsk Province in 1448 to elect Jan Kazimierz as king.    

Paweł Piotrawin Janiszewski, the first named, the brothers Peter and Jan, had successors in his line, or even later Bazyli Janiszewski, born of Princess Czetwertyńska, who had a wife Kaszowska, and Kazimierz sired Kazimierz, the sub-capital of Owrucki, behind Windarska had, lives childless. His second brother, Antoni Janiszewski, priest Bazylian, procurator Causarum of the entire chapter. - This is Duńczewski.  

1778. Ignacy Janiszewski, the oldest of Miński. - The year 1788. Franciszek Janiszewski, a district judge of Czerniechowski - (but you do not know which coat of arms you are) - Krasicki.  

East, i.e. from Ostau (bar 7, pp. 169-170)

East or from Ostau , whose coat of arms, such as The shield is divided into two parts, on the left side there is a key with springs and teeth facing away from the line, on the right side three rivers running diagonally upwards, on the helmet two gold-plated keys across [p. 170] Teeth high, between two eagle wings. Before that, they flourished in ducal Prussia as Wojciech ab Ostau Praeses judicii aulici Ducatus Prussia in 1612. He signed the literas Reversales. Ostenowna by Jerzy Kasper Fleming the counselor with the wife of the Prince of Prussia. Jan Osten these times in our order. This house is thriving elsewhere because of the time I am writing this; one of these houses was Archbishop Moguntski and elected elector.        

Sapieha of the Lis coat of arms (vol. 8 pp. 241-277)

Sapieha of the Lis coat of arms, in the Principality of Lithuania, the house of antiquity and heroism and honors. It goes back to Narymund, Prince Pinski and Mozyrski. Anyway, Bzovius Annal. Vol. 15 under the year 1386. num. 4. This honorable family comes from the de Sapiis house, once famous in Italy, one of whom can see the tombstone in Rome ad Minergam, and you can find various royal letters, so in Histor. Sapieh. as in Walicki's story in the Kodeń painting, to which I refer an interesting reader, he was this Narymund, the youngest son of Gedymin, the uncle of King Jagiełło, King of Poland, and his two sons, Prince Bełski and Bazyli , Prince Podolski, were the ancestors of the Rosin princes from the so-called Rozyn von Guts who, as soon as [p. 242] recognized and recognized and accepted the Christian faith, the coat of arms of her father Narymund transformed three lilies into four crosses, as it was called under Rozyńskie: the third was her eldest brother Narymundowicz, named after the pagan name Punigajło, castellan Trotsky, ancestor of the House of Sapieżyński, who lived under the monarch Olgerd, an idolatrous monarch Gedyminowicz, his uncle and idolater, as long as he lived, he did not leave; why the ridicule and contempt of Christian faith that is spreading in Lithuania for this period is Sophia, wisdom or wise in the Greek language, because it did not agree with new opinions, it was called, and so is the name, the later when the nickname Sapieha was changed, he left all of his Prosapja. He also preserved the coat of arms of three lilies from his father's narymund, which was affixed to the pillars and pogoń, modeled on other Lithuanian princes, various coats of arms according to their preferences, as is clear from the testimony of Stryjkowski. Fern. and okay. Narymund first transformed Hippocentaur into Pogoń, Gedrojc into Róż, Donmant into a bison head, Gedymin conquered the city of the three pillars, Corybut after the hunt, first an eagle, then a month with crosses, the princes of Rozyń took crosses from a tree trunks hanging, others, even before the unification of Lithuania and Poland, either added coats of arms to the old aristocratic symbols or, after neglecting their own, began to use new ones. The ancestor of the Sapieżyński family, who bore three lilies as a coat of arms, did a similar thing: Punigajło left this world in 1380. His 78th century is Hist. Sap. Korybut after the hunt for the eagle first, then a month with crosses, the dukes of rosin took hanging crosses from the trunk of a tree, others before the unification of Lithuania and Poland or added coats of arms to the old nobility signs, or began neglecting their own, new to use. The ancestor of the Sapieżyński family, who bore three lilies as a coat of arms, did a similar thing: Punigajło left this world in 1380. His 78th century is Hist. Sap. Korybut after hunting the eagle first, then a month with crosses, the dukes of rosin took hanging crosses from the trunk of a tree, others before the unification of Lithuania and Poland, or added coats of arms to the ancient nobility signs, or by neglecting their own , they started using new ones. The ancestor of the house Sapieży, ski, who carried three lilies as a coat of arms, did a similar thing: Punigajlo left this world in 1380. Its 78th century is Hist. Sap.                  

Sunigał, Castellan of Trotsky, (according to Histor. Sapieh. Son of Punigajło), the first of this house to reject idolatry, was born again through holy baptism to God, on which he took the name Simeon: he signed the Union of Lithuania with the Crown from 1401 and the establishment of the Mudski diocese in 1421 and the Sejm Hrodelski took the Lis coat of arms on himself and his successors, from him the house of Sapieżyński extended in two lines: because he renewed his marriages twice, the first time with him Anastasia Duchess Glińska, or Hlińska, the second time with Anna Gastoldowna, besides three sons: Bazyli, Jerzy and Józef, he fathered two more: Bogdan and Ivan, of whom we can see the fertile offspring blooming in the principality of Lithuania to this day. It was reassuring. at MS. and paprocki for the coat of arms. fol. 663. and others: Only the genealogy of this house comes from the aforementioned Sunigajła, the Kojał. He assigns his son Simeon to the voivode of Podlachia, an envoy to the Pope under Kazimierz Jagiellonowicz, and these two sons, Bogdan and Iwan, from whom the two Sapieżyński lines are descended: how would Bogdan and Ivan be the sons of Sunigajło, and he died 1420 after Misztolta in Hist. Sapieh. this is Ivan, his son, [p. 243], the death of which this author published in 1520 or as a genealogy of this house in 1519. He would have lived a hundred years after his father's death, which seems unusual. Paprocki in fol. 1181. Love and unaltered belief in King Casimir that Moskvicin Smolensk, when he conquered Lithuania, the many lands of this country and your fortune, preferred to earn their homeland with less rich goods. From these unmarried descendants Bazyli and Józef, Jerzy had a lifelong friend for you, Kniahinia Wolska, went away from Patrick, but he came down childless. The genealogy engraved on Mappa, the basis of which I shall trace as a story. Sapieżyńska.              

Bogdan, born from Gastoldowna, their first son, and the head of the Sapieha line called Siewierskies, was first governor in Putywel, then a writer in P. Litewski and the Starost of Minsk, the castellan and finally the voivode of Smolensk, he wrote that he was the heir to Opakowo and Jelnie. With Lewir, Prince Siewierski (the descendant was O1gerda and Bogdan's brother-in-law), offended by the fact that the doorkeeper stuck his fingers through the royal door, he moved to Moscow, allegedly out of hope, seduced by the succession of the Principality of Siewier, which, since Lewir had no descendants, legally belonged to his wife Maria, Princess Siewierska; However, when the greed of the Moscow prince and the principality and the right to him forcibly returned to him, he returned to his homeland, where some in Lithuania were given as a reward for the huge goods that were left behind in Sewierszczyzna: however visited he again Moscow, which he had captured in 1499 when he was governor of Putywel, as Biel writes. fol. 489. and Stryjkov. lib. 21. cap. 7. fol. 681. He did not release himself from this before he withdrew from the Principality of Siewier and all rights to it. As soon as he appeared in Lithuania, he was received by Alexander the King, and in embassy to the same Moskvitzin in 1503, obliterated by violent provinces, he implored him, Kojał. S. 2. but free of charge; On the same matter Zygmunt I, King of Poland, took him back, as he sat on the Polish throne, but his efforts for his homeland because of Moscow's stubbornness were also carried out. In the meantime, the Moscow prince, apparently of the opinion that the Polish kings are demanding such severely separated provinces due to the pressure of Bogdanovski, or fear that Bogdan would not raise his law to the Principality of Siewierski, residing in his estate Jelnie and the smallest unexpected attack, Moscow, captured with his wife and children, where he ended his life, buried in Novgorod, where [p. 244] had previously founded the monastery. According to Geneal, he had four daughters of the aforementioned Maria (whose wedding ring with a large ruby ​​in Gryf's claws is kept for antiquity in this house: Anna, Jakub Koncewicz, and 2 to the vote of Aleksander Skoruta, Helena Roman Lubecki, Katarzyna Marcin Ogiński, huntress of Lithuania, Bogdana Roman Prince Donmond Widzenicki, Marshal of Lithuania, and after him Jan Seatiewicz, also Marshal, wife; and three sons, Konstantyna unmarried, Aleksander, his wife Tyszkiewiczowna and Teodor, who as compensation for the Principality of Siewiersk When the Prince of Moscow left the Principality of Krzczonowskie, where they spent their lives there in peace , Teodor Ulianna took Duchess Lubomska with him, from whom he left Paweł.                   

Paweł, the castellan of Kiev in Papr. On the list of 1571. f. 524. the one from Moscow captivity, he loves them the favor of princes and sweetened their favor, after he left, he moved to Lithuania, where soon courage Being heroic in many campaigns, not confusing his loyalty to his masters, he did so much that he received the chairmanship of Kijowski from the Lübeck and Przewalskie Starosty, to know how favorable he was for his homeland when he was a considerable one The sum paid out for war and other needs, which later became the Sejm constitution of 1601 fol. 762. She ordered his sons to return, he is also recalled in 1567 by the privation of incorporationis Livoniae. According to the engraved genealogy, he was associated for life with Anna Chodkiewiczowska, Jerzy Kastellan von Trotsky, and Zofia Oelkowiczowicz, Princess of Słucka, daughter, who gave him Elżbieta, Jan Kiszka, Voivode of Połock, and Zofia, Jędrzej, Prince Sanguszek, wives: just as many sons, that is, Dominik's royal secretary, died in celibacy. and Jan Piotr, the Starost of Uświatski, a famous warrior: he grew up to a warlike age, and I was amazed he became the royal captain under the eagle; and when he surrendered Derp under his command of heroic men, the great respected hetman Chodkiewicz, half of the camp surrendered to the Swedes on the left (whom Charles the King of Sweden expected to surround us and so mightily defeat with his cavalry, that after they had confused them, they had acquired a considerable number, the shaky victory convinced Chodkiewicz. At home at [st. 245] The Polish War, when many staggered from their ship like in a heavy storm, it was always albeit right, on the royal side an unbroken defender, showing a hussar and Cossack banner.Later he turned his saber to Moscow at the time when Dmitri of the Poles was on the throne of Moscow, and luck was not to the success conducive because Dmitri was killed there and the costly inclinations were mixed up at all; when the Polish army last saw each other, they chose Jan Sapieha to be theirs m leader: how did he become so famous in the heat of Mars that he won not only everyone's opinion about himself, but also the glory of regiments of the past. On many occasions he urged rebellious Moscow into serfdom with heavy defeats, as under the Trinity thirty thousand and under Borovsky ten thousand were defeated with Shujski; and the most wonderful thing about it, that where the other great bachelors lost their hearts in things and happiness, this memorable warrior showed him the most, even with the testimony that he was a husband of incomparable bravery *). Dmitri leaves the site at the end with Sigismund III. He became King of Poland, he held the gravity of the Duchy of Władysław the Prince, broke the walls of Moscow, broke the power of the enemy and fortunately took possession of it when in Krymgród in the golden prince of Moscow the palace was underestimated, and with thirty skirmishes he always achieved glorified life in 1612. 24, victorious 1612 September, Kobierzyc. fol. 445. Starowol. in belatt. Sarmatian. fol. 202. Coo. at MS. Wife of his Zofia Wejherowna, voivode Hełmińska, with whom he has three daughters, Zuzanna with Gotard Tyzenhaus, voivode of Inflanco, Krystyna first with Stanisław Radziejowski, voivode of Łęczyca, then with Krzysztof Gembicki, castellan of Gnie Anna von Kzysztof Nowogrodzki, left behind four sons: Jan, Florian, Jędrzej and Paweł. Among them Jędrzej Stanisław, Castellan of Vilnius, Starost of Riga, Uświacki, Hamersztyński, son of Jan the Starost of Uświacki, and before that Castellan of Trotsky in 1644, when he was Marshal of the Lithuanian Tribunal; under her trembling, encouraged by excessive times, and holy justice blossomed, Krystyna, first with Stanisław Radziejowski, voivode of Łęczyca, and then with Krzysztof Gembicki, castellan of Gniezno. Anna with Kzysztof Chalecki, voivode of Nowogrodzki, left four sons: Jan, Florian, Jędrzej and Paweł. Among them Jędrzej Stanisław, Castellan of Vilnius, Starost of Riga, Uświacki, Hamersztyński, son of Jan the Starost of Uświacki, and before that Castellan of Trotsky in 1644, when he was Marshal of the Lithuanian Court, or others wrote that he had this grace Held seven times with praise that trembled beneath her, encouraged by excessive times, and holy righteousness blossomed, Krystyna, first with Stanisław Radziejowski, voivode of Łęczyca, and then with Krzysztof Gembicki, the castellan of Gniezno. Anna with Kzysztof Chalecki, voivode of Nowogrodzki, left four sons: Jan, Florian, Jędrzej and Paweł. Among them Jędrzej Stanisław, Castellan of Vilnius, Starost of Riga, Uświacki, Hamersztyński, son of Jan the Starost of Uświacki, and before that Castellan of Trotsky in 1644, when he was Marshal of the Lithuanian Court, or others wrote that he had this grace paused seven times, with praise that trembled beneath her, encouraged by excessive times, and holy righteousness blossomed,                               

*) That the Staroste von Uświatski, at the head of his party, after the murdered Dmitri, wanted the empire for himself, at that time rather faudic assumptions. A surprising fatality put a damper on large projects. - See The story from Chodkiewicz to Naruszewicz TI Book 5. - S. In [p. 246] sent to the Sejm in 1623, where it was included in the peace treaty with the Swedes; on Livonia and Moscow expeditions he has more than once put his life on the sidelines for his homeland. Convention of the OO. He is proud of his generous favor of the St. Bernard dogs in Gród, which awaits the last day even after his death in 1651. He had a lifelong friendship with Anna Heidensztejnowna from Solęcin, Reinhold of the castellan of Danzig, a sister, also the daughter of the famous Polish historian Reinhold, whose daughter he was in 1645, Izabela Katarzyna. for Michał Karol he gave Prince Radziwiłł in Kleck, then the compatriot, then the Lithuanian cupbearer, then the Lithuanian cupbearer, then the Lithuanian cupbearer and then Lew, lost in Paris in 1640 with air. Jan. The Starost of Kierzno, the brother of Jędrzej Stanisław, his wife Katarzyna Dziewałtowska, the flagship of Trock, but he died childless in a duel. Florian, Starosta von Zdzitawski, her third brother, wife of Anna, daughter of Kazimierz Umiastowski the Brześćński judge.           

the fourth to God in the Monastery of S. Francis in Vilnius, married; Sons of four. Kazimierz, Benedikt, Franciszek and Lew. The Lord of the Spirit of your Lord towards God, to whom he had ascribed all his and his grace, he used to humbly say when his triumphs were recalled by his enemies: Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini tuo da gloriam . OO. With his wife he founded Dominikanów in Bielica. OO. For the St. Bernard dogs in Brest-Litowsk, he named 80,000 cards in his will, in Berzezie ten thousand cards and Domui Professae Vilnen. Brzeskie OO. Dominicans and Sokal Bernardinia, more peculiar [p. 247] benefactor. But also the motherland during the Swedish War, surrounded on all sides by enemies that came from the last depths, should make up a large part of his bravery. In the vicinity of Smolensk he founded the Martian elements for the first time with Władysław IV. In 1633 the captain of the hussar banner: at Biała then in the storm on the wall, dismounted from his horse and only just died with his whole company because the mine was thrown from Moscow, he was raised high into the cuirass, at least he was unharmed again , again she put it down, but almost thrown away with earth and dust. The suppression of the Cossack revolt, which had fallen with his banner and retreated against Krzyczewski near Łojow, contributed to this victory, where the peasants actually fell from his saber, but no less toppled the flowing river to the ground; near Zborów, Beresteczek and Zwaniec the regiment of the Lithuanian Vice Chancellor Kazimierz Leon Sapieha courageously and fortunately led. Karnicki SJ Abrys. By this heroic spirit, glorified by his deeds as the Swedes and Moscow, who swore by this kingdom, wanted to tear it apart, and almost all lowered their hands to its downfall, but watched with tears, a rare one who had his hand in arms, the army and the Lithuanian knighthood with the royal consensus, this Paweł chosen as his hetman and it made no mistake in his opinion, because first he gave Horus from the Moscow commander the first field in Brest; where I like skinny people with a handful of eighteen thousand who, with the help of St. Faustina, the martyr, the patroness of this occasion, put it down; He drove the Swedes out of Lublin; He first besieged Warsaw with them and kept their momentum until the camp's royal army was strengthened. Where the same Paweł will open the field of a Swede to victory with energetic attack, wise advice and bravery, albeit strengthened by Brandenburg's meals, and a leg would not have escaped had he not broken his leg after stumbling after the enemy Paul . In this case, the enemy understood that he would long be pleased to withdraw from the field of the royal camp, but he was wrong; for Paul, who had brought the army to first order and glory as if he had been conscious himself in a battle, he ruined him considerably for his hostile orderly in Prostki when he freed him from the camp and made a path for yourself to further victory. After recovering from his past illness, he immediately ran with the army to Tykocin, where there was a strong and well-equipped selection of Swedes, and strengthened himself so artificially that from there he safely fell into the neighboring county. Tent [p. 248] good luck to get such an artificial fortress, but all do nothing, with great shame, hardly relapsing without major damage, they stubbornly strengthened the enemy. But when the brave Paweł fell on him together with a strong attack from all sides, he fell on his head in his trenches within a very short time. In the photo of the Prussians, the Swedish side of the owners, he took his regiments with him, through which he turned a large part of this country into a desert and at the same time, while entertaining his enemies, the king of Gdansk to Poland secures his way . When it triumphs so happily, the new Transylvania waged a war, but with such a defeat Paweł struck them down, whom they, in order to avoid a skirmish, either feared or never unexpectedly, had left the camp with their home company, on their way to pulling the numerous copper flags from Brest to the Transylvanian prince when he boldly struck, so too 3a and happily endured. After so many victories, it is unheard of for Paul to take a long hiatus, but reconsidered when the army turned to Moscow via Jerzy Dolhoruki, who was pondering deeper Lithuania, and closed reinforcements from Moscow for those who came after Miedniki: he forced the reins of the Moscow camp to flee. He snatched Minsko from the hands of the enemy. He took the crown from neighboring Sweden, as he took it from the unjust tenant of his skillful army in 1659, and incorporated it into the Commonwealth. Jędrzej Chowanski, forty-two thousand of his trusting gunmen, hit him on the head at Polanka's after he stumbled with him, which led to the triumphant reason he entered the enemy camp a few miles from the scene of the battle - the winner. Lachowice Castle, which had not previously brought the republic into the hands of an enemy, eagerly maintained its bravery. Banów, Mielnik and other castles in Podlesie were liberated. After he had calmed his homeland in this way, he set out with the army across the Dnieper, there he found the second Jerzy Dolhoruki on the Basia, lying in a camp with his spies, whom he dared with Paweł. to step into the field, he put his whole corpse on the square. Whatever was left in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania or was taken from enemy hands, everyone attributes Paweł Sapieha's bravery. He ended his triumphs and his life in 1665. There, the second Jerzy Dolhoruki, who was lying in a camp on the Basia River, was discovered by his spies, who, when he dared to go into the field with Paweł, with his whole body was on the square. Whatever was left in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as a whole or was taken from enemy hands, everyone attributes Paweł Sapieha's bravery. He ended his triumphs and his life in 1665. There the second Jerzy Dolhoruki, who was lying in a camp on the Basia River, was discovered by his spies who, when he dared to go into the field with Paweł, his body during the entire trip to the square. Whatever remained in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania as a whole or was taken from enemy hands, everyone attributes Paweł Sapieha's bravery. He ended his triumphs and life in 1665.                                                   

Kazimierz Paweł Jan, the first son of Paweł Ban, the Vilnius voivod. He polished his first youth in school and political exercises so nicely that Kazimierz Leo liked him very much for this quality [p. 249] Sapieha, the Lithuanian Vice Chancellor, who with his generous hand, apart from the common substance and in the distribution in equal parts of other Kazimierz brothers, granted him the right of inheritance to his extensive estates and leases, or he voluntarily gave this grace and his He assumed his own goods for himself and other brothers out of his affection for them. At first he was court treasurer of St. Zündete. at the same time the Starost von Brześć, Wołpiński, Zdzitowski, Borciański, then the Voivode from Połock 9 Starost von Żmudzki, finally the Voivode from Vilnius, the great Hetman of Lithuania among the four kings, in the Senate with dignity, at home willingly, with all gentleness, honest sincerity and memorable. Senator. And just as the Lord was of great dignity, he was no less brave in his homeland and for his homeland in brave works in the spirit of Mars. The document of this were various expeditions in which he made many military banners at his own expense, but namely, during the Moscow, Chotyn and Ukrainian expeditions alongside the royal side to banish the Commonwealth, he fed him from his treasury. Hetmanił to the army ordered to Hungary, Wołosze, Bodziaki, near Kamieniec Podolski, where Jan III against the Turks and Tatars. He presented it to the Polish king with an experienced warrior. He released the mission to the Moscow capital at his own expense. For whom he is famous and for many other achievements in his homeland, he became a Knight of the White Eagle. Among other things, images of the generosity of the Lord of Kazimierz, especially this one directs his gaze on himself, who seems to multiply the divine veneration and the saints of the Lord in the rich funds and ornaments, so in Vilnius, O0. He founded 9 Trinitarians in Grodno in the Church of Soc. Jesus adorned the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin with a dress of pure gold and he went to great lengths to complete the factory of this basilica. Much of the land that the basilica stands in ruins is on Snipizki, OO. Social Jesus donated for a comfortable life. He spent more of his generosity on various churches, religious houses, on the holy altars of the Lord. He entered the marriage union three times, for the first time with Krystyna Montwidowna Chlebowiczowska, the voivode of Vilnius, with her in the house of Sapieżyński and in the inheritance of the principality of Zasław in the voivodeship of Minsk. He fathered Jerzy, Alexander. Paweł and Michał, Katarzyna, married to Branicki, the Podlaskie voivode. The second time with Teresa Gosiewska, the treasurer of St. Fr. Litewski, who was the first for Służka, the castellan of Vilnius and the field hetman of P. Litewski, daughter of the treasurer and field hetman, Ms. Lithuanian. The third time with Antonina Grafówna de [p. 250] Walstein, from a very noble family of brave cavaliers in the empire, whose chronicles were filled with chivalric works. With this Antonina there were no offspring as with Gosiewska. Kazimierz died in Grodno in the year of our Lord 1720. On March 3rd. Ms. Litewski, daughter of the treasurer and field hetman, Ms. Lithuanian. The third time with Antonina Grafówna de [p. 250] Walstein, from a very noble family of brave cavaliers in the empire, whose chronicles were filled with chivalric works. With this Antonina there were no offspring as with Gosiewska. Kazimierz died in Grodno in the year of our Lord 1720. On March 3rd. Ms. Litewski, daughter of the treasurer and field hetman, Ms. Lithuanian. The third time with Antonina Grafówna de [p. 250] Walstein, from a very noble family of brave cavaliers in the empire, whose chronicles were filled with chivalric works. With this Antonina there were no offspring as with Gosiewska. Kazimierz died in Grodno in the year of our Lord 1720. On March 3rd.                                             

Jerzy in Bychów, Zasław, Horyhorki. The first son of Kazimierz Jan, the voivode of the Vilnius Hetman, Mrs. Zündete. St. Fr. Zündete's table. The Starost von Merecki, a hussar colonel who watches over the whole Republic of Poland, has been recommending to his descendants for centuries your generosity from the ancestors and innate towards the house of Sapieżyński and the indebted poor nobility, respectful grace, not only to appreciate debts, but also to acknowledge them with her generous hand. He married Izabela Połubińska, Marshal of the Rev. Lithuania. Jerzy had a son, Kazimierz, and three daughters: Benedykta Pacowa, a priestly writer lit., Krystyna Tyszkiewiczowa cywunowa Wileńska, Anna Szczuczyna starościn Więcniańska.         

Jerzy died in 1732 as the voivode of Mścisław. His daughter from Potubilska, née Paców, was the second after Mikołaj Radziwiłł, the voivod of Nowogrodzki. After Połubińska this took Jerzy Sapieha Sołtanówna, from whom the only daughter of the heiress of Różana, Kretynga and part of Dąbrowa, was married to Massalski's cupbearer from Lithuania. - Krasicki.  

Antoni Kazimierz in Bychów, Zasław, Horyhorki, Łojow, the castellan of Trotsky, the starost of Merecki, the great marshal of the tribunal of P. Ignited. Remaining in this dignity, he wonderfully combined your seriousness with humility, benevolence and affection for everyone with the dignity of the Marshal, decency of manners with firm modesty, a very vivid picture of the glorious virtues to which the judiciary was directed. Further access to the honor of death was quickly interrupted in 1738. His wife, Rachel Wychowska, widow of Ogiński, the castellan of Minsk from her mother Sokolińska, a ducal ornament.   

Aleksander Paweł, in Bychów, Zasław, Dąbrowa, Druci and so the starosts of Wołpiński and Rabsztyński, the great marshal of the village, P. Ignited. the second son of Kazimierz Jan, the voivod and hetman, a white bachelor. He took Marianna Katarzyna margrabian de Bethune from the Margraves de Bethune of the golden Nałęcz coat of arms on the silver field; From the brightest Mary, Queen of Poland, Jan III. The wife, niece and sister of Jabłonowska, voivode of Russia, whom Marianna lit after Prince Kazimierz Radziwiłł, marshal of the village P. Aleksander left her daughter Ludwika Wielopolska, Starosta Opoczyńska, and then Potocka, Voivodeship [p. 251] Bełska and the sons: Kazimierz, Józef and Michał. You were the master of beautiful beauty and some seriousness, breathed into the habits of a moderate order, great for humanity. In addition, such a quick and lasting memory is that in which author he read it once, he also remembered in the following years that he also mentioned the page on which he had read it. Hence his amazing ability in both ecclesiastical and secular history, so much so that every wiser one went out of his or her discourse. The philosophical and mathematical sciences seemed to keep the lead in him and encourage wise people. With regret for all, he dismounted in 1733. First he assigned a court staff to the Majesty of Poland, then a large one; and pleased a violent revolution in this homeland, it was removed for some time, but then the dignity of this great minister in the face of the Polish throne was restored to him in full. One of his sons, Kazimierz, the Staroste von Wołpiński and Onikszteński, a colonel in the Saxon army, threw a dam on his further honors. He died General of the Artillery, Fr. Lit., after he was Fr.                  

This Anna, the daughter of Kazimierz Sapieha from Radziwiłowna, was married to Jan Jabłonowski, the voivode of Bracław; his sons, Michał Krajczy, Lithuanian, died childless, the other Aleksander, voivod of Połock, hetman of the Lithuanian field in 1763. then chancellor of the Lithuanian village of the daughter of the sword-bearer Antoni Lubomirska, widow of Józef Lubomirski, descendants, daughters: 1o . Sanguszkowa, Volyn Voivodeship, 2o. Potocka starosta Smotrycka, 3o. Sołłohubowa. - Krasicki.     

Józef, Bishop of Dyocezaryński, consecrated and pastor of Vilnius,! Trainee lawyer in Br. Litewski, coadjutor of the Bishop of Vilnius, the second son of Fr. Alexander the Marshal, was excellent in learning and piety, and in sages and books he loves himself out of his innate will.  

Michał the hunter of St. Fr. Ignited. staroste Gulbiński and Rabsztyński, the third son of Aleksander Marschall. With the ongoing Roman dispensation, he joined Ludwika Sapieżanka, Starosta Bobrójska, born of Katarzyna Opalińska, the voivode of Łęczycka, the general of Wielkopolska. He had a son, Jan, but he disappeared at a young age.   

Michał Hunczy Litewski was later Voivode of Podlaskie, the Lithuanian Vice Chancellor died. He renewed his vows three times, 1o with Sapieżanka, the elder Bobrójska (as above), 2o with Tekla Radziwiłł, the widow of Michał, the Prince of Wiśniowiec, the voivode of Vilnius, hetman of the Lithuanian community. 30. with Aleksandra, Princess Czartoryska, who after his death renewed her marriage to Michał Ogiński, the hetman of the Lithuanian community. Michael, the Vice Chancellor, died without leaving any children. - Krasicki. [S. 252]      

Michał Konuszy and the Artillery General, P. The Lithuanian Starost of Oszmiana, Geranowski. Lipnicki. Onikszteński, Borciański, the third son of Kazimierz Jan, the Vilnius voivode and the hetman. Duchess de Salme engaged to a relative of Empress Leopold, raised to the ducal dignity of the SRJ, and this out of respect of Emperor Leopold for his great services. The Hungarian campaign, when Belgrade took the Turks away from the Turks, saw them among other things. Temizwaru with the prince of Sahaudia, Peterwaradyn, who was considerably weakened by various sieges, under Tyssa and Bega he bore the holy cross. France saw his similar works when the two fortresses of Metyna and Bona were conquered and retaken. Michael and his homeland knew this unbroken courage during the expedition in Transylvania against the Turks. together with Jan III. The King of Poland, on whom the other side, having taken the victory, was left alone. But soon the homeland was allowed to enjoy it, because he was killed in a tumult during the congress near Olkiniki. The death that the heroic husband had sought on so many trains abroad was at home.             

Benedykt on Czerej Wysokie, Siemiatycze, formerly court, then great treasurer, St. Lithuanian. second son of Paweł Jan, voivode of Vilnius and Hetman; After honing his youth in his sciences, a role in his home schools and a role in foreign countries, he made a much brilliant role. Why he washed it for meetings in Sejmiks and Sejms was to do business in secret. He was a deputy and marshal in the Sejm in the election of John the Third King of Poland. This office was prudent and, according to the prudence inherent in all circumstances, it was then dismissed because of various opposing parties and disputes. He also showed his particular bravery at the Golden Mountain, where even though the cannons were raining, it was still not moved. He was also very generous to his homeland when he sent men to fight the Turks and defended his homeland. without regretting his life and hers. As general of the artillery, Ms. Lithuanian. After he had allied himself with Izabela Terłna, Voivode of Sandomierz, had given birth to two sons, he died in Berlin in 1707. One of these             

Michał in Czerej, Wysokie, Siemiatycze, Voivode of Podlachia, and before that field clerk of P. Litewski, the governor of Droliski, Retowski, Kierśniński and Luboszański, was both the Lithuanian Guard, General of the Saxon Army and Knight of the White Eagle, whom he in 1737 for has existed forever. He became a lifelong friendship with the Grand Chancellor of the Crown, Queen Pilska, his niece. Son August was: [p. 253] Benedict, but he went to the grave young. Kazimierz, the second son of Benedikt, the Starost of Olkinicki.